Pornsite review Pornsite review

Test: Pornsite review Pornsite review

Test: Pornsite review
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„First Class“ Facial Cumshots on – Porn Site Review

Although facial inse­mi­na­ti­on is the high­light of any hard­core porn, this scene is often imple­men­ted only love­l­ess­ly. After the eja­cu­la­ti­on into the face, it is usual­ly dim­med and the ero­tic film then ends abrupt­ly. This is a great pity! Because many view­ers wish that this high­ly ero­tic moment can be seen in much more detail.

Lexi Layo mit Sperma Brille (Gesichtsbesamung)
Lexi Layo with cum glas­ses (facial insemination)

The pro­du­cers of the porn site have reco­gni­zed the pro­blem and set them­sel­ves the high stan­dard of pre­sen­ting „cumshots in perfection“. 

Very pret­ty, pro­fes­sio­nal­ly made up women’s faces are pur­po­seful­ly deco­ra­ted with powerful cum shots in various inse­mi­na­ti­on tech­ni­ques. The cumshots are film­ed in high defi­ni­ti­on, in detail­ed close-up from two per­spec­ti­ves and pre­sen­ted in slow motion.

I was attrac­ted by the extra­or­di­na­ry con­cept as well as the horny pre­view vide­os of I am loo­king for­ward to test­ing this ero­tic site and have sum­ma­ri­zed my expe­ri­en­ces in the fol­lo­wing. In addi­ti­on, I have com­pared the advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges for you in this review. Do you know this ero­tic site? Then plea­se let us know your opi­ni­on below the review.

Since this porn site is real­ly above avera­ge and there is so much to report, this review has beco­me a bit lon­ger than usual.


Opinion About the Preview Area of

The pre­view area of CumPerfection is visual­ly not as clas­sy desi­gned as other cum porn sites. Nevertheless, it is unu­su­al and my assess­ment the­r­e­fo­re turns out to be a bit longer.

In the page hea­der there is the logo, a „Members“ but­ton and a „JOIN“ but­ton. Below that you can see the main navi­ga­ti­on with the links „Home | Models | Updates | Categories | VOD Store“.

a) Somewhat Boring Facial Insemination Homepage

On the home­page (home page) of, the incre­di­bly horny porn unfort­u­na­te­ly does­n’t real­ly come into its own in my opinion.

Most of the upper area is taken up by the slider, in which four large gra­phics alter­na­te with pho­tos from various vide­os. It is pro­mi­sed „the big­gest facial cumshots in the world“, „two cumshots – came­ra per­spec­ti­ves“, „close-ups“, „slow moti­on“ and „weekly HD updates“.

Under the hea­ding: „Facial Cum Videos“ you will find the box „Latest Updates“. There you can see 8 clickable thumb­nails of the latest vide­os. I recom­mend you not to start the pre­view vide­os yet!

If you scroll down fur­ther, you can see four more thumb­nails of future porn vide­os under „Upcoming Scenes“, but they are not clickable. It gets more inte­res­t­ing again in the box „Most Popular Models“, where you can see four thumb­nails of the most popu­lar porn actresses.

Hmmm… The home­page is somehow very fea­tur­e­less and unex­cep­tio­nal. But…

b) Very Exciting CumPerfection „Updates“ Page

Much, much more exci­ting is a click on the but­ton „Updates“! On 18 sub-pages you can get an over­view of the porn movies offe­red by CumPerfection. Per page, you will see 28 thumb­nails that you can click on. A thirty-second trai­ler (pre­view video) then starts in a super­im­po­sed win­dow. Unfortunately, you are only allo­wed to watch 5 trai­lers per 24 hours. 

What’s cool is that you can sort the 500+ porn vide­os by „Most Popular“ (popu­la­ri­ty – based on star ratings from other visi­tors) and by „Most Recent“ (newest vide­os first). 

Here you can also see how extre­me­ly horny the Cum Perfection movies are made! You can admi­re cum-soaked faces in varied facets of all ages and types of women. There are con­spi­cuous­ly many women with (inse­mi­na­ted) glas­ses in the port­fo­lio. Guaranteed you will quick­ly find girls to your taste! 🙂

Helpful Model Database and Category Overview

The page „Models“ is also extre­me­ly recom­men­da­ble. Even as a non-registered site visi­tor you can brow­se through so-called model-sedcards and find girls accor­ding to your booty sche­me! You can find out inte­res­t­ing infor­ma­ti­on and see in which movies they have starred.


The cate­go­ry page „Categories“ will show you how varied the topic of facial inse­mi­na­ti­on can be. Unfortunately, you can­not apply the fil­ter. The boo­king form will appear immediately.

Porn Page Rating – Registration

If you want to beco­me a mem­ber of CumPerfection, click on the JOIN NOW but­ton in the page hea­der. A boo­king form of the well-known accoun­ting com­pa­ny CCBill will open. There you can see the offe­red pri­ces for the membership. 

Unfortunately, only cre­dit card pay­ment is curr­ent­ly offe­red as a pay­ment method. PayPal, direct debit or other pay­ment methods are not available.

If you have deci­ded on a mem­ber­ship, I recom­mend you first of all to uncheck the unf­air­ly, alre­a­dy ticked cross-selling box becau­se other­wi­se you will also book a mem­ber­ship of a for­eign porn site. 

The form is self-explanatory. On the posi­ti­ve side, your home address is not reques­ted and thus saved. After ente­ring the pay­ment infor­ma­ti­on, you sim­ply click on the but­ton „SUBMIT YOUR ORDER“.

When the pay­ment is suc­cessful, a „Thank You“ page will be dis­play­ed with links to the CumPerfection mem­bers area. At the same time you will recei­ve a boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on by e‑mail.

Review: Experience in the Member Area of Cum Perfection

On you can get to the mem­bers area by cli­cking on the link of the e‑mail boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on or by cli­cking on the „Members Button“ in the page hea­der. You don’t have to get used to any­thing there. It is visual­ly and struc­tu­ral­ly iden­ti­cal to the pre­view area.

Also in the mem­bers area I recom­mend to start with the but­ton „Scenes“ in the main menu. Then click on „Most Popular“ or „Most Recent“. The rest is self-explanatory.

After cli­cking on the thumb­nails you will get to the so-called „Scene Page“ of the porn movie. You can watch the porn in a large strea­ming win­dow. You will find a head­line, down­load but­tons and a lot of infor­ma­ti­on about the porn: a detail­ed video descrip­ti­on, the release date, a star rating (voting) by other mem­bers, the name of the porn actres­ses and even a com­ment function. 

The so-called „tags“ are also hel­pful. These are search terms / key­words that make fil­te­ring and sear­ching for rele­vant topics much easier. 

You will find the­ma­ti­cal­ly rela­ted video recom­men­da­ti­ons or vide­os of the same porn actress at the bot­tom of the page. Really well done!

The Hallmark of Cumperfection: Awesome Presentation of the Inseminations!

As alre­a­dy men­tio­ned above, you see the eja­cu­la­ti­on of the penis in nor­mal speed from two came­ra per­spec­ti­ves. Then the same scene from both came­ras is play­ed again in slow moti­on in razor-sharp qua­li­ty. The spec­ta­cle is visual­ly great cut together.

It is impres­si­ve how horny the sperm sear­ches its way in the beau­tiful faces of the woman. You see the smal­lest detail of each eja­cu­la­ti­on thrust!!! You see how the cum runs down from cheeks, fore­head, eye­brows.… and final­ly every drop and sperm thread drip­ping down from the chin. This is total madness!!!

Sometimes one of the came­ra angles is the so-called „POV“ (Point of view = vide­os shot from the man’s per­spec­ti­ve). There you have the fee­ling as if you were the acti­ve porn actor yourself.

After inse­mi­na­ti­on, most women mas­tur­ba­te to orgasm with a mas­sa­ger (Magic Wand Massager) or by hand. In the pro­cess, the sperm lique­fies in the face, forms long sperm threads and offers you a sau­gei­len sight, while the horny inse­mi­na­ted woman comes moa­ning to orgasm. Of cour­se, you see ever­y­thing in close-up and razor-sharp HD qua­li­ty. This con­cept of CumPerfection is real­ly unique!

Masturbation nach Besamung
Masturbation after insemination

Content Rating of Porn Movies

Demanding lovers of buk­ka­ke, facials, and cum play will get their money­’s worth with CumPerfection porn! 

Almost all hair colors, types of women, skin colors and ages (from 18 to 55) are repre­sen­ted. Most of the women are main­ly from the UK and Europe (Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Bulgaria). There are a lot of pret­ty ama­teurs. However, pro­fes­sio­nal porn actres­ses are also boo­ked, such as: Stella Cox, Tina Kay, Victoria Summer, Tina Blade, Jasmine James and Ella Hughes.

Especially horny looks the sperm on dark skin. For exam­p­le, the Spanish Latina Alice Judge. The con­trast is stunning!

Most male per­for­mers can squirt above-average amount of sperm(hyper­sper­mia / hyper­sper­mia). I was impres­sed seve­ral times by the squir­ting power of the eja­cu­la­ti­ons and the amount of eja­cu­la­te! The cum is very volu­mi­nous and abun­dant. Main inse­mi­na­ti­on tar­get is usual­ly the fore­head or the root of the nose, which crea­tes bizar­re inse­mi­na­ti­on pic­tures. By the way, arti­fi­ci­al sperm is not used in this porn studio.

The girls are most­ly made up with gla­mour make­up and wear pret­ty clo­thes and lin­ge­rie. It’s an incre­di­bly horny sight when the pret­ty women get a lot of cum on their faces, and it ruins their make­up. 😉 Attentively pla­ced facial inse­mi­na­ti­on is in a way an app­re­cia­ti­on of some porn stars.

Very, Very Horny and Extremely Dirty Cum Games

The makers of Cum Perfection under­stand very well that the sub­ject of facial inse­mi­na­ti­on never gets boring. 

  • After the inse­mi­na­ti­on the women enjoy exten­si­ve kinky sperm games (cum play). They show with the cum around form long sperm threads and let them dis­ap­pear again and again in the mouth… until they are final­ly swal­lo­wed. An ins­a­nely horny sight!
  • It is noti­ceable that a lot of fetis­hes are ser­ved on An above-average num­ber of women with glas­ses enjoy a glas­ses inse­mi­na­ti­on here (e.g. Pixiee Little, Tasha Holz). 🤓 The glas­ses fetish is even more inten­si­fied when the women lick their inse­mi­na­ted glasses.
  • Very horny are sce­nes with two women. This porn is usual­ly extre­me­ly dirty! The girls often have small fights for the horny cum and the sperm splas­hes! They gree­di­ly lick each other’s faces clean. After fore­head, cheeks, nose and chin have been licked clean, the girls often enjoy dirty cum games. Almost always it comes to kinky cum kis­ses (cum kiss) with sperm swap­ping (cum swap­ping = sperm back and forth). Simply crazy!
  • There are also num­e­rous sex sce­nes where the women drink sperm from con­doms after­wards, or hair­job sce­nes where the penis is made to cum by the fric­tion of long hair of the girls. ^^ increa­ses the sperm fetish vir­tual­ly immeasurably. 
Varied Actions

The con­tent of each porn movie is packed into a small, unob­tru­si­ve story. Fantasies as an au pair or stu­dent, sex in the office, Christmas, chea­ting, cuck­old fan­ta­sies, sex with best fri­end, reven­ge, foot­ball / cheer­lea­ders, nur­ses, out­door and much more.

Also popu­lar are the use of kit­chen uten­sils to coll­ect sperm. Collecting cum with pla­tes (cum plate) is as popu­lar as coll­ec­ting cum with a spoon from cheeks and fore­head (cum spoon or spoon-feed). Bowls and cups are also used.

Interracial fan­ta­sies are also ser­ved on CumPerfection. There are Thai or Latina women and black men with impres­si­ve BBC peni­s­es.

Although the solo facials are also very sti­mu­la­ting every time, I find a dou­ble facial abso­lut­e­ly mega cool. There are even buk­ka­ke senes with eight men, incl. glas­ses bukkake!

As alre­a­dy men­tio­ned, mas­tur­ba­te Some girls mas­tur­ba­te to orgasm while the sperm is still on their faces. This gives the horny cum porn a saucy finish!

Varied Categories From

Just a look at the cate­go­ries of reve­als how mul­ti­face­ted you can make the topic of facial cum:

  • Behind The Scenes
  • Big Black Cock (black, big penis)
  • Big Tits (big breasts)
  • Blondes (blon­de women)
  • Blowjob (penis blowing)
  • Brunettes (bru­net­te women)
  • Bukkake (facial inse­mi­na­ti­on by seve­ral men)
  • Condom Drinking (drin­king sperm from condom)
  • Cuckold (hus­band fucks his wife)
  • Cum Dripping (drip­ping sperm)
  • Cum Swapping (sperm swap­ping bet­ween two women)
  • Cumplay (sperm games)
  • Deep Throat (throat fuck)
  • Dirty Talk (tal­king dirty)
  • Double Facial (face is inse­mi­na­ted twice with sperm)
  • Drooling Facial (cum run­ning out of mouth)
  • Female Masturbation (woman masturbates)
  • First Time Fucking (Fucking for the first time in front of the camera)
  • Glasses
  • Hairjob (Stimulate penis with long head hair)
  • Handjob (jer­king penis with hand)
  • Lingerie (sexy lingerie)
  • Long Distance (cum with long distance)
  • MILF Office (Mature Secretary)
  • Outdoors (Sex outdoors)
  • POV (Point of view = From the per­spec­ti­ve of the fucker)
  • Redheads (red hair)
  • Small tits(small breasts / mini tits)
  • Stockings (socks)
  • Cum swal­lo­wing)
  • Two Girl (two bise­xu­al women)
  • Uniform

Very High-Quality Video

The video qua­li­ty is very satis­fac­to­ry. Almost all sce­nes are available in up to 1080p Full HD. However, you can also choo­se bet­ween 720P HD and 480P SD if the band­width is low. 

The loca­ti­ons are always very tas­teful­ly deco­ra­ted and per­fect­ly lit. The came­ra tech­no­lo­gy and came­ra work can also be clas­si­fied in the pro­fes­sio­nal range. 

On the „Downloads“ point, I have to cri­ti­ci­ze that you can only down­load the vide­os in three sec­tions. There is no way to down­load the full vide­os to your hard drive in one file. There are brow­ser plug­ins to down­load embedded vide­os. This works super-

On mobi­le or tablet, you can use very com­for­ta­b­ly and quick­ly. However, I noti­ced that on a smart­phone you can only play the 480P SD vide­os. You can work around this pro­blem by sel­ec­ting the desk­top ver­si­on in the mobi­le brow­ser menu.

That is well-intentioned when you are on the road to save data volu­me, but at home in the WLAN it is not 

Erotic Photos Rating

Parallel to the vide­os, sperm pho­tos are also offe­red for vie­w­ing for each one. The pic­tu­re gal­lery is hid­den behind the but­ton „CAPS“.

These are only screen­shots from the porn vide­os and not real pho­tos. The qua­li­ty is medio­cre. You can find ran­dom horny screen­shots, but then you can also click the pause but­ton in the porn videos.

The pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the pic­tures is done via a view­er, which allows you to scroll back and forth and start an auto­ma­tic slideshow.

Test report summary for

CumPerfection: Cum staged to perfection

The pro­du­cers of the porn site CumPerfection know how to stage cum shots very horny! The whole con­cept is coher­ent. From the models, the video, and light­ing tech­no­lo­gy, to the pre­sen­ta­ti­on on the web­site! For sperm lovers, this ero­tic site is a must!

  • Image qua­li­ty – 70%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 70%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 80%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 80%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 90%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 80%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 70%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 100%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 80%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • incre­di­bly horny cum porn
  • dif­fe­rent came­ra viewpoints
  • slow moti­on of ejaculations
  • very pret­ty actresses
  • extre­me­ly kinky sperm play
  • vigo­rous eja­cu­la­ti­ons with thick sperm
  • pay­ment pos­si­ble wit­hout address


  • bor­in­gly desi­gned pre­view homepage
  • vide­os are not down­loa­da­ble in full length
  • pre-selected cross-selling box
  • only cre­dit card payment
  • too few texts
  • behind the sce­nes are superfluous
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