Test - Review: Maschinen-Fick.com

Test: Pornme.pm

Test - Review: Maschinen-Fick.com

Test: Pornme.pm

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Review about Pornme.pm: The very innovative porn portal with extremely kinky amateur women

Compared to the American porn scene, the dif­fe­rence in the German-speaking world is that the porn con­su­mer is loo­king for more authen­tic porn with real orgasms and fee­lings. In addi­ti­on, direct inter­ac­tion with the per­mis­si­ve women via LivecamChat is in demand.

Due to strict youth pro­tec­tion regu­la­ti­ons, German porn sites have beco­me rare. Fortunately, we still have a good dozen ama­teur por­tals where women from Germany, Austria and Switzerland reve­al their dirty fan­ta­sies in the form of pho­tos, texts, chats and videos.

We at Erotikseitentest.com have alre­a­dy put some sex sites to the test for you and found some high­lights and also dis­ap­point­ments. In the fol­lo­wing review I will intro­du­ce you to the sex site Pornme.pm and go into the pros and cons. If you know the ama­teur site or have any ques­ti­ons or comm­ents, plea­se use the com­ment func­tion below the review.

Visit Pornme.pm

Opinion about the preview section of Pornme.pm

As always, we start our test with a „tour“ of the pre­view area.

The first thing that stands out is the unu­su­al domain for a web­site. The pro­ject Pornme.com was recent­ly ren­a­med to Pornme.pm. A .pm ending is rare­ly seen in Central European lati­tu­des and we also had to do some rese­arch first. The top-level domain belongs to the island group Saint-Pierre and Miquelon. This is loca­ted a few kilo­me­ters off Canada but belongs to the over­se­as ter­ri­to­ry of France. If you like, it is the last French colo­ny on American soil.

In any case, the home­page looks very pro­mi­sing. The design is clear and almost mini­ma­li­stic. The color palet­te of the page ele­ments is limi­t­ed to white for the back­ground and blue for the font.

The extre­me­ly pret­ty women catch the eye. But who hopes for deep insights will be dis­ap­poin­ted at first. Much naked skin is to be seen but pre­view – pic­tures of tits or wet pus­sies there is not. Quite the oppo­si­te – ever­y­whe­re you see an 18+ ban­ner that cen­sors these images.

The cen­sor­ship even goes so far that the titles are part­ly cen­so­red with aste­risks. So „Fuck“ quick­ly beco­mes „Fi**“, „Sex“ beco­mes „S*x“ or „Anal“ then „An**“. This pro­ce­du­re rea­ches almost absurd pro­por­ti­ons when such words as sexy or spar­k­ling wine are cen­so­red into gol­den show­er.

It’s exci­ting that you can get a glim­pse of the pro­fi­le pages by cli­cking on one of the model pre­view images.

All in all, the pre­view area is very temp­ting and ani­ma­tes a lot for a registration.


Rating of the porn sites registration

The first thing that inte­res­ted me was whe­ther regis­tra­ti­on at pornme.com is real­ly free. The regis­tra­ti­on is star­ted by cli­cking on the but­ton „Register“ in the upper left cor­ner.

A win­dow opens in which you have to enter a user name and pass­word of your choice, as well as an e‑mail address. Optionally, you can also enter your per­so­nal pre­fe­ren­ces here, which will appear later in the pro­fi­le. Apparently, you can also veri­fy yours­elf via Google, Facebook, Amazon or Paypal account. However, I choo­se the clas­sic way and con­tin­ued the regis­tra­ti­on with a click on ‚Continue now‘.

The second step informs that a con­fir­ma­ti­on email has been sent to the given email address. The con­fir­ma­ti­on link in the email will take you direct­ly to the mem­ber area – but only for a short time. Because after a short time a win­dow opens a large win­dow that can­not be closed:

„Deposit within seconds. Select pay­ment method. Use our new cus­to­mer bonus now! Cash 2 times your depo­sit for a horny start into the PornMe world.“ I would like to igno­re this for now, but that is not pos­si­ble. There is no way to close these win­dows. So you are forced to make a depo­sit. So much for free. To call this pro­ce­du­re a farce is much too mild.

Small tip: By the way, if you click on our link here in the review, you save the paren­tal con­trol age check.

You can pay by cre­dit card, SOFORT-payment, Paysafecard, direct debit, pre­pay­ment or anony­mously by Bitcoin or cash. To be pro­tec­ted from uncon­trol­led debits, I pay with Sofortüberweisung. Only now I get to see the pri­ces and they range from 10 euros to 199.95. I deci­de to pay 30 euros and enter my data on the left side, such as name, account num­ber, bank code. After the usual pro­ce­du­re with „SofortÜberweisung“ it is also then alre­a­dy done.

After regis­tra­ti­on and pay­ment you will recei­ve a con­fir­ma­ti­on mail with your access data.

Test – Review Member area

On the start page you will see a small sel­ec­tion of ladies who are curr­ent­ly online in front of the live cam. Below that, the latest vide­os of the ama­teurs are pre­sen­ted. As usual on such sites, the fre­quen­cy in which new vide­os appear is quite high. No won­der, the users want to earn money with the films.

As usual, I look for the menu at the top. I find one, but it is only for the com­mu­ni­ty acti­vi­ties of the site. Here you can check your mails, look at the guest­book ent­ries or rech­ar­ge your account. I don’t want all that at the moment, becau­se I want to look at the indi­vi­du­al areas. At first glan­ce, howe­ver, there is no menu for this.

Only at second glan­ce I dis­co­ver ano­ther menu on the left side. This menu opens when I hold the mouse poin­ter over it. Here I can switch bet­ween the sec­tions of pornme.pm. For the sake of sim­pli­ci­ty, I’ll go through the menu items one by one.

PornMe Live Cam

If you click on the link, the first thing you see is a whole range of pre­view images. These can be sor­ted by Freuen, men, HD Cams and Top 100. That’s it with the search opti­ons in the cate­go­ry. But more about an advan­ced search in a moment.

If you hold the mouse a litt­le over the pre­view image, you can see what the actress is doing. With one click the live­cam opens. The play­er is based on Flash and offers hard­ly any func­tions except for a small area where you can get in touch with the user.

Very good, howe­ver, is that you can see in the pre­view imme­dia­te­ly the price that awaits you. These are bet­ween 190 and 400 cre­dits per minute.

Below the pre­view image there is also a but­ton to open the pro­fi­le. As usual on pro­files, you get some per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on and a short text. However, the big­gest part of the pro­fi­le is taken up by the available vide­os of the respec­ti­ve performer.

Horny PornMe Video:

As the name sug­gests, you can find the user vide­os here. Here you can also rough­ly limit whe­ther you want to see only the latest or the top 100. Additionally you can fil­ter by cate­go­ries. In the cate­go­ries you can find the usual key­words such as jer­king off, gol­den show­er or blo­wjob and swallow.

For play­back, the HTML5 play­er is used again, which also only pro­vi­des the most neces­sa­ry func­tions. Whereby a down­load of the purcha­sed movies is not pos­si­ble. The pri­ces vary a bit, of cour­se. On avera­ge, about 500 to 1,000 cre­dits are deduc­ted. However, the length of the vast majo­ri­ty of vide­os is quite short at five to 10 minu­tes. Porn movies that are lon­ger can be found quite rarely.

Of cour­se, no gene­ral state­ment about the qua­li­ty of the movies can be made on an ama­teur site. After all, ever­yo­ne uses a dif­fe­rent came­ra to film maybe their toi­let slave, shaved cunt or dildo in their pussy. However, the qua­li­ty of the movies is quite good, even if you have to make some sacri­fices when it comes to the sound.

Exciting picture albums:

When it comes to the pic­tu­re albums, I can keep it short. For the most part, these offer the usual first-person pic­tures or bypro­ducts of video shoots. The price is on avera­ge 150–300 cre­dits – but can go up to 3,000 cre­dits for 14 pic­tures. There is no pro­vi­si­on for down­loa­ding the albums.

The search function:

This is done via the input field at the top of the page. If you enter a search term here, such as fuck club or anal tre­at­ment, gets the results for these terms. This even works across dif­fe­rent areas. If you enter Milf, you will get both the pri­va­te cams and the vide­os asso­cia­ted with the key­word Milf.

Opinions about page structure & design

Unfortunately, it was not appa­rent to me until the end of the test whe­ther I have a sub­scrip­ti­on or am regis­tered for free.

Since a can­cel­la­ti­on is not pro­vi­ded, I wrote to the sup­port and asked for infor­ma­ti­on. I am wai­ting for the ans­wer until today as well as for the con­fir­ma­ti­on mail from the registration.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

The site struc­tu­re is a litt­le con­fu­sing at the begin­ning, but with a litt­le trial and error you will quick­ly find your way around. The German lan­guage is a clear advantage.

Compared to other com­mu­ni­ty sites like Amateurcommunity or MyDirtyHobby, I find both the site struc­tu­re and the design at pornme.com much more pleasing.

Especially the blue-gray back­ground and the large and espe­ci­al­ly many pre­view – images make the design. Let’s be honest? Whoever reads the texts on porn sites cle­ar­ly has too much time on their hands.

Review verdict & conclusion of the Pornme.pm test report 

Pornme.pm defi­ni­te­ly ful­fills all the requi­re­ments that you would expect from a modern ama­teur porn portal.

The German sex site is mobile- and tablet-compatible, easy to use and offers extre­me­ly horny con­tent! The many pret­ty to extre­me­ly pret­ty actres­ses are striking 

Most of the women are bet­ween 25 and 45 years old and ful­fill extre­me­ly horny spe­cial requests in their ero­tic clips. The high num­ber of extra­or­di­na­ry mas­tur­ba­ti­on porn and piss movies is impres­si­ve. The LiveCam chat func­tion is real­ly great. Real user mee­tings seem to be actual­ly pos­si­ble with some girls.

After the very posi­ti­ve impres­si­on in the pre­view area and the pro­mi­se of a free regis­tra­ti­on, there is unfort­u­na­te­ly some dis­il­lu­sionment after the regis­tra­ti­on. Although the „regis­tra­ti­on“ is free of char­ge, but to see the user gets only some­thing after a depo­sit of at least 10 € actual­ly some­thing to see. Fortunately, one is not nag­ged with a paren­tal con­trol veri­fi­ca­ti­on via our link.

In sum­ma­ry, a regis­tra­ti­on at Pornme.pm is wort­hwhile. However, I stron­gly advi­se you to use a porn email address and not your pri­va­te email address.

Visit Pornme.pm
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
Cost:1000 cre­dits: 10,00 EUR
3000 Credits: 30,00 EUR
5000 Credits: 50,00 EUR
10000 Credits 99,95 EUR
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, bank trans­fer, instant bank trans­fer, Paysafecard
Billing:EDEV Media AG
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:yes
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:50,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:720 × 480 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:no
Number:130,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:various
Ø Length:10 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:10.000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:no
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Pornme.pm
  • Image qua­li­ty – 150%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 150%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 150%
  • Exclusivity – 83%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 83%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 83%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 67%
  • Promises / Reality – 83%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Design – 83%
  • Navigation – 67%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 67%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 83%
  • Costs – 67%
  • Price-performance ratio – 83%
  • Payment – 50%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 50%
  • Advertising / Spam – 33%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 17%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 67%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Effortless regis­tra­ti­on
  • Supports mobi­le tablets & phones
  • Very horny, cute German amateurs
  • Unbelievably kinky videos
  • No sub­scrip­ti­on 🙂


  • Intransparent pri­ces
  • No real free membership!
  • Somewhat gloo­my design
  • No account can­cel­la­ti­on option
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