Test - Review: Erotik.com

Test: Erotik.com

Test - Review: Erotik.com

Test: Erotik.com

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Review: Experiences with Erotik.com – The leading German Video on Demand Porn Portal

While video stores are dis­ap­pearing more and more from the city­scape, vide­os on demand ser­vices are expe­ri­en­cing a boom that no one would have even ima­gi­ned a few years ago. The term means „movies on demand“ and is often abbre­via­ted to„VoD“.

And it’s no won­der becau­se such VoD ser­vices are very con­ve­ni­ent. You don’t have to leave the house, pay a small amount and can watch movies when you have time and feel like it. Meanwhile, movie flat rates are offe­red, for exam­p­le, at Netflix, Disney+, Apple TV+ or Amazon Prime.

However, if you like to watch hard porn, you won’t find it with these big pro­vi­ders. At most, there are a few ero­tic films that eli­cit a tired yawn from me. You need a pro­vi­der that spe­cia­li­zes in real porn.

Erotik.com is a pro­ject of the com­pa­ny DVDerotik.com. It is a por­tal where porn of various cate­go­ries can be view­ed as a stream. According to its own infor­ma­ti­on, Erotik.com has more than 200,000 vide­os in its archi­ve and is one of the lar­gest pro­vi­ders in the industry.

The con­cept of Erotik.com sex site made me very curious, and I deci­ded to put it to a tho­rough test. In the fol­lo­wing review, I will explain to you what the porn strea­ming site is all about and what advan­ta­ges & dis­ad­van­ta­ges it has. I was also inte­res­ted to see how this porn site is com­pared to AEBN, Gamelink, Hotmovies, Adultempire and AdultRental.

If you want to share your expe­ri­en­ces and opi­ni­ons with us, plea­se leave a mes­sa­ge in the comm­ents sec­tion below the review.

Visit Erotik.com

Opinion about the preview area of Erotik.com

The appearance of the pre­view area is a bit unu­su­al at the first visit. At first glan­ce, I noti­ced the huge slider, which makes the other con­tents of the home­page fade into the background.

At the top you will find a navi­ga­ti­on bar with the but­tons New, Browse, Categories, Studios, Pornstars and Blog. This allows you to search for spe­ci­fic titles or models and apply various fil­ters to the search. It is very plea­sant that all texts are in German and English.

The home­page is domi­na­ted by num­e­rous DVD covers, which are arran­ged accor­ding to dif­fe­rent categories:

  • Milfs
  • Big Dicks
  • Lesbian
  • Natural Women
  • European

Some covers are cen­so­red for non-logged in visi­tors for youth pro­tec­tion reasons. Below the covers you can see the title of the vir­tu­al DVD. Further down you will find the ero­tic charts and the porn­star data­ba­se. A short search brought some well-known models to light.

If you click on the DVD cover, you will be redi­rec­ted to a cor­re­spon­ding video detail page, which dis­plays a lot of infor­ma­ti­on about the con­tent of the porn. In addi­ti­on to the year of release, stu­dio (porn label), run­ning time and lan­guage, you get cle­ar­ly pre­sen­ted infor­ma­ti­on about the porn actors, the direc­tor and the gen­res (cate­go­ries).

In the cate­go­ries, I noti­ced that more than 11,000 German porn movies are offe­red. This is a huge advan­ta­ge over the English porn VoD por­tals like AEBN, Gamelink, Hotmovies, Adultempire and AdultRental.

You can’t real­ly make heads or tails of the pre­view area. It is very stin­gy with texts and somehow lacks an info page, what Erotik.com exact­ly is, what it costs and what is offe­red for the money. However, since regis­tra­ti­on is free, you don’t take any risks.

Unfortunately, Erotik.com does not offer curious users any samples in the form of free trai­lers, which is cer­tain­ly also due to the pro­tec­tion of minors. However, after regis­tering, you can have a free 10-minute look at the ero­tic videos.

Rating of the porn sites registration

The bil­ling is done in the so-called Pay-Per-View method. Users first load their account with cre­dit in the form of minu­tes to be able to watch the movies. Billing is done by the minu­te. The whole thing works simi­lar­ly to a pre­paid tariff for cell phones.

Test – Review Member Area

The struc­tu­re of the mem­ber area is almost iden­ti­cal to the pre­view area, so you don’t have to get used to it as a logged-in ero­tic member.

As a logged-in user, you quick­ly feel very com­for­ta­ble on Erotik.com. I imme­dia­te­ly noti­ced that there are no annoy­ing adver­ti­se­ments on the website.

I liked the topi­cal­i­ty. The newest movies were about a week old.

Presentation of porn videos as video – stream

Since this is a VoD-only pro­vi­der, the vide­os can only be view­ed as streams. There is no opti­on to down­load them to your hard drive. Alternatively, you could buy the porn DVD and have it ship­ped to your home. Some movies are also available for down­load on DVDerotik.com.

A modern HTML5 media play­er is used to dis­play the stream, so the porn runs on Windows and Apple com­pu­ters, as well as on smart­phones and tablets. The play­er includes all the neces­sa­ry con­trol but­tons for fast-forwarding and rewinding and a pause button.

Supposedly, many ero­tic movies are even in 4K Ultra HD (dou­ble HD). The reso­lu­ti­on is set to auto­ma­tic, but can be chan­ged manu­al­ly in the media play­er at the bot­tom right. However, I could not noti­ce any chan­ges during test­ing. In my opi­ni­on, older porn vide­os ran at 480p reso­lu­ti­on. Most modern ones in 720p reso­lu­ti­on and the latest movies in 1080p full HD.

Unimaginably huge porn offer on Erotik.com

According to the pro­vi­der, the archi­ve is fil­led with more than 200,000 vide­os. From the well-known German stu­dio Magmafilm alone, almost 700 vide­os can be view­ed. Very quick­ly I found the first porn that inte­res­ted me.

With such a mas­si­ve sel­ec­tion, it’s clear that there must be bad movies as well as good ones. While brow­sing, for exam­p­le, I even came across eight-millimeter movies from the seventies!

The vide­os are offe­red in a varie­ty of lan­guages, but English domi­na­tes. Besides German, there are also films in Russian, French, Turkish and even Japanese.

However, I miss a con­tent descrip­ti­on on the movie detail pages. Without a video descrip­ti­on, the user is pret­ty much left in the dark about the con­tent of the movie. You can jump to some sce­nes, but you have to guess what they are about from the screen­shot and the DVD cover.

The porn offe­red is com­ple­te DVDs, so no sce­nes. This has advan­ta­ges but also dis­ad­van­ta­ges. Problematic is when the DVDs are very long. When wat­ching, there were then now and then with the Firefox brow­ser annoy­ing dro­pouts. When fast-forwarding and rewinding, I always had to wait quite a bit befo­re any­thing happened.

A trai­ler or places where action like sex, cumshot or blo­wjob are easi­ly mark­ed would be desi­ra­ble. You only have the choice of eit­her slog­ging through the enti­re two-hour-plus movie or picking sce­nes at ran­dom and hoping that some­thing exci­ting hap­pens there.

Porn flat rate would be desirable

I find when sur­fing porn any­way that time pas­ses so quick­ly. If you watch porn regu­lar­ly, you will noti­ce that on erotik.com a few porn evenings can then go quite into the money.

Perhaps the pro­vi­der could rethink the fee model. It would be nice if Erotik.com would offer a flat rate like Nightclub.eu or AEBN.net in the future.

Opinions on page layout & design

The design is abso­lut­e­ly suc­cessful and looks very serious. The colors red, black and white fit well tog­e­ther. The gra­phics and vide­os also stand out well due to their brilliance.

The DVD covers help visi­tors to quick­ly find their way around and quick­ly find the ero­tic films they are loo­king for.

Despite the huge offer, the site struc­tu­re is very under­stan­da­ble. It is a lot of fun to dive deep into the porn online store.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

Cancellation is not neces­sa­ry at Erotik.com becau­se it is not a sub­scrip­ti­on. There is no pos­si­bi­li­ty to dele­te the cus­to­mer account. Here, an email to cus­to­mer ser­vice is necessary.

Review verdict & conclusion of the Erotik.com test report

My opi­ni­on of Erotik.com is very posi­ti­ve. Without rip-offs, wit­hout sub­scrip­ti­ons and wit­hout the fear of cat­ching Trojans and viru­s­es, you can stream 200,000 ero­tic movies com­ple­te­ly legally.

The regis­tra­ti­on is actual­ly free and you won’t be bothe­red with adver­ti­se­ments. You will sure­ly find what you are loo­king for quick­ly in the uni­ma­gi­n­ab­ly large porn assort­ment. The main advan­ta­ges are the com­ple­te­ly German lan­guage and the many German-language porn 

Since Erotik.com is ope­ra­ted by DVDerotik.com, both pro­jects have been cle­ver­ly lin­ked. „Hunters and coll­ec­tors“ can also buy the porn as a clas­sic DVD or Blu-ray at DVDerotik.com. Erotik.com is aimed more at users who want to watch porn dis­creet­ly – wit­hout reve­al­ing them­sel­ves to their life part­ner or curious children.

You get 10 free minu­tes when you sign up. With this cre­dit, you can look around a litt­le and form your own opinion.

Visit ErotikEr.com
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
Language:German, English
Cost:Billing per minute
10 minu­tes free of charge
Test / Demo – access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank transfer
Billing:own sys­tem
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:0 porn images
Ø Resolution:-
Image Gallery Control:-
ZIP archi­ves:-
Count:250,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:60 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:no
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Erotik.com

One of the best porn VoD stores

Erotik.com is defi­ni­te­ly one of the best sources for legal porn DVDs that you can stream or down­load. It is incre­di­bly much fun to brow­se through the huge offer. There is defi­ni­te­ly some­thing for ever­yo­ne’s taste. There are a lot of German porn stu­di­os with a rich offer available. Simply mega cool!

  • Image qua­li­ty – 97%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 97%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 97%
  • Exclusivity – 97%
  • Models – 97%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 97%
  • Variety – 97%
  • Extraordinary – 97%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 97%
  • Fairness – 97%
  • Promises / Reality – 98%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 98%
  • Design – 98%
  • Navigation – 98%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 98%
  • Updates – 98%
  • Loading speed – 98%
  • Costs – 98%
  • Price-performance ratio – 98%
  • Payment – 98%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 98%
  • Advertising / Spam – 98%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 98%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 98%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Incredibly huge video selection
  • Many lan­guages
  • No sub­scrip­ti­on
  • Many European and German porn
  • Simple pay­ment
  • Very reasonable prices


  • No account can­cel­la­ti­on option
  • Sometimes no video descriptions
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