Test - Review: Movie-DSL.com

Test: Movie-DSL.com

Test - Review: Movie-DSL.com

Test: Movie-DSL.com

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Porn site test: Review of the video-on-demand portal Movie-DSL.com

In this review, we would like to intro­du­ce you to an inte­res­t­ing video on demand por­tal. „Video on demand“ is often abbre­via­ted as „VoD“ and means „video on demand“.

The web­site www.movie-dsl.com is com­ple­te­ly desi­gned in German and also con­ta­ins exclu­si­ve­ly films of German, Austrian or Swiss video labels. Among them are Videorama, Inflagranti, Magma Film, Puaka, GGG, DMV, MMV, Ribu Film, Trimax, BBvideo, DBM, Genuine, Oftly Goldwin, Sexsense, Staviss, Telsev, Vivid and many more.

As a quality-conscious porn con­su­mer, you auto­ma­ti­cal­ly look for movies to which you have a nati­ve con­nec­tion. The moa­ning and stamm­e­ring of the girls and the comm­ents of the men sound rather stran­ge in American lan­guage. It’s nice that there is final­ly an all-round solu­ti­on for the German ero­tic film fans!

At Movie-DSL.com you can curr­ent­ly find 4555 soft­co­re and hard­core movies (as of November 2011), and the num­ber is gro­wing. You won’t find so many porn movies in any video store. The only thing the visi­tor needs is a DSL Internet con­nec­tion and a com­pu­ter. Since MPEG‑4 was cho­sen as the file for­mat, the films can be view­ed barrier-free on Windows PCs, Macs (Apple Macintosh) and Linux ope­ra­ting sys­tems. There are com­pa­ra­ble VoD por­tals where the movies are copy-protected and can only be view­ed on Windows computers.

Visit Movie-DSL.com

Opinion about the preview area of Movie-DSL.com

We find the pre­view area of Movie-DSL.com very logi­cal, infor­ma­ti­ve and appe­tiz­ing. The pro­s­pec­ti­ve cus­to­mer has the pos­si­bi­li­ty to move com­ple­te­ly free­ly on the web page.

In the left menu bar, you can brow­se through the cate­go­ries (gen­res) and find your desi­red movies in a com­ple­te­ly uncom­pli­ca­ted way. In the video detail pages, the pri­ces for the movie or scene down­loads and the per-minute price for video streams are dis­play­ed very trans­par­ent­ly. The fees are abso­lut­e­ly afforda­ble and are com­pli­ca­ted wit­hout any curious cur­ren­ci­es (coins, etc.).

Almost unob­tru­si­ve­ly plea­sant is the lower pro­por­ti­on of adver­ti­sing. Very dis­creet­ly, some adver­ti­sing part­ners are poin­ted out – and that wit­hout dis­trac­ting or annoy­ing the user.

Rating of the porn sites registration

In the right menu bar, there is a regis­tra­ti­on box for mem­bers at the top. Via the link „Register here for FREE“, one can crea­te a mem­ber account. If you are afraid of spam or data abuse, you may even regis­ter as an anony­mous mem­ber. One enters only his address data.

If one goes over this link, one is annoy­ed by no youth pro­tec­tion gates and verifications.

That Movie-DSL.com can­not be free of char­ge is self-evident. To load the cus­to­mer account with 10, 25 or 50 EUR, one has the pos­si­bi­li­ty to choo­se bet­ween cre­dit card, direct debit, instant trans­fer, phone pay and vouchers.

For this porn site test, we paid by instant bank trans­fer. With this pay­ment method, you do not have to worry that your cre­dit card or bank account will be plun­de­red. Afterward, you will recei­ve an e‑mail con­fir­ma­ti­on with the access data.

Fortunately, we have not recei­ved a sin­gle SPAM e‑mail since regis­tra­ti­on! You only get a wel­co­me vou­ch­er of 2,- EUR.


Test – Review Member area of Movie-DSL.com

As a log­ged in mem­ber the web­site Movie-DSL.com does­n’t look very dif­fe­rent, but now you have full access to all trai­lers and you can down­load the movies.

At first, one is com­ple­te­ly over­whel­med by the video sel­ec­tion. Almost all sexu­al incli­na­ti­ons are cover­ed and one sear­ches for vide­os more and more eager­ly and enthusiastically.

One has the fee­ling as if the inven­tor and buil­der of the sex site has work­ed with heart and soul. Movie-DSL.com is no-frills, almost spam-free and abso­lut­e­ly great struc­tu­red. Newcomers real­ly find their way around very quickly.

You can quick­ly find what you are loo­king for in the cate­go­ries and via the search func­tion, and the lis­ting of search results works quick­ly and cle­ar­ly. The video details page is also very nice. Thanks to the many pre­view images (thumb­nails), you can imme­dia­te­ly see what it’s all about and you can even watch gene­rous pre­view vide­os (trai­lers).

Very horny porn for a fair price

The video streams are embedded Flash movies. They are loa­ded very quick­ly depen­ding on the DSL speed and you can „spool“ back and forth in them. The pri­ces are fair direct­ly on the page and some­ti­mes you can buy the movies alter­na­tively as a pla­s­tic disc at part­ner stores.

With the stream func­tion, you no lon­ger run the risk of buy­ing porn where the con­tent and actors do not match the cover at all. In addi­ti­on, you can also avoid buy­ing the wrong thing. In terms of cost, we feel that Movie-DSL.com is defi­ni­te­ly fair. On avera­ge, you pay around EUR 10 for a movie, and you can even buy indi­vi­du­al sce­nes from a DVD!

What other video-on-demand VoD por­tals do bet­ter would only be the miss­ing voting or com­ment func­tion and a pos­si­bi­li­ty to book­mark movies for a later purchase.

Opinions on page structure & design

Even if one can argue about the color „black“ from a desi­gner’s point of view, it still fits the­ma­ti­cal­ly to the dark cine­ma ambi­ence. The colors oran­ge and black har­mo­ni­ze, are not too obtru­si­ve and bring the con­tent a bit more to the foreground.

The page struc­tu­re of Movie-DSL.com is very well done for this huge amount of vide­os. The visi­tor intui­tively knows where to click and imme­dia­te­ly finds the infor­ma­ti­on he is loo­king for.

In a dif­fe­rent design, but with the same data­ba­se, there are also Movie-DSL.com’s mirror-image des­cen­dants. We know for exam­p­le the „white label site“ vod-porn.com.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

Since you do not have a sub­scrip­ti­on, you do not have to can­cel any­thing. However, if you want to get rid of your Movie-DSL.com account, just send an e‑mail to the cus­to­mer ser­vice asking them to can­cel your account.

Review verdict & conclusion to the Movie-DSL.com test report

Movie-DSL.com is an incre­di­bly honest and trans­pa­rent video-on-demand por­tal. There are end­less movies from German video labels to be found here. There are no hass­les with any (still not fully deve­lo­ped) copy pro­tec­tion methods, nor are there any pro­blems for MAC / Unix or Linux users to worry about.

The pri­ces are defi­ni­te­ly afforda­ble and abso­lut­e­ly fair. Movies that you have bought, you are also allo­wed to down­load to your hard drive and own wit­hout any restrictions.

It is real­ly a lot of fun to be on Movie-DSL.com. One is very wil­ling to pay the small fee for such high qua­li­ty video. In our opi­ni­on, Movie-DSL.com has final­ly crea­ted a legal alter­na­ti­ve to the pixel­a­ted mini-videos of the free tube por­tals. Top of the line!

Visit Movie-DSL.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:Billing per film
Download: ca. 3 – 19 €
Stream: approx. 2 – 9 €
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, pay per call (phone), instant bank transfer
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:0 porn images
Ø Resolution:-
Image Gallery Control:-
ZIP archi­ves:-
Count:4,555 porn movies
Ø Resolution:HighDefinition
Ø Length:60 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:800 kB/sec
Format:MPEG, FLV
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no


Test report summary for Movie-DSL.com

One of the first German video on demand platforms

Movie-DSL is one of the first usable video-on-demand por­tals with a large DVD coll­ec­tion. It’s very plea­sant that a lot of German porn movies are available for download.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 70%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 70%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 70%
  • Exclusivity – 70%
  • Models – 70%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 70%
  • Variety – 70%
  • Extraordinary – 70%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 50%
  • Fairness – 70%
  • Promises / Reality – 70%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 70%
  • Design – 67%
  • Navigation – 70%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 70%
  • Updates – 70%
  • Loading speed – 70%
  • Costs – 70%
  • Price-performance ratio – 70%
  • Payment – 70%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 70%
  • Advertising / Spam – 70%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 70%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 70%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Huge DVD quan­ti­ty to download
  • Very trans­pa­rent & low costs
  • German lan­guage, German porn
  • No spam
  • Video play & down­load comfortable


  • Too dark design
  • No HD (high definition)
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