Test - Review: ElegantAngel.com

Test: ElegantAngel.com

Test - Review: ElegantAngel.com

Test: ElegantAngel.com

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Porn Sites Review About the Porn Megasite Elegantangel.com – An Extremely Kinky Porn Label

Every man dreams of having sex with a natu­ral­ly horny woman who real­ly „goes all out“, likes kinky games, and jerks off unin­hi­bi­ted­ly during orgasm.

Unfortunately, this dream does not come true for many men. However, it is nice that good porn offers the pos­si­bi­li­ty to live out extra­or­di­na­ry sex prac­ti­ces at least in fantasy.

The American porn stu­dio Elegant Angel has made it their goal to shoot porn that is as extra­or­di­na­ry as pos­si­ble with lots of sperm and squirt. Compared to many bor­ing porn web­sites, ElegantAngel.com shows very wet porn and real orgasms.

I beca­me aware of the incre­di­bly kinky movies while wri­ting a review of a les­bi­an gang­bangs porn site. Rarely have I seen such horny les­bi­an porn and group sex movies.

That’s why I have to intro­du­ce you to this porn label in this review! As always, I will dis­cuss not only the advan­ta­ges in my review but also the nega­ti­ve sides. Please leave a com­ment below the review if you want to share your opi­ni­on and expe­ri­en­ces with us.

Visit ElegantAngel.com

Opinion About the Preview Area of Elegantangel.com

The pre­view area is quite bor­ing. If I had­n’t known in advan­ce what unspeaka­b­ly kinky porn the Elegant Angel stu­dio shoots, I would have imme­dia­te­ly cli­cked away the web­site in the browser.

The home page has a main navi­ga­ti­on in the upper-right cor­ner: Members | Join Us | Explore Our Library | all updates | Shop DVDs & More.

Below that is a gray box with the AVN Awards won in 2018, fol­lo­wed by a large photo of the most recent­ly uploa­ded vide­os. Below ano­ther gray box fol­lows 22 pho­tos of the latest Elegant Angel videos.

Now alter­na­ting areas are trai­lers and four pre­view pho­tos of the popu­lar DVD series: It’s A Mommy Thing, Big Wet Tits, She’s The Boss, Perfect Pussy and Battle Of The Asses. Boxes with mem­ber­ship pri­ces are alter­na­te­ly displayed.

Much more inte­res­t­ing is the Explore Our Library page. There you can find out about Elegant Angel’s near­ly 1000 sex vide­os at a glance.

Squirting porn: The specialty of Elegant Angel

On the left is a navi­ga­ti­on bar with the fol­lo­wing cate­go­ries: 18+ Teens, Lesbian, Sex, Amateur, Anal, Asian, BBW, Big Boobs, Big Butt, Big Cocks, Black, Blondes, Blowjobs, Brazilian, Brunettes, Cumshots, Double Anal, Double Penetration, Facials, Feature, Fetish, First Anal, Foreign, Gangbang, Gonzo, Interracial, Latin, Mature, MILF, Naturally Busty, Oiled, Petite, Point Of View, Sex Toy Play, Shaved, Squirting, Star show­ca­se, Swallowing, Threesomes, Tit Fucking.

Very, very horny are the movies in the Squirting cate­go­ry!!! Especially the series: Squirt Gangbang (Girl-Girl Gangbang), Swallow My Squirt, Squirt In My Gape, Zoey’s Squirt Shower, Squirtwoman and Supersquirt are mega-mega-awesome!

If you are atten­ti­ve, you will see that on ElegantAngel.com you will see few sce­nes com­pared to other porn sites, but most­ly com­ple­te DVDs. Not infre­quent­ly, these have a length of 2 hours.

I was incre­di­bly taken with the grungy Elegant Angel sex vide­os and fer­vent­ly hoped that the mem­bers area real­ly deli­vers what it promises.

Rating of the Porn Sites Registration

If you want to book a mem­ber­ship at ElegantAngel.com, click on the „JOIN US“ link in the top right menu.

  • A web page with the title „Get Premium Access“ will open. An email address, pass­word, and cre­dit card infor­ma­ti­on must be ente­red into the regis­tra­ti­on form. A home address is not requested.
  • On the right-hand side, you sel­ect a tariff. You can choo­se bet­ween a 2‑day trial mem­ber­ship and a one, three or twelve-month membership.
  • Click on the green „Get access“ but­ton. That’s it! The mes­sa­ge „Thank you for joi­ning“ will appear Below that are three but­tons: Movies, Scenes and Categories.

The atten­ti­ve site visi­tor will noti­ce that no exter­nal bil­ling com­pa­ny such as CCbill, EPOCH, VENDO or CentroBill has been inte­gra­ted. Elegant Angel has acqui­red a cre­dit card licen­se and bills the cre­dit cards its­elf. This ensu­res a very simp­le boo­king and can­cel­la­ti­on process.

I advi­se you to book a one-month or three-month mem­ber­ship. The trial mem­ber­ship is very slim­med down. If you want to see vide­os and pho­tos, you will be forced to sign up for a month­ly mem­ber­ship anyway.

Even though Elegant Angel does not send email spam, you should crea­te a porn email address at Gmail or GMX and use it when log­ging into sex sites. 

Test – Review of the Elegant Angel Member Area

The login to the mem­ber area is done via the page www.elegantangel.com/member-sign-in. The start page of the mem­ber area looks iden­ti­cal to the pre­view area.

Only the menu has chan­ged minimally:

  • I find the start page very con­fu­sing and advi­se you to switch to the„Movies“ page, which is simi­lar to the„Explore Our Library“ page of the pre­view area. There you will find a sel­ec­tion of cate­go­ries on the left side and the cor­re­spon­ding pre­view images in the form of DVD covers or logos in the main win­dow. You can find com­ple­te DVDs with one to two hours of run­ning time here.
  • Via the link„Categories“, you get to the over­view of the sin­gle cate­go­ries wit­hout thumb­nails. I find this page very uncha­ri­ta­b­ly desi­gned.
  • The link„Scenes“ takes you to a page where various sex sce­nes are dis­play­ed by thumb­nails. The lis­ted movies are sce­nes from the DVDs of the cate­go­ry „Movies“. Since the DVDs belon­ging to this cate­go­ry are not cle­ar­ly dis­play­ed, I do not like this view.
  • Via the link „Tags“, various key­words are lis­ted. The page resem­bles the „Categories“ and is not so great becau­se of the unador­ned design.
  • Under „The angels“, you will find an over­view of no less than 1500 porn actres­ses! If you click on the models, you will be taken to a model detail page (sedcard), where you can learn more about women.
  • Under„Deals“ are lis­ted vide­os for sale, which can be purcha­sed through your own account. The porn for sale can be purcha­sed eit­her at a spe­ci­fic time, month, week, day or in full. Since this is an American site, the pri­ces are in dollars.

The web pages are desi­gned accor­ding to the most modern tech­ni­ques and are rela­tively clear but visual­ly not very appealing.

Comfortable Playing of the Videos

Clicking on one of the thumb­nails takes you direct­ly to the cor­re­spon­ding video detail page. The video is play­ed auto­ma­ti­cal­ly or by a click, and below the video win­dow a table is inser­ted, in which six pre­view pic­tures from the video are shown.

Thus, as a lover of ero­tic sce­nes, you have an over­view of what to expect in the spe­ci­fied play­back time. Buttons with various key­words rela­ted to the video have been inser­ted bet­ween the video win­dow and the thumb­nails. Clicking on a but­ton will imme­dia­te­ly take you to the descri­bed part. For exam­p­le, the but­ton „oiled“ takes you to the scene in which the girl oils her butt or breasts.

The vide­os are play­ed via a play­er, which eit­her starts imme­dia­te­ly or can be star­ted via an arrow. The initi­al blur­ri­ne­ss is clea­ned up after a few seconds, and you can see and enjoy the movies in HD quality.

Keywords and Tags Help You Find Your Way Around Elegantangel

At the begin­ning, an age war­ning is dis­play­ed that the movies should not be wat­ched by teen­agers. Fast-forwarding is also rela­tively quick and does not take as long as on other plat­forms. Simply click on the play bar and the film will „fast-forward“.

Through the „tags“ (search terms) it is also rela­tively easy to chan­ge the scene and focus on the essen­ti­als, which just makes you want.

The ama­teur girls and women in hot pic­tures are intro­du­ced by name. A table was used, in which two pre­view pic­tures were inser­ted next to each other. The pic­tures are taken from the cor­re­spon­ding vide­os, which can be play­ed by cli­cking on them.

For bet­ter ori­en­ta­ti­on, the length of the porn is also indi­ca­ted in minu­tes and seconds on the pre­view image. The gir­l’s name and the movie’s title are also cle­ar­ly visi­ble. In addi­ti­on, there is also the release date on the plat­form. New vide­os are published every day, so there is always some­thing new to discover.

Below the pre­view images are fur­ther recom­men­da­ti­ons in the form of thumb­nails for the sel­ec­ted topic or the sel­ec­ted porn star. The „light switch“ but­ton hides all thumb­nails and but­tons, and you only see the video run­ning. A great effect, through which not­hing more dis­turbs the porn plea­su­re. Also, the full screen is easy and quick to acti­va­te. Another click will make the thumb­nails visi­ble again.

Very Horny, Varied Actions

The acts of porn are as varied as sex is in gene­ral. There are movies on all topics, cumshots as well as gang­bangs, dou­ble pene­tra­ti­on, BBW, facials, or squir­ting, just to name a few. All cate­go­ries can be sel­ec­ted under „Categories“. The sel­ec­tion is huge and arran­ged alpha­be­ti­cal­ly, sim­ply clear.

Fucking in every form, anal, vagi­nal, and also deep throat or bosom fucks can be seen. In addi­ti­on, there are blo­wjob sce­nes, oral licking sce­nes with shaved or hairy pus­sies, and espe­ci­al­ly sce­nes with a lot of sperm and also splas­hy orgasm sce­nes of ultra-horny women. There are also girls who do it to them­sel­ves or les­bi­an women who let their ton­gues beco­me acti­ve in posi­ti­on 69.

All these sce­nes don’t seem play­ed, but real. As a view­er, you real­ly belie­ve to stand next to them and smell the horn­i­ness of the women and men. The women and men real­ly feel what they show in the porn, strong arou­sal and full satis­fac­tion. The actions are focu­sed on the essen­ti­als, which is what you want to see as a video con­su­mer. Very authen­tic and real sce­nes, in which ever­yo­ne can imme­dia­te­ly feel.

Very Good Video Quality

I have to clas­si­fy the qua­li­ty of the indi­vi­du­al vide­os as very high. Excellent lit sce­nes, which in some cases also remind of good ama­teur sce­nes. Natural moa­ning, short dia­lo­gues, and a lot of naked skin and sexu­al activity.

Every form of sexua­li­ty gets its money­’s worth. No genre is left out, a truly com­ple­te coll­ec­tion of porn in every pos­si­ble form. Simply lis­ted, clear and easy to use.

Very Beautiful and at the Same Time Stimulating Pictures

The images in the pre­view area are often rela­tively gene­ral and you can’t imme­dia­te­ly tell what the video in ques­ti­on is about. However, the qua­li­ty is excellent.

Beautiful Women

ElegantAngel.com also offers a lot of varie­ty in the types of women. You will find young teens around 20 years old and hot MILFs bet­ween 30 and 40. Many women have big tits, and some have small breasts, some women wear glas­ses. You will find plump asses and shaved or hairy pussies.

Opinions About Site Structure & Design

The design of elegantangel.com is clear and simp­le so that even less expe­ri­en­ced users can quick­ly find their way around.

The design may be con­side­red out­da­ted in pro­fes­sio­nal cir­cles, but it is easy to use. Each link is easy to click and quick­ly takes you to the page and the women and vide­os you want.

The „Search“ but­ton can also be used to search for per­for­mers or by cate­go­ry quickly.

Experience With the Subscription Cancellation

The can­cel­la­ti­on of ElegantAngel.com is incre­di­bly easy. Since the ope­ra­tor does not use an exter­nal pay­ment pro­vi­der, the can­cel­la­ti­on func­tion is inte­gra­ted into the system.

  • Call as a logged-in mem­ber above, right in the main menu on the male icon and then click on „My Account“.
  • A page will open where you can make some account set­tings. In the box „Membership Status“ you will see a big green tick and the word „acti­ve“. Click on the link „Cancel Membership“ below.
  • A page will open with the title: „Are you sure you want to can­cel your mem­ber­ship?“ Click on the but­ton „yes, can­cel. I would like to end my membership.“
  • BANG, tha­t’s it. The account page now says:„Due to your request for can­cel­la­ti­on, your acti­ve mem­ber­ship is set to expi­re on Mar 19, 201X“.

Review Verdict & Conclusion of the ElegantAngel.com Test Report

The porn vide­os on ElegantAngel.com are extre­me­ly hot, total­ly kinky and mega awe­so­me. I per­so­nal­ly enjoy­ed the review extre­me­ly much.

The com­bi­na­ti­on of all pos­si­ble sex varia­ti­ons, with lots of cum and squir­ting splas­hes and un-faked lust of the actres­ses, the sex site appeals to every view­er equal­ly. White cum, squir­ting women and real orgasms are the spe­cial­ties of the porn label.

Boring porn? No way! The came­ra work of many films makes you feel as if you are right in the midd­le of the action. Wonderful sights are shown when the sperm is spray­ed with powerful splas­hes on the skin of the woman, whe­ther on breasts, buttocks, the belly or the feet.

Elegant Angel is a specialist for filthy and wet porn videos

Most of the women are very attrac­ti­ve. Many of them have an appe­al­ing ama­teur cha­rac­ter. Thick breasts, sexy bodies, potent men, kinky MILFs and also sweet, real teens do not miss out. With the girls, you can feel that they live out their horn­i­ness in the video shoot – not­hing seems forced.

Even if the start page of the pre­view area looks very bor­ing, you quick­ly rea­li­ze the advan­ta­ges of the simp­le design and easy ope­ra­ti­on. A fast ser­ver allows for smooth strea­ming of the damn horny HD porn.

Elegant Angel is a porn site that is defi­ni­te­ly recom­men­ded and where every man’s needs are satis­fied. Really abso­lut­e­ly horny!

Visit ElegantAngel.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$17.99 / 1 month
$49.99 / 3 months
$99.99 / 12 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card
Billing:Elegant Angel itself
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:400,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:1400 x 900 Pixel
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:923 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:45 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for ElegantAngel.com

Extreme kinky porn with unres­trai­ned dirty pornstars

If you have seen enough of bor­ing porn and you are more inte­res­ted in extre­me­ly per­ver­ted sex movies, you should take a clo­ser look at this ero­tic site. Don’t be irri­ta­ted by the bor­ing pre­view design, but rather surf into the depth of the assort­ment! You will find very horny porn with varied, incre­di­bly exci­ting action.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 50%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 50%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 50%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 100%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Incredibly horny porn videos
  • Many, many squirt & cum scenes
  • Real orgasms & real feelings
  • Awesome cum games and facials
  • No chea­ting in boo­king form


  • Only cre­dit card pay­ment possible
  • Boring pre­view area / Tour pages
  • Boring design
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