Test - Review: JulesJordan.com

Test: JulesJordan.com

Test - Review: JulesJordan.com

Test: JulesJordan.com

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Porn Site Test: Review of the premium porn site JulesJordan.com

In my search for excep­tio­nal porn, I hap­pen­ed to come across the web­site JulesJordan.com during my wan­de­rings on the net. You don’t real­ly know why, but somehow the web­site draws you in and makes you curious.

Jules jordan Review

My rese­arch reve­a­led that Jules Jordan Video is the label of the well-known porn actor, direc­tor and pro­du­cer Jules Jordan. The stu­dio was foun­ded by him in 2006 and pro­du­ces a large num­ber of ero­tic vide­os of excel­lent quality.

Very many famous US porn stars are among the per­for­mers at JulesJordan Video. The focus of this porn label is on excep­tio­nal porn. Sexy lin­ge­rie, big peni­s­es, mas­cu­li­ne men, inter­ra­cial porn actors and anal sce­nes are the trade­marks of Jules Jordan.

Since I find the porn real­ly cool, I have to intro­du­ce the label to you in this review. If you know the sex movies or have alre­a­dy boo­ked the sex site, plea­se leave your opi­ni­on below this review.

Visit JulesJordan.com

Opinion about the preview area of JulesJordan.com

The pre­view area of JulesJordan.com is sho­cking, but in a posi­ti­ve sense. Wherever your eye falls, you will see horny women, eit­her naked or in sexy lin­ge­rie, being fucked in all pos­si­ble posi­ti­ons by extre­me­ly well-built guys.

There are ple­nty of pre­view vide­os. What I find striking (and horny) are the many clips of inter­ra­cial sex, group sex, or sex with lin­ge­rie. The ath­le­tic men fuck the woman’s mouth, pussy and ass and inse­mi­na­te her body abun­dant­ly. The women usual­ly take a very sub­mis­si­ve role and achie­ve vio­lent mega-orgasms. The sperm is also glad­ly caught with glas­ses and drunk.

The upper part of the pre­view area is taken up by a slider that shows screen­shots of the latest 5 vide­os in an end­less loop. Just below that, you’ll get to the „Most Popular Models“ cate­go­ry. Clicking on the pho­tos of the crisp beau­ties will open a page with their short bio­gra­phy and the titles of the movies available on JulesJordan.com.

Immediately below, in the „What’s Hot“ sec­tion, 3 of the best ero­tic movies are presented.

Gemischtrassiger Sex: Ana Foxx wird vom weißen Mann gefickt
Interracial sex: Dark skin­ned Ana Foxx gets fucked to orgasm with huge white penis

Very extensive and detailed preview section

The big­gest part of the web­site is taken up by the „Latest Updates“ sec­tion. There you will find 59(!) pages with pre­view vide­os. The newest ones are only a few days old, the oldest ones are from 2011.

Under each pre­view image is the date the video was put online, a rating in stars (5 stars is the best rating), the num­ber of pho­tos for the movie and the run­ning time. If you move the mouse poin­ter over the title, a win­dow will open on the same page with a syn­op­sis. Links with the name of the actors are also provided.

Gruppensex: Alina Lopez genießt mehrere Penisse
Group sex: Alina Lopez enjoys mul­ti­ple peni­s­es in traum­af­ter location

The pre­view area con­cludes with a slider titled „Upcoming Updates“. It pres­ents the vide­os that will be put online in the coming days and weeks. You can hard­ly find some­thing like this on other providers.

But it gets even bet­ter. In the pre­view area of JulesJordan.com you can watch appar­ent­ly unli­mi­t­ed free trai­lers. Anyway, I wat­ched 7 of them and could have gone on. The trai­lers are bet­ween 1 – 2 minu­tes long and include high­lights of the movie.

Helpful porn filter functions

The icing on the cake, so to speak, is the cate­go­ry search, which is even pos­si­ble in the pre­view area! You can search for vide­os in 56 dif­fe­rent cate­go­ries. The spec­trum ran­ges from 3 Way (three­so­me) to Wet Tits (wet tits). Additionally, a free search by key­words is also pos­si­ble. Both vide­os and pho­tos can be searched.

This is how I ima­gi­ne a good pre­view area. Since it is not at all neces­sa­ry to adver­ti­se with a boo­king, but you get from quite auto­ma­ti­cal­ly appetite.


Rating of the porn sites registration

The regis­tra­ti­on for a mem­ber­ship at JulesJordan.com is done in two steps as usual.

If you click on one of the JOIN NOW but­tons, you will land on a so-called „Signup“ or „Pre-Join“ page. This con­ta­ins a three-part regis­tra­ti­on form:

  • 1.) In the upper part you enter your desi­red user­na­me, pass­word and e‑mail address
  • 2.) In the midd­le sec­tion, under the item „Select Your Membership Option“, you sel­ect your mem­ber­ship dura­ti­on. You can choo­se bet­ween a month­ly, a quar­ter­ly and an annu­al mem­ber­ship

    The price dis­play is very unfair! Do not fall for the che­a­pest (pre­sel­ec­ted) month­ly price! In small num­bers is the amount to pay. In my case, the third opti­on for $29.95 was cor­rect.

    „RECURRING CHARGE“ means „recur­ring fee“. Say it is a month­ly sub­scrip­ti­on that must be cancelled.

Versatile payment methods

  • 3.) In the third area, under the hea­ding „Select Your Payment Method,“ one sel­ects one’s pay­ment method

    Since cre­dit card pay­ment is not as com­mon in the EU as it is in the rest of the world, it should be made very easy, espe­ci­al­ly for European cus­to­mers, to find an alter­na­ti­ve pay­ment method. Depending on the cus­to­mer’s choice, bil­ling is done by one of the two popu­lar bil­ling com­pa­nies (cal­led pay­ment pro­ces­sors ) 2000charge or EPOCH.

    For Austria, Germany and Switzerland the opti­ons„Join by Creditcard“,„EuroDebit“ (direct debit with account num­ber & bank code or or with IBAN & BIC), „Giropay“,„Paypal“ and anony­mous by Paysafecard are the most inte­res­t­ing. If you sel­ect „PayPal, you can also pay by „Klarna SOFORT pay­ment“.

    The pay­ment method PayPal offers the secu­ri­ty with Paypal buyer pro­tec­tion. The pay­ment via the instant depo­sit ser­vices Giropay or Sofortüberweisungen work like a clas­sic bank trans­fer and there is no pos­si­bi­li­ty for the bil­ler to debit the account hims­elf. 😉

    Very cool is also the pay­ment opti­on via Paysafecard – These are available with 23, 50 and 100 € cre­dit at gas sta­ti­ons, super­mar­kets and drugs­to­res. You enter the purcha­sed 16-digit PIN into a boo­king form and your part­ner will not find out what you bought on any bank statement. ^^
  • 4.) Submit the signup form by cli­cking on the big red CONTINUE button.
Julesjordan: Big black cock BBC
Real orgasms and pure plea­su­re when fuck­ing with a „Big black cock“ (BBC)

Several payment methods are available

Depending on your choice of pay­ment method, the bil­ling page of EPOCH or 2000charge will now open. In my case, the Giropay pay­ment with the legi­ti­ma­ti­on via a smart­phone mTAN was as usual fast and uncomplicated.

Unfortunately, a sub­scrip­ti­on trap cal­led cross-selling was built in again for the cre­dit card pay­ment. With all other pay­ment methods, you do not have to fear a sub­scrip­ti­on trap. However, you should read ever­y­thing careful­ly befo­re cli­cking the sub­mit button.

Sperma aus Gläsern trinken
Drinking sperm from glas­ses – a popu­lar chan­ge for women

After sub­mit­ting the pay­ment form, you will be shown a con­fir­ma­ti­on page and sent an email with the pay­ment and access data.

Test – Review Member area

After log­ging in, you will find a struc­tu­re that is lar­ge­ly iden­ti­cal to the one in the pre­view area.

In addi­ti­on to the struc­tu­re alre­a­dy descri­bed in the pre­view area, you will find the cate­go­ries Jules Jordan Live with web­cams as well as a sec­tion „Special Offers“ with adver­ti­se­ments for other web­sites. The navi­ga­ti­on is also almost the same as in the pre­view area. At the top there is a search bar with but­tons for Homepage, Scenes (Videos), Movies (DVDs), Pornstars, Categories, Favorites and Live (Webcams).

JulesJordan.com is updated peri­odi­cal­ly becau­se the latest vide­os are only a few days old. While brow­sing, I dis­co­ver­ed 2 old fri­ends: African-American models Jada Fire and Vanessa Blue, but their movies are alre­a­dy a few years old 

The good thing about JulesJordan.com is that you are not con­stant­ly con­fron­ted with annoy­ing ads while sur­fing. The only adver­ti­sing on the site is con­cen­tra­ted in the „Special Offer“ sec­tion, which can be found at the very bottom.

Excellent quality & and very good first impression of Jules Jordan videos

Skin Diamond Bukkake
Skin Diamond’s Bukkake: Sperm is always staged horny

On JulesJordan.com you can find about 1,800 dif­fe­rent vide­os in the „Scenes“ sec­tion at the moment. There they are sor­ted chro­no­lo­gi­cal­ly. But you can also search them by cate­go­ries or keywords.

A modern HTML5 media play­er is used for play­back, which work­ed flaw­less­ly on all my devices. Remarkably, even older vide­os are made available in full HD. The clips can be view­ed in stream as well as down­loa­ded to the hard drive. The files are in MP4 format.

There are seve­ral reso­lu­ti­ons to choo­se from:

  • 4k (Ultra HD)
  • Full HD
  • Web HD
  • mobi­le SD
  • SD

The same reso­lu­ti­on can also be sel­ec­ted for download.

The tech­ni­cal qua­li­ty of the vide­os is excel­lent, as you can expect from such a well-known label as JulesJordan 

Jules Jordan Squirting
The huge cocks sti­mu­la­te the pus­sies so inten­se­ly that squir­ting occurs!

All of the films were pro­du­ced in-house. They are on avera­ge about 30 minu­tes long. This is opti­mal, becau­se you can fit in enough horny sce­nes wit­hout the fuck­ing get­ting bor­ing, as can be the case when a video drags on for hours.

Very horny and high quality porn

The sex vide­os are pro­fes­sio­nal­ly shot. This is alre­a­dy ensu­red by the pro­du­cer Jules Jordan, who hims­elf stood both in front of and behind the camera 

The per­for­mers are expe­ri­en­ced porn stars who are not only in front of the came­ra for the fee, but also – becau­se they just love to be film­ed having sex. Hard sex with real orgasms and fee­lings as well as huge cocks are Jules Jordan’s specialty 

Because of the good reso­lu­ti­on you can see how their pus­sies get wet­ter and wet­ter with every thrust of the thick cock and at the end they just leak with horn­i­ness or even eja­cu­la­te. You can’t simu­la­te some­thing like that, tha­t’s real lust! This lust is also trans­fer­red to the viewers 

No Splitting or Cum dodging

In some porn series, other direc­tors are also used. For exam­p­le, Mike John makes sure that the porn models don’t turn their heads to the side during facial and oral cum shots. His motto is „No cum dod­ging allo­wed!“, „Sperm spit­ting for­bidden!“ or „From sperm not dodged“.

Gruppensex mit schwarzer Frau
Group sex with black woman

Very famous pornstars

The fee­ling of plea­su­re beco­mes espe­ci­al­ly strong when you brow­se the Models sec­tion. There you will find girls and women of all tas­tes! From 18-year-old teen­agers to expe­ri­en­ced milfs, you can expect tall, short, slim and volup­tuous­ly built as well as white, black and brown dream girls. Many of them show them­sel­ves naked – but num­e­rous are also dres­sed in sexy lin­ge­rie or slut­ty over­kne­es boots. In total there are about 700 ladies.

Pornostar Alexis Texas Orgasmus
Pornstar Alexis Texas gets a vio­lent mega orgasm with squir­ting at XXXL- Penis

They appear in alpha­be­ti­cal order of their names. Above the photo you can see the num­ber of their updates. Below each photo is the date of the cur­rent video and a rating 

If you click on the pic­tu­re, a page with some bio­gra­phi­cal infor­ma­ti­on and a lis­ting of their movies on JulesJordan.com will open. The Jules Jordan porn vide­os In this sec­tion you can brow­se through DVDs repre­sen­ted by their covers. There are about 400 titles in total.

First of all, they are sor­ted in alpha­be­ti­cal order of the titles. However, you can also choo­se from the „Most Popular“ and „Most Recent“ opti­ons. However, the movies can­not be purchased.

When you click on a title, a page opens with a DeepL descrip­ti­on and the sce­nes that are offe­red for strea­ming or down­load on JulesJordan.com. For some movies this is only one scene (video), for others 4 or 5.

Jules Jordan Review

Quality of the photos

Surprisingly, there is no sepa­ra­te sec­tion for pho­tos on JulesJordan.com. Each video is accom­pa­nied by a set of pho­tos. The num­ber of pho­tos varies great­ly from video to video, ran­ging from about 30 to about 300.

Photos can be view­ed indi­vi­du­al­ly. There is no slide show mode. If you want, you can down­load the pho­tos (but only as a com­ple­te set) in the form of a ZIP file. There are four dif­fe­rent reso­lu­ti­ons to choo­se from when down­loa­ding. The pho­tos are in the pro­ven JPEG format.

Opinions about page structure & design

The design of the JulesJordan sex site looks very lively and sti­mu­la­ting. Thanks to the white back­ground, you can easi­ly see both pic­tures and the black font. Also the navi­ga­ti­on is basi­cal­ly self-explanatory.

The best way to prac­ti­ce it is to brow­se around the site to your hear­t’s con­tent. It’s almost like a tre­asu­re hunt. You never know before­hand if and what you’ll find. I have found vide­os this way that I still watch every now and then.

Kacey Jordan - BBC - Big black cock
BBC tails as big as an arm! And somehow they still fit! Kacey Jordan loves Big Black Cocks.

While the enti­re web­site is in English, both the lyrics and the dia­lo­gue, since it’s about sex, a nor­mal school know­ledge of English is enough to under­stand what it’s about. Often no words are nee­ded at all, there are just grunts, moans and gasps.

Experiences with subscription cancellation

If you wish to can­cel your JulesJordan.com sub­scrip­ti­on, this is done very quick­ly and easi­ly.

There is a „Support“ link at the bot­tom of the page that leads to an info page where you can find infor­ma­ti­on on how to can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on. One can can­cel on the appro­pria­te links of the bil­ling company.

  • Bookings made through 2000charge do not need to be can­cel­led! One con­fu­sin­gly can­not log into the 2000charge can­cel­la­ti­on form with tran­sac­tion num­ber and email address. I loo­ked at my wel­co­me email again more clo­se­ly and found the note„Your bank account will NOT be char­ged again—memberships auto­ma­ti­cal­ly expi­re. ** Please keep this proof of purcha­se safe until your mem­ber­ship has expi­red.
  • If your pay­ment was made through EPOCH, you can do this very easi­ly through the EPOCH can­cel­la­ti­on form. Enter your email address and user­na­me and click on „Find my Account“. On the fol­lo­wing page your sub­scrip­ti­on will be lis­ted. Click on the red but­ton „Cancel“ and enter „Satisfied cus­to­mer“ as the reason for can­cel­la­ti­on. The sub­scrip­ti­on is alre­a­dy ter­mi­na­ted. And you will recei­ve a can­cel­la­ti­on con­fir­ma­ti­on by e‑mail.

Review verdict & conclusion of the JulesJordan.com test report

I liked the review of JulesJordan.com above avera­ge. It is a very good web­site that has a lot of varied porn vide­os to offer. Almost ever­yo­ne will find some­thing for their taste there. The vide­os are very pro­fes­sio­nal­ly shot and full of action.

Squirting in mens face
Hey hey! Small reven­ge for the facial inse­mi­na­ti­on: woman squirts the man full in the face! 😉

What is par­ti­cu­lar­ly striking about this porn stu­dio is that the male porn actors have extre­me­ly large peni­s­es. There are also many dark-skinned men who fuck the beau­tiful white women very hard with their BBC cocks 

But also „the other way around“ there are very horny con­stel­la­ti­ons with a dark-skinned woman and (seve­ral) white men with giant penises! 😀

You expect in these sce­nes in any case real fee­lings and unac­ted orgasms – final­ly then with powerful sperm inseminations.

Considering that a month­ly mem­ber­ship for over 2,000 high­ly horny porn vide­os costs less than 30 €, this is good value for money. I can recom­mend you a mem­ber­ship. Just have a look at the pre­view area and con­vin­ce yours­elf of the various demo videos.

Visit JulesJordan.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$29.95 / month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$59.95 / 3 months
$149.95 / 12 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, ClickandBuy, instant bank trans­fer, Paysafecard, check
Billing:EPOCH o. 2000charge
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:every 2–3 days
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:yes
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:200,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:1920 x 1280 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Number:2,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:1068p HD, 4K UHD
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL Speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for JulesJordan.com

The epi­to­me of gla­mour pornography

Jules Jordan is one of the lea­ding porn stu­di­os in the field of pro­fes­sio­nal­ly pro­du­ced porn. You can expect top-notch porn stars, great loca­ti­ons, and top-notch and razor-sharp porn vide­os. This adult web­site is worth the money.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 83%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 83%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 67%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 67%
  • Fairness – 83%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 33%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 83%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Extremely arou­sing sex scenes
  • Giant peni­s­es with lots and lots of cum
  • Mixed-race porn stars
  • Violent orgasms / hard sex
  • Paysafecard and PayPal possible


  • Some women are in pain with the large penis
  • Very many anal scenes
  • Confusing price dis­play when sig­ning up
  • Cross-selling with cre­dit card payment
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