Test - Review: WickedPictures.com

Test: Wicked.com

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Review: Review of the incredibly horny premium porn site Wicked.com (WickedPictures)

Wicked Pictures is one of the big­gest porn pro­du­cers in the United States. Just like PRIVATE, VIVID and Digital Playground, WICKED cle­ar­ly stands out from the usual porn films. Instead of cut-together sex sce­nes, they are often real fea­ture films (movies) with enter­tain­ment value.

They not only have above-average image and sound qua­li­ty, but also a logi­cal plot, with ela­bo­ra­te cos­tu­mes, beau­tiful actors and cool loca­ti­ons. Wicked Pictures is extre­me­ly suc­cessful with this con­cept and regu­lar­ly wins awards and accolades.

Besides self-initiated WICKED fea­ture film porn, the ree­nac­ted par­odies such as Star Wars XXX, Peter Pan XXX , Batman V Superman XXX, Cinderella XXX, Men In Black: A Hardcore Parody , Scream XXX, Supergirl XXX (Superman Parody), Avengers XXX and many more are very popu­lar. Most of the time Axel Braun was the director.

For seve­ral months now, I’ve been flir­ting with the idea of final­ly giving Wicked Pictures a cri­ti­cal review. In this review, I want to tell you what I saw during my mem­ber­ship. I always wel­co­me ques­ti­ons and comm­ents. Please write me your opi­ni­on below this review in the com­ment field.

Visit WickedPictures.com

Opinion about the preview area of Wicked.com

Wicked Pictures TestIf you open wicked.com in the brow­ser, you will first be offe­red „the usual porn stan­dard“. A menu bar, a large slider in which self-advertising runs and a small over­view of what can be found in the indi­vi­du­al categories 

You can get a first over­view of the offe­red ero­tic movies via the many uncen­so­red pre­view pic­tures. Even if one gets to see the „pay bar­ri­er“ quite quick­ly, one can dive very deep­ly into the pre­view area.

In the „Explore“ menu, the sub-items „Scenes“. „Movies“ and „Girls“ can be explo­red in more detail. In all other menu items, you are imme­dia­te­ly in front of the form to com­ple­te the mem­ber­ship. For the sake of sim­pli­ci­ty, I will go through each of the menu items in detail:

  • Scenes: The newest clips are dis­play­ed here by default. The small but­ton on the right above the pre­view images can be used to chan­ge the sort­ing. You can choo­se bet­ween sort­ing by rating and sort­ing by most view­ed.

    If you click on one of the pre­view images, you will land in the detail­ed view of the respec­ti­ve photo. A litt­le anti­ci­pa­ti­on is pro­vi­ded by the large video win­dow with an arrow in it. But the anti­ci­pa­ti­on does not last long. Instead of a pre­view video, you are pre­sen­ted with the regis­tra­ti­on form again.

    Otherwise, you can get a good over­view of how the site is gene­ral­ly struc­tu­red. What is con­fu­sing, howe­ver, is that cli­cking on a pre­view image eit­her brings up the video page or the sign-up form.
  • Movies: This area is struc­tu­red in the same way as the Scenes area. With one dif­fe­rence, that here the sce­nes are available in full DVD length.
    Girls: This is the last menu item that you can take a clo­ser look at. The start page of this sec­tion is simi­lar to the others. If you click on one of the pre­view images, you unfort­u­na­te­ly end up back in the regis­tra­ti­on form.
Pete Pan XXX - Axel Braun Parodie
Pete Pan XXX – Axel Braun Parody

Porn page rating – registration

Once one has been con­vin­ced, the regis­tra­ti­on can be done in two pos­si­ble ways. Once, by cli­cking through the pre­view area until the regis­tra­ti­on form appears. The second is star­ted by cli­cking the red but­ton in the upper-left cor­ner. Which of the two methods you choo­se remains the same – you always end up on the same form.

  • In the first step, you enter a user­na­me and a pass­word. The second step is to choo­se a pay­ment plan. You can choo­se bet­ween four opti­ons, but I do not recom­mend the trial sub­scrip­ti­on. This is limi­t­ed access, where you do not get full access to all areas.
  • If you want to test it first, you can choo­se the 1‑month access for 29.99 euros. Quarterly and annu­al access can also be sel­ec­ted. The last step is to sel­ect the pay­ment method. The cre­dit card opti­on can be sel­ec­ted direct­ly. There are also other pay­ment methods behind the check­box „Other Payment Options“.
  • A pay­ment form from EPOCH opens. There it is again sum­ma­ri­zed that it con­cerns a mem­ber­ship of the side www.wickedpictures.com. It tells you what the mem­ber­ship costs and that it will be rene­wed month­ly if it is not can­ce­led. There is also a note that says „mgbil­lin­gu“ on the bil­ling statement.
  • I choo­se the opti­on „SOFORT Payment“ becau­se there is no dan­ger of unaut­ho­ri­zed debits. The form chan­ges, and you only have to enter your first and last name, zip code, coun­try and an email address. There are no cross-selling fields, with which unwan­ted pro­ducts are to be fois­ted, to be che­cked off.
  • Clicking on „Complete this tran­sac­tion“ starts the actu­al pay­ment. The pro­cess varies depen­ding on the bank, e.g. via Mobile TAN.

Unfortunately, there is a small slip-up. After the order has been pla­ced, a win­dow with all the neces­sa­ry data is dis­play­ed. However, this dis­ap­pears so quick­ly that there is no oppor­tu­ni­ty to take a screen­shot or print out the page. Under cer­tain cir­cum­s­tances, this can cause pro­blems if the con­fir­ma­ti­on e‑mail is not deli­ver­ed correctly.

At the same time, one gets an email with a clear order sum­ma­ry sent by EPOCH.

Deadpool XXX - Porn parody
Deadpool XXX – Porn parody

Test – Review of the Wicked.com Member Area

After log­ging in, I am con­fu­sed at first. Instead of landing on the home page of wickedpictures.com, I am pre­sen­ted with a page of adver­ti­se­ments for various net­works. Only after a few seconds and some sear­ching, I find the solu­ti­on. One is in a glo­bal porn soft­ware cal­led „PORNPORTAL“ and has to click on the but­ton „Continue to Wicked“ and best in front of it the hook „Skip this step the next time I log in“! Only then you will be for­ward­ed to the actu­al start page.

If you have a clo­ser look at the start page, you will find your way around quite quick­ly after log­ging in. Only a few menu items have been added. Behind these are addi­tio­nal adver­ti­sing offers that you can book. That is also the point that strikes me nega­tively. At all cor­ners, one encoun­ters adver­ti­se­ments which make fur­ther offers.

The most important navi­ga­ti­on points are Explore -> Scenes, Movies, Girls and Categories.

Understandable page structure with many features

The Scenes, Movies and Girls sec­tions look exact­ly the same as they do in the pre­view. However, the scene pages look a bit dif­fe­rent. There are now two but­tons „Settings“ and „Download“ under the big video win­dow bes­i­des the „Like“ and „Favorite“ buttons.

Star Wars XXX - Porn parody
Star Wars XXX – Porn parody

Unfortunately, the soft­ware uses a Flash-based play­er and is not one of the fas­test. Even in the second-lowest qua­li­ty level, the movies take some time to play smooth­ly. The play­back qua­li­ty can be set via the set­tings but­ton. This is available in four levels, from SD to Full HD.

If you click on the down­load but­ton, you will be dis­ap­poin­ted! Instead of down­loa­ding the movies to the hard drive, you are asked to order a VIP pass. In plain lan­guage, this means that you pay 30 Euros a month and then have to pay ano­ther 10 Euros a month to down­load the movies to your hard drive. That is more than annoy­ing!!! But if you install the brow­ser plug­ins Firefox Ant Video Downloader or Chrome Video Downloader Pro, you can still down­load the videos. 🙂

Really hel­pful is the rating func­tion and the pos­si­bi­li­ty to add the movie to your favo­ri­tes. A per­for­mer list (Featured Performers) is handy, as you can find all the porn stars by name and from there you can go to a model sedcard page.

The cate­go­ries, the scene descrip­ti­on; the num­ber of votes; the release date; the dis­play in which DVD the scene appears; as well as the com­ment func­tion are also very informative.

Batman XXX - Porn parody
Batman XXX – Porn parody

First hand high quality porn

Currently you can down­load over 900 porn DVDs (movies). This is an uni­ma­gi­nable amount and the month­ly fee is a joke! Most of the DVDs are also down­loa­da­ble in sce­nes. Currently, over 5,000 porn sce­nes offered.

Since Wicked Pictures is a porn pro­du­cer, we could have sor­ted this review into the cate­o­ries Video on Demand, or Porn Networks. But since the porn label pri­ma­ri­ly shows sex movies, we deci­ded to put it in the sex movies category.

First-class content of the sex movies

Actually, you can expect a lot of varie­ty in the sex sce­nes from one of the „big­gest porn pro­du­cers in the USA“. However, it is noti­ceable that the acts are rather in the realm of „nor­mal“ and hard­ly show any extra­or­di­na­ry acts. Solo ladies, nor­mal 1‑on‑1 sex, mas­tur­ba­ti­on or les­bi­an games are most often seen.

Cinderella XXX Porn parody
Cinderella XXX Porn parody

The porn most­ly always fol­lows the same sche­me: blo­wjob, vagi­na sex, anal sex, cumshot in the face. If you want to see pas­sio­na­te BDSM, horny squirt – orgasms or a gang­bang with real fee­lings, you have bad cards here.

Many ladies com­plain that porn usual­ly has no action. To their delight, it should be men­tio­ned that many Wicked porn movies can rather be cal­led sex game movies. Especially the porn par­odies and sex movies with a plot have a cer­tain enter­tain­ment cha­rac­ter and are defi­ni­te­ly female-friendly. If you are plan­ning to thrill your part­ner with sex movies, you should choo­se a Wicked Pictures porn.

However, the movies are all in English only and you eit­her under­stand English or igno­re the tal­king scenes.

Cinderella XXX Axel Braun
Cinderella XXX Axel Braun, Pornstar: Samantha Saint

High class pornstars

Currently, you can find about 760 porn actres­ses on Wicked Pictures. Most of them are very pret­ty and well-built. Thus, an incre­di­ble varie­ty of beau­ty ide­als is served.

The stu­dio has many well-known ero­tic stars under con­tract for its porn fea­ture films. Very popu­lar are e.g. Jenna Jameson, Stormy Daniels, Lisa Ann, Jessica Drake, Chasey Lain, Austin Kincaid, Madelyn Marie, Holly Sampson, Samantha Saint, Asa Akira, Alektra Blue, Nicole Aniston, Christy Mack, Stormy Daniels, Alexis Taxas, Eva Angelina, Kirsten Price, Lexi Belle, India Summer, Dillion Harper, Jenna Haze, Jenna Presley, Nikki Benz, Misty Stone, Riley Reid, Riley Steele, Holly Sampson, Brandi Love, Romi Rain, Faye Reagan, Kristen Price, Sophia Rossi, Stormy Daniels, Anikka Albrite, Chasey Lain, Katsuni, Natalia Starr, Annie Cruz, Kelly Diamond, Sara Luvv, Jenny Hendrix, Brooklyn Lee, Brooklyn Lee, Tera Patrick, Hillary Scott, Abbey Brooks, Briana Banks, Nina Hartley, Katja Kassin, Marie Luv, Sandee Westgate, Angela White, Puma Swede, Valentina Nappi, Amy Brooke, Spencer Scott, Juli Ashton, Jennifer Luv, Kaycee Brooks, Allie Haze and Lupe Fuentes 

The acting qua­li­ties dif­fer among the multi­tu­de of models. Some act quite natu­ral­ly, while more often you will encoun­ter unna­tu­ral­ly loud moans. But tas­tes are dif­fe­rent and many Americans seem to like big sili­co­ne breasts, spray­ed lips and arti­fi­ci­al moans. ^^

Prinzessin Leia bläst Penis von Darth Vader
Star Wars XXX: Princess Leia sucks penis of Darth Vader

Many porn videos with condom

For Europeans, it takes some get­ting used to that almost all female-male sce­nes are shot with con­doms. Wicked is one of the few com­pa­nies that have made con­doms mandatory 

This has a simp­le and serious back­ground. In the United States, there have been seve­ral cases in the past where per­for­mers have con­cea­led HIV dise­a­se. After the dise­a­ses beca­me known, the porn indus­try came under heavy pressure 

Although in the mean­ti­me, with health cer­ti­fi­ca­tes and medi­cal cer­ti­fi­ca­tes con­sider­a­b­ly more atten­ti­on is paid to the health of the porn stars, Wicked also wants to set a „sign“ for the health edu­ca­ti­on of the view­ers and porn consumers.

Picture galleries somewhat hidden

Only by chan­ce, I dis­co­ver­ed the pic­tu­re gal­le­ries. If you take a clo­ser look at the model pages, you will find an incon­spi­cuous box with the title „Picture Gallery“ for some models 

Through this, you can call up thou­sands of pho­tos, which can be easi­ly scrol­led and navi­ga­ted. Very cool is also a slide­show func­tion, which scrolls the pho­tos every 3 seconds.

It is also pos­si­ble to down­load enti­re photo gal­le­ries as ZIP files. The pho­tos have a gigan­tic reso­lu­ti­on of 2495 x 1663 pixels. The pho­tos were also taken by pro­fes­sio­nals. Apparently, the shoo­ting was always inter­rupt­ed for a few snapshots.

The pic­tu­re gal­le­ries of many porn movies are hid­den via the incon­spi­cuous but­ton at the top right above the video win­dow under Options -> View Pictures.

Even if pho­to­gra­phy is dis­ap­pearing more and more in the shadow of high-resolution HD vide­os, there are still quite a few fans of well-done photos.

Axel Braun Porn
The Axel Braun porn cos­tu­mes look bet­ter than film stu­di­os in Hollywood.

Opinions about page structure & design

The page struc­tu­re of wickedpictures.com is rela­tively simp­le and fol­lows the stan­dards. At the top, you will find the menu and below that the indi­vi­du­al sec­tions in the DeepL access. So far, this is logical 

What is a bit con­fu­sing and is alre­a­dy included in the point „design“ is the adver­ti­sing, which can be found ever­y­whe­re on the page. This dis­turbs the actual­ly good design con­sider­a­b­ly. A posi­ti­ve point are the colors. They are very res­trai­ned and do not dis­tract from the con­tent of the page.

I was posi­tively sur­pri­sed by the iPhone test. The page design adapts „respon­si­ve“ to the mobi­le device. This means that you can also surf the site on your mobi­le device wit­hout any pro­blems and access all sce­nes and pho­tos. Other ero­tic sites can take a leaf out of this book. Really great!

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

The side ope­ra­tors do not push the cus­to­mer with the nose on it, how one can quit the sub­scrip­ti­on again. After all, one should remain a pay­ing mem­ber for a few months. However, the site https://support.wickedpictures.com/ has been set up, which can be acces­sed via the foo­ter menu at the bot­tom of the web page.

Spider Man XXX - A porn parody
Spider Man XXX – A porn parody

One can find on this site a phone num­ber, a live chat, a cont­act to the Skype chat and a F.A.Q. explai­ning the most important ques­ti­ons. Hardly any porn site dri­ves up with such a trans­pa­rent sup­port offer!!!!

We are inte­res­ted in the link „How can I can­cel my mem­ber­ship“, which can be rea­ched via the top menu „Billing Questions“. There it says under „Cancel via online form“ that the pro­cess should take three days 

However, I don’t feel like wai­ting and remem­ber the e‑mail order con­fir­ma­ti­on from EPOCH. I click on the EPOCH link in the email, land on a form cal­led „FIND MY PURCHASE“, enter my user­na­me and email, and click on the „Find my purcha­se“ button.

Voila, it shows under „Manage Your Purchases“ the boo­king. Again, you can can­cel via chat, Skype or phone. I then click on the „Cancel“ but­ton to the right of the order.

A box opens asking for the can­cel­la­ti­on reason (Cancel Reason). I sel­ect „No pro­blem, just moving on“ and click „Cancel Purchase“. A page opens with the title „Special Offer“. We decli­ne the spe­cial offer with „No Thanks“ and click the Submit button.

That’s it. You end up back in the sub­scrip­ti­on over­view page and see „Cancelled Recurring“. At the same time, you’ll recei­ve a can­cel­la­ti­on con­fir­ma­ti­on email.

Batman vs Superman XXX Wicked Pictures
Batman v Superman XXX Wicked Pictures

Review conclusion of the Wicked.com test report

Wicked Pictures is next to Digital Playground and VIVID defi­ni­te­ly THE place to go for high-quality porn with a storyline! 

Due to the par­ti­al block­bus­ter loca­ti­ons, the extre­me­ly good-looking actors in star-cast, the beau­tiful cos­tu­mes and pro­fes­sio­nal pro­duc­tion tech­ni­ques – you could think you are wat­ching a nor­mal good fea­ture film with sex scenes! 

Besides damn good par­odies and female-friendly porn, you can also find thou­sands of high-quality ero­tic movies, but they are more like the nor­mal „American one-size-fits-all“.

The porn par­odies Star Wars, Peter Pan, Batman, Superman and Cinderella alone are worth sub­scrib­ing to wickedpictures.com. If you are also a fan of a super­star, you should not miss the extre­me­ly high-quality fuck movies either!

What is a bit dis­tur­bing is that many sce­nes seem „over­ac­ted“ (exag­ge­ra­ted). So, you will get to hear abnor­mal­ly loud moa­ning more often. Also, since I’m per­so­nal­ly not into sili­co­ne breasts and pla­s­tic sur­gery, I find many films a bit too arti­fi­ci­al and over-acted.

The regis­tra­ti­on is simp­le and fair. The fact that no other cross-selling offers are fois­ted on me is a big plus. However, two things bother me: First, that despi­te an expen­si­ve mem­ber­ship, you are con­stant­ly asked to invest more money. That alone would still be some­what beara­ble. But even for the down­load opti­on, you have to sign up for ano­ther membership.

Visit WickedPictures.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$1.00 / 2 days (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$29.99 / month
$59.95 / 3 months
$100.88 / 1 year
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:300,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:2495 x 1663 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Number:5,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:60 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:100,000 kB/sec
Format:FLV, MP4
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no


Test report summary for WickedPictures.com

Porn in block­bus­ter fea­ture film format

This porn stu­dio has pro­ven seve­ral times that the balan­cing act bet­ween a real fea­ture film hand­ling and por­no­gra­phy can work. The pro­fes­sio­nal cos­tu­mes, loca­ti­ons and props pro­vi­de a coher­ent over­all pic­tu­re and ensu­re that porn movies can also be enjoy­ed tog­e­ther with the part­ner. In our review, this porn site gets a very clear recommendation.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 50%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 83%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 83%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 33%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Extremely high-quality porn
  • Parodies of popu­lar cine­ma movies
  • Very famous and popu­lar porn stars
  • Women-friendly ero­tic fea­ture films
  • High qua­li­ty built website


  • Extremely much advertising
  • Download fea­ture costs $10 extra
  • Acted emo­ti­ons
  • Many models have sili­co­ne breasts
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