Test - Review: ImmoralLive.com

Test: ImmoralLive.com

Test - Review: ImmoralLive.com

Test: ImmoralLive.com

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Porn Sites Test: ImmoralLive.com – Sex Challenges, Contests and Reality TV Style Sex Games

In most porn the same sequence of events always takes place: Blowjob, deepthroat, fuck­ing, anal sex, squir­ting in the face, done … This gets quite bor­ing in the long run. Dan Leal (also known as Porn Dan) the crea­tor and pro­du­cer of ImmoralLive.com rea­li­zed that. He had the visi­on to make porn more varied and exci­ting as „Interactive live shows with a lot of lust and passion“.


In the style of com­mu­ni­ty games, such as Wheel of Debauchery, board games and popu­lar child­ren’s games, he packa­ges sexu­al tasks play­ed by ama­teurs and famous porn stars

Most of the time the games include group sex, high qua­li­ty sex toys, fuck­ing machi­nes and mas­sa­gers, so real fee­lings and orgasms with squirt and a fair amount of fun make the porn movies very varied and stimulating.

I was very curious about the „Sex Liveshow“ con­cept of ImmoralLive. In this review, I took a close look at the sex site for you. I’ll tell you what I saw and what the foun­der Dan Leal (aka Porno Dan), is all about. Feel free to leave a com­ment below the review if you want to share your ques­ti­ons, opi­ni­ons and expe­ri­en­ces with us.

Visit ImmoralLive.com

Opinion about the preview area of ImmoralLive.com

If you take your time to look at the pre­view area, you will find num­e­rous sub­pages with an unu­sual­ly large num­ber of pho­tos and vide­os to watch. They show high-resolution qua­li­ty and exci­ting content.

Immorallive - Dan Leal und eine Frau bespielen eine Pussy bis zum Orgasmus
Immorallive – Dan Leal and a woman play with a pussy to orgasm

Even at first glan­ce, you can see many per­mis­si­ve, high­ly attrac­ti­ve ladies having real fun on the home page. The focus of Immorallive is on the fol­lo­wing live show topics:

  • Squirtamania (Squirt com­pe­ti­ti­on – Who squirts the fas­test and the most?)
  • Fuckafan / Fuck a fan (porn­stars and fans fuck each other)
  • Cock Sucking Challenge / Cock Sucker Battle (cock suck­ing competition)
  • Immoral Orgies (Group sex orgi­es) / Gangbang – Several women and men have hard sex.
  • Lesbian Orgies / Lesbian Gangbang with Squirt Bukkake (fema­le eja­cu­la­ti­on on face)
  • „Best Ass“ Contest – Who has the best ass?
  • Anal Sex Challenge – Who gets an anal orgasm?
  • Handjob Competition – Who can jerk off the best?
  • Cumshot Challenge (Sperm cum contest)
  • Wheel of Debauchery / Spin of the Wheel (Wheel of Fortune with tasks like Sybian Orgasm Machine, Squirting, Sex Positions, Masturbation)
  • Pornstar vs. Pornstar Challenge (Professional League Fuck Championship: Pornstars fight against each other)
  • Amateur vs. Pornstar Challenge (Amateur League Fucking Championship: Amateurs fight against Pornstars)
  • Big Black Cock Challenge / BBC Gangbang (Who can squirt or orgasm with a black cock first?)

Even as a non-member, you can see how long it will take until the next live show. You also alre­a­dy know in which the­ma­tic area the live show falls, when it will take place and with which girl. Of cour­se, as a mem­ber you can access all pre­vious shows.

Promising preview area

On a large gra­phic you can see a horny, blon­de woman who is just get­ting it on with a mas­sa­ger and squir­ting. At the same time, someone is play­ing with a dildo on her ass.

Directly below you will learn that this is the pre­view for the live show. Next to it you will be told some­thing about the porn star; name, bra size and a litt­le more. In addi­ti­on, you can get a taste of the video by cli­cking „Watch site trailer“.

Sex whee fortune - Sex Glücksrad
Sex wheel of for­tu­ne – Sex Wheel of Fortune

Scrolling down fur­ther, ano­ther three girls show up with their upco­ming live show. Very plea­sing, the whole thing does­n’t look like cheap adver­ti­sing. The girls look very dif­fe­rent – there is some­thing for everyone.

After that Immorallive has com­pi­led the Most view­ed clips (most view­ed). The image pre­views are very colorful, clear and well lit. Nothing here seems off-putting.

Now it gets a bit con­fu­sing: there is now a strip packed with links to other web­sites. However, accor­ding to the ads, these are free to access if you deci­de to pay for Immorallive.

An exciting mix of amateur women and pornstars

Under the Pornstars sec­tion, you will find sex bomb­s­hells to watch. If you click on a girl, a small pro­fi­le and links to the vide­os in which she can be seen will appear 

The Photos menu item will take you to the photo gal­le­ries of small and big porn­stars, as well as many ama­teur girls. There is a photo page for each girl with small pre­view pic­tures (cal­led thumb­nails). As a non-member, you can­not open the pic­tures in large view. The sel­ec­tion is with 16 gal­le­ries per page, with 27 pages real­ly big. It is nice that there is also a search func­tion for the photos.

ImmoralLive real­ly makes an exci­ting impres­si­on! I will sum­ma­ri­ze my expe­ri­en­ces in the test report below. First, I will descri­be the regis­tra­ti­on procedure…

Allie James, Jayden Lee, Natalie Moore bei Immorallive
Awesome orgasm sce­nes, not infre­quent­ly with squir­ting (fema­le ejaculation)

Rating of the porn sites registration

The regis­tra­ti­on is done by cli­cking on the „Join-now“ but­ton. The cle­ar­ly arran­ged boo­king form asks for your e‑mail address as well as a user­na­me and pass­word. You can choo­se both yourself 

The mem­ber­ship is a sub­scrip­ti­on model. You have the choice bet­ween a test mem­ber­ship, as well as a respec­ti­ve tariff with month­ly, quar­ter­ly and annu­al membership.

To com­ple­te the regis­tra­ti­on, click on the „Continue“ button.

Now a pay­ment form of the com­pa­ny Chargepay B.V. appears. The pay­ment can be made via a sel­ec­tion field by cre­dit card or direct debit.

You need these data for the registration:

myXXXpass Network
  1. First name
  2. Last name
  3. Credit card data
  4. Postal code
  5. Your cre­dit card btw. Bank account data

Fortunately, there is no address query for cre­dit card pay­ments. My anony­mous Pepaid cre­dit card was accepted.

Attention Subscription-trap: I advi­se you to uncheck the box on the right side IMMEDIATELY befo­re fil­ling out the pay­ment form. Otherwise, you will book www.openlifeflix.com for $29.99 per month. The purcha­se is done via the but­ton „Purchase“. Instead of a boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on you see as a new mem­ber befo­re again adver­ti­sing for open­lif­e­flin. Just click on „no, thanks“.

Afterward, the WELCOME page fol­lows, on which the access data to the mem­ber area are dis­play­ed. Ignore the annoy­ing requests „if you want to book other for­eign sites“.

Then the access data are dis­play­ed. One recei­ves a clear boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on by e‑mail. One is asto­nis­hed that the e‑mail talks about BlowPass. Only now it beco­mes clear that Immoral Live is not a sin­gle porn site, but that one has boo­ked access to a porn network.

Pornostar Amy Brooke bekommt mit Massagegerät einen heftigen Squirting- Orgasmus
Pornstar Amy Brooke gets a vio­lent squir­ting orgasm with massager

Test – Review Member Area

You don’t get told that when you book ImmoralLive, you also get access to the enti­re BlowPass net­work. You can log in with your access data not only via https://members.immorallive.com in the mem­ber area – inte­res­t­ingly, it also works via https://members.myxxxpass.com. I recom­mend the second link, becau­se then you can access all content! 🙂

Immoral live - Sex shows
Immoral live: Moderator Dan Leal often actively par­ti­ci­pa­tes in the sex shows himself

At the begin­ning, it is not easy to find your way in the mem­bers area. I had hoped to be able to find out imme­dia­te­ly what the live shows are all about. Unfortunately, when you click through, you always come across adver­ti­se­ments for other porn sites and you have to be careful not to get lost.

Then I found the IMMORAL LIVE vide­os I was loo­king for under Archive. Later I found out that you can also get there under View all fur­ther down on the home page.

What I real­ly like is that there are over 100 gen­res that you can search for your pre­fe­ren­ces and for porn vide­os. You can find anal sex, facials, fis­ting,rough­sex, group sex, mas­tur­ba­ti­on, squir­ting, span­king, and much more. Here not only the prin­ces­ses but also the sluts are „real­ly tack­led“. There is some­thing for every viewer.

Extremely horny porn movies with real orgasms and squitring

The Immoral Live porn is incre­di­bly horny!!! I have alre­a­dy cum after a few minu­tes the first time – but then had to look horny fur­ther! Such a horny mem­ber area you can find real­ly rare!

ImmoralLive Test eview

You can watch the erotic-videos in 920p HD via video stream or down­load the desi­red porn in Full HD 1080p.

The blond-haired foun­der of ImmoralLive site Dan Leal is very often seen in the vide­os. Very often, you can also see top-notch toys and high-profile porn­stars from all over the world.

I find the navi­ga­ti­on a bit unfort­u­na­te laid out. But I dis­co­ver­ed that I can crea­te a favo­ri­tes list, which again I like very much.

Rating of ImmoralLive Liveshow Videos

Of cour­se, I can’t rate all porn vide­os in this review (German: Testbericht). But I have made num­e­rous ran­dom samples and I am real­ly thril­led! The sel­ec­tion of vide­os is very good! I can’t com­plain about 1800 movies.

The core of the porn site is always the live shows with various sex games. There are five live shows per month! And every two to three days there are also updates in the videos.

Hard Rough Groupsex
Hard sex (rough sex) real­ly get the women going. Especially the group sex sce­nes and group com­pe­ti­ti­ons are extre­me­ly horny.

In the shows there are often very crea­ti­ve ideas such as child­ren’s board games, board games, the wheel of for­tu­ne game or shuff­le­board. The vide­os are usual­ly very funny and yet very sexu­al and orgasm-rich.

It is not uncom­mon to see a dege­ne­ra­ting les­bi­an gang­bang (also cal­led cat fight gang­bang or les­bi­an gang­bang). Really kinky are bes­i­des many sperm games also the Squirt Bukkake clips! Lesbian Squirt Bukkake means that the women eja­cu­la­te their pussy juice into each other’s faces. Almost all the girls swal­low the squirt com­ple­te­ly horny!

Mega! Members can actively participate in LiveShows

You can tell the girls what to do with them­sel­ves via chat during the live shows. So you can help shape the porn yours­elf! Isn’t that cool?

The sex movies are on avera­ge half an hour long. For your money, you get to see extre­me­ly horny, varied group sex porn

With the chan­ging sex part­ners of ama­teurs and porn­stars, I think it’s respon­si­ble that sex is done with con­doms. This fits the very clean over­all impres­si­on and will increase in the future in American porn anyway. 

However, my cre­am­pie fetish is not satis­fied with full cum pus­sies. Sperm pussy is ine­vi­ta­b­ly not seen here with con­dom sex. However, there is cum on the bodies and faces of the girls(facials / Bukkake called).

Immoral live - Squirt!
No mat­ter if ama­teurs or porn­stars: The sti­mu­la­ti­on is often so inten­se during the games that squir­ting hap­pens again and again!
Authentic and very watchable sex competitions

The girls seem to have real fun. They lick their pus­sies, let them­sel­ves be play­ed with almost sen­se­l­ess­ly and enjoy being naked and horny. You can real­ly see their lust. Thanks to squir­ting and high-quality sex toys (espe­ci­al­ly the mas­sa­gers!), there is not so much room for fake. You see an incre­di­ble amount of real orgasms.

Often dark-skinned porn actors with large peni­s­es come into play. This ser­ves a great women’s fantasy 

For exam­p­le, in Prince Yahshua, the girls squirt in rows. Very horny are the phy­si­cal reac­tions of the women at a Black Cock Challenge. Rarely will you see such inten­se orgasms as in these porn movies!

However, in some sce­nes the moa­ning is some­ti­mes a bit exag­ge­ra­ted by porn stars. There are a lot of ama­teur women who real­ly let them­sel­ves go, enjoy the kinky games and know how they want to have it worried.

BBC- XXL Penis und Massagegerät - Die Orgasmusgarantie
BBC- XXL penis and mas­sa­ger – The orgasm guarantee
Group sex in threesomes, gangbang in fivesomes, XXL penises, BBC cocks, massagers, sex machines and much, much more!

Strikingly often, the ani­ma­ti­on hor­ses Jennifer White, Rachel Roxxx, Vicki Chase, Nikki Sexx, Tanner Mayes, Aiden Ashley, Mae Mayers, Tory Lane and Annie Cruz appear in the sex movies.

You can watch the vide­os in full HD. Additionally, there is a small pre­view opti­on, which is around two minu­tes.
The sound is some­ti­mes not that good. Nevertheless, I pre­fer the ori­gi­nal sound than saxo­pho­ne bag­pi­pe music 😉

The loca­ti­on is always the same stu­dio. So don’t expect any fancy loca­ti­ons. Most vide­os show a bed, a sofa, a blan­ket or a big room. Occasionally a lot of effort is made with the back­drop. The came­ra work is always very professional.

Mega horny group sex photos

Immer wieder sieht man echte Orgasmen mit Fairy Massagegerät
Again and again you can see real orgasms with Fairy massager

While I was wai­ting for my first live show, I took the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take a close look at the porn star. I cli­cked on the name and added it to my favo­ri­tes. As I was wat­ching the movies, I dis­co­ver­ed the sexy photo gal­le­ries.

Some of the women are pho­tos that were taken as part of a nude photo shoot – for other women, the pho­tos were taken in par­al­lel with the video shoot.

Most of the pho­tos are very pro­fes­sio­nal­ly done. Background and light­ing indi­ca­te stu­dio shots. It is a pity, howe­ver, that the girls are very often seen in the same pose. There are bet­ween 80 and 100 pho­tos per girl. Some stand out posi­tively with over 1000 photos.

I like the navi­ga­ti­on via simp­le arrow but­tons very much. Much to my delight, I can even down­load the pic­tures as a ZIP file. Very nice!

I noti­ced that in the new photo gal­le­ries, pho­tos are rare­ly shot „par­al­lel to the film“. You can only find „posed“ nude por­trait pho­tos. I find that very unfort­u­na­te even in the HD age.

Opinions on page layout & design

The design looks a bit stale, but still somehow fit­ting. The main colors are gray, black, white and red.

Pussy squirting beim Ficken
Complete over­sti­mu­la­ti­on of the pussy! Squirting while fucking

So that the con­tent can be dis­play­ed on smal­ler moni­tors, it is in a 975 pixel wide box. The back­ground is black and white gra­phics with girls suck­ing dicks 

This may have loo­ked artis­ti­cal­ly high qua­li­ty 10 years ago, but in 2017 it’s rather „old school“. There are now modern tech­no­lo­gies that make bet­ter use of the screen.

The navi­ga­ti­on is very deep­ly nes­ted and the many links requi­re a few minu­tes of fami­lia­riza­ti­on. However, if you have unders­tood the basic struc­tu­re, you will get along very well with the ero­tic site.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

Unfortunately, neither the boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on e‑mail nor the Immorallive page tells you how and where to can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on. But if you know how to do it, the can­cel­la­ti­on is very simp­le in three steps:

  1. Go to http://support.openlife.com/cancel.php and enter your user­na­me, pass­word email address. Select Immorallive as „Site“, type in the spam pro­tec­tion gra­phic (cal­led CAPTCHA) and click on the Submit button.
  2. Afterwards you land on a page with the title „Cancel a mem­ber­ship – We have found the fol­lo­wing mem­ber­ship:“ Below you see your sub­scrip­ti­on data and you are per­sua­ded again with a „Special Offer“ to remain a mem­ber. But click on the „No, Thanks“ – button.
  3. Then a request „Why are you lea­ving?“ opens, why you want to can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on. Just sel­ect„Had enough / lost inte­rest“ and click the Submit button.
  4. That’s it. It says to con­firm: „Your Cancellation Request Has Been Sent. Your mem­ber­ship will stay acti­ve until the expi­ra­ti­on date“. And you get a can­cel­la­ti­on con­fir­ma­ti­on at the same time.
Gangbang Creampie Squirting Orgasm
During a gang­bang you will often have a squir­ting orgasm, but becau­se of the con­doms, you will rare­ly have a creampie

Review verdict & conclusion of the ImmoralLive.com test report

Although the sex site ImmoralLive.com has a rather meanin­g­less name, you can down­load over 1800 varied and incre­di­bly horny porn movies here. In the style of evening TV shows, online live shows take place here 4 times a month – but it’s all about sex.

Usually, seve­ral men, ama­teur women and porn­stars are invi­ted and they have to per­form various tasks. For exam­p­le, there is a cuck­ing chall­enge (cock blo­wing com­pe­ti­ti­on) or orgasm and squirt com­pe­ti­ti­ons. Mostly sex toys are used. Also, sexu­al desi­res of women are used so reward or chal­len­ging tasks as punishment.

Absolutely unbe­lie­va­ble is the huge star line-up! There are impro­ba­ble many porn stars repre­sen­ted. Due to the many expe­ri­en­ced women, it often comes to a hard les­bi­an gang­bang with real squirt orgasms.

Authentic, horny reality porn – one orgasm after another!

But I per­so­nal­ly find the video and photo offer of this porn site incre­di­bly varied and extre­me­ly sti­mu­la­ting. The fact of see­ing count­less unac­ted real orgasms with squirt made me cum seve­ral times

Orgasm Challenge: Wer kommt zuerst zum Höhepunkt?
Orgasm Challenge: Who will cli­max first?

I also like the con­cept of mixing porn stars, porn star­lets and real ama­teurs. This crea­tes an incre­di­bly horny, sexu­al atmo­sphe­re. The stars encou­ra­ge the ama­teurs to per­form kinky and extre­me­ly sti­mu­la­ting acts

Signing up is easy, but watch out for the cross-selling sub­scrip­ti­on trap. Fortunately, there are hard­ly any adver­ti­se­ments. The photo gal­le­ries are a respec­ta­ble treat of the sex site. There, your own ima­gi­na­ti­on gets going again. There is not­hing to com­plain about in terms of video qua­li­ty. Fast-forwarding and rewinding works smooth­ly, so the length of the movies is no pro­blem either

As alre­a­dy men­tio­ned, this is a sub­si­te of the BlowPass net­work. As a mem­ber, you can access the net­wor­k’s third-party sites. So, in the month­ly price, an incre­di­ble amount of porn is included.

Visit ImmoralLive.com
Jennifer White, Lia lor, Mikki Sexx bei Dan Leal zu Gast
Jennifer White, Lia lor, Mikki Sexx with Dan Leal as guest
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:2 days / $1.00 (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$29.99 / month
$59.95 / 3 months
$129.99 / 12 months
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit
Billing:Chargepay B.V.
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:every 2 weeks
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:100,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:1620 × 1080 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:1,800 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL Speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for ImmoralLive.com

These live sex shows are abso­lut­e­ly amazing!

I have seen real­ly many porn sites… But I like this con­cept more than avera­ge: Like a rea­li­ty show on TV, seve­ral guests com­pe­te against each other to do various tasks. They score points and a win­ner is cho­sen. However, the focus here is on sexu­al tasks! Whether com­pe­ti­ti­ons with group sex, squir­ting, orgasm com­pe­ti­ti­ons… It’s all incre­di­bly mega horny! This porn site is defi­ni­te­ly recommended!!!

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 67%
  • Navigation – 83%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 83%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 100%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Genial, well-executed idea
  • Varied porn movies
  • Real squirt orgasms and feelings
  • Very likeable actresses
  • Abundant kinky sex games


  • Cross-selling in the boo­king form
  • Somewhat unclear structure
  • No pay­ment by instant bank transfer
  • Foreign adver­ti­sing in boo­king history
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