Test - Review: Inflagranti.com

Test: Inflagranti.com

Test - Review: Inflagranti.com

Test: Inflagranti.com

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Pornsitetest: Review of the German reality sex site of the porn label Inflagranti.com

It is an unde­niable fact that the porn indus­try is domi­na­ted by the US-Americans. Not only are most porn movies shot in the USA, but the majo­ri­ty of porn stars are from America. In Europe, no com­pa­ra­ble porn scene has emer­ged in the last 20 years. There are only a few well-known porn stars and studios.

German porn is very horny and kinky. One of the most famous German-language porn stu­di­os, bes­i­des Magma Film, MMV, DBM, Ribu Film, Goldlight, Herzog Videos, Videorama, GGG, BB Video, Beate Uhse, Purzel Video, is espe­ci­al­ly the porn label Inflagranti.

The offi­ci­al web­site is inflagranti.com. Of cour­se, we had to sub­ject this porn site to an ero­tic site test. I will explain to you what con­tent is hid­den in the mem­bers area and whe­ther a mem­ber­ship is wort­hwhile. You are wel­co­me to send us your ques­ti­ons, opi­ni­ons and expe­ri­en­ces under the review.

Visit inflagranti.com

Who is inflagranti?

The term comes from Latin and means some­thing like „in the act“. The name was given by a porn stu­dio from Berlin-Kreuzberg when it was foun­ded in 1997. The naming hap­pen­ed neither by chan­ce nor on a whim, but is intentional.

The porn label Inflagranti dif­fers from other porn stu­di­os becau­se it focu­ses on rea­li­ty sex in its con­cept. This means that the action is not staged, but the per­for­mers live out their desi­re in front of the came­ra. The film­ing is also not done in a stu­dio, but direct­ly in clubs or tren­dy hangouts.

The stars are German ama­teurs, not hoo­kers, who are hired for the films. Again and again, well-known German porn stars also play 

Opinion about the preview section of Inflagranti.com

Two things are imme­dia­te­ly noti­ceable on the start page of Inflagranti.com: The lan­guage is German (can be optio­nal­ly swit­ched to English) and the home­page is domi­na­ted by a large slider at the top. There you don’t see the usual screen­shots but excerp­ts from cur­rent Inflagranti productions.

Just below that, a red bar with various opti­ons cat­ches your eye, inclu­ding for example:

  • Popp or Hopp
  • Public Sex in Berlin
  • German Pornstars
  • Wives from Germany
  • German Fetish Freaks
  • German Lesbians
  • Dominatrix of Germany
  • Gangbang Germans
  • Machine Fuckers

Under the eye-catching red search bar your eyes will wan­der to the „Most Popular Videos“ sec­tion with 10 screen­shots. How popu­lar a video is is mea­su­red by how many times it has been mark­ed as a favo­ri­te by a user. The most popu­lar movies have been mark­ed as favo­ri­tes more than 700 times.

The preview area makes you want to see more

In the midd­le of the home page, you can access the „Latest vide­os“ area. There you are offe­red a total of 15 screen­shots of cur­rent pro­duc­tions. Unfortunately, it is not shown when the vide­os were put online. You can only see how many times the clip was mark­ed as a favo­ri­te and how many times it was view­ed in total.

In the lower part of the page you can find porn­stars who star in inflagranti.com movies. For the search you can use the „Top 10“, „Recent Updates“ and „Most Viewed“ but­tons. You can also click on the let­ters of the alpha­bet to see all the actors whose names begin with that letter.

Clicking on the pro­fi­le pic­tu­re will open a page with some bio­gra­phi­cal infor­ma­ti­on and the movies in which the star can be seen. While the majo­ri­ty of the actors are women, as expec­ted, there are some men as well.

The bot­tom part of the page is taken up by self-advertising, show­ing the mem­ber­ship fees. Below that you will find a few links to the imprint, help/support and the terms and conditions.

Screenshots show you over 400 Inflagranti porn videos

If you click on the „Videos“ but­ton at the top of the home­page, you will see screen­shots of all the movies offe­red on inflagranti.com. There seems to be about 400 vide­os in total. The sub­page „Pornstars“ has alre­a­dy been descri­bed. The next but­ton „Pictures“ leads direct­ly to the photos.

However, I could not find out accor­ding to which sys­tem they are orde­red. For each video there is a photo series with 25 – more than 300 shots. The but­ton „Niches“ leads you to the various sub­pages alre­a­dy lis­ted above. Clicking on the but­ton „About us“ opens a sub­page with the histo­ry of the label „Inflagranti“.

What struck me posi­tively was that the vast majo­ri­ty of the vide­os are offe­red in HD reso­lu­ti­on. There is a wealth of infor­ma­ti­on available, so you know what to expect at inflagranti.com and you don’t have to buy the pro­ver­bi­al pig in a poke.

On the other hand, I also found nega­ti­ve things. You can watch free trai­lers on the home­page, but their num­ber is limi­t­ed (5?), pro­ba­b­ly with a daily limit.

It’s also annoy­ing that every time you enter a sub­page, the English ver­si­on is dis­play­ed first and you have to manu­al­ly switch to German. With a German pro­vi­der, I rather expect the opposite.

Rating of the porn sites registration

A regis­tra­ti­on at the Inflagranti mem­ber area is done quick­ly and easi­ly in two steps. It starts with a click on one of the but­tons: „Register“ „Register now!“ and „Get your access“.

The first step opens a login page, which is cal­led „Signup“ or „Pre-Join“ page in tech­ni­cal jar­gon. This con­ta­ins a regis­tra­ti­on form and confidence-building ele­ments such as „Your bene­fits“ and secu­ri­ty details.

The form is divided into three sections:

  • a) Membership plan
    Select the dura­ti­on of your mem­ber­ship here. You can choo­se bet­ween 1 month, 3 month and 1 year mem­ber­ship. If you look at the three plans, you will noti­ce that the most expen­si­ve one is pre­sel­ec­ted and unf­air­ly dis­play­ed with the lowest price. It says €119.95 in a tiny, light gray font. I find the one-month plan, the first opti­on, to be per­fect­ly adequate.
  • b) Your pay­ment method
    In my opi­ni­on, the dis­play of the four pay­ment methods is not as well sol­ved as it seems at first glan­ce. In rea­li­ty, it is a mat­ter of sel­ec­ting the pay­ment pro­ces­sor:
    • Credit card: If you sel­ect cre­dit card, the pay­ment form of the Swiss bil­ling com­pa­ny VENDO opens.
    • Direct debit: If you choo­se direct debit, the pay­ment form of the Dutch pay­ment ser­vice Webbilling will open.
    • Paypal: If you choo­se Paypal, you will be redi­rec­ted to the pay­ment form of the US pay­ment pro­vi­der EPOCH.
    • Klarna (SOFORTüberweisung): And if you choo­se the Klarna opti­on, a pay­ment form from the UK bil­ling com­pa­ny CentroBill will open.
      In my opi­ni­on, EPOCH is cle­ar­ly the best choice in terms of serious­ness, appearance of the pay­ment form, German-language trans­la­ti­on and becau­se of the many pay­ment methods! I have also never had any pro­blems with a can­cel­la­ti­on or pay­ment at EPOCH. EPOCH allows pay­ment by cre­dit card, Giropay, Paysafecard and SOFORTüberweisung.

      At this point I would like to point out that Webbilling, for exam­p­le, does NOT pro­vi­de an online can­cel­la­ti­on opti­on! Trouble is ine­vi­ta­ble there. VENDO has built in nasty sub­scrip­ti­on traps and Centrobill does not make a 100% serious impres­si­on with its head­quar­ters in Cyprus.
  • c) Your account
    In the three form fields you can enter your desi­red access data and your e‑mail address.

To sub­mit the form, click on the big green but­ton„Sign up now!

Easy payment

The second step is to open the pay­ment page of your sel­ec­ted pay­ment pro­vi­der.
I chose EPOCH (i.e. the „Paypal“ opti­on) becau­se I want to pay via SOFORT pay­ment. Giropay and SOFORT pay­ment are com­pa­ra­ble to a clas­sic bank trans­fer as in online ban­king. It is not pos­si­ble to debit money arbi­tra­ri­ly by direct debit or cre­dit card debit. PayPal pay­ment is also very attrac­ti­ve! Since EPOCH does­n’t want to mess with the com­pa­ny PayPal, they don’t use sub­scrip­ti­on pay­ments and also debit as a one-time payment.

Especially when pay­ing by cre­dit card, watch out for pre­sel­ec­ted sub­scrip­ti­on traps (cal­led cross-selling) and remo­ve pre­sel­ec­ted checkmarks.

After cli­cking the „Complete the purcha­se“ but­ton, the pay­ment pro­cess is che­cked and exe­cu­ted. If the boo­king was suc­cessful, you will see a con­fir­ma­ti­on page with the title „Your tran­sac­tion has been appro­ved“. At the same time you will recei­ve an e‑mail with your login details.

Test – Review Member Area

In the mem­ber area of inflagranti.com you will find num­e­rous vide­os, in which it gets wild. Hard gang­bang sce­nes with poun­ding tech­no beats are the trade­mark of Inflagranti. In addi­ti­on, there are many clips for fetish lovers, which are about latex, high heels, fuck­ing machi­nes, BDSM or even foot ero­ti­cism. All vide­os on inflagranti.com are in-house pro­duc­tions. They are now also in demand on the inter­na­tio­nal market.

The login is done via the URL https://gasm.com/login. As the domain gasm.com alre­a­dy reve­als, you have boo­ked access to the GASM.com porn net­work wit­hout kno­wing it.

After log­ging in, you first see the screen­shots and two vide­os labe­led „Hot Scenes“. Just below that, 12 vide­os in the „Latest Updates“ cate­go­ry invi­te you to browse.

The clips are appar­ent­ly con­stant­ly updated, becau­se the latest vide­os were less than 24 hours old. Unusually, the sec­tion just below it is titled „Latest Photo Updates“. There you will find the latest photo series (about 3 days old). Even fur­ther down you enter the models sec­tion with the latest updates. As a pre­view 5 girls are presented.

Also unu­su­al is fur­ther down the pos­si­bi­li­ty to chat with some of the girls. In addi­ti­on to the name of the girl, you will also find her spe­cial­ties in the chat section.

Below in the mem­ber area you will find a sel­ec­tion of the latest movies (DVDs). Also here 5 new releases are pre­sen­ted, but you can also view more DVDs.

The final sec­tion con­ta­ins adver­ti­se­ments for other sites with simi­lar offers.

The Scenes – Page

This means the vide­os. You can get to the Scenes page by cli­cking the „Scenes“ opti­on on the left side after log­ging in to the mem­ber area.

There are about 400 clips on offer, which are on avera­ge 30 minu­tes long. All of them are in-house pro­duc­tions strea­med in dif­fe­rent reso­lu­ti­ons. The newest movies are less than a day old, the oldest ones are about 2 years old. The vide­os are sor­ted chronologically.

To find movies to your taste, you can choo­se from almost 150(!) cate­go­ries on the left mar­gin, from Anal to Voyeur. Also, a free search by key­words is possible.

A modern HTML5 media play­er is used for play­back. The vide­os ran on my 3 devices (lap­top with Linux, hybrid PC with Windows 10, and Android tablet) wit­hout jer­king or skip­ping. Fast for­war­ding and rewinding also work­ed swiftly.

The video detail page

If you like a video, cli­cking on the screen­shot will take you to the details page. The vide­os are offe­red in dif­fe­rent resolutions:

  • Full HD (1920p), actual­ly 4k or UHD
  • HD (1080p), actual­ly Full HD
  • SD 8720p), actual­ly HD
  • Mobile (480p), actual­ly SD

HD is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly sel­ec­ted, but by cli­cking on the HD sign you can choo­se ano­ther reso­lu­ti­on. Next to the title and date you can also see the names of the stars. If you click on the names, you will see more movies in which the actors can be seen.

Below the media play­er you can see the down­load sec­tion. Each video is also available for down­load. The reso­lu­ti­on opti­ons are the same as for strea­ming. Further down, the tags are lis­ted, accor­ding to which the video is clas­si­fied. The video ends with a short, two-line sum­ma­ry of the con­tent. The dis­play lan­guage is English.

Below the media play­er inflagranti.com shows you screen­shots with simi­lar vide­os.
If you feel like it, you can also chat with some of the models below

The „Movies“ page of inflagranti.com

These are the DVDs that Inflagranti has pro­du­ced so far. In total, there are about 80 movies offe­red. But I honest­ly don’t know what the Movies page is for. You can neither buy the DVDs nor watch them in the stream, only excerp­ts, cal­led Scenes 

On the Movies page, you only see the cover of the DVD and the tags. Further infor­ma­ti­on is miss­ing. Each movie con­sists on avera­ge of 3 – 4 sce­nes (vide­os)

The „Photo“ listing page

Surprisingly, pho­tos are a sepa­ra­te sec­tion on inflagranti.com. With other pro­vi­ders, pho­tos are usual­ly found in con­nec­tion with the respec­ti­ve movie. Not so at inflagranti.com. If you want to view or down­load shots there, you have to switch to the photo page.

There, the sets are first sor­ted chro­no­lo­gi­cal­ly. As a fur­ther opti­on, a cate­go­ry search or a free search by key­word is also offe­red. The sets have the same title as the vide­os they belong to. In total, there are about 250 photo sets on offer.

The „Photo“ detail page

There are bet­ween 25 to over 300 pho­tos per set. The pho­tos can only be view­ed as indi­vi­du­al shots (frame by frame). There is no slide show mode. The down­load is only offe­red for the com­ple­te set, not for sin­gle pho­tos. The pic­tures are most­ly screen­shots from the respec­ti­ve video.

The „Girls“ page

You can get there by cli­cking on the „Girls“ but­ton on the left side of the mem­ber page. On the girls page every star is repre­sen­ted by his photo. The pho­tos are arran­ged chro­no­lo­gi­cal­ly. The pho­tos of the girls with the latest vide­os appear first. You can also search the alpha­be­ti­cal lis­ting of their names. Unfortunately, a search by spe­ci­fic exter­nal fea­tures (blon­de, ebony, lati­na, chub­by, slim, etc.) is not offered.

The „Sites“ page

Selecting this but­ton will give you access to sub-pages dedi­ca­ted to spe­ci­fic topics. These are:

  • Machine Fuckers (16 videos)
  • Dominatrix of Germany (35 videos)
  • Popp or Hopp (23 videos)
  • German Fetish Freaks (51 videos)
  • Gangbang Germans ( 10 videos)
  • German Pornstars (22 videos)
  • Public Sex in Berlin (6 videos)
  • Wives from Germany (9 videos)
  • German Lesbians (4 videos)

In total there are 176 vide­os. The clips of each page are in chro­no­lo­gi­cal order.

Opinions about page layout & design of inflagranti.com

The design of the web­site is appe­al­ing. On the white back­ground of the start page, images and texts stand out well. Since German can be set as the menu lan­guage, navi­ga­ti­on is easy. The cate­go­ry search is much more detail­ed than with other providers.

However, the search for free­ly sel­ec­ted key­words does not seem to work. Even ente­ring a com­mon term like fish­nets did not pro­du­ce any results. It is also annoy­ing that you have to sel­ect German as the menu lan­guage every time you chan­ge pages, becau­se English is preset.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

If you have taken out the sub­scrip­ti­on via EPOCH, the can­cel­la­ti­on is quick and easy.

If you click on the link „Cancel your mem­ber­ship“ at the bot­tom of the inflagranti.com page or on „Billing Support“ in the GASM.com mem­ber area at the bot­tom of the web page, you will land on the Gasm Support page. From there you will get to the sub­page: „How do I can­cel my Epoch sub­scrip­ti­on?“. It will explain that you can easi­ly can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on on the EPOCH sup­port page.

On the EPOCH sup­port page, enter two pie­ces of infor­ma­ti­on in the form titled „FIND PURCHASE“. This can be your mem­ber­ship num­ber from the email, your email address and/or your user­na­me. You can igno­re the „card num­ber“ since you did not pay by cre­dit card. Then click on the but­ton „FIND MY ACCOUNT“.

A white web page will open with the hea­ding „ADMINISTER YOUR PURCHASES“. A box will dis­play the sub­scrip­ti­on with its pay­ment infor­ma­ti­on. Click on the „CANCEL“ but­ton on the right.

A box will open with the hea­ding „CANCEL“. It will ask for the can­cel­la­ti­on reason. Select in the sel­ec­tion field: „No pro­blem, just not inte­res­ted any­mo­re“ and click on the but­ton „Cancel purchase“.

You will then see a blue box with the text: „Cancellation of mem­ber­ship: suc­cess“, in the sub­scrip­ti­on over­view you will now see in red let­ters: „Repeat can­cel­led“ and you will recei­ve an email with a can­cel­la­ti­on confirmation.

Review verdict & conclusion of the Inflagranti.com test report

Overall, I can clas­si­fy inflagranti.com as „high­ly recom­men­ded“. On the posi­ti­ve side, most of the films are in German with dia­lo­gues in German. The vide­os have a very good tech­ni­cal and con­tent qua­li­ty and are interesting.

Mainly you will find German porn in „Reallity“ style with real German ama­teurs. Real lust, fun and unac­ted orgasms make Inflagranti porn very worth watching.

On the other hand, the exces­si­ve use of the English lan­guage in the video descrip­ti­ons is nega­ti­ve, even if you switch to German. When boo­king, you have to be atten­ti­ve not to include a third-party subscription.

It is noti­ceable that the sex site Gasm.com is still being built up. For a porn label, there are com­pa­ra­tively few sex movies available (as of 2019).

Visit Inflagranti.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$29.95 / 1 month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$69.95 / 3 months
$119.95 / 12 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank transfer
Billing:Webbilling, VENDO, CentroBill, EPOCH
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental con­trol filter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:every 2–3 days
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:yes
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:200,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:1920 x 1280 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:500 porn movies
Ø Resolution:1080HD
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:10.000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Inflagranti.com

Very kinky and horny German rea­li­ty sex

The porn stu­dio Inflagranti knows very well how to stage nasty ama­teur women in rea­li­ty porn. There are very many German porn stars repre­sen­ted and the enti­re pro­ject is German. This porn site is high­ly recommended.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 67%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Exclusivity – 83%
  • Models – 83%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 83%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 50%
  • Fairness – 67%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 83%
  • Navigation – 83%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 67%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 83%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 83%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Translated in German language
  • Very much German porn
  • Many German porn stars
  • Payment via PayPal possible
  • Numerous pay­ment methods


  • For a stu­dio, quite few porn
  • Subscription trap in VENDO boo­king form
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