Test - Review: Hotmovies.com

Test: Hotmovies.com

Test - Review: Hotmovies.com

Test: Hotmovies.com

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Did you know that sta­tis­ti­cal­ly 70% of men and 30% of women bet­ween the ages of 18 and 60 regu­lar­ly watch porn? This is not a bad thing, as long as your part­ner is not negle­c­ted. On the con­tra­ry, porn sti­mu­la­tes the love life – not only becau­se it is exci­ting, but also becau­se it gives sug­ges­ti­ons for one’s own sex life.

Besides porn tube por­tals and pay sites, there is a third way to watch porn. As you know it from Netflix and Amazon Prime, porn can also be wat­ched via VoD (video on demand).

One of the big­gest and best of its kind, along with Gamelink, Adultempire and AEBN, is the ero­tic site Hotmovies.com. The pro­vi­der is based in Philadelphia in the USA and has been pro­vi­ding strea­ming vide­os for its mem­bers since 2003. Initially, there were an esti­ma­ted 7,000 films. Today, the online video store has grown to more than 150,000 porn DVDs with over 1 mil­li­on ero­tic scenes 

There are no mem­ber­ship fees at Hotmovies.com. One can watch the vide­os in stream and pay per minu­te, but also rent them for a cer­tain time. If you want, you can also down­load them to your hard drive and burn them to DVD.

So much prai­se made me curious and I deci­ded to take a clo­ser look at Hotmovies.com.

Visit Hotmovies.com

Opinion about the preview area of Hotmovies.com

The first impres­si­on is posi­ti­ve. Already in the pre­view area you can guess what to expect when you enter the site. Porn vide­os upon porn vide­os are dis­play­ed, from new releases to an exten­si­ve data set of porn stars to ero­tic movies, even indi­vi­du­al sce­nes that can be view­ed on the site.

Already in the pre­view sec­tion, you can per­form a search by cate­go­ry. You will find out that Hotmovies.com not only offers porn for stan­dard tas­tes, but also ser­ves exo­tic niches. Or have you ever heard of electro-sex (278 movies) or Breast Dueling (266 movies)? I cer­tain­ly haven’t. The sheer scope of the offer tempts you to brow­se. Whatever your taste, you will almost cer­tain­ly find some­thing that inte­rests you.

However, I also noti­ced some nega­ti­ve things. hotmovies.com only allows you 3 free trai­lers per day in the pre­view sec­tion. These hard­ly deser­ve their name, as they are only a few seconds long. However, this only increased my curio­si­ty and I deci­ded to sign up.

Rating of the porn sites registration

To do this, you click on the „Try us free!“ but­ton at the very top. This opens a page with 3 pay­ment methods: Free, bil­ling per minu­te and month­ly mem­ber­ship. Since I wan­ted to look around Hotmovies.com first, I opted for the „Try us free!“ Option. All you have to do is sub­mit your cre­dit card infor­ma­ti­on, but not­hing will be char­ged. In return, you get 20 minu­tes for free, which you can use to watch vide­os or sce­nes of your choice. After the sel­ec­tion, a form pops up where you have to enter your pass­word and your email address.

As a pass­word, it is recom­men­ded to use a ran­dom com­bi­na­ti­on of num­bers, let­ters and cha­rac­ters, such as those sug­gested and also stored by Google Smart Lock. Never use pass­words that are easy to guess, such as names or bir­th­days of rela­ti­ves, or even a pass­word for mul­ti­ple sites.
It is also advi­sa­ble to use a spe­cial email address, for exam­p­le from GMail. This will pre­vent ero­tic emails from rea­ching your nor­mal mailbox.

Several payment methods are available

Several opti­ons are offe­red as pay­ment methods. However, only the pay­ment by cre­dit card works real­ly well. With all other methods, there are eit­her pro­blems or the data must be re-entered for each purcha­se. To be safe from unaut­ho­ri­zed char­ges, I used my pre­paid cre­dit card, which was accept­ed wit­hout any pro­blems. The card only works on a cre­dit basis. You can only debit what you have pre­vious­ly loaded.

Make sure that Germany is sel­ec­ted in the coun­try sel­ec­tion when choo­sing the pay­ment method. On the form there is also a small check­box, in which a check mark is alre­a­dy set. By che­cking this box you agree to recei­ve news and infor­ma­ti­on from Hotmovies.com by e‑mail. Thanks to your spe­cial e‑mail address you can leave the check­box where it is.

After veri­fi­ca­ti­on and con­fir­ma­ti­on of your cre­dit card you will get access to the mem­bers area. At the same time you will recei­ve an e‑mail with the access data.

Test – Review Member Area

The mem­ber area does not dif­fer from the pre­view. Since it is an American pro­vi­der, all texts are in English. You will not be annoy­ed with adver­ti­se­ments, but can surf undis­tur­bed and indul­ge your lust.

If you visit Hotmovies.com for the first time, you will sure­ly feel like me and you will be over­whel­med by the varie­ty of the offer. Very inte­res­t­ing are the dif­fe­rent search opti­ons that are offe­red. You can search for the latest movies, but also for clas­sics from the seven­ties and eight­ies, for stu­di­os or porn stars.

The search by cate­go­ry is also very well orga­ni­zed. Unusual, but very hel­pful is the search by sce­nes. You can fil­ter your search by cer­tain cri­te­ria, such as phy­si­que, race, hair color, sex posi­ti­on and others. The scene fin­der will show you all the clips that match your requirements.

Quality & impression of the videos

How many vide­os are offe­red on Hotmovies.com, pro­ba­b­ly not even the ope­ra­tors know exact­ly. Some talk about 150,000, others about 175,000 movies with well over 1.2 mil­li­on sce­nes. I was inte­res­ted to see how many German films are offe­red. The result of my search in „All Categories“ sur­pri­sed me. There are almost 11,500 films from Germany or almost 10,000 films in German!

To watch the vide­os Hotmovies.com offers you seve­ral opti­ons. The most com­mon is to pay per minu­te. You buy minu­tes and can use them as you wish. Since they are lin­ked to your pro­fi­le, you can use them on dif­fe­rent devices. They also do not expire. 

Furthermore, you can rent the movie for a week and watch it as many times as you want during that time. You can also buy it and watch the stream for life or choo­se the stream + down­load opti­on. Then you can save the movie to your hard drive and burn your own DVD.

Razor-sharp video quality

The tech­ni­cal qua­li­ty of the offe­red movies varies great­ly. A modern play­er is used for strea­ming. I tes­ted the movies on 3 devices: lap­top run­ning Linux Ubuntu, net­book run­ning Windows 10 and Android smart­phone. They ran flaw­less­ly on all devices. Playback was smooth and wit­hout jud­der. You can easi­ly fast-forward or rewind or switch to a spe­ci­fic scene. As far as tech­ni­cal­ly available, you can adjust the play­back qua­li­ty for each movie:

  • Low – 197k
  • Medium – 397k
  • High – 702k
  • Ultra – 1234k
  • Mega – 2041k
  • HD – 4993k

Presumably, the values are the reso­lu­ti­on. Older movies are not offe­red in HD, of cour­se, since this high-resolution for­mat has only been available since the begin­ning of the new millennium.

There are equal­ly large dif­fe­ren­ces in the artis­tic qua­li­ty of the films. There are vide­os from inter­na­tio­nal­ly known stu­di­os like Brazzers, Reality Kings or Devil’s Film, but also ama­teur foo­ta­ge from an orgy in the neigh­bor­hood swin­gers club. 

From a purely tech­ni­cal point of view, ama­teur recor­dings are also get­ting bet­ter and bet­ter, since today even inex­pen­si­ve cam­cor­ders can record vide­os in HD and are equip­ped with an image stabilizer.

Thousands and thousands of porn DVD of all porn studios

For me, both cate­go­ries, pro­fes­sio­nal movies and ama­teur recor­dings, have their charms. Professional vide­os fea­ture per­for­mers who know how to move in front of the camera.

The women have dream figu­res, are per­fect­ly sty­led and wear expen­si­ve lin­ge­rie or lac­quer and lea­ther, which empha­si­zes their charms. The male actors are well endo­wed and stur­dy. Their well-toned bodies arou­se envy.

In return, I like the unin­hi­bi­ted, natu­ral man­ner of the ama­teurs. They are peo­p­le like you and me. The came­ra puts you right into the action and makes you want to join in or orga­ni­ze a sex party yourself 

The vide­os are com­ple­te films of 90 minu­tes and lon­ger. Some movies are also much lon­ger and con­sist of seve­ral DVDs.

Very horny porn in all genres 

Since the US-Americans still hold a supre­ma­cy in the field of porn, the dia­lo­gues in most of the movies are in English. Also, the syn­op­sis, which is under each movie, is writ­ten in English. However, as men­tio­ned above, there are also enough German-language films. With porn, howe­ver, it does­n’t real­ly mat­ter which lan­guage is used for grun­ting and moa­ning.

Overall, the movies seem very sti­mu­la­ting. This is main­ly due to the fact that you can choo­se exact­ly what you want from the huge video libra­ry. Even unu­su­al pre­fe­ren­ces are cate­red for.

Quality of photos

Photos do not play a big role on Hotmovies.com. You will find only a few pic­tures atta­ched to the porn stars‘ bio­gra­phy. Screenshots of key sce­nes cla­ri­fy the con­tent and help with the search.

Opinions about page layout & design

The design is appe­al­ing and prac­ti­cal at the same time. Photos and wri­ting are easy to see on the white back­ground. You don’t have to speak per­fect English to find your way around Hotmovies.com. School know­ledge is quite enough. Navigation is simp­le. You can learn it best by brow­sing the site.

Especially hel­pful is the scene fin­der, an opti­on that lets you search for pre­fe­ren­ces, such as Latinas with over­kne­es get­ting a creampie.

Hotmovies.com has a modern design. Not only can you watch the movies on your PC or lap­top, there is also a mobile-optimized ver­si­on for smart­phones and tablets 

Experience with the subscription cancellation

Since this video-on-demand porn por­tal does not requi­re a mem­ber­ship, there is also no need to can­cel a subscription.

Review verdict & conclusion of the Hotmovies.com test report

Hotmovies.com is one of the best sex sites I have tes­ted so far.

I espe­ci­al­ly like the enorm­ous varie­ty of the offer with 150,000 porn movies. I see that as a big plus point, since I don’t exact­ly have a stan­dard taste in porn. From the latest vide­os to anci­ent flicks, you can find ever­y­thing your heart desi­res on Hotmovies.com.

I also like that there is a month­ly mem­ber­ship where you get a cer­tain amount of minu­tes and a free scene to down­load every month.

The only nega­ti­ve point of the Porn Video On Demand site is the lack of lan­guage sel­ec­tion. Everything is in English. It is also a pity that there are only three free pre­view vide­os (trai­lers) per day and they are only a few seconds long.

Visit Hotmovies.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card
Billing:RocketPay, Webbilling
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:0 porn images
Ø Resolution:-
Image Gallery Control:-
ZIP archi­ves:-
Count:150,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL Speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Hotmovies.com

A very good VoD porn video store

There is hard­ly a porn por­tal that has so many sex movies in its assort­ment. Almost all porn stu­di­os are repre­sen­ted. You can rent, stream or buy the porn DVDs. The pri­ces are abso­lut­e­ly fair.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 50%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 100%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 100%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Unimaginable huge porn video assortment
  • All the renow­ned porn stu­di­os in the world
  • Absolutely fair prices
  • High-quality DVD quality
  • Very easy to use
  • No sub­scrip­ti­on


  • Language in English only
  • Only three free trai­lers are viewa­ble per day
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