Test - Review: Realsexpass.com

Test: RealSexPass.com

Test - Review: Realsexpass.com

Test: RealSexPass.com

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Porn Sites Review: Realsexpass.com – Extremely horny British amateur porn with a focus on private gangbangs

RealSexPass.com is a British ero­tic por­tal in the style of a porn flat rate. Unlike clas­sic sex sites, with this „Real Sex Pass Network“ you pay just under $30 and get access to 28 horny porn sites. For example:

British Sex Films

If you take a clo­ser look at the pre­view sec­tions of the ero­tic sites, you will noti­ce that the focus is on group sex, pri­va­te sex par­ties, gang­bang, cum games, facial inse­mi­na­ti­on (buk­ka­ke), cre­am­pies (pussy inse­mi­na­ti­on / mud sli­ding) and horny, hard sex. To the delight of the women, the gang­bangs usual­ly include men of African des­cent with big cocks (BBC = Big Black Cock).

The high per­cen­ta­ge of middle-aged women is striking. They are cal­led MILFs (mothers over 30) and GILFs (grand­mo­thers over 50). They are obvious­ly many real ama­teurs from the UK. They look like „the neigh­bor next door.“ Some wear glas­ses. Some have a few grams too much on their hips. Some alre­a­dy have wrink­les and saggy tits. For men who are into „nor­mal women“ and not super­mo­dels, this net­work seems to be perfect!

Since I per­so­nal­ly like unac­ted fee­lings, real orgasms and horny porn movies where things get a litt­le har­der, I took a clo­ser look at the sex site RealSexPass.com for a test. In this review, I descri­be my expe­ri­en­ces and tell you whe­ther it is worth sig­ning up. Please also leave your opi­ni­on below this review.

Visit Realsexpass.com

Opinion about the preview area of Realsexpass.com

If you visit realsexpass.com, you can alre­a­dy see from the pre­view area that this ero­tic pro­ject stands out from other sex sites.

You are on a pur­ple / pink colo­red soft­ware envi­ron­ment, on which a large num­ber of uncen­so­red porn video pre­view images can be seen. If you move your mouse over the image, you can watch a short scene from the movie.

Blonde Frau mit Brille - Sperma Facial (Gesichtsbesamung)
Blonde woman with glas­ses – Sperm Facial (facial insemination)

What’s espe­ci­al­ly cool is that you can move around almost wit­hout rest­ric­tions, wit­hout see­ing a num­ber win­dow all the time. Thus, you can get an excel­lent over­view of realsexpass.com.

With a click on a thumb­nail, one can open the cor­re­spon­ding scene page. On the scene page, one sees a short sec­tion (about one minu­te) from the movie in a large video win­dow. The user also gets some details about the video, such as the length of the movie, the num­ber of clicks and their rating.

It is even pos­si­ble to sort the vide­os by popu­la­ri­ty and by age. In addi­ti­on to the pre­view vide­os, the user can view many pic­tures of the models for free. Also available is a lis­ting of the per­for­mers, inclu­ding model info page.

All in all, the pre­view sec­tion „whets the appe­ti­te for more“ and I boo­ked this ero­tic site expectantly.

British Gangbang
British Gangbang

Porn page rating – registration

The ero­tic site Real Sex Pass is from Great Britain, but even users with litt­le know­ledge of English should be able to cope with it.

The Gangbang Club

To sign up, you sim­ply have to click on the „Subscribe now“ but­ton at the top. A black regis­tra­ti­on form appears. Erotic video sequen­ces run in the background.

Now the inte­res­ted party has the choice bet­ween three sub­scrip­ti­on opti­ons: He can opt for a month­ly, quar­ter­ly or six-month mem­ber­ship. The pri­ces are given in euros. At this point, howe­ver, a direct refe­rence to a sub­scrip­ti­on is missing.

In addi­ti­on, one choo­ses a user name as well as a pass­word and enters the e‑mail address. There is an annoy­ing requi­re­ment for the pass­word: it may only con­sist of let­ters and num­bers and must begin with a let­ter. So do not use any spe­cial characters.

Now comes the pay­ment pro­cess: RealSexPass uses the Swiss bil­ling com­pa­ny VENDO. Credit card, SEPA direct debit and instant bank trans­fer are available as pay­ment methods. VENDO is a relia­ble pro­vi­der with whom there are usual­ly no problems.

Be attentive when booking

Unfortunately, sub­scrip­ti­ons from DDFnetwork are fois­ted on the user during pay­ment wit­hout being expli­cit­ly poin­ted out. In tech­ni­cal lan­guage this is cal­led cross-selling. These check­marks must be unche­cked IMMEDIATELY befo­re pay­ment, other­wi­se you will sign up for two more $30 subscriptions!

Once the pay­ment is com­ple­ted, a page opens with the text „Thank you for your purcha­se!“ There you will find the login details, pay­ment details and the cont­act details for VENDO cus­to­mer sup­port. At the same time the new mem­ber will recei­ve an email with the access data. Please do not close the bil­ling win­dow until the e‑mail with the boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on has arrived.

Real Sex Pass Network

Test – Review Member Area

The mem­ber area does not dif­fer from the pre­view area. Since you alre­a­dy know the struc­tu­re, the accli­ma­tiza­ti­on time is extre­me­ly short.

Spermaspiele und Cumswapping mit Sperma Schokolade (Cumfood)
Sperm games and cums­wap­ping with sperm cho­co­la­te (Cumfood)

My favo­ri­te brow­se was under „Sites“ -> ‚British Bukkake Babes‘, ‚We Love Bukkake‘, ‚British Sex Films‘, ‚Porn Challenge‘ and ‚The GangBang Club‘ 

Just click on one of the inte­res­t­ing thumb­nails and you will get to the cor­re­spon­ding scene page. It has the iden­ti­cal struc­tu­re as you know from the pre­view area. But now the vide­os can be seen in full length.

For the video strea­ming a modern HTML5 play­er is used. The vide­os can be down­loa­ded in par­al­lel in mp4 for­mat. Just click with the right mouse but­ton on the down­load but­ton and choo­se „Save as“. However, I recom­mend the Firefox brow­ser plug­in Download Them All or the Google Chrome Chrono Download Manager. Half an hour of video is about 800 Mb in size.

Damn hot content in the gangbang porn videos

The con­tent of the porn varies a lot. Often it is about group sex and buk­ka­ke (facial inse­mi­na­ti­on). The vide­os cover a wide range, dif­fe­rent situa­tions and positions.

Especially exci­ting is the beha­vi­or of many women during group sex. Most of the time they are embar­ras­sed at first, laugh in embar­rass­ment and are very exci­ted. But after just a few minu­tes of sex, they trans­form! The hor­nier they get fucked through, the more their pure lust and greed for many cocks ignites!

It does­n’t take long and you can alre­a­dy see real orgasms. Between the moans and screams of plea­su­re, a smile or grin flits across most women’s faces. They visi­bly feel very com­for­ta­ble, alt­hough they are some­ti­mes very hard. You can see that the ladies like to do the dirty games!

Real feelings, pure filthiness and unacted orgasms

Another incre­di­ble phe­no­me­non appears when an African comes into play with a BBC(Big Black Cock). In all gang­bang movies wit­hout excep­ti­on, the ladies got shi­ning eyes and let the big peni­s­es fuck them from one orgasm to the next with pure plea­su­re! Some MILFs even had to squirt!

Bukkake auf Brille einer sexy Amateur Frau
Bukkake on glas­ses of a sexy ama­teur woman

Stunned, you can watch the women as they are extre­me­ly horny after the many hard fucks, down­right gree­dy reac­tion when the tails cum their sperm on breasts, belly, face or mouth.

No one from the gen­tle­men’s cir­cle forces the ladies to have to swal­low sperm and yet many of them vol­un­t­a­ri­ly lite­ral­ly sow around with it. Especially when there are two women, it gets real­ly hot with „snow­bal­ling“ (spit­ting cum into each other’s mouths) and cum kis­sing.

Really cool is the cate­go­ry Porn Challenge. There you can find very enter­tai­ning vide­os with ero­tic com­pe­ti­ti­ons like a blo­wjob chall­enge, cock­suck­ing cham­pi­on­ship and sex games with a wheel of for­tu­ne. As well as gang­bang com­pe­ti­ti­ons, orgasm com­pe­ti­ti­on with mas­sa­gers and sex toys, squirt com­pe­ti­ti­ons and much more. The direc­tor is Dan Leal (aka Porno Dan) runs a the­ma­ti­cal­ly simi­lar porn site under ImmoralLive.com.

Cum on glasses: jessica Lo
Cum on glas­ses: Jessica Lo and her fri­end love horny sex par­ties, big dicks and lots of cum

Horny British Amateur Ladies

Besides hundreds of ama­teur actres­ses there are also semi-professional UK porn­stars. Very horny I per­so­nal­ly find the blon­de British teen­girl Mandy Cinn, who not only likes to get fucked hard by many men at the same time, but also visi­bly enjoys licking other pus­sies, swal­lo­wing large amounts of cum 

Mandy Cinn
Mandy Cinn

Really horny sows are also for exam­p­le: Emma Star, Sandie Caine, porn­star Christy Mack, busty won­der Michelle Thorne, Alicia Rhodes and red­head Jessica Robbins. Jessica Lo, Sadie and Emma Butt get their glas­ses inse­mi­na­ted with pleasure 

Looking very natu­ral are, for exam­p­le, freck­led mice Cristal Cummings and Alexis May. For men who are into older women, maybe Leah Jayne or Grandma Lacey Starr is some­thing. If you’­re into domi­na­trix­es, then the films with Rose Wood might be some­thing. I also like: Cate Harrington, Aubrey Addams, Jade Jones, Bambi Black and Ashley Ryder.

The RealSexpass net­work also caters to the unu­su­al topic of trans­se­xua­li­ty. In the English lan­guage this is cal­led she­ma­le, tran­nies and lady­boy respec­tively. These are women with a penis. The trans­se­xu­al porn­stars Sammi Valentine, Karla Coxx and Zoe Fuckpuppet seem to be very popular.


Mixed video quality

The qua­li­ty of the vide­os varies. Many vide­os do not look very pro­fes­sio­nal. Lighting, loca­ti­on and came­ra work have a rather ama­teu­rish cha­rac­ter. The loca­ti­ons are most­ly hotel rooms, pri­va­te apart­ments, party base­ments and swin­gers clubs. Depending on the pro­du­cers, some­ti­mes flash is used during the shoot, which bothers me per­so­nal­ly a bit.

Bukkake -Behind the scenes
Bukkake ‑Behind the scenes

With the kind of this pre­sen­ta­ti­on one speaks in the tech­ni­cal jar­gon of gonzo porn.

Especially exci­ting are sce­nes shot from the POV per­spec­ti­ve – from the point of view of the porn view­er. P. O. V. („Point of View“) movies look as if you are live in the porn.

Many actres­ses do not have the per­fect appearance, an ero­tic model, but ins­tead shine with natu­ral­ness, horn­i­ness and charisma.

By the way, the secret of the suc­cess of the RealSexPass net­work seems to be a fema­le came­ra­wo­man, with whom the per­for­mers feel very com­for­ta­ble. You can see her flit­ting through the frame every now and then or in „behind the sce­nes“ photos.

Some films are available in good-quality HD versions.

In my per­so­nal opi­ni­on, Gonzo porn has a strong appeal despi­te its low qua­li­ty. Boring sce­nes are rather the excep­ti­on. Instead, the authen­ti­ci­ty and natu­ral­ness of the actors prevails.

Search and archive function

If you like to watch porn movies, you will want to find a sui­ta­ble one quick­ly among the large num­ber of movies. If he has found one, then it is important that he also finds it quick­ly during the next session.

British Gangbang Club
Violent orgasm in British Gangbang Club

The search func­tion is expan­da­ble. On the left side, the user can deci­de bet­ween „Top-Rated“ and „Popular“ which are not quite the same, but simi­lar search queries. A search by cate­go­ry is also available. However, this fea­ture is a bit hid­den. Below the fre­quent­ly view­ed vide­os is a list of cate­go­ries. Helpfully, there is a fea­ture that allows you to view vide­os of a cer­tain length.

Useful in the search are also the respec­ti­ve chan­nels. These are indi­ca­ted on the pre­view image. If you want to see the vide­os of a cer­tain chan­nel, click on „Sites“ on the left. The available chan­nels appear. Now sim­ply click on a chan­nel and view the videos.

If you par­ti­cu­lar­ly like a video, you can add it to your favo­ri­tes. The user can also crea­te play­lists. This func­tion is fami­li­ar from music strea­ming. With a click on „History“, the page shows the last view­ed movies. This is hel­pful if the user has seen a cool movie and for­got to add it to the favo­ri­tes. Then he can make up for it 

Horny bukkake and gangbang photo galleries

Depending on the sub­page of the net­work, there are exten­si­ve image coll­ec­tions for some movies 

Especially with gang­bangs, where a lot hap­pens at the same time, I think it’s great when „a horny moment“ was stop­ped for a moment and cap­tu­red in a photo. Often there are seve­ral sin­gle pic­tures for such a „moment“, so that the user can fol­low a gang­bang or buk­ka­ke in all details.

Sperma sammeln in einem Glas
Sperm games are popu­lar: coll­ec­ting sperm in a jar

By cli­cking on the pre­view images, they can be dis­play­ed lar­ger in a layer. At the top right above the photo are two arrows to scroll back and forth.

Unfortunately, there is no direct func­tion on the web­site to down­load the images as a ZIP file, but with the board means of the ope­ra­ting sys­tem this is no pro­blem. With Windows, sim­ply hover over the image with your mouse, right-click, and click „Save Image As.“ This way, ever­yo­ne can take ano­ther close look at the exci­ting details 

The qua­li­ty of the pho­tos is very mixed and you could clas­si­fy them swee­pin­gly in the Gozo style. Often they are shot by a „fuck along visi­tor“. Sometimes with flash as well. There is often a lack of sharp­ness and light. Still, the pho­tos have a cer­tain charm and it’s a lot of fun to brow­se through the buk­ka­ke and gang­bang galleries.

What else Realsexpass offers

If you are in the mood for an exci­ting cam show, just click on Cams in the upper-right cor­ner. A page with many exci­ting cam­girls, cam­boys and cou­ples will open. The pre­view image shows what is going on at the moment. This has the advan­ta­ge that the user does not have to search for a long time, but that he is imme­dia­te­ly in the midd­le of the action. With other cams, often not­hing hap­pens for a long time and the inte­res­ted party was­tes his time waiting.

However, it is an exter­nal ser­vice cal­led by chaturbate.com. Therefore, I have not tes­ted the sex­cam function.

If you like to watch hot porn on the go, you can down­load the RealSexPass app from Google Play. The site of realsexpass.com is opti­mi­zed for mobi­le devices. The mem­ber can view the movies so that they fill the enti­re screen, just like on the computer 

Real Sex Pass

Opinions on page layout & design

Since both the pre­view area and the mem­ber area are unu­sual­ly con­trol­led by the same soft­ware, the site visi­tor does not have to get used to much

The lay­out and the page struc­tu­re are quick­ly unders­tood and you can find your way around within a few minutes.

I per­so­nal­ly like the bold color com­bi­na­ti­on of pur­ple, pink and tur­quoi­se. It makes this web­site stand out from the typi­cal black or white sex sites wit­hout hur­ting your eyes.

The smartphone-ready frame­work is real­ly clas­sy. All cur­rent mobi­le and sta­tio­na­ry com­pu­ter devices are sup­port­ed wit­hout any pro­blems, from smart­phones to 16:9 televisions.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

As is gene­ral­ly the case with most porn sites, sig­ning up for a sub­scrip­ti­on is a bree­ze – but there are no ins­truc­tions on how to cancel.

Spermaküsse Snowballing Sperma Spiele
Cum Kisses Snowballing Sperm Games

First, find the email with the boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on. There you will find a link to the bil­ling com­pa­ny. In my case, the can­cel­la­ti­on is done via the Vendo cus­to­mer por­tal https://secure.vend‑o.com/customers/profile/login/. If the lan­guage is not German, you can chan­ge it in the upper right corner.

To log in, one enters one’s e‑mail address and pass­word. Afterwards you have to do the Google-SPAM-Check (Captcha) and click on the LOGIN-Button.

If your login data has been accept­ed, you will get to a page titled „Your sub­scrip­ti­ons“. There you will find your sub­scrip­ti­on. Very cle­ar­ly dis­play­ed are user­na­me, pass­word, sub­scrip­ti­on num­ber, order date, pay­ment details, date of next debit.

On the right you see two gray boxes. One of them says ACTIVE and the other one CANCELS 

  • To can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on, click on the unhap­pi­ly trans­la­ted CANCEL button.
  • A page opens asking for the can­cel­la­ti­on reason. Select „I don’t want to renew“ and click on the „Cancel sub­scrip­ti­on“ button
  • That’s it!
    You are taken back to the over­view page. A layer dis­plays the text, „You have suc­cessful­ly can­ce­led your sub­scrip­ti­on.“ The green but­ton „ACTIVE“ has now been chan­ged to „EXPIRES“.
  • In par­al­lel, you also get a can­cel­la­ti­on con­fir­ma­ti­on by email.

This has real­ly work­ed wit­hout fraud very simp­le. I wish all sex sites were as easy to can­cel as RealSexPass 

British Amateur Gangbang Parties
British Amateur Gangbang Parties

Review verdict & conclusion of the Realsexpass.com test report

Realsexpass.com is final­ly a sex site where you want to be a mem­ber for lon­ger than one month! If you like kinky cum games, real orgasms, horny ama­teurs and gang­bang sex par­ties with ple­nty of cre­am­pie and facial cum, you’ll get your money­’s worth at the Real Sex Pass net­work.

Glückliche Frau beim Amateur Gruppensex
Happy woman having ama­teur group sex

The ero­tic site is ope­ra­ted in Great Britain and offers the user a large sel­ec­tion of movies. Compared to American glos­sy pro­duc­tions, you won’t see super­mo­dels here, but real horn­i­ness, pure lust and unac­ted orgasms.

The actres­ses most­ly look like „the neigh­bor next door“. They enjoy it very visi­ble to be pro­per­ly fucked by a horde of men!

The pic­tu­re qua­li­ty is also to be clas­si­fied in the ama­teur range (Gonz style) and unfort­u­na­te­ly not always good. In some vide­os, taking pic­tures with flash is a bit annoy­ing. Useful are the play­lists and the favo­ri­tes. Thus, the user can watch the good movies again and again.

All in all, the sex site is recom­men­ded for porn fans who do not attach importance to chic, sili­co­ne breasts and high-quality pro­duc­tion tech­ni­ques. Realsexpass offers natu­ral horny ama­teurs, ple­nty of buk­ka­ke, group sex and kinky ama­teur sex.

Visit Realsexpass.com
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
GroßbritannienUnited Kingdom
Cost:$34.95 / month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$79.95 / 3 months
$99.95 / 6 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank transfer
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental con­trol filter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:every 2–3 days
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:35,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:1600 × 1064 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:no
Quantity:3,500 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:60 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no


Demo pics

Test report summary for Realsexpass.com

The extra class of British ama­teur porn

This porn net­work brings tog­e­ther various video pro­du­cers from the UK. You will get an insight into British sex clubs and swin­gers clubs. There you can see cuck­ol­ding, wife sha­ring, swin­ger sex and buk­ka­ke of dirty ama­teurs. Really very horny!

  • Image qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 67%
  • Exclusivity – 50%
  • Models – 83%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 50%
  • Promises / Reality – 67%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 83%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 100%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Incredibly horny ama­teur gangbangs
  • Perverted cum games, lots of bukkake
  • Real orgasms and real feelings
  • Simple navi­ga­ti­on and good page layout
  • Helpful rating function


  • No image down­load as ZIP file
  • Checked cross-selling box in pay­ment form
  • Videos and pho­tos are not exclusive
  • Video qua­li­ty most­ly amateurish
  • To less text in scene descriptions
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