Test - Review: SquirtBukkake.com

Test: SquirtBukkake.com

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Review: Squirt in mouth and face! One of the world’s hottest porn sites: SquirtBukkake.com

Surely, you have alre­a­dy stumb­led across the term buk­ka­ke. This means the eja­cu­la­ti­on of seve­ral men into the face of a woman. Most often, this takes place during a gang­bang – one of the most sear­ched porn themes.

JM Productions

Another favo­ri­te topic of many porn con­su­mers is fema­le eja­cu­la­ti­on, also cal­led squirt or squir­ting. Squirting women exert an incre­di­ble sexu­al attrac­tion on men.

The porn site SquirtBukkake.com com­bi­nes the the­mes of squirt and buk­ka­ke. Here the facial inse­mi­na­ti­on occurs in rever­se: Several women eja­cu­la­te in a man’s or a woman’s face! This unu­su­al sexu­al game is cal­led Squirting Ganbang (or short: Squirt Gangbang).

SquirtBukkake.com con­ta­ins two core themes:

  • a) Reverse Bukkake: In a rever­se facial buk­ka­ke, seve­ral women eja­cu­la­te into a man’s face. This is also cal­led rever­se gangbang.
  • b) Lesbian Bukkake: As the name sug­gests, seve­ral women eja­cu­la­te in the face of one woman. This is also cal­led Lesbian Gangbang. Sometimes you can also find the terms Lesbian squirt eating, Lesbian squirt swal­lo­wing or Lesbian Orgy. However, these are most­ly bise­xu­al women and less about real lesbians.

The unu­su­al theme made me extre­me­ly horny and I hoped for a chan­ge from the American porn mono­t­o­ny. In this review, I would like to intro­du­ce you to the porn site SquirtBukkake. I am always happy to recei­ve comm­ents under my review.

Visit SquirtBukkake.com

Opinion about the preview section of SquirtBukkake.com

The porn site SquirtBukkake.com shows alre­a­dy on the pre­view pages, impres­si­ve­ly what it is all about.

SquirtBukkake is a porn site with the the­mes of fema­le mas­tur­ba­ti­on and squir­ting. In the vide­os, women mas­tur­ba­te over the face of a male or fema­le slave.

Their pus­sies are alre­a­dy wet from pre­vious mas­tur­ba­ti­on and are about to orgasm. They rub their cli­to­ris vio­lent­ly to trig­ger the squirt orgasm. When it comes to squir­ting the hot fema­le eja­cu­la­te, the ladies make a huge mess on the man or girl underneath.

Squirt Bukkake - Lesben ejakulieren sich in den Mund
Squirt Bukkake – Lesbians eja­cu­la­te in their mouths

There are six sce­nes on eight sub-pages. For each scene there is a short descrip­ti­on text and 9 small thumb­nails. Before each scene head­line, you can see a large num­ber of squir­ting women. In addi­ti­on, you can watch a short trai­ler of the latest porn movies by cli­cking the „Download Sample Video“ link.

Watching the demo tour, you can see num­e­rous les­bi­an buk­ka­ke vide­os, but also many rever­se buk­ka­kes, where men are squir­ted with orgas­mic fluids of many ladies. The mix­tu­re is real­ly cool!

It alre­a­dy looks extre­me­ly horny on the free pre­view pic­tures, how the cor­re­spon­ding per­son is soa­ked with the hot liquid.

There are a lot of stran­ge words in the scene descrip­ti­on texts. The squirt liquid, also cal­led Female Cum or Female Juice. Since the squir­ting pro­cess is usual­ly accom­pa­nied by an orgasm, one often reads about so-called Squirt Gasms.

More than 300 sce­nes are pro­mi­sed. Since this state­ment does not coin­ci­de with the pre­view gal­le­ries from a purely mathe­ma­ti­cal point of view, I am curious to find out if this is true.

Lesbian Bukkake - Squirting ins Gesicht
Lesbian Bukkake – Squirting in the Face

Rating of the porn sites registration

To beco­me a mem­ber of Squirt Bukkake, click on the Sign-Up but­ton at the top of the hea­der. Alternatively, you can click on one of the many „Click here to see all the squirts!“ links.

A page will open with a boo­king form titled „Join by Credit Card“. Enter user­na­me, pass­word, and email here.

Unfortunately, there is no pos­si­bi­li­ty of pay­ing by direct debit. At least you can pay by check, cell phone and SMS. I wan­ted to test my pre­paid Mastercard. Then a pay­ment form for cre­dit cards opens. Enter your name, zip code, cre­dit card num­ber, expi­ra­ti­on date and CVV code. A query of the address does not take place.

My pre­paid card was accept­ed wit­hout any pro­blems. After pay­ment, a wel­co­me page with the access data is dis­play­ed. At the same time you will recei­ve a boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on by e‑mail. Do not dele­te the e‑mail in any case, becau­se you need the boo­king num­ber for cancellation.

Lesbian orgies - Squirt Bukkake

Test – Review Member Area

When I visi­ted the mem­ber area for the first time, I was a bit con­fu­sed. One has beco­me a mem­ber of the Meatmembers Network. This is a porn net­work that includes 40 sex sites in the month­ly price. One can find the latest sce­nes on the Meat Members home page. In order to access the SquirtBukkake porn, one must first sel­ect the site as a cate­go­ry in the top menu.

Facial Squirt - Kandi Hart
Facial Squirt – Kandi Hart

At first you are a bit dis­ap­poin­ted. You can find only 67 squir­ting vide­os. Unfortunately, the web­site has not been updated since June 2009.

The porn vide­os are lis­ted one below the other and have no detail­ed scene pages. One can watch some porn as a flash stream or down­load it as WMV or MPG in two qua­li­ty levels. There are shorter clips of 10 minu­tes as well as very long movies that last 30 minutes.

The vide­os were pro­du­ced in 480p SD. In low light con­di­ti­ons, the came­ras used tend to pro­du­ce arti­facts and washed-out gra­phics. In this respect, the video qua­li­ty varies from good to medio­cre from film to film.

After rese­ar­ching, I found that the porn was shot by the stu­dio JM Productions. They are also sold in two DVD series Reverse Bukkake and Lesbian Bukkake. The acts of les­bi­an gang­bang are simi­lar to rever­se gang­bang.

For the sake of sim­pli­ci­ty, below I will call the acti­ve, squir­ting women„squirt­ers“ and the pas­si­ve squir­ting vic­tim„sub“ or„slave“.

The content of bukkake squirt porn

If you think you’­ve alre­a­dy seen very per­ver­ted porn, you don’t know SquirtBukkake sex movies! They are extre­me­ly exci­ting, breath­ta­king and high­ly sti­mu­la­ting squir­ting porn.

The idea of mass spray­ing with cunt juice is high­ly exci­ting. I squir­ted 3x mys­elf on the day I put the sex site to the test 😉 SquirtBukkake will pro­vi­de you with abun­dant and powerful orgasms as well.

Varied, unbelievably horny acts

Although the theme is always the same, it is pre­sen­ted in a very varied way.

The film­ing loca­ti­ons are most­ly tiled rooms, such as a pri­va­te swim­ming pool, a big bath­room, a big kit­chen or chan­ging rooms, a hall, bars or com­mu­nal show­er rooms. Sometimes you can also see a stu­dio loca­ti­on in the style of an office or class­room. It also looks great when shoo­ting in a spa­cious mansion.

When shoo­ting out­doors, tha­t’s also kind of extra­or­di­na­ry. For exam­p­le, in a swim­ming pool, inflata­ble paddling pool, a baby sand­box, on a tram­po­li­ne or on gar­den fur­ni­tu­re. A loca­ti­on in a cir­cus was also offbeat.

Squirt Bukkake - Criss Stokes
Reverse Bukkake: Criss Stokes eja­cu­la­tes in a man’s face
  • The slave is usual­ly lying on the floor or on a table. Their upper body is often slight­ly ele­va­ted so that a lot of cunt juice can run down there as well. The / The sub beha­ves main­ly pas­si­ve­ly – but is very often wrung to clean lick the many cunts. Often the sub-girls mas­tur­ba­te them­sel­ves seve­ral times to orgasm becau­se the mood is too horny.
  • The squirt­ers usual­ly kneel, stand or squat over the subs face. But some also sit on a chair, stool or table. Many girls get it with their right hand until squir­ting orgasm. Some fin­ger them­sel­ves hard, others jerk the cli­to­ris at a vio­lent pace and still others use their favo­ri­te sex toy to trig­ger a squir­ting orgasm. For exam­p­le, the Hitachi Magic Wand, thick dil­dos, G‑spot dil­dos and G‑spot vibra­tors are used

    Some squirt­ers go hol­low back while squir­ting and pull the labia apart for a wide squirt, some bend over invol­un­t­a­ri­ly at their own orgasm – They bend over the slave while twitching.

Usually there are 15 or 25 women per scene. This results in 2 to 4 liters of squirt. The maxi­mum num­ber I coun­ted was 43 women – which must have yiel­ded about 7 liters of pussy juice! 

Orgasms – as far as the eye can see!

At the begin­ning is quite word­less­ly in turn on the / the sub jerk­ed off. But after about 10 ‑15 minu­tes, the mood usual­ly escala­tes at each orgy.

Squirt Lesbian Bukkake: Patience Wright
Squirt Lesbian Bukkake: Patience Wright

The sub is by now com­ple­te­ly soa­ked with fema­le cum. The „Female Cumshots“ have often sme­ared the make­up and rui­ned the hair­style on the slaves. The hair is soa­king wet with pussy juice.

Both they subs, as well as other Aktuere are stron­gly arou­sed and yet cheerful and enthu­si­a­stic! It is also mas­tur­ba­ted on the edge of the „play­ing field“ and you can always hear women moa­ning during an orgasm. Inevitably, the action also beco­mes more and more perverted!

Many squirt­ers kiss the fully squir­ted sub pas­sio­na­te­ly and lick her face clean. Some spit the squirt juice coll­ec­ted in each other’s mouths and kiss extre­me­ly kinky horny.

Sometimes pro­fes­sio­nal porn actres­ses spon­ta­neous­ly come up with per­ver­ted ideas! For exam­p­le, then (as in very kinky gok­kun and gang­bang porn) seve­ral loads of squirt are coll­ec­ted in a large glass or other ves­sels. Or seve­ral women squirt into a fun­nel (Beer Funnel) and force the sub to drink squirt from a hose.

Dominant Lesbian Group Sex

Some women reco­gni­ze their domi­nant streak and go to the sub seve­ral times to touch her rough­ly in the face, insult her and repea­ted­ly squirt her hard. Again, some ladies enga­ge in a real com­pe­ti­ti­on ( Competition / Squirt Challenge) to see who can cum the most cunt juice into the sub’s face.

There are also sce­nes where the slave hers­elf is forced hard to orgasm with a penis, strap-on, fist or vio­lent vibra­tors. In the mean­ti­me, her face is nice­ly spray­ed full by seve­ral women.

Lesbian Bukkake - Genesis Skye
Lesbian Bukkake – Genesis Skye

As men­tio­ned, some women spill out like a water­fall. Sometimes the huge squirt mess beco­mes too much for the sub. But when he/she turns his/her head to the side to escape a squirt foun­tain, ano­ther woman rus­hes over and for­ci­b­ly opens the mouth or fixes the head with a firm grip. The sub feels very sub­mis­si­ve and obeys willy-nilly.

By the way, there are also dark-skinned women. They are cal­led Black Girls, or Ebony Girls (ebony). They can cum very impres­si­ve­ly seve­ral times, extre­me­ly much squirt in a powerful jet!

The „topsy-turvy world“ is espe­ci­al­ly evi­dent with domi­nant, dark-skinned men with large peni­s­es (BBC = Big Black Cock). They are also real­ly humi­lia­ted by the many squirts.

Squirt also has a disadvantage

However, squirt has a huge dis­ad­van­ta­ge com­pared to semen. The fema­le eja­cu­la­te lea­ves not­hing behind except a litt­le wet­ness. Also, the warm pussy juice eva­po­ra­tes very quickly.

Since it’s not as thick or sti­cky as male cum, you can bare­ly see Squirt. Since the vide­os are not yet shot in HD qua­li­ty, you won’t see any­thing of the horny mess after a few minu­tes (apart from the girls‘ red eyes and wet hair).

Lesbian Gangbang Photos Rating

The sce­nes of the pic­tu­re gal­le­ries are unfort­u­na­te­ly lis­ted one below the other just like the porn videos.

If you call up a scene, you can see many pho­tos in a thumb­nail gal­lery. If you click on the thumb­nails, they open in a com­for­ta­ble pic­tu­re vie­w­ing window.

Unfortunately, the pho­tos only have a reso­lu­ti­on of 900 x 600px. There are also many video screen­shots mixed in.

You can also down­load the photo gal­lery as a zip file.

Weibliche Ejakulation in den Mund
Female eja­cu­la­ti­on in the mouth

Incredibly many porn stars are included!

Due to the large num­ber of women actively par­ti­ci­pa­ting as squirt­ers or pas­si­ve­ly as squirt tar­gets, you will find many well-known porn stars and star­lets. Included are for example:

Squirt Bukkake - Gen Padova
Squirt Bukkake – Gen Padova

Misty Stone, Leigh Lexington, Patience Wright, Chelsie Rae, Heather Gables, Mason Moore, Kandi Hart (Kandi Heart), Cytherea, Annette Schwarz, Gen Padova, Julie Night, Lyla Lei, Crystal Heart, Ashley Blue, Nikki Nievez, Marina Maywood, Jackie Avalon, Allie Ray, Julie Night, Nikki Nievez, Allie Sin, Gwen Summers, Cindy Crawford, Heather Havok’s, Patience Wright, Carly Parker, Lexi Bardot, Max Mikita, Kelly Wells, Genesis Skye, Carrie Ann, Sierra Sinn, Allie Steal, Annie Cruz, Delilah Strong, Ciera Sage, Missy Monroe, Vixen Fyre, Nicki Hunter, Cherry Poppens, Meadow Soprano, Erika Lockett, Crystal Clear, Kimberly Kane, Gabriella Banks, Jada Fire, Sinnamon Love, Mya Mason, Sexy Brown Chocolate, Kayla Quinn.

Also, Zoe Matthews, Crissy Cums, Cassidy Blue, Cheyenne Hunter, Ann Parker, Shadow Cat, Bianca Valentino, Midnight Sky, Serene Dream, Tiffany Leigh, Candace Raines, Nikole Richie, Mia Lelani, Belle D’Leon, Kelly Leigh, Katrina Isis, Mindy Lee, Sophia Mounds, Mia Knight, Lilliana Monroe, Miko Sinz, Nyeema Knoxxx, Tanya Hardin, Marli Jane, Kaylani Kream, Cassandra Cruz, Allison Pierce, Jocelin Jayden, Tera Leigh, Jade Davin, Desiree Diamond, Amile Waters, Kaylee Love Cox, Chloe Morgan, Aaliyah Jolie, Desire Moore, Coco Pink, Jordin Skye, Naudia Nice, Nikki Love, Patience Right, Petra Davis, Beau Marie, Cameron Love, Alyssa Dior, Heidi Mayne, Brooke Scott, Lily Paige, Ryan Hunter, Tyla Wynn, Lisa Marie, Felony, Amanda Blue, Claudia Downs, Starla Sterling, Chavon Taylor, Gabriella Romano, Trisha Rey, Amanda Blow, Nikki Daniels, Vicki Chase, Rebecca Blue, Chastity Lynn, Kayme Kai, Carolyn Reese, Sindee Jennings, Sasha Knox, April O’Neil, Eden Adams, Tatiana Kush, Jessica Bangkok, Isabella Amour, Rosario Stone, Claire Dames, Mindy Main, Kylie Wilde, Morgan Ray, Larin Lane, Sayuri, Laura Lyons, Cara Dee, Jayden Rose, Lola Banks

Lesbian bukkake: many women ejaculate in a woman’s mouth and face

Gia Gold, Marly Jane, Angelica Lane, Barbie Baja, Mackenzee Pierce, Scarlett Summers, Hailey Young, Lisa Daniels, Chelsea Ray, Ruby Bordeaux, Ashley Fox, Sunshine, Kayla Raynes, Aaliyah Brown, Lolli Pop, Angelina Bonet, Trista Tanner, Kiwi Ling, Anna Belle, Laeh Lexington, Lacey Laine, Tanner Mayes, Bailey Brooks, Tatum Pierce, Mimi Blaze, Olivia Alize, Amy Starz, Ally Ann, Callie Dee, Ami Emerson, Jaelyn Fox, Elizabeth Anne, Chelsea Zinn, Sindy Lange.

With them: Riley Brooks, Trista Post, Celeste Star, Gia Paloma, Jackie Moore, Honey Havens, Shay Lamar, Taya Silvers, Montana Rae, Tina Fine, Trinity Post, Skye Blue, Raylee Dean, Montanna Rae, Modisty Jaxx, Margo, Amber Grey, Cherry Poppins, Valerie Hart, Kyanna Lee, Emma Heart, Daisy Layne, Kita Zen, Jasmine Jolie, Beverly Hills, Ashli Orion, Anjanette Astoria, Alyssa Reece, Liliana Moreno, Allison Wyte, Sophia Gently, Lindsay Layne, Alex Divine, Victoria Sweet, Sammy Grand, Laci Laine, Kacey Jordan, Jasmine Star, Jade Stevens, Charley Chase, Cece Stone, Eu’nique Sytles, Skylar Monroe, Essence, Beaue Marie, Vanessa Vexxx, Patince Wright, Sophia Sandobar, Miss Meadow, Leila Sweet, Tanya Storm, Destiny Love, Brooklyn Night, Brandi Lyons, Alana Evans, Amber Lee, Mia Night.

Bukkake Reverse: A gangbang the other way around: lots of women squirt in a man’s face
Julie Night - Squirt schlucken mit Trichter
Julie Night – Squirt swal­low with funnel

But male per­for­mers are also men­tio­ned by name. Squirting vic­tims include: Criss Stokes, Brian Plumper, Alec Metro, Rick Masters, Rod Fontana, Buster Good, Trent Tesoro, Pauley Harker.

Also included: Matt Hazard, Jordan Lane, Johnny Ray, Jack Vegas, Kriss Later, Jenner, Randy Redline, Jack Lawrence, Kyle Stone, Panama Jack, Jermey Steele, Mickey G, Ryan Knox, Dildo Gomez, Randy Rodman, Dan Leal.

Lots of Squirting – Bonus Content

In addi­ti­on to the 67 Squirt Bukkake sce­nes, 58 bonus pages of the Meatmembers net­work are offe­red for down­load. That’s curr­ent­ly more than 1200 sce­nes. The porn net­work spe­cia­li­zes in extre­me­ly kinky hard­core sex. It is vio­lent in many porn, but most­ly very horny and always entertaining.

Opinions about page structure & design

The design is clear but seems a bit plain and old-fashioned. It can be dis­play­ed on smart­phones and tablets only with problems.

In addi­ti­on, there is a lack of cla­ri­ty. All vide­os and pho­tos are ratt­led off on a sin­gle page ins­tead of split­ting the sce­nes into sepa­ra­te pages.

What I don’t like as much is that there is no search func­tion. Filtering and sort­ing would be very hel­pful with the videos.

Experience with the subscription cancellation

To unsub­scri­be, click on the Customer Support link in the foo­ter of the page. You will be taken to http://www.cypherhelp.com.

Again, click on the „Cancel Membership“ link there. A form will open where you enter your Subscription ID (boo­king num­ber) from your boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on email and your email address.

After cli­cking the Submit but­ton, your mem­ber­ship will be lis­ted. Here you just have to click on the but­ton „Cancel Subscription“. You will be asked for the reason for the can­cel­la­ti­on. Select „Satisfied cus­to­mer“. After cli­cking on „Submit“, you will see the mes­sa­ge „Your sub­scrip­ti­on is can­ce­led“. At the same time, you will recei­ve an e‑mail with a con­fir­ma­ti­on of cancellation.

Review verdict & conclusion of the SquirtBukkake.com test report

SquirtBukkake.com is an abso­lut­e­ly awe­so­me porn site! It is incre­di­bly sti­mu­la­ting to watch the kinky les­bi­ans and bise­xu­al women flood their „vic­tim’s“ face.

Most of the women have alre­a­dy mas­tur­ba­ted to the point of orgasm seve­ral times befo­re eja­cu­la­ting and expe­ri­ence an incre­di­bly vio­lent, cathar­tic cum orgasm over the face of the swal­lo­wing slave 

The mood in the porn is incre­di­bly horny! Due to the mass mas­tur­ba­ti­on, the per­ma­nent squir­ting and the many orgasms also at the edge of the „main play­ground“, there is an incre­di­bly high level of arou­sal in most women!!! Also, the fema­le subs mas­tur­ba­te seve­ral times to orgasm while they let them­sel­ves be wil­lingly squir­ted full.

Mass ejaculation of many women on a single woman or man

I hard­ly know any les­bi­an porn or very few hete­ro porn movies that are so damn horny. The squirt flood waves that sweep over the sub-girls are incre­di­bly arou­sing – But even hor­nier are the many un-acted orgasms and the unres­trai­ned lust and pas­si­on of all the actres­ses. Many ladies enjoy humi­lia­ting the squir­ting vic­tim and for­cing her to swallow.

If you are a fan of „fema­le eja­cu­la­ti­on“, this les­bi­an sex porn site is a MUST!

Unfortunately, howe­ver, you will only get 67 porn vide­os. Since they are sce­nes from the JM Productions DVD series cal­led Reverse Bukkake and Lesbian Bukkake, you can down­load them legal­ly in DVD qua­li­ty using the links above.

Visit SquirtBukkake.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$4.95 / 3 days trial (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$29.95 / 1 month
$59.95 / 3 months
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, pay per call (phone), check
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:every 2 weeks
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:2,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:900 x 600 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:67 porn movies
Ø Resolution:480p
Ø Length:60 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:100,000 kB/sec
Format:WMV, MPEG
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:no
DRM copy protection:no


Test report summary for SquirtBukkake.com

Infinitely horny and high­ly kinky porn movies

If you need some varie­ty and want to watch real­ly nasty porn, you should check out this porn site. There is lite­ral­ly not an eye dry. I have rare­ly seen such horny sex movies. Both thumbs up! Simply great.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 67%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 67%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 33%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 17%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 67%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 83%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Mega horny squirt buk­ka­ke videos
  • Extremely kinky les­bi­an sex parties
  • Real squirt orgasms & feelings
  • Absolutely horny, kinky theme
  • Highly arou­sing storyline


  • Old fashio­ned design
  • Only 67 les­bi­an squirt porn
  • Since 2009 no updates
  • Only cre­dit card pay­ment possible
  • No search function
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