Test - Review: Praline-Videos.de

Test: Praline-Videos.de

Test - Review: Praline-Videos.de

Test: Praline-Videos.de

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Review: Rating and experience with the video-on-demand portal Praline-Videos.de

Which man does not know the ero­tic maga­zi­ne Praline, which has been bought for deca­des in gas sta­ti­ons and tob­ac­co stores by men of all ages with their heads down. With the „video on demand por­tal Praline-Videos.de, the publisher is respon­ding to the chan­ging porn clientele.

At praline-videos.de, users can find main­ly ero­tic films from German-speaking count­ries. Currently, a good 8,000 films are available for down­load. Besides the ero­tic stars Sharaon da Vale, Lulu Lüstern, Markus Waxenegger and Maria Mia, many unknown ama­teur per­for­mers can be found due to num­e­rous smal­ler video labels.

Since the Praline VoD por­tal runs on German ser­vers, we were very curious to see how the pro­vi­der has struc­tu­red the enti­re con­cept. At first glan­ce, we are alre­a­dy some­what enthu­si­a­stic about the user-friendliness and the video varie­ty and would like to pre­sent you our expe­ri­en­ces and opi­ni­ons in a com­pre­hen­si­ve test report.

Visit Praline-videos.com

Opinion about the preview area of Praline-Videos.de

Somewhat sur­pri­sed we noti­ced during our review that www.praline-videos.de is ope­ra­ted on a German ser­ver with a German domain. In con­trast to num­e­rous German ero­tic com­pa­nies that have offi­ci­al­ly moved their head­quar­ters abroad, Praline obvious­ly takes great pains to adhe­re to the strict German youth pro­tec­tion rest­ric­tions.

In the left menu, you can search for movies in the movie cate­go­ries or use the free text search func­tion. What is real­ly plea­sant is that the cate­go­ry names are almost free of English-language for­eign words. Erotic scene-internal English tech­ni­cal terms such as cumshot, squir­ting, gang­bang, etc. are initi­al­ly hid­den in the FSK16 section.

In the upper area of the web­site you will find two menu bars with links to a help page, to the cus­to­mer sup­port and to its cre­dit manage­ment. Effortlessly, the ero­tic sur­fer finds his way back to the start page and can list the purcha­sed, newest and best sex movies. The „Pornstars“ link is also exci­ting if you are inte­res­ted in various ero­tic actors and models.

Without youth pro­tec­tion gate one can look at num­e­rous film descrip­ti­ons and very clear trai­lers, alt­hough no sexu­al parts are to be seen. Somewhat har­der covers and sexu­al expres­si­ons have been cen­so­red, which of cour­se seems a bit ridiculous.

Many German porn movies

In our ero­tic site test, we noti­ced that an extre­me­ly high per­cen­ta­ge of German porn labels are repre­sen­ted on praline-videos.de. This has the advan­ta­ge that you can find an incre­di­ble amount of German porn. Primarily, of cour­se, the porn giants Videorama, MAGMAFILM (Magma), Inflagranti, Beate Uhse, Coupe and PUAKA Video Production are included.

What is par­ti­cu­lar­ly exci­ting, howe­ver, is that films from smal­ler niche pro­du­cers are also publi­shing their videos:

BB Video, Trimax, MMV (Multi Media Verlag), DBM (Dino Baumberger), Goldlight, EVS, Blitz ILLU, Altona Produktion, Baronfilm, Foxy Media, Create‑X, Donaufilm (e‑m-s), Eronite, Concrete Jungle, ero­tic­pla­net, Lovetoytest, Eromaxx, Erotic Classics, German X, Funmovies, Herzog Video, Spermastudio, Staviss, Rapport, MVW, Ribu Film, Devils Film, Daring Media, John Thompson, KLBR Produktion, Projekt 54, Popp Art, Pornorama.tv, Carmen Rivera, Maniax Media, Muschi Movie, Musketeer Media, MASTER COSTELLO, MJP, Absurdum.

Major inter­na­tio­nal labels are also car­ri­ed. Here are a few examp­les: Vivid Entertainment Group, Amateur District, Wicked Pictures, Adam and Eve, PRIVATE, Playhouse, PLEASURE, Paradise Films, Marc Dorcel, Naughty America, New Climax, New Sensations, No Respect, Digital Sin, Animerotica 

Basically, you want to final­ly see ever­y­thing and sign up „with good cheer“ 

Rating of the porn sites registration

If you want to regis­ter at Praline-Videos.de, click on „Get access now“ in the left menu. A page opens, where you are imme­dia­te­ly bom­bard­ed with the pay­ment methods and rech­ar­ge amounts. You are also asked to enter your per­so­nal data.

You can pay via Pay2Go by cre­dit card, direct debit and anony­mously via Paysafecard. The pay­ment by Paysafecard is recom­men­ded if the life part­ner should not get any­thing from the porn plea­su­re – At almost every gas sta­ti­on you can buy a pre­paid cre­dit card.

After the pay­ment is made, the alre­a­dy expec­ted paren­tal con­trol ques­ti­on came up. We find the solu­ti­on very bra­zen: first coll­ect the money and only then impo­se the annoy­ing youth pro­tec­tion escapades 

One has four methods to prove your age of majority:

  1. One can veri­fy one’s age via web­cam chat with cus­to­mer service.
  2. One has to wait for the account to be debi­ted on the first pay­ment and type the PIN from the bank state­ment into a field.
  3. One waits for a let­ter with a PIN from Praline.
  4. You have to go to a post office to carry out a Postident pro­ce­du­re using your ID card

We tried the 1st solu­ti­on with the web­cam and it fails the exe­cu­ti­on. Instead of see­ing the flash win­dow, with all brow­sers and virus and adblock pro­tec­tion tur­ned off, we only got to see a blank white page! OFF, the dream of being able to watch porn imme­dia­te­ly. It is now a few days of abs­ti­nence and you have to click the link „I’ll do the age check later“.

It is a bit stran­ge that vari­ants 2 and 3 do not check age at all and the veri­fi­ca­ti­on does not com­ply with the youth pro­tec­tion regu­la­ti­ons. The ero­tic pro­fes­sio­nal’s approach sup­ports our view that the German youth pro­tec­tion clau­ses are mere­ly wishful thin­king by poli­ti­ci­ans and jud­ges that is far remo­ved from prac­ti­ce. After all, even after 10 years of prac­ti­ce, porn con­su­mers have no desi­re at all to traip­se to the post office and endu­re the Postident pro­ce­du­re. However, we don’t under­stand why Praline does­n’t work with AVS sys­tems like X‑Check, Check2Go, etc. eit­her.

Two days later, the Pay2Go boo­king of the account hol­der „INTER PUBLISH GMBH“ final­ly appeared on the account state­ment and one could enter the eight-digit code (behind INTERNET ID) into the fore­seen field under „ACCOUNT PIN“!

However, despi­te the suc­cess mes­sa­ge, one is redi­rec­ted back to the sel­ec­tion win­dow where one is sup­po­sed to do the veri­fi­ca­ti­on. You still can’t watch FSK18 movies! The reme­dy is to click on „Logout“, which is loca­ted at the top of the screen. After log­ging in again, you are com­ple­te­ly unlocked!


Test – Review Member Area

Once you have log­ged into the mem­ber area of praline-videos.de, the silly test and pic­tu­re cen­sor­ship is final­ly lifted. The design and also the menu struc­tu­re is iden­ti­cal with the FSK16 area.

Motivated, you click and search in the cate­go­ries and try out some of your own search terms. All results are lis­ted clearly.

If you look at the film descrip­ti­ons, you will find a cle­ar­ly struc­tu­red and user-friendly struc­tu­re here as well. You imme­dia­te­ly know where to click and can read through the German texts. The pre­view vide­os and pre­view images in the form of screen­shots give the porn fan an incre­di­bly good insight into the movies.
If one wants to buy a movie, two clicks are enough and a pop-up win­dow with the embedded WMV play­er opens.

Community interaction of the porn fan community

Very nice and hel­pful is the voting and com­men­ting func­tion. As a mem­ber, one thus has the oppor­tu­ni­ty to actively par­ti­ci­pa­te in the VoD hap­pe­nings on praline-videos.de. Newcomers can ori­ent them­sel­ves fas­ter and easier due to the star ratings. „Old hands“ avoid each other’s bad purcha­ses. However, one should keep in mind that the user­na­me is dis­play­ed under the comment.

Unfortunately, the movies from praline-videos.de are only offe­red in WMV for­mat and also with DRM copy pro­tec­tion. This nar­row min­ded way of thin­king locks out the Linux and Apple MAC com­mu­ni­ty and can only be view­ed on Microsoft Windows sys­tems. Fortunately, at least on the MAC, play­ing the stream works if you install the Microsoft plug-in Flip4Mac. In our test, howe­ver, it was not pos­si­ble to enlar­ge the movie to full screen via Flip4Mac.

Some cus­to­mers may not be satis­fied with the exclu­si­ve opti­on of only being able to watch the movies as a stream. The licen­se models DTO (down­load to own) or DTR (down­load to rent) are not offe­red at the expen­se of the video quality.

The only thing we real­ly miss is an advan­ced search that allows you to search in more detail, for exam­p­le, by label, model appearance, etc. The vir­tu­al ren­tal fee is pret­ty steep, but there are real­ly great movies to be found.

Opinions on site structure & design

As alre­a­dy men­tio­ned, we like the intui­ti­ve struc­tu­re of praline-videos.de. Unadorned, almost ad-free and equip­ped with clear links, the VoD por­tal will not cause any pro­blems even for Internet newbies 

The annoy­ing youth pro­tec­tion, the pic­tu­re cen­sors and also the stu­pid aste­risks in the video titles are now legal­ly requi­red, but the enti­re age veri­fi­ca­ti­on con­cept is cle­ver­ly solved.

Color-wise, we like the bright, white-grey-yellow design quite a bit. It is easy on the eyes and faci­li­ta­tes rese­arch on the ero­tic site.

By the way, Praline-Videos.de also offers so-called white label pages (also cal­led mir­ror or satel­li­te pages). Under these domains you can find, among others, the iden­ti­cal data stock: blitz-illu.de, moviegroup.tv, coupe-videos.de, schluesselloch.de, magmavideos.de, hotjoy-video.tv, blitzvideos.de, wochenend-videos.de, heisse-videos.de etc.

Experience with subscription cancellation

Praline-videos.de does not offer any sub­scrip­ti­ons. Also, cost traps are not to be feared. If you want to can­cel your Praline account, sim­ply cont­act the very acces­si­ble sup­port via the cont­act form.

Review verdict & conclusion of the Praline-videos.de test report

Even though praline-videos.de only offers 24-hour strea­ming movies, this video-on-demand por­tal occu­p­ies a spe­cial posi­ti­on: In addi­ti­on to the clas­sic major video labels, num­e­rous smal­ler, German-language porn labels are repre­sen­ted here 

Thus, you can find a huge German porn archi­ve with a large ama­teur share. Another big advan­ta­ge is the com­ple­te German lan­guage in the cate­go­ries, video titles and porn movie descriptions 

The site struc­tu­re is easy to under­stand and the design is bright and easy on the eyes. Thanks to the pre­view images and vide­os, you can see very cle­ar­ly what is offe­red in the ero­tic movies. However, MAC and Linux users need a WMV brow­ser plug­in for the streams.

In sum­ma­ry, howe­ver, we rate this pro­ject rather medio­cre com­pared to other VoD por­tals. Erotik.com and Aebn.com are con­sider­a­b­ly better.

Visit Praline-videos.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:Billing per film
5.99 € / 24 hours
6.99 € / 24 hours
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, Paysafecard
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:yes
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:0 porn images
Ø Resolution:-
Image Gallery Control:-
ZIP archi­ves:-
Count:8,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:640×480 to High Definition
Ø Length:60 minu­tes
Ø DL-Speed:4,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:yes


Test report summary for Praline-videos.de

A good video-on-demand portal

Praline-videos.de is one of the first German VoD por­tals. It is a lot of fun to brow­se for German porn. A bit annoy­ing are the paren­tal con­trols, the WMV for­mat and the DRM copy protection.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 80%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 80%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 80%
  • Exclusivity – 50%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 80%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 50%
  • Fairness – 83%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 83%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 50%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 100%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 99%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 50%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Mainly German ero­tic movies
  • Porn also in HD (high definition)
  • Market awa­re­ness: Praline magazine
  • Possibility of ratings
  • German lan­guage


  • Age veri­fi­ca­ti­on after payment
  • Youth pro­tec­tion basi­cal­ly ineffective
  • WMV-Fomat with DRM – copy protection
  • Stream make pro­blems with a MAC
  • Videos only 24 hrs & stream only
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