Test - Review: FemaleSquirt.com

Test: FemaleSquirt.com

Test - Review: FemaleSquirt.com

Test: FemaleSquirt.com

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Porn Sites Review: Extremely horny lesbian bukkake with squirt on FemaleSquirt.com

„Female eja­cu­la­ti­on“ fasci­na­tes, shocks and exci­tes many women and men alike. When the front peach-core shaped area of the vagi­na is sti­mu­la­ted by fin­gers, a dildo or a penis, it feels very plea­sura­ble for the woman. It is cal­led the G‑spot, G‑area or AFE zone (Anterior Fornix Erogenous Zone or A.F.E. Zone).

Female Squirt Review

With the right tech­ni­que and with extre­me sti­mu­la­ti­on, incre­di­bly inten­se orgasms can be indu­ced, usual­ly accom­pa­nied by the squir­ting of a trans­lu­cent fluid. However, many women are unfort­u­na­te­ly embar­ras­sed to eja­cu­la­te becau­se squir­ting is a simi­lar fee­ling to having to pee.

There are a good dozen porn sites that deal with the topic of fema­le eja­cu­la­ti­on, also squirt or squir­ting. One of them is FemaleSquirt.com, which I would like to intro­du­ce to you in this ero­tic site review.

In my review, it is important for me to high­light not only the advan­ta­ges, but also the dis­ad­van­ta­ges. I will tell you what I expe­ri­en­ced during the boo­king and also during the can­cel­la­ti­on of the sub­scrip­ti­on. Of cour­se, the most inte­res­t­ing part is the con­tent offe­red. If you know FemaleSquirt or you have any ques­ti­ons about the review, plea­se write me your opi­ni­ons and expe­ri­en­ces in the com­ment field below the review.

Visit FemaleSquirt.com

Opinion about the preview area of FemaleSquirt.com

In the pre­view area of FemaleSquirt.com the topic „Female Ejaculation“ beco­mes unmist­aka­b­ly clear at a glan­ce. On two web pages you can see a total of 19 porn sce­nes with one, two or three women squirting.

In the upper area, you will find a logo, a wild­ly wriggling „CLICK HERE TO JOIN-NOW“ but­ton, a login but­ton for the mem­ber area and an „Add to Favorites“ link for the brow­ser bookmarks.

This is fol­lo­wed by a ban­ner and an image carou­sel, with the latest sex video updates run­ning through as an end­less loop. It looks like there are weekly updates.

Weibliche Ejakulation als Party Spiel
Female eja­cu­la­ti­on as a party game

Below that, the alre­a­dy men­tio­ned squirt vide­os (cal­led sce­nes) are lis­ted. There is one large and five small thumb­nails per scene. The first five sce­nes have a 30-second trai­ler that requi­res an Adobe Flash brow­ser plugin.

You learn what the movie is about and who is in it in a short descrip­ti­on text. With the excep­ti­on of Roxy Raye, the girls are not named by their full stage names. But maybe they are real ama­teurs. The mem­bers area will show that …

Large „Call to Action“ links and but­tons are posi­tio­ned below the sce­nes to enti­ce users to sign up for a membership.

Lesbian and bisexual women make themselves ejaculate with sex toys

There is no sting­i­ness with super­la­ti­ve adver­ti­sing state­ments in the texts. For exam­p­le, state­ments such as „Only real squir­ting vide­os“, „Real fema­le squirt“ and „only true fema­le squir­ting“ repea­ted­ly pro­mi­se that these are only real squir­ting vide­os. Thereby, one is sup­po­sed to see so-called „flod­ding orgasms“ (floo­ding orgasms) with mas­tur­ba­ting women. Furthermore, the „girl on girl“ (i.e. bise­xu­al women / les­bi­ans) squir­ting orgasms are poin­ted out. The girls would spray a lot of pussy juice and play with it (pussy juice).

If you take a clo­ser look at the pho­tos, you will actual­ly noti­ce in the lesbian-porn that the girls do not just eja­cu­la­te any­whe­re, but squirt each other in the mouth. This is extre­me­ly horny and very varied.

Although the pre­view pages offer rela­tively litt­le func­tion­a­li­ty, I am still com­ple­te­ly con­vin­ced that I want to beco­me a mem­ber of FemaleSquirt.com.

Female Squirt in mouth
Female Squirt- Female eja­cu­la­ti­on into les­bi­an girl­fri­en­d’s mouth

Porn page rating – registration

Signing up at FemaleSquirt.com fol­lows the usual pro­ce­du­re of many English-language porn sites:

  1. Click on one of the many JOIN-NOW but­tons.
  2. You will be redi­rec­ted to a so-called Pre-JOIN page
  3. On the left side, a gra­phic points out the bene­fits of mem­ber­ship. On the right side there is a boo­king form where you have to enter a user­na­me, a pass­word and an email address. Select your coun­try „Austria“, „Switzerland“ or „Germany“ under „Country“.
  4. In the Membership field you can choo­se bet­ween a one-month and a three-month membership.
  5. Under “ Payment type“ you can choo­se bet­ween „Join by Credit Card“ and „Join by Check“. There is also the but­ton „Join Alternate Biller“ and „Other ways to join“, where again the opti­ons „Join by Phone“ and „EU Direct Pay“ are selectable.
  6. Unfortunately, all this is com­ple­te­ly con­fu­sing and I would like to explain it to you: By default, bil­ling runs via the regu­lar „JOIN NOW“ but­ton through the bil­ling com­pa­ny EPOCH. There, in addi­ti­on to cre­dit card pay­ment, Paypal and SOFORTüberweisung are also pos­si­ble. If there are pro­blems with the pay­ment, you can use the other but­tons to call the boo­king forms of the bil­ling com­pa­ny CCbill and GXBilling.
  7. My recom­men­da­ti­on is to leave the pre-selected set­tings „one month mem­ber­ship“ and „Join by Credit Card“ so you will be bil­led by EPOCH 
  8. Even though I keep repea­ting mys­elf in all my reviews: NEVER use your pri­va­te email address on porn sites. Take your time and crea­te an email address for your porn site regis­tra­ti­ons at GMAIL or GMX. Once your nor­mal email address ends up in a spam list of a dubio­us porn site, you will bit­ter­ly reg­ret it.
  9. Now you are on the EPOCH pay­ment page, which you can chan­ge to the German lan­guage via a sel­ec­tion field in the upper-right cor­ner, if this has not been done automatically.
  10. The pay­ment form is self-explanatory and easy to under­stand. I think it’s great that there is no need to store a home address in all pay­ment options 
  11. The most anony­mous pay­ment is made via Paypal. With SOFORTüberweisung, only the name and zip code are stored. It is posi­ti­ve that with the cre­dit card pay­ment, the check mark is not pre­sel­ec­ted with the cross-selling offer for Brutal Dildos. Thus, this fea­ture does not lead to any point deductions.
  12. I was very con­fu­sed by the test of the check­box„I agree that the mem­ber­ship to www.femalesquirt.com renews at $39,99 every 1 month until can­cel­led, and the mem­ber­ship to www.brutaldildos.com renews at $29,99 every 1 month until can­cel­led“. I was curious to see if the cus­to­mer had been duped into taking out two sub­scrip­ti­ons at the same time. But that was not the case! It is about an unfort­u­na­te formulation.
  13. After the pay­ment pro­cess of your cho­sen pay­ment method has gone through posi­tively, an EPOCH boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on is dis­play­ed, which shows all bil­ling data in the sum­ma­ry. It has been set to redi­rect you after 5 seconds 
  14. A boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on will then appear from the site ope­ra­tor with the hea­ding „Thanks for beco­ming a mem­ber of Female Squirt!“, which also con­ta­ins the access data, the login link for the mem­ber area and the boo­king num­ber. Check if you have recei­ved the boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on e‑mail. If yes, you can close the website.

Test – Review Member Area

The log-in to the mem­ber area is done via the web­site http://www.femalesquirt.com/members/. There you have to type in your user­na­me and pass­word as well as a SPAM pro­tec­tion gra­phic against hacker attacks. If you acti­va­te the check­box „Save my pass­word“, the login data will be saved as a coo­kie and you will not be asked to enter it again and again.

The head of the mem­ber area – start page was pro­vi­ded with a Female Squirt ban­ner. Underneath, there is a menu with five buttons:

  • Home – Back to the mem­ber area start page
  • All Scenes – The most important link to access the squir­ting porn
  • Bonus Feeds – adver­ti­sing links lea­ding to SPAM sites
  • More Sites – ban­ner ads for other sex sites of the ope­ra­tor (e.g. brutaldildos.com, hugestraponlesbians.com, whippedass.com, latexangel.com, prolapsequeen.com, dirtygardengirl.com)
  • Live Webcams – Whitelabel site of the live cam chat ser­vice Flirt4free

A Latest site news hea­ding fol­lows. Underneath, it says that now „tons of never befo­re seen new girls and only real fema­le squirt­ers with real squir­ting orgasms are published“.

Below that fol­lows a box titled Latest News. Six screen­shots of the latest published sex vide­os are dis­play­ed there. The last video was uploa­ded on February 25, 2013. That’s 5 years ago!

Directly below, three ban­ner ads for the home­page of Isabella Clark, Prolapseparty.com, hotkinkyjo.xxx are displayed.

In the right column, an adver­ti­sing ban­ner for BrutalDildos is embedded. Below that, the 10 most view­ed and 10 highest-rated squir­ting porn are lis­ted respectively.

Squirting durch Lesben Dildo Spiele
Squirting by Lesbian Dildo Games

Anticipation for squirting porn is short-lived

As men­tio­ned ear­lier, the most important menu item is „All Scenes“. The first impres­si­on after log­ging in seems quite posi­ti­ve, but after just a few minu­tes, the anti­ci­pa­ti­on and exci­te­ment fades away quite quickly.

When you click on it, you can access seven sub­pages with 6 squir­ting vide­os each. So there are only 67 movies available

Again, you can see that the last update was in 2013. The pre­view pic­tures are alre­a­dy very horny, becau­se you often see that one woman squirts the other in the face (cal­led: Squirt Bukkake).

If you click on the thumb­nails, the video detail page opens. The page is very clear. You can see a video title, the release date, a link to „add to favo­ri­tes“, a rating func­tion as well as a scene descrip­ti­on and the names of the porn actresses.

Female Squirt

In the large strea­ming win­dow, the video plays with the Adobe Flash Player plug­in. My brow­ser was given a secu­ri­ty ques­ti­on if you real­ly want to allow Flash 

The vide­os can­not be play­ed on mobi­le devices like smart­phones and tablets. I suspect that the newest clips have a reso­lu­ti­on of 720p, which is Half-HD. The older sce­nes have an SD reso­lu­ti­on of 468p.

Intuitively, I was despera­te­ly loo­king for a down­load but­ton. But: There is no down­load func­tion for porn pro­vi­ded by the site ope­ra­tor! Unfortunately, various Chrome and Firefox brow­ser plug­ins for Flash video down­load did not work eit­her! Apparently, this is somehow blo­cked by Javascript.

As if that was­n’t enough, I noti­ced while loo­king through the vide­os that some movies from hugestraponlesbians.com and brutaldildos.com were mixed in and that the domain’s water­mark can also be read.

For an above-average $40 month­ly fee, the scope of the FemaleSquirt.com offer is a bit disappointing!

Very, very horny Female Ejaculation Videos

In my opi­ni­on, it’s an incre­di­ble pity that cus­to­mers are screwed like this – becau­se in terms of con­tent, the few porn movies are very, very horny!

It’s unbe­lie­va­ble how horny the girls get when their pus­sies are fucked with fast fin­ger and dildo move­ments. Especially thick dil­dos and strap-on dil­dos (also cal­led strap-on, stra­pon or harness) have a very good effect on the pussy nerve pathways.

Weibliche Ejakulation beim Fick mit Strapon Dildo
Female eja­cu­la­ti­on with orgasm when fuck­ing with strap-on dildo

I was stron­gly impres­sed on FemaleSquirt.com by the fuck­ing machi­nes on which a thick dildo was screwed. Violent Squirtfontainen and loud screams of plea­su­re are the result!!! Full fier­ce are the les­bi­an three­so­mes, for exam­p­le with Judy & Malezia & Kream. The three girls squirt each other their horny cunt juice in the face.

Many lesbian women love the horny squirt taste

Absolutely MEGA, are also the anal dildo sce­nes. Through appro­pria­te­ly sui­ta­ble dil­dos, an anal orgasm can also be trig­ge­red, which is often accom­pa­nied by a fema­le ejaculation!

The squir­ting – sce­nes are all real! There is no tri­ckery with water or urine. Almost all girls get breath­ta­king orgasms when mas­tur­ba­ting alone or tog­e­ther with other women. Especially the girl-on-girl sce­nes are extre­me­ly sti­mu­la­ting! The women squirt while fin­ge­ring and sti­mu­la­ting with dil­dos full in the face and in the open mouth. Almost all the girls swal­low squirt and have crazy fun play­ing kinky games!

There are also sce­nes where one woman fucks ano­ther hard with a strap-on, which in turn results in horny squirting. ^^

Nevertheless, it annoys me that you can not down­load the exci­ting movies! 

Lesben Fisting und Squirting
Lesbian Fisting and Squirting

High-resolution squirting photos

I was posi­tively sur­pri­sed by the series of pic­tures that are available for each scene. It is hid­den com­ple­te­ly incon­spi­cuous­ly under the tab „Caps“, which is an abbre­via­ti­on of Captures. This actual­ly means screen­shots of vide­os.

I expec­ted small screen­shots from the vide­os. Surprised, I found out that there are about 500 pho­tos with a reso­lu­ti­on of 1920 × 1080 in razor-sharp qua­li­ty behind them.

Some pho­tos cap­tu­re the moment of squir­ting very horny, so you can play your ima­gi­na­ti­on and enjoy the scene.

A com­for­ta­ble JavaSript allows you to scroll back and forth through the pho­tos. There is also a pos­si­bi­li­ty to down­load the pic­tu­re series as a ZIP file.

Very horny pornstars

Numerous squirt icons are repre­sen­ted on FemaleSquirt. For exam­p­le: Tina Blade, Mia Angel, Cherry Kiss, Mea Melone, the red­head Lucy Bell, the blon­de Mia Angel with mini tits, Monica Lucky, Kristine Crystalis, Kream, Uma Zex, the black-haired beau­ty Monica Lucky, Roxy Raye, Sabrina Deep. Also Lepidoptera has very small breasts and looks very sexy.

Unfortunately, no effort was made to crea­te a model over­view page with more infor­ma­ti­on about the girls.

Squirting bisexual Woman

Opinions about page layout & design

I find the color com­bi­na­ti­on of tur­quoi­se, blue, yel­low, white and black very suc­cessful and the design ele­ments are also successful.

However, both the pre­view and the mem­ber area of FemaleSquirt.com no lon­ger meet modern gui­de­lines. The site looks old-fashioned and the Flash vide­os are not sup­port­ed on mobi­le devices such as Android smart­phones and tablets as well as Apple iPhones and iPads.

Although the infra­struc­tu­ral struc­tu­re is quick­ly unders­tood, the mas­si­ve­ly pene­t­ra­ting adver­ti­sing links to „Bonus Feeds“, „More Sites“ and „Live Webcams“ do not help the sex site look more serious with the few porn videos.

Experience with the subscription cancellation

If you want to can­cel the FemaleSquirt sub­scrip­ti­on, only a few steps are necessary.

  • Click on the link „Cancel Membership / Billing Support“ at the bot­tom of the web­site. This will open one that lists the links to the four bil­ling com­pa­nies offe­red, EPOCH, CCbill, ACHdebit and GXbill. In my case, I cli­cked on the EPOCH link
  • EPOCH’s home page opens, with a login form cal­led „FIND PURCHASE.“ Copy or type in two pie­ces of infor­ma­ti­on there. I ente­red my email address and and my user­na­me. Then click on the but­ton „FIND MY ACCOUNT“.
  • It opens a web page cal­led „ADMINISTRATE YOUR PURCHASES“. There the sub­scrip­ti­on is lis­ted with some details. Click on the but­ton „CANCEL“.
  • A box will over­lay the page where the reason for can­cel­la­ti­on should be ente­red. Just sel­ect „No pro­blem, just not inte­res­ted anymore.“
  • A white web page will open with a „Special Offer“ for $29.99 per month. Click on „No thanks – plea­se can­cel my membership.“
  • That’s it! A blue info box shows the text: „Cancel mem­ber­ship: suc­cess“. Under the sub­scrip­ti­on lis­ting, it now says in red let­ters, „Repeat can­ce­led“ and an email comes in, with a can­cel­la­ti­on confirmation.
Femalesquirt – Squirting in the mouth during les­bi­an sex

Review verdict of the FemaleSquirt.com test report

When eva­lua­ting FemaleSquirt, angels and devils weigh on my shoulders! 

  • For a hefty $40, you only get 42 strea­ming vide­os that you can’t download.
  • On the other hand, the con­tent of the squir­ting porn is not only„super cool“, but„mega super cool“! Especially the movies with les­bi­ans have it „in them­sel­ves“! It is not only mas­tur­ba­ting, fin­ge­ring and play­ing dil­dos not only „some­whe­re“ squir­ted, but most­ly full in the face and mouth of the play­mate!

Very annoy­ing I find that FemaleSquirt has not been updated for 5 years. Accordingly, the modern devices of Apple, Android & co. are not supported.

I would have very much liked to give this web­site a bet­ter rating, since the vide­os are incre­di­bly sti­mu­la­ting. But since you can’t down­load them even with tricks via down­load tools and brow­ser plug­ins, you can’t recom­mend this sex site for this high price.

I sin­ce­re­ly hope that one day this horny squirt porn site will get a relaunch and new content.

Visit FemaleSquirt.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$38.99 / 1 month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$79.99 / 3 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, pay per call (phone), instant bank trans­fer, check
Billing:EPOCH or CCbill
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental con­trol filter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:every 2 weeks
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:yes
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:20,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:1920 × 1080 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:42 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Web HD 720p
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:10.000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:no
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for FemaleSquirt.com

Lesbian Bukkake: Ejaculate squirt into the face

On this porn site, you will find 42 extre­me­ly kinky bisex and les­bi­an sex porn. The focus is on trig­ge­ring the fema­le eja­cu­la­ti­on with a dildo, strap-on or fin­gers, and swal­lo­wing the squirt fluid. The fema­le buk­ka­ke sce­nes are all very horny. Unfortunately, the pro­ject is no lon­ger updated. But it’s defi­ni­te­ly worth to have a look anyway.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 83%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 17%
  • Fairness – 17%
  • Promises / Reality – 50%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 50%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 83%
  • Updates – 0%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 33%
  • Price-performance ratio – 17%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 33%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 33%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Damn horny squir­ting videos
  • Vigorous squirt face splashes
  • Authentic, natu­ral reactions
  • Very horny cunt squir­ting photos
  • Payment via Paypal possible


  • Only 42 squirt videos
  • No video down­load possible
  • Very expen­si­ve
  • Since 2013 no updates
  • Old-school design
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