Test - Review: Gamelink.com

Test: GameLink.com

Test - Review: Gamelink.com

Test: GameLink.com

2 8,429

Can you still remem­ber the days when video stores were the latest thing? There were seve­ral of them in most major cities. They offe­red a wide range of movies, from child­ren’s and fami­ly films to action, thril­lers, wes­terns and hor­ror. At the very back, in a sepa­ra­te area, there was the „smut cor­ner“ where you could rent porn.

Today, video stores have almost dis­ap­peared from the scene. They have been repla­ced by strea­ming ser­vices that allow you to watch the latest vide­os in the com­fort of your home on your TV. Well-known pro­vi­ders are Maxdome, AMAZON Prime or Netflix, but also EntertainTV from Telekom or Select Video from Vodafone/Kabel Deutschland. As good as these offers may be, they have one catch: porn is not part of the offer. These gaps are fil­led by spe­cial pro­vi­ders like Gamelink.com and others.

Gamelink Review

Surely you are one of those men who watch porn from time to time. Then Gamelink.com is a site that you should remem­ber. The name is mis­lea­ding becau­se it is not at all a plat­form for com­pu­ter games. Rather, Gamelink.com is one of the lar­gest pro­vi­ders of vide­os on demand (VOD) that spe­cia­li­zes in porn. The web­site has a huge archi­ve of more than 110,000 (!) porn movies of all con­ceiva­ble categories.

I took a clo­ser look at GameLink. I hope that I can help you with this review to find a good source where you can buy your porn online legal­ly and chea­p­ly in the future.(Because almost all con­tent of PornTube por­tals is ille­gal!) Please leave a com­ment below the review if you have any ques­ti­ons or want to leave your opi­ni­on about the ero­tic site or this review.

Visit Gamelink.com

The pre­view area is domi­na­ted by a slide show, where 5 porn movies are con­stant­ly pre­sen­ted in a loop. However, only one of them allows a free trai­ler as an appe­ti­zer. The enti­re pre­view area is in English. Unfortunately, there is no opti­on to sel­ect German as the language.

The sel­ec­tion of movies is down­right over­whel­ming. You can choo­se from many cate­go­ries, from A for anal sex to T for teens. You can find German porn in the Ethnic Porn cate­go­ry in the German sub­me­nu. There are almost 1,700 titles to choo­se from.

If you click on a title, you will see the cover of the DVD in ques­ti­on. You can also view the back cover. Further down you will find a short DeepL descrip­ti­on, the names of the actors and the pro­duc­tion stu­dio. You can see what other movies of the porn­star in ques­ti­on are available on Gamelink, which movies are espe­ci­al­ly hot or just released and which ones are espe­ci­al­ly popu­lar among the members.

In the search bar at the top you can search for movies, stars and stu­di­os. For stars alone, you will get more than 45,000 results. The ero­tic vide­os are pro­du­ced by more than 1,700 stu­di­os(also cal­led labels). There are num­e­rous fil­ters available for the vast num­ber of search results. The most com­mon fil­ters are by porn cate­go­ry, natio­na­li­ty of the per­for­mers or qua­li­ty of the stream.

All in all, the pre­view area looks very sti­mu­la­ting and rai­ses high hopes for the con­tent in the mem­bers area. howe­ver, I found the facts that I could only watch a free trai­ler and that only English is offe­red as the lan­guage as a short­co­ming. Expectantly, I regis­tered with Gamelink.com.

Evaluation of the porn sites registration

The regis­tra­ti­on on Gamelink is com­pa­ra­tively simp­le. You don’t need a user­na­me, but the email address you pro­vi­de during regis­tra­ti­on is also your username.

In my expe­ri­ence, it is bet­ter to use an email address that is exclu­si­ve­ly for porn sites like Gamelink. GMail is espe­ci­al­ly good becau­se other pro­vi­ders like Web.de, Freenet or T‑Online often fil­ter out e‑mails with por­no­gra­phic con­tent and do not deli­ver them to you.

The next step is to choo­se your pass­word. However, for con­ve­ni­ence, you should not use the same pass­word for mul­ti­ple sites or choo­se one that is easy to guess. The safest way is to use a pass­word sug­gested by Google, which con­sists of a series of ran­dom let­ters, num­bers and cha­rac­ters. Google Smart Lock remem­bers the pass­word and saves it, so you don’t have to remem­ber it.

To gain access to the web­site, you need to check „I am 18 and over and accept the terms and con­di­ti­ons“ in the check­box. Below that, ano­ther check­box alre­a­dy has a check mark. This means that you agree to recei­ve adver­ti­sing by e‑mail. With this, the regis­tra­ti­on is alre­a­dy finis­hed and you may enter the mem­ber area.

Since Gamelink is avideo on demand“ site, as a new mem­ber, you must first sel­ect a pay­ment method. Unfortunately, Gamelink only allows pay­ment with a VisaCard or MasterCard cre­dit card. It is recom­men­ded to use a pre­paid cre­dit card. This card only works on a cre­dit basis. This way you are safe from unaut­ho­ri­zed char­ges. In addi­ti­on, your part­ner will not find out from the cre­dit card state­ment of the house bank that you are on porn sites. You only need to enter your cre­dit card details once becau­se they are stored in the system.


Test – Review Member Area

The mem­ber area is hard­ly dif­fe­rent from the pre­view. The site is well-structured and the navi­ga­ti­on is simp­le. Nevertheless, it was a bit dif­fi­cult for me to find my way around at the begin­ning. The reason is the huge offer of porn, gen­res (the­mes) and stu­di­os. Every new­co­mer will need a while to find his way around.

Good thing that there are various fil­ter opti­ons to find movies. For exam­p­le, you can search for cate­go­ries like Threesome or Gangbang or even for spe­ci­fic actres­ses. You can find German sex movies in the Ethnic cate­go­ry under the German sub­hea­ding. Within each cate­go­ry, you can fil­ter the results even further.

On the posi­ti­ve side, you won’t be annoy­ed by ads while sur­fing. Current vide­os are put online daily and can be found in the „Just Added“ sec­tion. On the nega­ti­ve side, I noti­ced that all texts, inclu­ding those of German vide­os, are only available in English.

Which porn videos are offered?

Among the more than 110,000 vide­os in total, there are also just under 1,700 German clips (German per­for­mers, German pro­duc­tion com­pa­nies). Unfortunately, there are no trai­lers to watch to get a taste of the con­tent of the strip.

Almost all known porn stu­di­os are included. American labels that could be men­tio­ned are: VIVID, HUSTLER, BRAZZERS, Digital Playground, Girlsway, Devils Film, Elegant Angel, Reality Kings, Jules Jordan Videos, Digital Sin, New Sensations, Girlfriends Film, Zero Tolerance, Wicked Picture, Adam &. Eve, Burning Angel, Blacked, Burning Angel, Bang Bros, Harmony Films, Red Light District, Nectar Entertainment, VIXEN, Naughty America, Immoral Productions (PoroDan, Dan Leal), New Climax Production, Pink Visual, KINK, Metart.

Popular European porn labels include PRIVATE, Marc Dorcel, 21Sextury, Magmafilm, Inflagranti, Anilos, Club Seventeen, BB Video, MMV, Herzog DVD, Paradise Film and Joy Bear Pictures.

What it could be about, you will only learn from the vir­tu­al cover of the DVD and the English-language syn­op­sis. If you want to watch vide­os, you can’t avoid using your cre­dit card.

What are the ways to watch the VoD porn?

The easie­st way is to use the „Pay Per Minute“ opti­on. This buys you play­ti­me that you can use as you wish to brow­se through dif­fe­rent movies. I boo­ked the 300-minute packa­ge. The purcha­sed play­ti­me is lin­ked to your pro­fi­le and can be used on mul­ti­ple devices.

If you like a video, you have seve­ral options:

  • Stream & Download
  • Stream Only
  • 5 Days Stream Rental (rent a movie – simi­lar to a video store)
  • Buy DVD

The DVDs are ship­ped world­wi­de and have no coun­try coding. Therefore, they can be play­ed in Germany wit­hout any pro­blems.
To get an impres­si­on, I deci­ded to use the „Pay Per Minute“ opti­on. I ran­dom­ly sel­ec­ted some German porn and brief­ly snif­fed it. A litt­le tip: Individual sce­nes are che­a­per than wat­ching the DVD directly.

Quality & impression of the porn videos

You have no influence on the pic­tu­re qua­li­ty of the movies. Some movies are offe­red in SD (stan­dard defi­ni­ti­on) with a reso­lu­ti­on of 720 or 480 pixels, others in HD (high defi­ni­ti­on). Unfortunately, an out­da­ted Flash Player is used for strea­ming, so I could­n’t play the movies on my main com­pu­ter, which uses Linux Ubuntu as its ope­ra­ting sys­tem. My secon­da­ry machi­ne uses Windows 10, where the clips ran flaw­less­ly. Streaming was smooth and wit­hout jud­der. Fast-forwarding and rewinding was also pos­si­ble wit­hout any problems.

Most of the offe­red movies are pro­du­ced by pro­fes­sio­nals with high-quality equip­ment. You can see that in the movies. The stars don’t just act out the sce­nes, they are real­ly into it. They feel real plea­su­re and bring that across to the view­er. This makes the films very sti­mu­la­ting, pro­vi­ded you choo­se a cate­go­ry you like.

The sce­nes are well lit and the came­ra always points to where the action is. You get to see lots of twit­ching cocks and wet pus­sies. The girls keep loo­king at the came­ra during sex and suck you into the action with their horny eyes. You auto­ma­ti­cal­ly feel like joi­ning in and taking the place of the male per­for­mer. I also found it posi­ti­ve that at least in the German films the dia­lo­gues are also in German. In most of the vide­os on offer, howe­ver, the dia­log is in English.

How much do the films cost?

That depends on which opti­on you choose.

  • With Pay Per Minute, for exam­p­le, you can buy 10 minu­tes for just under 3 euros, 2 hours cost just under 14 euros and 50 hours cost more than 200 euros.
  • If you want to watch the enti­re movie as a strea­ming video, it will cost you about 10 euros, for strea­ming + down­load about 14 euros.
  • The che­a­pest is to rent strea­ming for 5 days, just under 6 euros. Prices vary from film to film.

Opinions on site structure & design

The site is simp­le and cle­ar­ly laid out. If you know what you are loo­king for, it does not cause any pro­blems to find the cor­re­spon­ding movie. The gra­phics and text are easy to see on the white background 

Gamelink offers a site opti­mi­zed for mobi­le devices, whose dis­play is the same as on a lap­top. However, the big draw­back was that I could not watch the movies on my Android smart­phone. As is well known, Android is based on a Linux ope­ra­ting system.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

Cancellation is not neces­sa­ry, as it is not a subscription.

Gamelink.com is one of the four lar­gest adult video on demand por­tals in the world, along with AEBN, Adultempire and Hotmovies, and not wit­hout reason. With a gigan­tic sel­ec­tion of 120,000 porn movies, Gamelink has in fact the most important movies in its assort­ment. There is prac­ti­cal­ly not­hing there that is not available. 

It is real­ly fun to brow­se through the huge offer even with litt­le know­ledge of English. The vide­os are pro­fes­sio­nal and very sti­mu­la­ting, depen­ding on the stu­dio (porn label). I am espe­ci­al­ly plea­sed that you can even find 1,700 German porn videos! 

Some con­fu­si­on is cau­sed by the incon­spi­cuous pro­ject name Gamelink. One might rather expect a video game site behind this name.

From such a big pro­vi­der like Gamelink, one could expect to use modern HTML5 media play­ers ins­tead of out­da­ted Flash play­ers. In addi­ti­on, there are no free trai­lers. You have to pay for every minu­te of video enjoy­ment. Many older movies are only offe­red in low reso­lu­ti­on (SD). Unfortunately, the porn movies as 5 hours strea­ming are quite expen­si­ve with more than 27 euros. You can watch maybe 3, maxi­mum 4 movies.

A daily flat rate for strea­ming vide­os would be desirable.

Visit Gamelink.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
GroßbritannienUnited Kingdom
Cost:Payment per ero­tic movie
DVD down­load: ca. $10.00
Stream: ca. $8.00 for Live
Streaming: 300 min: $28.00
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:every 2–3 days
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:0 porn images
Ø Resolution:-
Image Gallery Control:-
ZIP archi­ves:-
Count:112,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:120 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:10,000 kB/sec
Format:FLV, MP4
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Gamelink.com

One of the lea­ding VoD porn provider

If you want to rent, stream or down­load ori­gi­nal porn DVDs, this video-on-demand por­tal is almost per­fect. Despite an ima­gi­n­ab­ly huge num­ber of porn vide­os from all over the world, you will quick­ly find your favo­ri­te porn with just a few clicks. This pro­vi­der is fair, trust­wor­t­hy and the con­tent loads quick­ly. Absolutely great!

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 83%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 100%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 100%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
5 (2 votes)


  • Incredibly huge film selection
  • Very good value
  • Porn down­load is possible
  • No copy protection! 🙂
  • For Windows, MACintosh and Linux


  • Only cre­dit card pay­ment possible
  • Pay per minu­te quite expensive
  • Outdated flash player
  • No free trailers
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