- German amateur porn review

Test: - German amateur porn review


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Review about the official website of the German amateur sex porn studio

German porn is very dif­fe­rent from American sex movies. While Americans like popu­lar porn­stars with sexy cur­ves, sili­co­ne and gla­mour, many German porn con­su­mers like rather dirty ama­teur women „from next door“.

BB Video amateur porn

A very popu­lar German porn stu­dio is BB Video. The com­pa­ny has been pro­du­cing sex tapes since 1993 and has gai­ned a good repu­ta­ti­on in the German porn scene. The focus is on com­ple­te­ly ordinary-looking porn actres­ses and porn actors of all ages who get film­ed during their genui­ne­ly kinky sex games.

I was thril­led by the crude, yet somehow sti­mu­la­ting ama­teur porn back in the CD-Rom and DVD days. The porn label released its own offi­ci­al porn web­site in 2015. Under the URL you can stream and legal­ly down­load the cove­ted German sex movies.

In this review, I would like to intro­du­ce to you. I will tell you what con­tent awaits you there and what advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges I have found. If you know the ero­tic vide­os or the sex site, you are wel­co­me to share your per­so­nal expe­ri­en­ces and opi­ni­ons with us under the review.


Opinion about the preview area of

As in all our reviews, we will first go over the pre­view area of The first impres­si­on is very professional.

The home­page is domi­na­ted by a wide gra­phic in the upper area, with 55 small screen­shots and the BBVIDEO logo giving a first impres­si­on of what con­tent awaits you.

Below that, 60 screen­shots of the latest porn movies fol­low. When you hover your mouse over the gra­phics, they dar­ken, the title and a „Subscribe Here“ but­ton appear, and sce­nes are play­ed in the back­ground. Unfortunately, the thumb­nails are too dark, so you’ll have to strain to view them.

Very obvious­ly, these are indi­vi­du­al sce­nes from the BBBvideo porn DVDs. There are German house­wi­ves, ama­teur teens, MILFs (Mom I’d like to fuck) and GILFs (Grandmas I’d like to fuck).

Classic, German amateur porn

It is noti­ceable that most BB video films are named with very „pla­ti­tu­di­nous“ titles. For exam­p­le trans­la­ted to English: „Married cunts ren­tal“, „Udder – Big Natural Tits“, „Parking lot cunts“, „Sex at home brings in cum“, „Splash faces“ or „Private fuck mee­tings with mom“. Video descrip­ti­ons can not be found.

Housewives sex porn
Housewives sex porn

It is pro­mi­sed in the texts on the web­site „authen­tic German kinky sex“ as well as „100% ama­teurs and 100% German exclu­si­ve con­tent“. BB Video pro­du­ces most­ly ama­teur porn movies with real cou­ples and solo women from Germany.

Unfortunately, howe­ver, all links, inclu­ding the pagi­na­ti­on menu and like­wi­se the main menu, lead direct­ly to the join page. One has no pos­si­bi­li­ty to look at trai­lers or demo pictures.

Also, I got sus­pi­cious about a gra­phic at the bot­tom of the home­page. It says: „Part of ADULTTIME.COM. 25345+ Videos 105+ Studios.“ Obviously, this is a porn net­work. I will go into this in the fur­ther cour­se of my review. If you rum­mage a bit clo­ser in the terms and con­di­ti­ons, you will find a Dutch com­pa­ny cal­led International Media Company B.V..

Not much more can be dis­co­ver­ed in the pre­view area. However, since I know the BB vide­os, I boo­ked a mem­ber­ship for this review.


Before we get into the review, I want to brief­ly explain to you what the ADULTPRIME net­work is all about 

In 2018, BB Video joi­n­ed this net­work. Probably the soft­ware, the main­ten­an­ce and maybe the traf­fic is che­a­per in a net­work. However, BB Video is also firm­ly tied to the design.

As a poten­ti­al cus­to­mer, you have the huge advan­ta­ge of having par­ti­al or even full access to all the porn sites on the net­work. And there are abso­lut­e­ly inte­res­t­ing porn sites included! For example:

Rating of the porn sites registration

If you want to beco­me a mem­ber of, click on one of the many links. A page with the boo­king form will open. On the join page, you will be shown three rates: a month­ly sub­scrip­ti­on, a half-year sub­scrip­ti­on and an annu­al subscription.

The six-months-subscription is very temp­ting becau­se for the still real­ly afforda­ble price you have com­ple­te­ly unrest­ric­ted access to ALL porn sites of the Adultprime net­work. Especially with regard to the ClubSeventeen porn movies, this offer is the hammer.

The pay­ment pro­ces­sing is done by the bil­ling com­pa­nies EPOCH, Segpay or VXSBILL. The pay­ment pro­ces­sor you choo­se depends on the pay­ment method you want to use. You can pay by cre­dit card, PayPal, Klarna / SOFORTpayment and even anony­mously by Paysafecard.

I advi­se you to choo­se the opti­on „Klarna SOFORTpayment“ regard­less of your pay­ment request becau­se then the pay­ment form of the com­pa­ny EPOCH opens. The pro­vi­der is con­side­red to be very repu­ta­ble. If you pay by SOFORTpayment, Giropay, Paysafecard or PayPal, no address data is requi­red. It hard­ly gets more anonymous!

Amateur group sex on a sexparty
Amateur group sex on a sexparty

Make sure that you deactivate the cross-selling box!

You will then be gui­ded through the pay­ment pro­cess in a self-explanatory man­ner. But be sure to uncheck the pre­sel­ec­ted cross-selling boxes befo­re you start ente­ring your data! Otherwise, you will book a second mem­ber area. This unfair machi­na­ti­on has, unfort­u­na­te­ly, beco­me com­mon in the porn industry.

If ever­y­thing has work­ed, you will be shown a „thank you“ page with your access data. However, within a few seconds, you will be auto­ma­ti­cal­ly redi­rec­ted to the login page. At the same time, you will recei­ve a boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on via e‑mail. Be sure to keep this email to be able to can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on effortlessly.

Review: Experiences with the member area of

If you click on the link in the boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on, you can log in to the mem­ber area on You will need some time to get used to the inter­face of the ADULTPRIME mem­ber area. Unfortunately, it is com­ple­te­ly English. You have no pos­si­bi­li­ty to choo­se the German language.

At the top right there is an oran­ge main menu that you should not click on yet. Below that is a much too high gra­phic with BB video covers. Scroll down to the BBVIDEO logo and click on the „VIDEOS“ but­ton in this menu. Now you are in the video overview.

You get lost very often in the begin­ning and always end up in the „gene­ral pool“ of the porn network.

BBvideo review

Rating of the porn movies of BB Video

Currently, there are 453 ama­teur sex vide­os in the archi­ve. Unfortunately, the next dis­ap­point­ment then spreads. They are only sce­nes and not com­ple­te DVDs.

The video titles have the names from whose DVD they ori­gi­nal­ly came. Most video sce­nes are from the series „Simone’s home visits“, „Wife cunt ren­tal“, „Swinger Part XX“, „Does she do it?“ and „Casting Couch“. Unfortunately, there is no sort­ing func­tion by DVD.

Modern presentation

The vide­os are embedded in an HTML5 play­er. By default, the play­back of the strea­ming win­dow is set to 540p (SD qua­li­ty). However, you can chan­ge the reso­lu­ti­on of the latest ama­teur porn to 1068p (Full HD). Older porn can also be available only in with 768 x 576 pixels (SD quality).

Also, the vide­os are offe­red for down­load in MP4 for­mat. However, the file sizes are quite large here. Obviously, many movies are com­pres­sed too weakly.

The avera­ge run­ning time of the movies is about 20 minu­tes. However, there are also vide­os that are well over an hour long.

You can use the Adultprime porn site on a desk­top PC, lap­top, tablet, smart­phone, and TV excel­lent­ly and stream the con­tent. All ope­ra­ting sys­tems are supported.

On the video detail pages, you will find a rating but­ton, a like func­tion, a com­ment sec­tion as well as key­words (tags) and details about the movies. Unfortunately, every video descrip­ti­on is always the same text. You don’t bother to write scene descriptions.

Amateur sex scene
Amateur sex scene
Normal women from „next door

The per­for­mers are pri­ma­ri­ly com­ple­te­ly ordi­na­ry peo­p­le. They could be your neigh­bors or peo­p­le from your cir­cle of fri­ends. What is inte­res­t­ing is that they come from all age groups bet­ween 18 and 60. So non-professional teen­agers, MILFs and even gran­nies from Germany. The actres­ses have the most diver­se body sizes and figures 

The fact that the women are so avera­ge and ordi­na­ry gives the vide­os an incre­di­bly horny cha­rac­ter! Even if a house­wi­fe is not quite as attrac­ti­ve, but a total sow – this exerts a very sti­mu­la­ting effect. The idea that the women might live „next door“ has its appeal.

Locations are most­ly stu­dio sets, pri­va­te apart­ments, swin­gers clubs, or in out­door porn vide­os the natu­re. In medi­cal fetish sce­nes, a gyneco­lo­gis­t’s office is recrea­ted. In tight spaces, many vide­os appear some­what under­ex­po­sed and poor­ly lit. However, this empha­si­zes the ama­teur natu­re of the vide­os and is not very distracting.

Varied and entertaining actions
Tut sie es - Amateur porn
Tut sie es – Amateur porn

In terms of con­tent, porn stu­dio BB Video covers a lot of sexu­al gen­res (niches). This makes the offer of ama­teur vide­os very enter­tai­ning and varied.

In the vide­os, it is main­ly hard­core action. However, there are also solo, mas­tur­ba­ti­on and les­bi­an sce­nes. In the clas­sic man-woman sex sce­nes, peo­p­le like to play with age dif­fe­ren­ces of young and old. Swinger par­ties, gang­bangs, and group sex with real pas­si­on are other spe­cial­ties of the porn label.

Most porn vide­os starts with ama­teu­rish dia­lo­gue, wit­hout a long sto­ry­line. Some actres­ses seem to be over­whel­med with the situa­ti­on of having to speak in front of the came­ra – so that the dia­lo­gues then come across a bit silly or goofy. These sce­nes should have been cut out.

After an intro­duc­tion, women often suck the penis. After that, they are fucked in every pos­si­ble way and then the men cum in their faces, mouth, or pussy. Occasionally, there are also inter­ac­tions with the came­ra­man in gonzo style.

BB Video – The epitome of classic German porn

Unfortunately, most BBB Video porn always fol­lows the same pat­tern. But with a litt­le luck, you will also find horny sce­nes with squir­ting, anal sex or fis­ting. Interracial sex with dark-skinned BBC men (big black cock) and gyneco­lo­gy porn (cli­nic sex) can also be found in the archive.

Sometimes very hot ama­teur porn mixes are crea­ted: Skinny young boys fuck­ing fat house­wi­ves. Chubby men fuck a horny MILF tog­e­ther in a gang­bang. Completely ordi­na­ry peo­p­le orga­ni­ze a pri­va­te sex party. Or fri­end­ly cou­ples meet for stran­ger fuck­ing in a swin­gers club and cele­bra­te horny sex orgi­es there.

Although the pro­ce­du­res are always the same, it is impres­si­ve how dif­fer­ent­ly the cou­ples fuck. It is also inte­res­t­ing how mul­ti­face­ted the women can go off when they are nai­led very hard. Most women show their real fee­lings during sex and don’t exag­ge­ra­te with the moaning.

However, to my per­so­nal taste, the fema­le orgasms and kinky cum games almost always come up way too short. In addi­ti­on, the facial inse­mi­na­ti­on could always be staged a litt­le better.

BB Video casting couch
BB Video cas­ting couch

Evaluation of the erotic photos

The focus of BB Video is on crea­ting porn movies and less on pho­to­gra­phy. There are only 15 photo sets with about 1000 middle-class pho­tos with huge reso­lu­ti­ons. In the pho­to­sets, many pho­tos are repea­ted from the same perspective.

Screenshots of vide­os are not to be found.

There is a photo con­trol func­tion for brow­sing. The pho­to­set can be down­loa­ded as a ZIP file.

Opinions about design & page layout

In my opi­ni­on, both the pre­view area and the mem­ber area of look good. The black back­ground color makes the con­tent stand out cle­ar­ly. One is not dis­trac­ted by any „bells and whistles“.

The lay­out is very clear. Once you know where to click and where not to click, the navi­ga­ti­on in the mem­ber area is easy to understand.

In the pre­view area (cal­led tour pages), unfort­u­na­te­ly, no page struc­tu­re is reco­gnizable, since you always end up on the boo­king form. This cau­ses mas­si­ve point deduc­tions in our review (test report).

The main navi­ga­ti­on menu is very con­fu­sing, as you are always direc­ted to the ADULTRPRIME homepage 

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

Neither in the terms and con­di­ti­ons nor in the boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on email are you told how to can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on again. This is very annoy­ing, but unfort­u­na­te­ly com­mon in the porn scene.

The sub­scrip­ti­on to must be can­ce­led with the appro­pria­te bil­ling company.

Since I had boo­ked the mem­ber­ship with EPOCH, I was able to can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on at After ente­ring the boo­king num­ber and email address, the boo­king details are listed.

If you click on the „Cancel Subscription“ but­ton, you will be asked for the reason for can­cel­la­ti­on. Afterward, a mes­sa­ge appears that the sub­scrip­ti­on has been ter­mi­na­ted. An email con­firms the ter­mi­na­ti­on of the subscription.

Simones Hausbesuche - Amateur porn
Simones Hausbesuche – Amateur porn

Review verdict & conclusion of the test report

In my porn site review con­clu­si­on of, I am some­what torn. Absolutely clear is that the BB Video pro­du­ces unspeaka­b­ly horny ama­teur films that have a high­ly exci­ting characters.

Wife cunt rental porn
Wife cunt ren­tal porn

The porn stu­dio is able to cap­tu­re the real horn­i­ness and unac­ted lust of the kinky ama­teur sluts with pro­fes­sio­nal video tech­no­lo­gy. The vide­os are varied and inte­res­t­ing. With a pinch of humor and short inter­views, the porn also has an enter­tai­ning character.

The con­tent spec­trum of this porn label is also huge. There is some­thing for every fetish and sexu­al incli­na­ti­on: blo­wjobs, gang­bangs, three­so­me sex, anal sex and lots of kinky stuff like cum games, fis­ting, swin­gers, latex clot­hing, old & young sex and much more.

The fea­ture set of the mem­ber’s area is solid, and the site is easy to use.

What I don’t rate so well in my review, howe­ver, is the fact that you could expect con­sider­a­b­ly more con­tent and more fre­quent updates from a „first-hand“ porn stu­dio. It is also a pity that the lan­guage in the mem­ber area is English and no effort is made to write video descriptions.

As BB Video is a mem­ber of the AdultPrime net­work, you get an incre­di­bly huge porn coll­ec­tion as a bonus. In this net­work, there are daily updates. We will pre­sent ADULTRPRIME in a sepa­ra­te review.

In sum­ma­ry, this porn site is worth the money, and it is fun to look into pri­va­te bedrooms.


Hosted Gallery – Picture Galleries:

More sources

Site infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
Cost:$19.99 / month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$89.95 / 6 months (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$119.95 / 12 months (sub­scrip­ti­on)
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank trans­fer, PayPal, Paysafecard
Billing:EPOCH, VXSBILL, Segpay
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental con­trol filter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:month­ly (irre­gu­lar)
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:yes
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:1,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:4000 × 2667 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:500 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p, 720p, 530p
Ø Length:20 to 90 minutes
Ø DL speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no


Test report summary for

Very kinky German ama­teur porn

On this sex site you will find sce­nes from dif­fe­rent DVDs of the porn stu­dio „BB Video“ made in Germany. In the video coll­ec­tion you will find nasty sex vide­os with German matu­re MILF women, young ama­teur girls, house­wi­ves, swin­gers and gran­nies. You can stream and down­load the ama­teur porn wit­hout any rest­ric­tions in the style of a porn flatrate.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 80%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 80%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 80%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 80%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 90%
  • Variety – 90%
  • Extraordinary – 70%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 30%
  • Fairness – 80%
  • Promises / Reality – 90%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 90%
  • Design – 70%
  • Navigation – 70%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 30%
  • Updates – 30%
  • Loading speed – 90%
  • Costs – 90%
  • Price-performance ratio – 90%
  • Payment – 90%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 90%
  • Advertising / Spam – 70%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 70%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 80%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Awesome authen­tic ama­teur porn
  • Real German amateurs
  • Actors have are in all ages (18−60)
  • Very varied content
  • Full sup­port of mobi­le devices
  • Lust & orgasm often not acted


  • No pre­view trailers
  • Some con­ver­sa­ti­ons are a bit silly/goofy
  • Porn titles often sound very clumsy
  • Older porn looks washed out and old
  • Many vide­os are too weak­ly compressed
  • Image gal­le­ries are not updated
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