Test - Review: AdultVideoLink.com

Test: AdultVideoLink.com

Test - Review: AdultVideoLink.com

Test: AdultVideoLink.com

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In the last few years, online video stores have seen great growth. This is no won­der, as it is cheap and con­ve­ni­ent to watch vide­os on demand (VoD) at home on your TV or PC.

As nice as that is, there is one pro­blem. Big pro­vi­ders like NETFLIX, Amazon PRIME, iTunes, max­do­me, SKY Ticket etc. don’t offer porn, pro­ba­b­ly becau­se that would­n’t be good for their image. However, many men like to watch porn at least occa­sio­nal­ly, eit­her to relax or to get some inspiration.

Therefore, in order to indul­ge in your plea­su­res, you need to choo­se a pro­vi­der that spe­cia­li­zes in porn. The best porn VoD por­tals are: Erotik.com, AdultEmpire, AEBN, Gamelink and Hotmovies

One of the big­gest in the indus­try is Adultvideolink, which I would like to intro­du­ce to you in this review. The com­pa­ny is based in New Jersey in the USA and, accor­ding to its own infor­ma­ti­on, offers more than 100,000 vide­os with well over a mil­li­on sce­nes shot by hundreds of the best-known stu­di­os on its web­site

Since I like porn and am curious, I deci­ded to sign up on Adultvideolink.com and put the sex site to a test. In this review you will find out whe­ther it is worth sig­ning up or not. I am inte­res­ted in your opi­ni­on! Please write me a com­ment below the review.

Visit AdultVideoLink.com

The first impres­si­on is not very pro­mi­sing. Adultvideolink.com seems somehow old-fashioned. Already when ope­ning the web­site I expe­ri­en­ced a dis­ap­point­ment. The page is domi­na­ted by a large play­er, on whose dis­play I could not see any­thing. The play­er used is Adobe Flash Player, which my Linux ope­ra­ting sys­tem does not support 

On my secon­da­ry device with Windows 10, I could click on the play­er, but still not­hing hap­pen­ed. The dis­play area remain­ed black. On the bot­tom left I found a but­ton „Free Samples“ with the cate­go­ries HQ, Super, High, Medium, Low. When I cli­cked on it, some­thing final­ly hap­pen­ed. You get to see a mon­ta­ge of dif­fe­rent sce­nes of 60 seconds dura­ti­on. The sce­nes are always the same. While the pic­tu­re qua­li­ty is accep­ta­ble in the HQ cate­go­ry, it was so bad in „Low“ that I could see almost nothing 

At the top you’ll find the search opti­ons, divi­ded into cate­go­ries, stu­di­os and stars. You can also search by keyword.

You can also brow­se the cate­go­ries New Releases, Best Sellers, Best Rated or Random Selection. Despite inten­si­ve sear­ches, I could not find any German porn.

Rating of the porn sites registration

Membership is free. There are no month­ly fees becau­se you have to pay for the stream per minu­te (Pay per Minute – PPM). New mem­bers get 10 free minu­tes to get acquain­ted

To regis­ter, you have to click on the „Register“ but­ton in the upper left cor­ner. This will open the usual form where you have to enter your first and last name and set a user­na­me and pass­word. An e‑mail address is also requi­red for regis­tra­ti­on

From expe­ri­ence, I recom­mend that you open an account at GMail that you use only for porn sites. This way, your nor­mal mail­box will remain „clean“ and will not be floo­ded with emails with por­no­gra­phic con­tent or spam. After you con­firm that you are over 18 years old, click on the „Submit“ but­ton.

You’ll prompt­ly be taken to a wel­co­me page, which will indi­ca­te that an account has been ope­ned, gran­ting access to 100,000 movies from the best stu­di­os and hot­test stars. A link leads to the pro­mi­sed 10 free minu­tes. Another link spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for new cus­to­mers leads to a page explai­ning strea­ming and down­loa­ding videos 

After cli­cking on the link the cre­dit card data will be reques­ted. This is done once when you sign up. If you want to watch movies later, you don’t have to type the info again each time. Of cour­se, I wan­ted to test the site and ente­red my infor­ma­ti­on. The card was not char­ged and in the shop­ping cart was the item „Streaming Minutes for 0.00 Euro. 

To com­ple­te the regis­tra­ti­on, I cli­cked on the „Submit Order“ but­ton. That direc­ted me to ano­ther web page that told me, „Congratulations! Your order has been suc­cessful­ly pro­ces­sed.“ The pay­ment details are dis­play­ed again. I then ente­red the mem­ber area.

Test – Review Member Area

The mem­bers area is just as desi­gned and struc­tu­red as the pre­view area. Here, too, the screen is domi­na­ted by the large area of the old-fashioned Flash play­er. Above it I read my name, com­bi­ned with a „Welcome“ and the mes­sa­ge that I have 10 minu­tes of strea­ming available.

First of all, I sear­ched in the cate­go­ries. When you sel­ect a cate­go­ry, you will see the titles of all DVDs that are offe­red there. Next to it you see the dif­fe­rent opti­ons for qua­li­ty and strea­ming along with a short sum­ma­ry of the content. 

You can’t see how often the site is updated, becau­se none of the vide­os, not even the ones in the „Latest Additions“ sec­tion, have a release date. The enti­re web­site is in English, there is no opti­on to sel­ect ano­ther lan­guage. The fact that there are no annoy­ing adver­ti­se­ments is only a small consolation.

Quality & impression of the videos

Exactly how much video is offe­red is not reve­a­led by the web­site ope­ra­tor. At one point there is talk of 80,000, at ano­ther point of 100,000.

To watch the movies you can choo­se from seve­ral opti­ons, which are explai­ned HERE:

  • Stream – Pay per minu­te in HQ|Super|High|Medium|Low qualities
  • Streaming Rental – Rent the video for 2 days and watch it as many times as you want.
  • Stream Forever – As long as the mem­ber­ship lasts, the video can be wat­ched for an unli­mi­t­ed time and as many times as you like
  • Download DRM-free – The video is down­loa­ded to your hard drive in MP4 for­mat wit­hout copy pro­tec­tion. It can be bur­ned to DVD.

Unfortunately, the old Adobe Flash Player is still used for play­back, alt­hough there are now modern and bet­ter media play­ers. Each video is offe­red in the qua­li­ties HQ, Super, High, Medium and Low. However, the reso­lu­ti­on is not spe­ci­fied. Probably HQ cor­re­sponds to Full HD. For com­pa­ri­son, I brief­ly sel­ec­ted the Low qua­li­ty. There was hard­ly any­thing to see, so I gave up after a few seconds. Fast-forwarding and rewinding takes quite some time. In bet­ween, the video stops every now and then.

What porn is there?

The vide­os are com­mer­cial porn that was shot by pro­fes­sio­nals in the stu­dio or part­ly out­doors. This is noti­ceable in the trai­ned beha­vi­or of the actors, the came­ra work and light­ing, as well as the sets.

The movies have nor­mal fea­ture length. Some are even much lon­ger. Due to the limi­t­ed search opti­ons, I can’t say whe­ther there are any inte­res­t­ing films hid­den among them.

It would be pure coin­ci­dence to come across a good, sti­mu­la­ting film while brow­sing. To look for it spe­ci­fi­cal­ly is not pos­si­ble. All descrip­ti­ons and dia­logs are in English. On a posi­ti­ve note, there is no daily volu­me limit.

Opinions on page structure & design

The back­ground of the page is kept in white color. Due to the high con­trast, texts, gra­phics and images are easy to see. However, this is almost the only posi­ti­ve fact about this web­site. The design seems old-fashioned and somehow home­ly, in any case not stimulating.

The pro­vi­der seems to be very stin­gy with infor­ma­ti­on. There is only a spar­se syn­op­sis as well as data about the run­ning time, the stu­dio and the main actors. A free trai­ler is not offe­red, so you’­re prac­ti­cal­ly buy­ing a pig in a poke.

The scene fin­der is no help eit­her, as it is only a screen­shot of the movie scene in ques­ti­on. The cate­go­ries offe­red for sear­ching are too rough to find a spe­ci­fic movie. When sear­ching for porn stars, a list with the alpha­bet pops up. Clicking on a let­ter brings up ano­ther list of names of that initi­al letter 

Clicking on a name dis­plays the per­for­mer’s DVDs stored on Adultvideolink.com. No bio­gra­phy or other infor­ma­ti­on is pro­vi­ded. There is a mobi­le ver­si­on of the site, but its fea­tures are even more limi­t­ed than those of the PC version.

Although the „video on demand con­cept“, e.g. on AEBN and Hotmovies real­ly con­vin­ces me, the Adultvideolink.com site rather dis­ap­poin­ted me. The sex site is (sup­po­sedly) one of the big­gest in the porn VoD cate­go­ry with 100,000 porn movies – In my opi­ni­on, it is tech­ni­cal­ly com­ple­te­ly outdated.

Despite inten­si­ve search, I did not find a sin­gle German porn. The movies on Adultvideolink.com seem to be most­ly cheap mass-produced stuff from the American Porn Valley. Among them may be some good flicks, but they are hard to find becau­se the search is very limited.

I can’t recom­mend the web­site, becau­se it uses an out­da­ted play­er and a tar­ge­ted search for movies is not pos­si­ble. Playback is not smooth and the mobi­le ver­si­on comes with seve­re limi­ta­ti­ons when using it. The only posi­ti­ve thing I can note is that you can get an over­view thanks to the 10 free minu­tes. As long as AVL (Adult Video Link) does not relaunch (moder­ni­ze) its porn site, I can not recom­mend it to you. There are much bet­ter VoD pro­vi­ders.

Visit AdultVideoLink.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card
Member manage­ment:no
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:every 2–3 days
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:0 porn images
Ø Resolution:-
Image Gallery Control:-
ZIP archi­ves:-
Count:100,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:60 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for AdultVideoLink.com

Moderately good video on demand (VoD) por­tal for porn

Of all the porn VoD pro­vi­ders, AdultVideoLink is one of the worst. The video-on-demand con­cept is very poor­ly imple­men­ted. The tech­no­lo­gies of the web­site are very anti­qua­ted and it is not much fun to surf on this porn site.


  • Image qua­li­ty – 80%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 80%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 80%
  • Exclusivity – 50%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 80%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 83%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 17%
  • Navigation – 50%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 17%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 67%
  • Price-performance ratio – 67%
  • Payment – 50%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 67%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 80%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 33%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Gigantic porn offering
  • Cool choice: Rent or buy porn DVDs?


  • Old-school, unat­trac­ti­ve design
  • Complicated page structure
  • Outdated Flash Player
  • No German porn movies
  • Long sub­scrip­ti­on can­cel­la­ti­on procedure
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