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Review: Test Report and Comparison of the Adult Video Store

While sear­ching for Video-on-Demand porn sites, I hap­pen­ed to stumb­le across the porn site At first glan­ce, you can’t begin to tell what a mas­si­ve fea­ture set the site offers.

It is rough­ly sum­ma­ri­zed as:

  • a digi­tal porn video store (video-on-demand, rent, buy, stream and download)
  • a DVD and Blu-ray online shop (order new porn movies)
  • a porn exch­an­ge for used VHS video cas­set­tes, DVDs and Blu-ray

In the assort­ment, you will find an uni­ma­gi­nable amount of German porn.

In my porn site review, I would like to intro­du­ce you to this VoD plat­form. I will explain how the ser­vice works and what con­tent is hid­den there. Feel free to share your own expe­ri­en­ces, ques­ti­ons, and opi­ni­ons below the review or rate the Jeedoo review.


Video-On-Demand (VoD): The Rebirth of the Porn Video Store

Before we get into the porn site review, I’d like to give you a brief review of porn history:

When the VHS video cas­set­te was repla­ced by the DVD around the turn of the mill­en­ni­um, the porn indus­try died a slow death for almost two deca­des. Since then, pira­ted copies have been made effort­less­ly on home com­pu­ters. Broadband Internet acce­le­ra­ted their dis­tri­bu­ti­on via ille­gal file-sharing platforms.

A few years later, strea­ming pro­vi­ders such as Netflix and Amazon Prime led to the demi­se of video stores, which also led to the death of „porn ren­tals behind the curtain. Large DVD who­le­sa­lers went bank­rupt, and there was a lack of legal dis­tri­bu­ti­on chan­nels for ero­tic films. In the enter­tain­ment indus­try, online strea­ming boo­med and incre­asing­ly even repla­ced DVDs. And final­ly, smart­phones repla­ced the PC…

Most porn stu­di­os igno­red the tech­ni­cal deve­lo­p­ment. They despera­te­ly held on to the „good old“ DVD and com­ple­te­ly missed the tech­no­lo­gi­cal boat. Blind and deaf, they sim­ply con­tin­ued as befo­re and floo­ded the mar­ket with cheap porn. Lawyers war­ned file-sharing users when porn was exch­an­ged. It did­n’t help, and an effec­ti­ve copy-protection sys­tem was never established 

Porn con­su­mers felt the tech­ni­cal gap and pri­ma­ri­ly froli­cked only on the ille­gal porn strea­ming plat­forms like Xhamster, YouPorn, and Pornhub. There, the pira­ted con­tent was abso­lut­e­ly impos­si­ble to con­tain, and num­e­rous porn stu­di­os went out of business.

But since about 2015 a legal way to con­su­me porn was for­med Video on Demand was the magic word and was con­side­red the sal­va­ti­on of the porn indus­try! More and more stu­di­os joi­n­ed ero­tic VoD plat­forms like, AEBN, HotMovies, GameLink, AdultEmpire and Nightclub. A Combination of Netflix, eBay, and Online Porn Delivery Service is ano­ther video-on-demand pro­vi­der. It is less popu­lar, but offers an exci­ting con­cept! It is a mas­si­ve VoD strea­ming por­tal, in com­bi­na­ti­on with a huge mar­ket­place for porn DVDs and Blu-rays of all cate­go­ries. You can think of Jeedoo as a com­bi­na­ti­on of eBay and Netflix for porn.

Currently, you can stream and down­load about 310,000 sex movies. You can also buy about 200,000 used and new DVDs, Blu-ray discs, and even VHS tapes. You even have the opti­on to sell your own porn 

Besides bar­gains for less than 5 €, movies for more than 150 € are also offe­red. The majo­ri­ty of porn movies cost bet­ween 10 – 20 €.

Opinion About the Preview Area of

As in any porn site review, let’s take a look at the pre­view area first. If you are not yet regis­tered with the porn strea­ming plat­form, you can get a good impres­si­on in advance.

The rather plain yel­low and white design with a black back­ground is striking, and some­what remi­nis­cent of Pornhub. Only when you dive deeper into the site, you can’t belie­ve what huge amounts of porn are con­tai­ned on the incon­spi­cuous platform!

Navigation is done via a clear main menu at the top of the web­site and via the left side­bar. To navi­ga­te, you should know one important thing:

  • The menu item „Porn Movies“ will take you to the online store where you can order porn DVDs, HD DVDs, Blu-rays and even old VHS video cas­set­tes new and used. They will be sent to you by par­cel ser­vice. These are pri­va­te and com­mer­cial sellers 
  • Clicking on „Stream & Download“ will take you to the video-on-demand sec­tion, where you can legal­ly stream porn movies or down­load them to your hard drive.
  • If you want to sell DVDs yours­elf, you can find the link „Just sell“ at the bot­tom of the website.

In the left side­bar you can fil­ter the assort­ment by „price“ and „cate­go­ry“.

Very Transparency Payment

If you are inte­res­ted in a movie, you can open a pro­duct page where you can see the DVD cover, the movie title, the porn stu­dio, the porn actors, the release date, the price. Sometimes you can even see a pre­view trai­ler and a video description.

You can brow­se through the dif­fe­rent offers at your lei­su­re. Once you get used to the site struc­tu­re, it’s real­ly fun to click back and forth in the bar­gains, best­sel­lers or sales (pro­mo­tio­nal offers) 

The pri­ces of the movies are dis­play­ed com­ple­te­ly trans­par­ent­ly. You get a pret­ty accu­ra­te idea of what to expect at You are real­ly tempt­ed to sign up. I caught mys­elf buy­ing a few too many porn movies for this review 😉

Porn Site Registration Rating

Also in this part of my review, the porn site can score plus points becau­se the regis­tra­ti­on pro­cess is very simp­le and takes less than a minute 

You just have to enter your email address and choo­se a pass­word, and you can enter the mem­ber’s area.

The entry of per­so­nal data is not requi­red. That comes later when you place an order. Only then your deli­very address and bank or cre­dit card details are required 

You real­ly have a good fee­ling not to be rip­ped off here. It does­n’t get any fai­rer than that.

Test Review: The Member Area of Jeedo

As a regis­tered mem­ber, you don’t have to get used to The lay­out remains the same. You will only be shown more infor­ma­ti­on in some areas.

a) The Jeedoo Online Store for DVD, Blu-ray, and VHS Videos

The best place to start is the „Porn Movies“ sec­tion becau­se you can brow­se through the cate­go­ries there. Here, exter­nal data car­ri­ers such as DVD, HD-DVD, Blu-ray, and VHS video cas­set­tes are offe­red for purchase.

The offer is huge and includes more than 14,000 porn movies in the Amateur cate­go­ry alone. In the Hardcore cate­go­ry there are 16,000 movies to choo­se from and under the key­word Gonzo even more than 40,000.

In the upper part of the web­site, a search by key­words is offe­red. You can search the offer by actors, movie titles or even stu­di­os. For exam­p­le, the German stu­dio Magma Film offers almost 400 DVDs and even older VHS tapes.

Studio Inflagranti offers almost 1,500 DVDs. However, fri­ends of Sperma Studio pro­duc­tions will have to be satis­fied with 9 DVDs. From the pro­duc­tions of the stu­dio GGG (German Goo Girls) 145 DVDs and sur­pri­sin­gly 113 VHS tapes can be ordered.

The web­site also allows to search spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for porn movies with trai­lers. While not every movie has a trai­ler, there are still more than 65,000 available. On avera­ge, a trai­ler is about 40 seconds long and con­sists of clips of high­lights from the movie.

The movie quality of the porn discs

It is not pos­si­ble to uni­form­ly rate the qua­li­ty of the movies on this porn site in this review. The video qua­li­ty of the porn stu­di­os is sim­ply too dif­fe­rent for that. This is due to the breadth of the offer. Of cour­se, you can’t expect Full-HD reso­lu­ti­on from a VHS tape. If it is about used films, it can also come to smal­ler qua­li­ty losses.

On the other hand, used porn movies are con­sider­a­b­ly che­a­per. The newer films are most­ly shot in Full HD or even 4K UHD. Many porn movies are available on DVD, Blu-ray as well as for download.

b) Streaming & Downloading on Jeedoo of Over 300,000 Porn Movies From All Over the World!

Once you have brow­sed the off­line media, you should take your time to look at the „Streaming & Download“ sec­tion. Here you have the choice bet­ween „Buy“ and „Rent“.

If you deci­de to buy the movie, you’ll down­load it to your PC’s hard drive in MP4 for­mat and can keep it fore­ver. With the Rent opti­on, the movie will be available to you as a stream for 2 or 7 days.

The strea­ming opti­on gives you the advan­ta­ge to look into the sex vide­os for a small price befo­re you buy them. Anyway, the trend of coll­ec­ting porn is stron­gly decre­asing becau­se strea­ming on cell pho­nes and tablets offers more advantages.

The movie quality of the streaming porn

Streaming is done on in an embedded win­dow within the pro­duct page. You can fast-forward, rewind and pause the movie. You can also open the sex movie in full screen.

If you want, you can watch the movies effort­less­ly on your cell phone or tablet. All mobi­le devices are sup­port­ed. You can also trans­fer the con­tent to a modern smart TV via Chromecast or AppleTV, which makes a real home thea­ter atmo­sphe­re possible.

Even with strea­ming porn, the qua­li­ty varies depen­ding on the porn stu­dio. From old SD qua­li­ty to razor-sharp 4K UHD qua­li­ty, it’s all there. In this test review, I orde­red a 4K UHD porn from Blacked, and I was abso­lut­e­ly thril­led with the razor-sharp qua­li­ty of the porn!

How Does the Payment Work?

The pri­ces of the sex movies are dis­play­ed very trans­par­ent­ly on the Jeedoo pro­duct pages.

Customers from Germany can choo­se bet­ween pay­ment with Visa, MasterCard or SOFORTpayment. Shipping fees of 3 to 6 € are usual­ly added to the purcha­se price. International cus­to­mers usual­ly pay by cre­dit card. All purcha­ses are pro­tec­ted by buyer protection.

After recei­ving your order, you have a 14-day right of return. If you return the goods within this time, you will be refun­ded the purcha­se price wit­hout having to give reasons for the refund.

Summing up the Jeedoo Member Area

I had been decei­ved by the simp­le lay­out and only rea­li­zed in the cour­se of my review how cool actual­ly is! After the fixed regis­tra­ti­on as a new mem­ber, I was down­right slain by the huge offer! There is gua­ran­teed some­thing for every taste!

It was incre­di­bly fun to brow­se through the assort­ment, and quick­ly I had some horny porn in my shop­ping cart. The pay­ment was fast, and the con­tent was deli­ver­ed in excel­lent qua­li­ty. I was abso­lut­e­ly thril­led in my test!

The porn site is espe­ci­al­ly per­fect for coll­ec­tors. You have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to crea­te a coll­ec­tion of DVDs or down­loads of your favo­ri­te actress, down­load them legal­ly and inex­pen­si­ve­ly and enjoy them wit­hout annoy­ing adver­ti­sing or even viruses.

A reputable provider

Even though the pro­vi­der is offi­ci­al­ly loca­ted in Gran Canaria, you can assu­me that it is very repu­ta­ble. Very many cus­to­mers rate the Jeedoo web­site as trustworthy 

If you are not satis­fied with a movie, you can return it to the sel­ler within 2 weeks. This is important becau­se many DVDs are used. It can always hap­pen that a disc is scrat­ched and won’t play properly.

Poor search function and missing video descriptions

Unfortunately, the search and fil­ter func­tion is very ina­de­qua­te. A spe­ci­fic search is basi­cal­ly only pos­si­ble in the cate­go­ries. You can search for porn stars or stu­di­os in the „free search“, but you have to know the name first. A lis­ting of porn stu­di­os would be helpful.

Unfortunately, the video descrip­ti­ons are also miss­ing for many films.

It is also annoy­ing that the ship­ping fees are only dis­play­ed during the cour­se of the order. In my opi­ni­on, free ship­ping is also miss­ing from a mini­mum order value.

Opinions on Page Layout & Design

In my review, I found that navi­ga­ti­on on is simp­le. You can search by cate­go­ry or type in the name of your favo­ri­te porn star. Alternatively, you can do it like in the clas­sic video store and choo­se an ero­tic movie by its cover. They are very meaningful and give you a good idea about the con­tent of the movie.

The design is well done. The colorful DVD covers stand out well on the black back­ground. The white font is also easy to read 

The site is infor­ma­ti­ve and does not seem as clut­te­red as on many American porn sites. This makes it easier to find the right movie.

Experience With Subscription Cancellation

Membership at is free of char­ge. No fees are char­ged in the fur­ther cour­se either 

It is not a site where you can watch sex vide­os, but a plat­form for buy­ing and sel­ling DVDs, or a porn strea­ming plat­form, some of which also offer video-on-demand (VoD)

Therefore, there is no sub­scrip­ti­on. You are not forced to order a cer­tain mini­mum quan­ti­ty or value of goods.

Once ope­ned, there is appar­ent­ly no way to dele­te the account yours­elf. You have to cont­act the support.

Review & Conclusion to the Test Report

To say it brief­ly: Jeedoo is the ham­mer! It has been a long time since I had so much fun with a porn site test! My eva­lua­ti­on is abso­lut­e­ly positive.

If you want to down­load or stream German or inter­na­tio­nal ero­tic vide­os in breath­ta­king HD and UHD qua­li­ty legal­ly and chea­p­ly, you should defi­ni­te­ly check out this porn strea­ming plat­form. At the same time, you can also order con­ven­tio­nal sex movies in DVD, and Blu-ray for­mat very chea­p­ly. You can even buy old sex vide­os and ero­tic movies on VHS video cas­set­tes for cheap.

I also like the fact that there are so many German porn stu­di­os and German porn.

Despite the very simp­le pre­sen­ta­ti­on, it is ani­mal fun to buy sex vide­os so chea­p­ly via video-on-demand in the strea­ming cate­go­ry of The ope­ra­ti­on, the orde­ring pro­cess, and final­ly also the vie­w­ing of the purcha­sed con­tent has been sol­ved super and easi­ly. The qua­li­ty is unbeatable.

All in all, con­vin­ces in this ero­tic site test with its large offer and low prices.

Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
Language:German, English, French
Cost:Billing per video purchase
Billing per stream (2 days or 7 days)
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank transfer
Billing:own sys­tem
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:seve­ral times a week
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:0 porn images
Ø Resolution:-
Image Gallery Control:-
ZIP archi­ves:-
Count:>300,000 porn movies
Language:English, French, German
Ø Resolution:4K UHD, Full HD 1080p, SD 720p
Ø Length:60 minu­tes and more
Ø DL speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:no
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test Report Summary for

A very cheap source of porn vide­os from all over the world

Video on Demand is the suc­ces­sor of the legen­da­ry DVD. Now there is a legal way to stream and down­load German, European, and American porn movies. The vir­tu­al video ren­tal offers you hundreds of thou­sands of sex movies at unbe­lie­v­a­b­ly fair prices.

  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 70%
  • Navigation – 70%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 70%
  • Updates – 90%
  • Loading speed – 90%
  • Costs – 100%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 90%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 90%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 90%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 110%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Simple regis­tra­ti­on
  • Very reasonable prices
  • Great strea­ming offer
  • VHS video­tapes, DVD & Blu-ray available
  • 4K Ultra HD porn available
  • Sale also available from pri­va­te people
  • 14 days money back – guarantee
  • Many European porn


  • Many porn movies lack a table of contents
  • Weak search function
  • Search for stu­di­os must be done manually
  • Account dele­ti­on only by sup­port request
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