Review test

Test: Review test


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Porn site test: Mercilessly kinky, German group sex on

Many sexu­al­ly open-minded women and men deve­lop kinky group sex and gang­bang fan­ta­sies one day. Hotwifes, cuck­olds and wife shares are dre­a­ming of wild sex orgi­es where a horde of stran­ge men pas­sio­na­te­ly go down on the wife or life partner. - Pornsitetest Test review

Especially in Germany and Europe, there are actual­ly quite a few cou­ples who put their fan­ta­sies into prac­ti­ce one day in swin­ger clubs and sex par­ties. Fortunately, there are even peo­p­le who let them­sel­ves be film­ed during their kinky sex games.

On the porn site you can watch the bust­le and get ideas and fan­ta­sies yours­elf. The pro­ject name means „group ban­ged“ – a syn­onym for group sex.

In my cur­rent porn site review, I would like to intro­du­ce you to the web­site. In the fol­lo­wing review, you will learn what con­tent awaits you there and what advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges the sex site has to offer. Feel free to share your per­so­nal expe­ri­en­ces or opi­ni­ons below the review.

I was real­ly curious befo­re the test how this ero­tic site com­pa­res to the horny gang­bang porn web­sites GermanGooGirls, SpermaStudio, GangbangCreampie and ExtremeGangbang, RealGangBangs and UKPornParty.


Opinion about the preview area of

As in all our reviews, I will first descri­be to you the pre­view area of On the first visit, the porn site real­ly looks very pro­fes­sio­nal at first.

A large ani­ma­ted gra­phic shows various video sequen­ces where you can unmist­aka­b­ly see what the web­site is all about: Here ama­teur women are fucked in a stu­dio by various hor­des of men to orgasm hea­ven and copious­ly alienated.

Amateur on a Groupbanged sexparty
Pleasure and action at the same time: an ama­teur sex party at Groupbanged

If you scroll down the web­site, you will see 24 thumb­nails with the latest vide­os (cal­led sce­nes). If you hover your mouse over them, you’ll see ani­ma­ted clips of the porn in a con­ti­nuous loop: sex-hungry MILFs suck seve­ral cocks at once, get fucked nice and hard, and get spray­ed with ple­nty of cum.

Unfortunately, there are no demo vide­os and no other subred­dits to be found. No mat­ter what you click on, you dis­ap­poin­tingly always end up on the boo­king form. 🙁

Below are screen­shots of live­cam chat per­for­mers lin­ked to the website.

It is noti­ceable that in the lower part of the home­page a lot is writ­ten about an ADULTPRIME net­work. What it is about, I would like to descri­be to you in the following.

The ADULTPRIME network

The Adultprime Network is an asso­cia­ti­on of 144 porn sites under one roof. Depending on your cho­sen tariff, you have unrest­ric­ted access or can book the con­tent at a redu­ced price.

Besides GroupBanged, there are fan­ta­stic porn sites in the porn net­work! For example:

Stacey Lou: Mass insemination
Stacey Lou enjoys her mass inse­mi­na­ti­on by 12 cocks!

Rating of the porn sites registration

To beco­me a mem­ber of GroupBanged or Adultprime, click on one of the many links. Inevitably you will land on a page with the boo­king form, which is also cal­led „join page“.

For a mem­ber­ship, you can choo­se bet­ween the fol­lo­wing three rates: A month­ly sub­scrip­ti­on, a half-year sub­scrip­ti­on, and an annu­al sub­scrip­ti­on. Visa and MasterCard as well as some American cre­dit cards are available as pay­ment opti­ons. You can also pay with PayPal, SOFORTpayment or Klarna (invoice).

German mature MILF gets fucked hard three times in 40 minutes to orgasm.
German matu­re MILF gets fucked hard three times in 40 minu­tes to orgasm.

I recom­mend you to think about the six-month sub­scrip­ti­on becau­se for this price you get com­ple­te­ly unrest­ric­ted access to ALL 114 porn sites of the Adultprime net­work. This offer alone is worth it for the awe­so­me ClubSeventeen teen porn movies.

Currently, three bil­ling com­pa­nies are used: Segpay, EPOCH or VXSBILL. It depends on your desi­red pay­ment method which bil­ling com­pa­ny you get. Click on the desi­red pay­ment but­ton to open the EPOCH pay­ment form 😉

Unfortunately, once again a pre-selected cross-selling box

You will be gui­ded through the mul­ti­l­in­gu­al pay­ment pro­cess wit­hout any pro­blems. However, you have to be atten­ti­ve and look out for pre­sel­ec­ted cross-selling boxes. Before you start ente­ring your pay­ment details, you should uncheck the box; other­wi­se, you will book a second mem­ber area. Unfortunately, this unfair method has beco­me suc­cessful in the porn industry.

When the pay­ment has been suc­cessful, you will be shown a „thank you“ page that con­ta­ins your login and access data. Inconveniently, an auto­ma­tic redi­rec­tion to the ADULTPRIME mem­ber area has been set. At the same time you will recei­ve a boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on with your login data by e‑mail. You should defi­ni­te­ly keep this e‑mail so that you can easi­ly can­cel your subscription.

Bonita de Sax: Gangbang orgasm
Bonita de Sax comes bla­tant­ly to orgasm during her horny gangbang

Porn site review: The members area of

As a new mem­ber, you will be gree­ted by a wel­co­me box via the link in the ADULTPRIME mem­ber area. All texts are in English.

I recom­mend you not to work with the main navi­ga­ti­on at the top right yet. Be atten­ti­ve and try to stay in the Groupbanged cate­go­ry! Navigate only with the bread­crumb navi­ga­ti­on on the top left and with the Groupbanged menu („Videos“, „Photos“, „Clips“, „Models“ and „Recommended“) next to the logo. Otherwise, you will quick­ly get lost.

If you compa­re the con­tents of the „Videos“ and „Photos“, you will noti­ce that a matching photo series has been crea­ted for each group­sex video. We rate this very posi­tively in our ero­tic site test.

On the video lis­ting page, you can curr­ent­ly expect 171 group sex vide­os. That does­n’t sound like much at first, but if you click into the video detail pages (cal­led „Scene page“), you will quick­ly noti­ce that the ama­teur group sex porn is worth the money.

Frivolous hustle at group banged
Frivolous hust­le and bust­le at Group Banged: Everyone wants to show the girls what they’­ve got! ^^

Modern transfer to all smart devices

The sex movies are embedded in a modern HTML5 win­dow and can be strea­med on all ima­gi­nable devices wit­hout any pro­blems. With a smart­phone and tablet, you can watch the movies just as well as on an Apple / Windows PC or a smart TV. Thanks to AppleTV and Google Chromecast, you can also trans­fer the movies from your phone to the TV.

Depending on your inter­net con­nec­tion and device, you can choo­se to watch the porn stream in 540p, 720p, 1080p (Full-HD) or 4k (Ultra-HD). There is also a pos­si­bi­li­ty to down­load the porn movies in MP4 for­mat to the com­pu­ter’s hard drive.

Cum smeared gangbang slut
Cum sme­ared gang­bang slut

You can also find a lot of infor­ma­ti­on about the cor­re­spon­ding movie on the video details page. Under the title you can see infor­ma­ti­on about the movie length, the num­ber of views, the votes by other users and the release date.

Below that you can see the niches (key­words) about the con­tent in the movies and the indi­ca­ti­on of the porn actres­ses. The video descrip­ti­on is unfort­u­na­te­ly always the same text – which I find a bit of a shame. You also have the opti­on to save the video to your favo­ri­tes list and even jump to the cor­re­spon­ding photo gallery.

Amateur Gangbang porn rating

Now let’s move on to the porn vide­os from GroupBanged.… These were pro­du­ced in Germany with German porn actors. During my review, I noti­ced that these are the iden­ti­cal movies from the RealGangBangs website.

They are not swin­ger par­ties, but main­ly pure gang­bangs / group sex sce­nes with only one woman. Sometimes two or even three women appear in the vide­os. Mostly they are fucked by a group of about 7 to 15 men.

The porn actres­ses are a mix­tu­re of German porn stars and real ama­teur women. Among others, the German porn models Sexy Susi, Stacey Lou, Elina Flower, Linda Lush, Funny Hill, Lissy White, Cony Clay, Squirty Alice, Marina Montana, Adrienne Kiss, Dacada Perr and Bonita de Sax are present.

The loca­ti­on is a kind of party cel­lar, which was set up as a well-lit sex cel­lar. You see the same setup in all the films with a St. Andrew’s cross, a curtain and woo­den ben­ches all around. In the midd­le of the room there is a stur­dy woo­den con­s­truc­tion with wipeable mats where peo­p­le fuck.

Violent gangbang orgasm
Violent gang­bang orgasm! A guy uses the open mouth and jerks his hot cum load com­ple­te­ly inside. ^^
Real pleasure and real orgasms!

The porn movies from are extre­me­ly horny!!! They are „self-contained“ vide­os from begin­ning to end. They are not sce­nes from any DVDs or porn.

Since the loca­ti­on is often fil­led with colorful lights, a disco ball, and music blas­ting from the loud­spea­k­ers, it crea­tes a real sex party atmosphere.

There is no real plot, but always the same sequence of events: a good dozen men sit jer­king off on the ben­ches and applaud when the women come in. Occasionally, the­re’s a litt­le mas­tur­ba­ti­on or les­bi­an show or strip to set the mood. Then the first peni­s­es are blown, and the group sex starts.

Real group sex orgasm at Groupbanged
In group sex, the lust just breaks out of all the women after a cer­tain time! A vagi­nal orgasm is not uncom­mon at GroupBanged.

In the begin­ning, some women still fool around inse­cu­re­ly, but after two or three peni­s­es they quick­ly get into a kind of lust fren­zy and for­get about the came­ras. The dif­fe­rent penis sizes and shapes com­bi­ned with varied fuck­ing tech­ni­ques let even exci­ted or shy women quick­ly beco­me com­ple­te­ly disinhibited!

After about 10 to 15 minu­tes, the first peni­s­es are shot. The women do the cum inse­mi­na­ti­ons beast­ly horny! They honor every cumshot on the belly, in the pussy, on the pussy, and on the breasts with a horny grin. 😉 If a cock wants to eja­cu­la­te in the face and in the mouth, the slut wives open their mouths wide and await the fresh sperm load down­right impa­ti­ent­ly and gree­di­ly. You have cer­tain­ly seen this phe­no­me­non in other gang­bang porn.

Extremely nasty amateur gangbang porn from Germany

Of cour­se, you can’t expect much varie­ty in gang­bang porn. Nevertheless, there is always some­thing horny to dis­co­ver so that the movies do not get boring.

Since the sce­nes are often also film­ed in the POV per­spec­ti­ve (point of view = from the view­er’s per­spec­ti­ve), – one dives, so to speak, fully into this group sex hust­le. It looks incre­di­ble arou­sing when the horny ama­teur women are fucked nice and hard and splat­te­red abun­dant­ly with sperm.During a gang­bang, howe­ver, the men also for­get the came­ra very quickly.

Only a few men use con­doms. Almost all fuck blank. Colored wrist­bands are pro­ba­b­ly used to mark who can fuck and who „only“ may jizz on the woman. Perhaps they are sim­ply there to adver­ti­se the URL

During the hard sex some­ti­mes squir­ting occurs com­ple­te­ly unex­pec­ted­ly (named: fema­le eja­cu­la­ti­on). Dildos and les­bi­an sce­nes, anal sex and fis­ting also occur in some movies and give some varie­ty to the sce­nes! Rarely, deep throat (throat fuck) is also seen 

Some women have a vibra­tor, cli­to­ris simu­la­tor or mas­sa­ger with them to get a vagi­nal orgasm. Because, not all women can get a vagi­nal cli­max effortlessly.

Mud sliding: Group sperm creampie
Mud sli­ding: 12 guys crea­te a mas­si­ve „group sperm cre­am­pie“ one after the other! The hot­wi­fe wat­ches in fasci­na­ti­on as her pussy is inse­mi­na­ted, enjoy­ing her inten­se orgasm.
Varied group sex

The horny teens and MILFs visi­bly enjoy being fucked and inse­mi­na­ted in such a per­sis­tent and varied way. It is noti­ceable that the women feel com­for­ta­ble during the gang­bangs of GroupBanged. Their lust-distorted faces alter­na­te again and again with plea­sura­ble moans and wide, enjoya­ble grins.

Some women even mana­ge one to three real orgasms per movie. Especially the ama­teur women are very authen­tic – Instead of con­stant­ly loo­king at the came­ra, they just enjoy the horny fuck and let their fee­lings fully out.

Real amateur gang bang-orgasm
A real ama­teur girl goes full gangbang!

Almost all teens and MILFs are very cum hun­gry and rub the many sperm with their hands horny on breasts and belly. Some lick their fin­gers after­wards with plea­su­re! I could see only one porn actress who tur­ned her face away 

Unfortunately, com­pared to Sperma Studio, GGG and Gangbang Creampie, you don’t see quite as spec­ta­cu­lar cre­am­pies and cumshots and only rare­ly sperm play. Nevertheless, the mass inse­mi­na­ti­on is spec­ta­cu­lar in almost every video.

Lots of unaesthetic men!

What I did­n’t like at all was the high per­cen­ta­ge of big-boned and old men with bald heads. Strikingly often an older gen­tle­man with half bald head and a gol­den Jesus cross neck­lace and a far man with blue toned glas­ses play along.

Okay, we’re all get­ting older… but men can use a long hair razor to trim their pubic and body hair as well as remo­ve their back, should­ers & ass hair!!!! One won­ders where some gen­tle­men get the self-confidence to appear so unk­empt in front of the camera.

Linda Lush: Group sex
Dense crowd and yet always a team! Linda Lush during group sex

Numerous men wear a ski mask, bala­cla­va, or car­ni­val mask. Some even have a nylon sto­cking put over their head. The desi­re for anony­mi­ty in all honor.… But quite a few masks just look total­ly stu­pid! There are men who are fully clo­thed, and some wear total­ly embar­ras­sing t‑shirts. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!

I would find it con­sider­a­b­ly bet­ter, when all men should wear a uni­form black t‑shirt, like German Goo Girls and Sperma Studio. This hides beer bel­lies, body hair, male saggy tits and back pelt. The same goes for face masks – a uni­form model would look con­sider­a­b­ly bet­ter. The women will thank for it.

Dacada Perr: Groupbanged
Dacada Perr at a Groupbanged sex party as a guest: Her pussy goes wild with hap­pi­ness at the many penises!
Semi-professional production techniques

As far as the tech­no­lo­gy is con­cer­ned, the sex film pro­duc­tions are of a semi-professional qua­li­ty. The illu­mi­na­ti­on and white balan­ce are often not opti­mal­ly adjus­ted. There is mixed light from fluo­re­s­cent tubes, LED spot­lights, and halo­gen light. Especially when colo­red party light is used, the auto­fo­cus and the bright­ness sen­sor of the video came­ras go haywire.

The came­ra move­ment and zooms some­ti­mes appear shaky and unfo­cu­sed. The music from the spea­k­ers is often too loud, pro­du­ces tinny clang­ing and some­ti­mes over­dri­ves. Besides, it’s often a bit rever­berant in the basement.

Cony Clay: Group banged
Cony Clay is total­ly rela­xed and com­ple­te­ly happy at Group Banged

But somehow the ama­teu­rish film­ing style and the base­ment loca­ti­on also fit well with the over­all film experience.

The main came­ra is most­ly gonzo style. The came­ra­man or came­ra­wo­man (!) often com­ment the actions. Sporadically, they give mini­mal ins­truc­tions or cheer on the acti­ve men and women.

What is real­ly dis­tur­bing is the flash from the still photo came­ra in the video. With the good illu­mi­na­ti­on, it is pos­si­ble to do a manu­al white balan­ce and omit the unpro­fes­sio­nal flash altogether.

Is the porn studio GMV media?

Since many men wear yel­low arm baths with the URL, it made me curious about which German porn stu­dio pro­du­ces the porn movies. After a litt­le rese­arch, I found the com­pa­ny „Gröger MV media“, or GMV media.

Also, the adver­ti­sing pos­ters on the walls, like „Private Lustschweine“, „Nebenan!“, the brand „MEGA-EXTREM“ and the URL show adver­ti­sing for this German porn studio.

Exciting is that you can regis­ter on the web­site for the fuck party.

Excited MILF by sperm spash
All women are exci­ted about every sperm splash!

Rating of Groupbanged erotic photos

Surprisingly, for each video there is a matching photo set with about 50 to 100 part­ly hot pho­tos in huge reso­lu­ti­on with 4000 × 2657 pixels.

The pho­tos are main­ly befo­re and after pho­tos. But there are also very hot snapshots from the action. Browsing through the photo archi­ves is defi­ni­te­ly worth it, as the pho­tos have fro­zen the horny sce­nes and you can let your ima­gi­na­ti­on play a bit.

In the photo sets, unfort­u­na­te­ly, many pho­tos repeat them­sel­ves from the same perspective.

A navi­ga­ti­on func­tion for scrol­ling is available and also works great on the smart­phone. The enti­re photo set can also be down­loa­ded to the hard drive as a ZIP file with a mouse click.

Unspeakably horny bonus content on the Adult Prime porn network!

As men­tio­ned seve­ral times befo­re, is a web­site of Adult Prime Network. Even though the net­work is not part of this review, I just want to brief­ly say that the con­tent of the other 114 porn sites with over 26,000 vide­os and 30,000 photo series is defi­ni­te­ly worth wat­ching as well! 

Very, very horny I find the porn of the legen­da­ry Dutch teen porn web­site ClubSeventeen. The porn stu­dio had an excel­lent repu­ta­ti­on even befo­re the porn era with prin­ted sex maga­zi­nes. But also the sex vide­os from the German porn stu­dio BB Video is very hot.

German group sex
German group sex with bise­xu­al ama­teur women: The women usual­ly cheer each other on with their moans.

Opinions about design & page layout

Although the pre­view area looks good, but does not offer any spe­cial fea­tures. Unfortunately, you always arri­ve at the JOIN boo­king page.

The ADULTPRIME mem­ber area, in con­trast, is extre­me­ly attrac­tively desi­gned and real­ly easy to navi­ga­te. I like the black and oran­ge color

Insemination of amateur girl Stela
Insemination of the ama­teur Stela

On the black back­ground, the vide­os are shown to their best advan­ta­ge. You are only slight­ly dis­trac­ted by advertising.

The page lay­out is logi­cal. You can fil­ter by date or key­words. I did not find a free text search or sort­ing func­tion by „popu­la­ri­ty“.

It is a pity that you can­not sel­ect other lan­guages. As alre­a­dy descri­bed, you should be careful to always stay in the Groupbanged area, so you don’t get lost in the many Adultprime pages.

Subscription cancellation experience

As usual in the porn indus­try, the porn con­su­mer is not expli­cit­ly told how and where to can­cel the subscription.

The sub­scrip­ti­on to must be can­cel­led with the appro­pria­te bil­ling company:

  • Segpay:
  • EPOCH:

Since I had taken out the mem­ber­ship with EPOCH, I was able to can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on on the web­site To do this, I had to enter my boo­king num­ber and email address, which is found in my boo­king infor­ma­ti­on of the con­fir­ma­ti­on email.

The sub­scrip­ti­on will then be lis­ted, and you will find a „Cancel Subscription“ but­ton next to it. When you click on it, you will be asked for the can­cel­la­ti­on reason. Simply sel­ect „Satisfied cus­to­mer“. Thereafter, you will get a mes­sa­ge that the sub­scrip­ti­on has been can­ce­led. At the same time, you will recei­ve an email with the can­cel­la­ti­on confirmation.

Happy wife while fucking a stranger
Happy woman fuck­ing a stran­ger. Her wifesha­rer boy­fri­end stands next to her and jerks off while watching!

Test verdict & conclusion to the test report of

The ama­teur group sex porn site is abso­lut­e­ly recom­men­da­ble if you are like German gang­bangs, stran­ger fuck­ing, mul­ti­ple orgasms, cum and taboo sex. Even though it’s always the same loca­ti­on in a party-basement and also two male porn actors are always the same – each sex movie is again very indi­vi­du­al and varied.

Pure pleasure at Groupbanged
Pure plea­su­re at Groupbanged for all involved

The actions are high­ly kinky. I have cum three times while wri­ting this review.^^ Especially the older ama­teur MILFs and lady duos enjoy the endu­ring fuckings of the many guys excessively! 

After a ten-minute „tha­wing time“ final­ly almost all women for­get the came­ras and enjoy their many hard fuck cocks and the horny cum. The porn visi­tor is ine­vi­ta­b­ly sim­ply car­ri­ed away by the unac­ted horn­i­ness and genui­ne lust.

One of the best German amateur gangbang porn sites

Compared to GGG and Spermastudio, you will noti­ce that Group Banged porn is con­sider­a­b­ly more amateur-like, but much more rela­xed and cheerful. It would be good if all the greasy bel­lies and dis­gus­ting back and body hair would dis­ap­pear under a uni­form t‑shirt. In addi­ti­on, care should be taken to main­tain a neat inti­ma­te shave and embar­ras­sing face masks should also be avoided.

It is also a pity that the lan­guage in the mem­ber area only is English and no video descrip­ti­ons are writ­ten. More fre­quent updates would also be nice. Obviously, the vide­os are not exclu­si­ve but ori­gi­nal­ly come from

As a bonus, you get access to the AdultPrime porn net­work. There you have access to over 114 other porn sites as part of your mem­ber­ship. Awesome! For exam­p­le, the legen­da­ry teen­sex porn site is very horny.

Happy woman having gang bang sex
Happy woman having gang bang sex

More sources

Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
Cost:$19.99 / month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$89.95 / 6 months (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$119.95 / 12 months (sub­scrip­ti­on)
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank trans­fer, PayPal, Paysafecard
Billing:EPOCH, VXSBILL, Segpay
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:1–2 new vide­os monthly
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:yes
Content offe­red
Photos / Images:
Number:20,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:4000 × 2667 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:171 porn movies
Ø Resolution:4k UHD, Full HD 1080p, 720p, 530p
Ø Length:40 to 50 minutes
Ø DL speed:10.000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no


Test report summary for

German ama­teur gang­bang porn is extre­me­ly dirty

If you are loo­king for unin­hi­bi­ted group sex par­ties with real German ama­teurs, then you should not miss these porn vide­os. Even though it is the con­tent of RealGangbangs, it is worth beco­ming a mem­ber here becau­se you also have access to the 114 porn sites of the AdultPrime porn net­work. The mix of German porn­stars and real ama­teur women pai­red with potent and per­sis­tent men is high­ly explo­si­ve! Both thumbs up! 😉

  • Image qua­li­ty – 80%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 80%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 80%
  • Exclusivity – 40%
  • Models – 80%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 90%
  • Variety – 70%
  • Extraordinary – 70%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 30%
  • Fairness – 90%
  • Promises / Reality – 80%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 80%
  • Design – 80%
  • Navigation – 70%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 30%
  • Updates – 30%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 90%
  • Price-performance ratio – 90%
  • Payment – 90%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 90%
  • Advertising / Spam – 70%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 70%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 90%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Extremely dirty ama­teur gang­bang porn
  • German porn stars and real amateurs
  • Unacted fee­lings
  • Full sup­port of mobi­le devices
  • Rousing POV perspectives
  • Image gal­le­ries that match the video
  • Awesome cum scenes
  • Women enjoy mass insemination
  • Access to large AdultPrime porn network


  • No pre­view trailer
  • Very many unk­empt and fat men
  • Only few videos
  • Always the same loca­ti­on at a party basement
  • Loudspeaker music inter­fe­res the video sound
  • Colored lights inter­fe­re the came­ra automatic
  • Content sourced from
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