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Download Porn DVDs - Video on Demand (VoD): Test reports & reviews

The ero­tic scene did­n’t have it easy in the recent­ly years: International age-verification regu­la­ti­ons, pira­te copies plat­forms, con­tent theft, free sex sites & porn tube por­tals, eco­no­mic cri­sis, extinc­tion of the CD / DVD, video store death, tighter-fitting wal­lets of cus­to­mers and-and-and.

The porn indus­try was forced to rethink the mar­ke­ting con­cepts. After seve­ral years of prac­ti­ce, they crea­ted final­ly a modern bridge bet­ween the video labels and the end cus­to­mer with „Video on Demand“. It enables the legal down­loa­ding or wat­ching of films via the Internet. So-called VoD por­tals are offe­ring thou­sands of porn DVDs for strea­ming and down­loa­ding at fair prices.

It was about time: The deman­ding porn con­su­mer wants to enjoy high-quality and high-definition ero­tic movies again. He is again wil­ling to pay some money for good qua­li­ty – but anony­mously, digi­tal­ly and discreetly.

Read in our reviews where you can buy, down­load and stream legal porn and ero­tic DVDs by Video-On-Demand (short: VoD).

VoD Review: Experience with - The Netflix for Porn Movies is one of the largest porn libraries in the world. Behind the nothing-saying domain name AEBN is the abbreviation "Adult Entertainment Broadcast Network", which
Review of the very popular video on demand porn portal Did you know that statistically 70% of men and 30% of women between the ages of 18 and 60 regularly watch porn? This is not a bad thing, as long as your partner is not
Test report: Review of the premium video-on-demand porn portal Can you still remember the days when video stores were the latest thing? There were several of them in most major cities. They offered a wide range of movies,
Review: Experiences with - The leading German Video on Demand Porn Portal While video stores are disappearing more and more from the cityscape, videos on demand services are experiencing a boom that no one would have even
Porn Sites Review: - One of the largest and oldest DVD and Blu-ray stores Technical progress does not stop at the erotic industry. In the past, every video store had a demarcated area where you could rent porn. Today, in
Review: Review of the German video-on-demand porn portal Hardly anyone buys DVDs these days. Netflix, Amazon Prime and many other streaming providers make it possible to watch endless movies for a small, fair price.
Review: Test Report and Comparison of the Adult Video Store While searching for Video-on-Demand porn sites, I happened to stumble across the porn site At first glance, you can't begin to tell what a massive
A real video-on-demand porn flat rate: The porn industry has gone through many technological changes over the last decades to offer "erotic movies for home". Starting from VHS video cassettes and porn magazines in the
Porn Sites Review: Test of the German porn portal Actually, we have almost given up the search for honest and high-quality erotic sites in German! In the 90s, German sex sites were extremely peppered with farmer traps,