Test - Review: TeenMegaWorld.net

Test: TeenMegaWorld.net

Test - Review: TeenMegaWorld.net

Test: TeenMegaWorld.net

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Website review about the hot teen porn site TeenMegaWorld.net with real teen girls

Teenage girls have a strong sexu­al attrac­tion for many men. There are many reasons for this. The youthful fresh­ness, lust for life and light-heartedness they radia­te are just a few of them. It beco­mes even more inte­res­t­ing when youth comes in com­bi­na­ti­on with expe­ri­ence and lustfulness 

For exam­p­le, many teen­agers dress very pro­vo­ca­tively, not to say pro­vo­ca­tively, and enjoy ear­ning the gree­dy glan­ces of men (and the veno­mous ones of wives or part­ners). When such a young, crisp thing in skin-tight wet look leg­gings and a skim­py T‑shirt comes along, some­thing starts to stir in the pants of many a man 

In real life, sexu­al encoun­ters bet­ween older men and teenage girls are rare, not only becau­se such rela­ti­onships are some­ti­mes against the law, but also becau­se they are hard­ly tole­ra­ted by public opinion 

It’s no won­der that teen porn is one of the most popu­lar porn movies ever. If you can’t (or don’t want to) have sex with an eighteen-year-old in real life, you can at least watch the action at home in front of your PC from time to time 

While sur­fing the Internet, I came across the web­site TeenMegaWorld.net, which the pro­vi­der claims is the worl­d’s best teen porn net­work. This cocky claim made me curious and I deci­ded to take a clo­ser look at the web­site. In this review I share with you my impres­si­ons, opi­ni­ons and experiences 

Visit TeenMegaWorld.net

Opinion about the preview area of TeenMegaWorld.net

The home page of TeenMegaWorld.net is what I want from a web­site about teen porn. A modern design that fits well with the theme and makes all vide­os, gra­phics and texts cle­ar­ly visi­ble. At the very top, you will find a bar with various search func­tions that will help you brow­se for vide­os and girls on offer 

Even a cate­go­ry search is alre­a­dy offe­red in the pre­view area. If you click on the „Sites“ but­ton, you will find out that teenmegaworld.net is part of a net­work. With the access to TeenMegaworld (TMW), you can also visit the other 33 sites of the net­work, which are also about teen porn 

The upper part of the web­site is taken up by a dyna­mic ban­ner adver­ti­se­ment, where the latest movies are pre­sen­ted. Immediately below that fol­lows a large area where the vide­os are pre­sen­ted, sor­ted by release date 

Transparent preview area with horny squirting photos 

For each squir­ting porn there is a syn­op­sis, tags as well as pho­tos and short bio­gra­phy of the actres­ses. You will find out what other movies of the girl can be seen and how she is rated on avera­ge. You can also see the rating of the video. That’s how it should be! In the lower part of the web­site fol­lows a lis­ting of all models. They are orde­red by view­er rating, with 10 being the hig­hest score 

The best thing about the pre­view area, howe­ver, is that you can watch as many free trai­lers as you want. The limi­ta­ti­on to a cer­tain num­ber of free trai­lers per day, which is com­mon with many other pro­vi­ders, does not exist at teenmegaworld.net. I think this is great, becau­se you are not forced to buy a pig in a poke, but you know what to expect in the mem­ber area. The trai­lers are on avera­ge a litt­le less than 60 seconds long and are cut tog­e­ther from inte­res­t­ing sce­nes from the video in question 

The only thing I did­n’t like in the pre­view area was the repea­ted prompts to book. However, since I was plan­ning to do that any­way, I fol­lo­wed the ins­truc­tions and ente­red the mem­ber area.

Rating of the porn sites registration

Fortunately, sig­ning up as a mem­ber at TeenMegaWorld.net was made very easy. Still, there is a bit more to report here than is usual in other reviews:

  • First, click on one of the many „JOIN NOW“ but­tons. For exam­p­le, at the top right of the navi­ga­ti­on bar.
  • A web page opens, which in tech­ni­cal jar­gon is cal­led „Pre-JOIN“. „JOIN“ or „Sign Up“ page. It con­sists of a three-part boo­king form.

    Step 1:
    Enter your desi­red access data (user­na­me and pass­word) and your e‑mail address in the three form fields. Also, be sure to leave the check­box mark­ed in green „Reveive E‑Mails“, so that you will recei­ve the access data by e‑mail

    It is man­da­to­ry to enter a sepa­ra­te email address that you use only for porn site regis­tra­ti­ons. Recommended email pro­vi­ders are Gmail and GMX. Do not use German e‑mail pro­vi­ders, becau­se they usual­ly dele­te e‑mails with por­no­gra­phic terms wit­hout asking!

    Step 2:
    Choose your pre­fer­red pay­ment method here. There are cre­dit card, EU opti­ons and Bitcoin to choo­se from. If you want to pay by cre­dit card, the pay­ment com­pa­ny FXBilling will take care of the bil­ling. Since pay­ment by cre­dit card is rather uncom­mon in Europe, the bil­ling com­pa­ny 2000charge car­ri­es out the pay­ment for„EU opti­ons“.

    In the next step you will learn that you can pay via 2000charge by direct debit(Euro Debit), Giropay (com­pa­ra­ble to Klarna SOFORTüberweisung), Astropay, Paysafecard, bank trans­fer and Discover, iDEAL and check.

    Step 3:

    In the third sec­tion, you choo­se your desi­red mem­ber­ship dura­ti­on. You can choo­se from one-month, three-month and twelve-month mem­ber­ship

    However, there is an unfair method built in here: It is sug­gested that with $9.95, $19.95 and $29.95, the first opti­on is the che­a­pest. The cor­rect dis­play would be: 119.40$, 59.85$ and 29.95$. To make mat­ters worse, the most expen­si­ve opti­on is pre­sel­ec­ted. So choo­se the third opti­on for month­ly pay­ment!

    I chose a one-month mem­ber­ship and pay­ment by Giropay, becau­se the boo­king is done in the sense of a bank trans­fer and no repea­ted pay­ments can be debi­ted

    After ente­ring your data and sel­ec­ting the pay­ment method and rate, click on the big „CLICK HERE TO JOIN NOW“ button.
  • Depending on whe­ther you che­cked the „cre­dit card“ pay­ment opti­on or „EU opti­ons“, you end up on the boo­king pages of the two pay­ment pro­vi­ders.

    a) The cre­dit card pay­ment form of the British com­pa­ny FX Billing EU Ltd can be con­ver­ted into seve­ral lan­guages. There is no need to store a home address, and an unfair cross-selling sub­scrip­ti­on trap is not included. If you switch to EUR cur­ren­cy, you will bene­fit from the favorable dol­lar exch­an­ge rate and save a few EURO.

    b) As alre­a­dy writ­ten, you have seve­ral pay­ment opti­ons at 2000charge, which are very inte­res­t­ing for Europeans. This form is also com­ple­te­ly in German, very easy to under­stand and does not con­tain any sub­scrip­ti­on traps. Unfortunately, the desi­red pass­word from the Pre-JOIN form is not trans­fer­red to the pay­ment form of 2000charge and must be ente­red con­fu­sin­gly again.
  • My pay­ment pro­cess via Giropay was simp­le and fast as usual. I ente­red my first name, last name, account num­ber and bank rou­ting num­ber. Then I aut­ho­ri­zed the pay­ment via my house bank with an mTAN on my smart­phone and was redi­rec­ted to a page with an order confirmation
  • After suc­cessful pay­ment, you will see a gray-black-green „Thank you“ page. It has the head­line „SUCCESS!“ and tells you that an email with the login data has been sent and that you should look in the SPAM fol­der if you can’t find it. The user­na­me and pass­word are also dis­play­ed. You should only click on the „Login but­ton for the mem­ber area“ if you have real­ly recei­ved the e‑mail.

Test – Review Member Area

After pay­ing you can log in via the web­site https://secure.teenmegaworld.net/members. The mem­ber area dif­fers in some points from the start page. First you see a screen­shot of a video „Coming Soon“. Right below you will find the latest vide­os (the most recent from the same day!), fol­lo­wed by the newest models at teenmegaworld.net. The best rated sce­nes and girls are the final part 

Navigation is simp­le and is done via the search bar at the very top of the page. Interestingly, you can search not only for the newest vide­os, but also for the oldest ones (from February 2006). Also uncom­mon is a search opti­on for the least popu­lar clips. Of cour­se, the search for vide­os in a cer­tain cate­go­ry should not be miss­ing. However, only a rough sub­di­vi­si­on into 22 cate­go­ries is offe­red there, from A for Amateur to Y for Young/Old

All texts on the web­site are in English. While brow­sing, I could not dis­co­ver any fami­li­ar names or faces. Purely visual­ly, the beau­tiful girls give the impres­si­on of being of Eastern European and Russian ori­gin. As dis­tur­bing as the self-promotion in the pre­view area was, I could not noti­ce any­thing of it in the mem­ber area 

Quality & impression of the videos

The pro­vi­der talks about mem­bers being able to view more than 5,000 vide­os. That may be true, but it refers to all 33 pages of the net­work. TeenMegaWorld.net is real­ly one of the big­gest teen porn networks!

A modern media play­er is offe­red to play the stream, which work­ed flaw­less­ly on all my 3 devices (lap­top, hybrid PC and tablet).

MP4 is used as the file for­mat. The newer vide­os are offe­red in Ultra HD (2160p). This reso­lu­ti­on is pre­set. However, you can also switch to Full HD 1080p), HD (720p), Web HD (540p) or SD (404p) at any time. When wat­ching in Ultra HD, the media play­er gave me pro­blems with con­stant dro­pouts. The pro­blem dis­ap­peared after I swit­ched to Full HD.

The down­load is offe­red in the same qua­li­ties as the stream. You deci­de for yours­elf which reso­lu­ti­on is the best for you. In my expe­ri­ence, it’s HD (720p). HD is a good com­pro­mi­se bet­ween high image qua­li­ty and requi­red sto­rage space.

You should note, howe­ver, that Ultra HD and HD are not available for older vide­os becau­se these for­mats did not exist until a few years ago.

The tech­ni­cal qua­li­ty of the vide­os is very good and lea­ves hard­ly any­thing to be desi­red. They are not excerp­ts from DVDs, but clips that were shot espe­ci­al­ly for teenmegaworld.net. The films are on avera­ge bet­ween 25 and 40 minu­tes long. Camera work, light­ing and sound show that pro­fes­sio­nals were at work here. However, the same can­not be said of the girls.

You can tell that many of them have no expe­ri­ence as models. But this is not neces­s­a­ri­ly a dis­ad­van­ta­ge, on the con­tra­ry. The girls are very attrac­ti­ve becau­se of their natu­ral­ness and desi­re, which they show open­ly and wit­hout inhi­bi­ti­ons. You can see that they have fun having sex and posing in front of the camera.

The dia­lo­gues in most of the films are in English. However, I also dis­co­ver­ed flicks in which Russian is spo­ken. Such films have English sub­tit­les. Apart from that, this is a rather unim­portant point, becau­se there should hard­ly be anyo­ne who wat­ches porn becau­se of the dia­lo­gues. Most of the time you can only hear gasps and moans anyway.

Quality of the photos

The ope­ra­tor of teenmegaworld.net sta­tes that there are almost 900,000 pho­tos available for down­load on the net­wor­k’s pages. If you want to view the pho­tos, you have 2 opti­ons. Under the media play­er for each video you will find a gal­lery with all the pho­tos of the given clip. The num­ber depends on the length of the movie, but is usual­ly much more than 100 indi­vi­du­al shots.

In the 2nd opti­on, you click on the pic­tu­re of the model. This will open a new page with her bio­gra­phy and the vide­os available on teenmegaworld.net. Clicking on the thumb­nails will take you to the cor­re­spon­ding pho­tos. One draw­back to vie­w­ing is that there is no slide-show mode. The series can only be view­ed as sin­gle images. The reso­lu­ti­on of the new pho­tos is 2160p (Ultra HD).

To down­load the recor­dings, click on the „Download“ but­ton on the right below the media play­er. A list with opti­ons for the video down­load opens. The last item in the menu is cal­led „Photo ZIP“. You have to click there if you want to down­load the recor­dings to your hard drive. You can only down­load the com­ple­te set, not indi­vi­du­al images. The pho­tos are offe­red in JPEG format.

Opinions about page structure & design

The design of TeenMegaWorld.net is appe­al­ing and fits the theme well. The white back­ground pro­vi­des a good con­trast and at the same time a fri­end­ly atmo­sphe­re. The navi­ga­ti­on is simp­le and clear. 

If you alre­a­dy have expe­ri­ence with simi­lar sites, you will find your way around wit­hout any effort, even if you have only basic know­ledge of the English lan­guage. Anyway, it’s most fun if you just brow­se around on teenmegaworld.net and „sniff“ a movie here and there.

The web­site can be acces­sed with all modern devices wit­hout any pro­blems. The vide­os run smooth­ly and in very good pic­tu­re qua­li­ty. Apart from the occa­sio­nal self-advertisement, you don’t have to deal with annoy­ing adver­ti­sing that pops up at the most inop­por­tu­ne moments.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

The ope­ra­tor of TeenMegaWorld shows very trans­par­ent­ly how to can­cel the subscription:

  • Click on the link „24X7 SUPPORT“ in the menu at the top right. You will then land on a help page.
  • Then click on the big but­ton „Membership“ and then on the link „How do I can­cel my membership?“
  • Now all bil­ling com­pa­nies will be lis­ted and descri­bed „how“ and „where“ you can can­cel your subscription.
  • If you have boo­ked via FXbilling by cre­dit card, click on the link„Cancel mem­ber­ship“ under the bil­ling com­pa­ny „fxbil­ling“. Log in to the FXbilling web­site with your user­na­me and pass­word and click on the „Cancel Membership“ but­ton. The sub­scrip­ti­on is ter­mi­na­ted wit­hout any pro­blems and you still have access to the mem­ber area until the end of the paid period
  • In my case, I was bil­led by „2000CHARGE and I was glad that I paid by Giropay and not by direct debit. There is no way to can­cel sub­scrip­ti­ons direct­ly online with 2000CHARGE, which I find extre­me­ly unfair. Fortunately, since the orderl con­fir­ma­ti­on email says„Your bank account will NOT be debi­ted again—memberships expi­re auto­ma­ti­cal­ly“, I don’t need to do any­thing!

    If you have paid by direct debit, you have to can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on by sup­port ticket: https:
    Select as depart­ment: „Consumer Support“, enter your name, your e‑mail address from the order, the „Transaction ID“ (order / tran­sac­tion num­ber) and write as mes­sa­ge
    Afterwards you will see a mes­sa­ge „Thanks for your ques­ti­on. We’ll send you an ans­wer via email to [email protected]

Review verdict & conclusion of the TeenMegaWorld.net test report

The porn site TeenMegaWorld.net is very, very horny! You can watch com­ple­te­ly legal young women over 18 play­ing horny sex games and mas­tur­ba­ting. I like the modern and appe­al­ing design. Since a con­tem­po­ra­ry HTML5 play­er is used, the vide­os also run on smart­phones and tablets wit­hout any problems 

The con­tent is updated regu­lar­ly; the latest movies are less than 24 hours old. The price-performance ratio is also okay and rough­ly cor­re­sponds to the avera­ge in the porn industry.

What is not quite as nice is the lack of varie­ty. However, this is a gene­ral pro­blem with teen porn sites and is due to the fact that many teens are still very inex­pe­ri­en­ced sexu­al­ly and hard­ly show any unin­hi­bi­ted initiative.

In con­clu­si­on, TeenMegaWorld.net is one of the best teen porn sites in the world. Take a look for yours­elf and brow­se through the pre­view sec­tion to form your opinion.

Visit TeenMegaWorld.net
Website Information
Country of operator:
TschechienCzech Republic
Language of site:English
Cost:$1.00 / 2‑day test (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$29.95 / month
$59.83 / 3 months
$119.40 / 12 months
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, bank trans­fer, ClickandBuy, Paysafecard
Billing:FXbilling o. 2000charge
Member manage­ment:no
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:yes
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:10,000,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:3500 × 2333 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:5,100 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Ultra HD 2160p
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL Speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for TeenMegaWorld.net

A very awe­so­me legal teen porn website

If you are loo­king for a legal and valuable teen porn site, TeenMegaWorld.net is the right place for you. You can expect razor-sharp and high-quality ero­tic content.


  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 83%
  • Variety – 83%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 50%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 83%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 83%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 67%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 50%
  • Advertising / Spam – 83%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Extremely high qua­li­ty sti­mu­la­ting porn
  • Virtual rea­li­ty
  • Very, very beau­tiful teen girls
  • Great page layout
  • easy navi­ga­ti­on
  • No query for home address
  • Models from Europe


  • Non-transparent pri­ces
  • Cross-selling in the regis­tra­ti­on form
  • Some lack of variety
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