Test - Review: Hustler.com

Test: Hustler.com

Test - Review: Hustler.com

Test: Hustler.com

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Review of the original porn mega site of the porn studio HUSTLER

If you’­re a bit into porn, you’­ve defi­ni­te­ly read about the HUSTLER porn label before.

The American slang term„hust­ler“ means some­thing like har­lot, pro­sti­tu­te, street whore or street­wal­ker. These words bring to every man’s mind images of women with skim­py tops, tiny mini­s­kirts and overknees.

The appeal of these hoo­kers comes not only from their out­ward appearance, but also from their brash, con­fi­dent deme­an­or. These are not shy teen­agers or bored wives, but women who do ever­y­thing to be sexu­al­ly attrac­ti­ve. They know what men like and how to make them horny 

Porn label Hustler is espe­ci­al­ly known for pas­sio­na­te sex and taboo. In our large-scale porn site test, the sex site www.hustler.com can­not be miss­ing, of cour­se. I will tell you about my posi­ti­ve and nega­ti­ve impres­si­ons in this review. If you know Hustler, plea­se leave a com­ment below the review and share your opi­ni­ons and expe­ri­en­ces with me.

Visit Hustler.com

Opinion about the preview section of Hustler.com

Hustler is a house­hold name in the world of por­no­gra­phy. It is a real empire. It began in 1974 with the first „Hustler“ porn maga­zi­ne, published by Larry Flynt, which is still published month­ly with a cir­cu­la­ti­on of 500,000 copies. In the cour­se of time, sex toys, sexy lin­ge­rie and of cour­se lots of vide­os (which is what this is all about) were added.

As a lea­ding porn label, HUSTLER natu­ral­ly keeps pace with tech­ni­cal deve­lo­p­ments. Many movies are alre­a­dy shot in Ultra HD (4K) and num­e­rous por­no­gra­phic niches are cover­ed in the style of a „Porn MegaSite“. So you get the porn „first hand“, so to speak – but com­ple­te­ly legal­ly and wit­hout the risk of infec­ting your com­pu­ter, tablet or smart­phone with viruses.

My first impres­si­on of the pre­view area was very posi­ti­ve. Just as you would expect from a web­site with this name, the lay­out is flas­hy and pro­vo­ca­ti­ve. It ser­ves its pur­po­se and attracts the atten­ti­on of sex-hungry men. Soaking wet, wide open pus­sies and stiff peckers are everywhere 

Girls in pink over­kne­es lie on their backs, legs spread wide and ready to be pocke­ted. One of the vide­os is more pro­vo­ca­ti­ve and hot­ter than the next.

If you par­ti­cu­lar­ly like one of the many models, you can click on the „Pornstars“ but­ton. There you will find all the girls in alpha­be­ti­cal order. If you click on a photo, you will see the mea­su­re­ments of the girl and all vide­os with her that are available on hustler.com

With this sharp pre­sen­ta­ti­on it does not bother you that you are repea­ted­ly asked to book. Hookers are also known for pushing for pay­ment. It somehow fits the image that there are no free trai­lers in the pre­view area, as annoy­ing as that is. After all, who ever heard of street hoo­kers offe­ring free quickies?

In sum­ma­ry, howe­ver, I think that even as a non-member you can surf very deep into the site struc­tu­re. You get a very good impres­si­on of what you get for your money. I was real­ly loo­king for­ward to final­ly loo­king at the horny con­tent and boo­ked a month­ly account.

Rating of the porn sites registration

Signing up for the HUSTLER mem­bers area is divi­ded into two steps, as is gene­ral­ly the case with porn sites. First, click on the „JOIN NOW“ but­ton at the top right

  • 1.) You land on a so-called Pre JOIN – page, which is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly dis­play­ed in German. At the top right there is a sel­ec­tion field where you can set „German“ later.

    On the regis­tra­ti­on page, you can choo­se a tariff and enter your desi­red user­na­me and pass­word. You will also be asked for your e‑mail address. After ente­ring your data, click on the „Register now“ but­ton.

    My recom­men­da­ti­ons:
    As in every review, I recom­mend that you do not enter your pri­va­te email address under any cir­cum­s­tances. Instead, set up a porn email address at GMX or Gmail. Do not use the mail pro­vi­ders Freenet, Telekom or Web.de, becau­se they dele­te porn mails auto­ma­ti­cal­ly by default.

    At HUSTLER, it is wort­hwhile to sign up for a three-month mem­ber­ship some­ti­mes, so that there is no time pres­su­re. For me, a month­ly mem­ber­ship is usual­ly enough. The boo­king of the test mem­ber­ship, howe­ver, is not wort­hwhile, becau­se the access is extre­me­ly limi­t­ed! You can enter the mem­ber area, but you can’t play vide­os or view pic­tures. You will then be asked to upgrade to a month­ly membership
  • 2.) A German pay­ment page of the Swiss bil­ling com­pa­ny VENDO will open. The pro­vi­der has spe­cia­li­zed in pay­ments in the European area.

    You can pay by cre­dit card, direct debit (Direct Debit SEPA), Sofortüberweisung (Money Transfer SOFORT Banking) and T‑Pay.

    But CAUTION: If you want to pay by debit or cre­dit card, befo­re you fill out the pay­ment form, you should imme­dia­te­ly remo­ve the two check­marks: „I sign up: 2 days trial at Playboy TV“ and „I sign up: 3 days trial at DDF Network“. If you do not remo­ve the hooks, you will book two addi­tio­nal sub­scrip­ti­ons, which in turn cost 30 € per month! The porn indus­try calls this sub­scrip­ti­on trap „cross sel­ling“

    I find it very exem­pla­ry that no address is reques­ted. Only the first and last name and the cre­dit card data, or IBAN & BIC are reques­ted. Email address, user­na­me and pass­word were auto­ma­ti­cal­ly taken from the Pre JOIN form. After the ent­ries, click on the but­ton „Confirm your secu­re purcha­se„

    My recom­men­da­ti­on:
    Even though VENDO is a very repu­ta­ble bil­ling com­pa­ny, I advi­se you to pay by instant bank trans­fer or by pre­paid cre­dit card. This way you are pro­tec­ted from unaut­ho­ri­zed char­ges and cross-selling rip-offs. Nevertheless, you should remem­ber to can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on in time. How to do it is descri­bed in my test report below.
  • After suc­cessful pay­ment, you will see an order con­fir­ma­ti­on page with the fol­lo­wing text: „Thank you for your purcha­se! You now have access to Hustler.“ This is fol­lo­wed by two con­fir­ma­ti­on emails from VENDO and HUSTLER.

Test – Review Member Area

The login to the HUSTLER mem­ber area is done via: http://members.hustler.com. The appearance of the mem­ber area hard­ly dif­fers from the pre­view. Immediately after log­ging in you get to the start page with the latest clips.

Apparently the updating is done daily or almost daily, becau­se the most recent flicks were eit­her from the same day I log­ged in or at most 1 – 2 days old. Just below that you’ll find vide­os sor­ted by popu­la­ri­ty and release date. If you pre­fer, you can also brow­se through almost 50 cate­go­ries cal­led gen­res or you can look at the models and see what vide­os they have to offer.

Since this is an American web­site, all the texts, which are very con­cise by the way, are in English.

Quality & impression of the videos 

In total, more than 600 vide­os are offe­red on hustler.com. They are offe­red both as stream and down­load. The media play­er is a modern HTML5 play­er. This means that the vide­os play well on both my lap­top and tablet

The stream runs smooth­ly, wit­hout the annoy­ing dro­pouts that can spoil even the hot­test movie on older media play­ers. Fast for­ward and rewind also work flaw­less­ly. The reso­lu­ti­on of the vide­os can be sel­ec­ted in dif­fe­rent levels:

  • 1080p (Full HD)
  • 720p (HD)
  • 480p
  • 240p

Some movies are alre­a­dy more than 10 years old. Since there was no HD at the moment, they are only available in low reso­lu­ti­on. Each movie can also be down­loa­ded to the hard disk. The reso­lu­ti­on can be sel­ec­ted in the same way as for strea­ming. The prin­ci­ple here is: the hig­her the reso­lu­ti­on, the lar­ger the file 

Varied and extraordinarily high quality porn videos

The vide­os on hustler.com are movies that were shot espe­ci­al­ly for the web­site. Nothing was left to chan­ce, but the action is pro­fes­sio­nal­ly staged. This is evi­den­ced by the excel­lent came­ra work, good light­ing and crys­tal clear sound, which makes even a whisper or rust­le cle­ar­ly audi­ble. No com­pa­ri­son with poor­ly lit, shaky ama­teur movies where loud music drowns out any lustful moa­ning or dirty talking

The length of the vide­os varies, but aver­a­ges around 15 minu­tes. This is cle­ver­ly cho­sen becau­se it gets to the action sce­nes rela­tively quick­ly. When I look at porn, I want to see get­ting fucked and don’t want long dia­lo­gues or end­less fumbling.

The offer is very diver­se and has some­thing for ever­yo­ne. You can search for vide­os in almost 50 cate­go­ries. Among them are even such unu­su­al cate­go­ries as span­king or step­cest (sex bet­ween step-siblings or stepmother/stepfather and stepson/stepdaughter).

The range of models is equal­ly wide. From teens who just tur­ned 18 to luscious­ly built milfs whose tits seem to almost burst the bra with every breath, ever­y­thing is repre­sen­ted. Most of the models are ama­teurs, but with some you can tell that they are pro­fes­sio­nal porn stars or who­res (which can also be very appe­al­ing).
Just by the way, the dia­lo­gues are all in English, which hard­ly mat­ters anyway.

Quality of the photos

For each movie on hustler.com there is also a set of pho­tos. These can be down­loa­ded to the hard drive as a ZIP file in dif­fe­rent reso­lu­ti­ons

The down­load of sin­gle recor­dings is not pos­si­ble. But you can view them indi­vi­du­al­ly on the moni­tor. A slide show mode does­n’t seem to exist, at least I did­n’t find one

The num­ber of pho­tos per set is rela­tively small, com­pri­sing only a few dozen pic­tures. Some of them fea­ture the model posing for the came­ra, while others are screenshots 

Opinions on page structure & design

The pages are well struc­tu­red and the con­tent is cle­ar­ly visi­ble. The white back­ground pro­vi­des a high contrast.

Although the texts are in English, they are easy to read with school know­ledge, not least becau­se they are most­ly rela­tively short 

Navigation is rela­tively simp­le. One can search by popu­la­ri­ty, cate­go­ry or model. Each video car­ri­es a star rating (the best with 5 stars), which ser­ves as a rough guide. In addi­ti­on, the search by key­words is also offe­red

As a dis­ad­van­ta­ge, I found that the table of con­tents for the films is hard­ly more than 1 or 2 sen­ten­ces. Other pro­vi­ders mark inte­res­t­ing parts of the video with infor­ma­ti­on like blo­wjob or sex, dog­gy­style or cumshot. This makes it easier for users to find the cor­re­spon­ding sce­nes in the video. On hustler.com, on the other hand, there is no such thing 

Experience with subscription cancellation

Like most porn site ope­ra­tors, you are not expli­cit­ly told which web­site you can use to can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on. Although it says in the e‑mail: „The can­cel­la­ti­on must be com­mu­ni­ca­ted to Vendo at least 24 hours befo­re the auto­ma­tic rene­wal.“ But you won’t find a link or more spe­ci­fic noti­ce. On the Hustler web­site, you’ll find non­de­script links to the bil­ling com­pa­nies‘ sup­port pages at the very bot­tom of the footer.

  • In my case, I was bil­led by VENDO. So I went to https://secure.vend‑o.com/customers/profile/login/. In the login form you have to enter your email address and the pass­word of your mem­ber account. You also have to click on the Google spam pro­tec­tion (cal­led Captcha).
  • After log­ging in you will find a German lan­guage page with the title „Your sub­scrip­ti­ons“. The lan­guage can be adjus­ted via a sel­ec­tion field in the upper right cor­ner. In a box the sub­scrip­ti­on is lis­ted. In it are: Username, pass­word, sub­scrip­ti­on num­ber, order date, pay­ment details and the date of the next debit

    Click on the red, unhap­pi­ly trans­la­ted but­ton „Cancel“.
  • A page opens with the title „Too bad you are lea­ving us.“ It asks for the reason for can­cel­la­ti­on. Select „I don’t want to renew“ in the sel­ec­tion form

    Then look for the sub­mit but­ton and when scrol­ling down you will find two big boxes where you are per­sua­ded with 50% dis­count to remain a mem­ber after all. Click on the grey but­ton „Cancel subscription“.
  • A mes­sa­ge pops up „You have suc­cessful­ly can­cel­led your sub­scrip­ti­on.“ On the sub­scrip­ti­on over­view page you will see a yel­low sta­tus „expi­ring“ ins­tead of the green sta­tus „acti­ve“. At the same time you will recei­ve a can­cel­la­ti­on con­fir­ma­ti­on by e‑mail from VENDO and HUSTLER. You can still use the access wit­hout rest­ric­tions until the end of the month.

Review verdict & conclusion of the Hustler.com test report

The web­site hustler.com is a good source for avera­ge porn. The site’s offer is aimed at the tas­tes of the avera­ge American man, which can be seen in the appearance of the porn actres­ses and the storyline 

You will not find German porn on hustler.com. Real fee­lings and unac­ted orgasms are rare­ly shown by the per­fect­ly sty­led models. It is equal­ly rare to find varied sexu­al prac­ti­ces, such as BDSM, cre­am­pie, pas­sio­na­te gang­bangs, over­kne­es or latex 

The offer of a litt­le more than 600 vide­os can rather be descri­bed as „avera­ge“. I would have expec­ted con­sider­a­b­ly more porn on hustler.com.

In my test rating, I give hustler.com an avera­ge score. There are signi­fi­cant­ly worse sex sites, but there are also many with more and more varied vide­os on offer 

You can try it for a short time with a month­ly mem­ber­ship, but then you should can­cel in time. However, I would not recom­mend a lon­ger mem­ber­ship, becau­se it would sure­ly get bor­ing soon.

Visit Hustler.com
Website Information
Country of the operator:
Cost:$0.95 / 2 day trial (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$29.99 / 1 month
$59.95 / 3 months
$118,95 / 12 months
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank transfer
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental con­trol filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:1,000,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:2040×1600 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:12,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL Speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Hustler.com
  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 67%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 83%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 67%
  • Fairness – 67%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Design – 83%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 67%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 83%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Very varied porn
  • Many famous porn stars
  • Very well-known porn label
  • Very sty­lish locations
  • No home address query


  • Many models look too artificial
  • Seldom real fee­lings / orgasms
  • Many models have sili­co­ne breasts
  • Subscription trap in pay­ment form
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