Test - Review: Squirtdisgrace.com

Test: SquirtDisgrace.com

Test - Review: Squirtdisgrace.com

Test: SquirtDisgrace.com

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Porn Sites Review: BDSM squirting with forced orgasm on SquirtDisgrace.com

The topic of squir­ting orgasm with women fasci­na­tes many men. Even though women tend to be embar­ras­sed and uncom­for­ta­ble about eja­cu­la­ting, men feel a mix­tu­re of plea­su­re, power and abso­lu­te horn­i­ness about making a woman eja­cu­la­te. The con­cept of squirtdisgrace.com sounds very promising.

Girls are tied up and „forced“ to orgasm with powerful vibra­tors, mas­sa­gers, dil­dos and sex machi­nes. This method is cal­led „Forced Orgasm“ in the BDSM scene. The squir­ting of women is cal­led squirt or squir­ting in the English lan­guage. Disgrace means: embarrassment.

Since we are very inte­res­ted in the topic of squir­ting, we could­n’t help our­sel­ves with the temp­ting pre­view pic­tures and boo­ked the mem­ber area. In the fol­lo­wing review we will tell you our opi­ni­on with this ero­tic site. In our test we dis­co­ver­ed very inte­res­t­ing things! If you have alre­a­dy expe­ri­en­ced this porn site, plea­se write us a com­ment below the review.

Visit Squirtdisgrace.com

Opinion about the preview area of SquirtDisgrace.com

The pre­view area of squirtdisgrace.com looks very, very cool! Small and big pic­tures invi­te you to stun­ned mar­vel at the sce­nes. You can see there tied up women who are brought to orgasm and thus to fema­le eja­cu­la­ti­on with fier­ce sex toys.

Squirtdisgrace.com pro­mi­ses the cus­to­mer on the pre­view page „The Craziest Squirting ans wet­test Orgasm Videos!“ – which means „The Craziest and Wettest Orgasm Videos.“ A very exci­ting, but also dar­ing state­ment, which we will of cour­se exami­ne for truthful­ness. Important: One should NOT click on the sloa­gen GET YOUR FREE ACCOUNT – becau­se the access is not free! You should not click on it, becau­se other­wi­se a coo­kie will be set and you will be shown a lot of unwan­ted far­mer offers.

On the pre­view pic­tures, you can see real­ly vio­lent squirt sce­nes, which are obvious­ly not posed! Very beau­tiful models lie bound and some­ti­mes gag­ged with bon­da­ge tape and hand­cuffs in num­e­rous loca­ti­ons and are fucked in a vio­lent way with fuck­ing machi­nes, fin­ge­red hard and fucked with dil­dos. Very often you see the Magic Massager mas­sa­ger in use. Exciting are also the pussy suckers.

However, one alre­a­dy won­ders why in the pre­view area the pre­view video is labe­led humiliated.com and why there is so much adver­ti­sing for other pro­jects from the Pornpros network.

Rating of the porn sites registration

To beco­me a mem­ber of squirtdisgrace.com, click on one of the JOIN NOW links 

  • 1.) A page opens where you can set a user­na­me and pass­word and enter your email address. Also, the pri­ces are dis­play­ed and the only pay­ment method is cre­dit card. When you have ente­red ever­y­thing, you click on the huge link: CLICK HERE TO JOIN NOW. You should not choo­se the „1 Day Trial“ packa­ge, becau­se then the mem­ber access is extre­me­ly limi­t­ed and later you will be forced to pay for the month­ly access any­way. We chose the 1 month option.
  • 2.) Now a white boo­king page opens, of the Swiss pay­ment pro­vi­der VENDO or EPOCH. Fortunately, the rest of the orde­ring pro­cess is in German. In the upper right cor­ner other lan­guages can be sel­ec­ted. E‑mail address, user name, pass­word and price were auto­ma­ti­cal­ly ente­red into the form. One enters only its cre­dit card data AND THEN CAUTION IS announ­ced!

    There are three hooks pre­sel­ec­ted. One to con­firm his age and the terms and con­di­ti­ons and two check­marks: „I sign up: 3 days trial at ExGF Pass *
    “„I sign up: 2 days trial at VideosZ Network Access **“ - These but­tons should be un-checked! Otherwise you book the mem­ber­ship of videoz.com and exgf.com, which will be exten­ded after 3 days!

    Since the mas­si­ve adver­ti­sing and the two stran­ge pawns during the boo­king see­med some­what very sus­pi­cious to us, we orde­red to be on the safe side with our pre­paid cre­dit card to pre­vent. We pre­vent so that in case of other fraud can not be plun­de­red pri­va­te cre­dit card.
  • 3.) After the pay­ment one gets a con­fir­ma­ti­on page, in which the user data and pay­ment data are shown
    The smart porn sur­fer
    look if the con­fir­ma­ti­on email arri­ved! If not, you should eit­her print this page or make a screen­shot. Save the link to the can­cel­la­ti­on form and write down the free 0800 cus­to­mer ser­vice phone number.

In the enti­re order pro­cess, the cus­to­mer is not expli­cit­ly infor­med that it is a sub­scrip­ti­on and how to can­cel it. Only the fol­lo­wing noti­ce is writ­ten in grey: „Until your can­cel­la­ti­on you will get access to Squirt Disgraced at a price of 29,95 € every 30 days.

Test – Review Member Area

After log­ging in, our fears are con­firm­ed! Instead of squirtdisgrace.com you are redi­rec­ted to the porn net­work Pornpros.com. You will be bothe­red by a „Platinum Offer“ – adver­ti­se­ment that you should spend even more money to see „ever­y­thing“. The offers should be igno­red with „No thanks, con­ti­nue to mem­bers area“.

Also on the mem­bers area start page, it is best to igno­re ever­y­thing for now and click on Sites in the menu at the top. There you can see all web­sites of the Pornpros net­work and then click on „SquirtDisgrace“. But then there are long faces! What is this?! Under „Scenes From SquirtDisgrace“ there are only 15 sce­nes!?! All anti­ci­pa­ti­on is gone! 15 vide­os in a month­ly sub­scrip­ti­on! Release date September to November 2009?! Well thank you! 🙁

You feel ripped off and grudgingly click on the videos 

If you see only a trai­ler and a JOIN NOW link ins­tead of the vide­os, you are not real­ly log­ged in. You do that on the top right of the page.

For the log­ged in mem­bers a page with a big media play­er opens. You can press the play but­ton and the ero­tic movie will start. In addi­ti­on, you can rate the film under „Please vote“, make a com­ment and adjust the video qua­li­ty. One gets to know the real names of the porn actres­ses, the video length and the update date. Unfortunately, there is no movie descrip­ti­on as seen under the pre­view section 

In the page hea­der there is an adver­ti­se­ment for a cam girl chat. Under Download Video you can choo­se bet­ween MPG HD 1080p, WMV HD 1080p and MP4 HD 480p. The down­load of the squirt porn seems to be thrott­led to 800 kb/sec. After a quar­ter of an hour, each sex movie is downloaded.

In all squirt movies, you can always see the big wri­ting „humiliated.com“. This now pro­ves 100% that SquirtDisgrace.com is just a bait site for the PornPros porn net­work. Humiliated was once a BDSM porn site on this network.

Rating of Squirting Videos

The squir­ting vide­os of SquirtDisgrace.com resp. humiliated.com resp. Pornpros.com ;-), on the other hand, are final­ly what you hoped and drea­med for in the pre­view section 

You see very, very, very horny actions pai­red with very, very sti­mu­la­ting models. Mostly every movie starts with a funny intro­duc­to­ry scene: A guy who puts on yel­low rub­ber gloves pre­pa­res the girls for their fol­lo­wing BDSM scene, ties them up, leads them on with a dog leash, puts a ball gag in their mouth and talks to them in a soot­hing yet deman­ding way. The intro­duc­to­ry sce­nes are most­ly shot out­doors: In the woods, in a shop­ping mall, in a car wash, etc 

Then the girls are usual­ly tied up in a pro­duc­tion loca­ti­on with hand­cuffs, hand­cuffs, sprea­der bar and pink bon­da­ge tape. This hap­pens for exam­p­le. in a fac­to­ry hall, car work­shop or in pri­va­te homes. Then it real­ly gets going. With num­e­rous exci­ting sex toys, such as dil­dos, vibra­tors, pussy suckers, nipp­le pumps, cli­to­ris suckers the Adam & Eve Magic Massager, Hitachi Magic Wand the plea­su­re organs of the porn models are pro­ces­sed. You can see only the apron and gloves of the actor. With one or more fin­gers the G‑spot is stimulated.

Female ejaculation through powerful sex toys

When the desi­re is increased and the girl is loose, then comes a naked guy with fat penis to it and bangs the women first pro­per­ly through. They are then com­ple­te­ly dis­in­hi­bi­ted after a short time and the squirt game can begin …
The sex toys are appli­ed more vio­lent­ly, the Grafenberg spot is fin­ge­red hard and the guy fucks like a tinker

If the girl fid­gets too much, it is fixed with sprea­der bar or ropes! Especially the mas­sa­ger does not miss its effect!!! The spon­ge tis­sue around the G‑spot is fully char­ged! The guy with the rub­ber gloves has a lot of expe­ri­ence to wait the rede­eming moment to let the girls cum. The orgasms are breath­ta­kin­gly vio­lent, the girls have quick­ly for­got­ten to con­stant­ly grin stu­pidly into the came­ra and are only fuck horny! 

They get part­ly one cum orgasm after ano­ther, screa­ming, moa­ning and cur­sing. Sweat stands on the fore­head, caro­tid arte­ries emer­ge, the face beco­mes bright red. Amazing!!!!! This is what the porn sur­fer wants to see!

Rousing squirting scenes with real orgasms

The whole scene is cut tog­e­ther to 45 minu­tes and there are real­ly almost only vio­lent­ly horny and extre­me­ly exci­ting action sce­nes to see. The guys are also real­ly nasty in parts. They let the girls squirt them­sel­ves in the face, lick used toys and fin­gers clean and much more. The girls go full off and behave at some point in the cli­max of the film like cheap dirty sluts 

After the last orgasm, the films end with the usual facial (facial inse­mi­na­ti­on) of the fuck­ing guy. The girl is then kno­cked out and com­ple­te­ly cover­ed with cum and cunt juice. Often they then grin dirty – some­thing sym­bo­li­zes that they actual­ly enjoy­ed the per­ver­ted game very much 

The illu­mi­na­ti­on is per­fect and HD-thanks to that the reso­lu­ti­on is razor sharp. The only annoy­ing thing is that the movies have not been given sen­si­ble file names. They are always cal­led watermarked_mpg_1280.mpg. It’s best to rena­me the files direct­ly during the download.

The models are unknown ama­teurs and well-known ero­tic stars. For exam­p­le, the fol­lo­wing porn­stars show us their squir­ting skills: Elizabeth Ann, Tessa Taylor, Charley Chase, Shelby Angel, Mason Moore, Bella, Chayse Evans, Mya Nicole, Hunter Bryce, Jackie Daniels, Tara Lynn Foxx, Squirting Angel, Eva Ellington, Michelle Honeywell, Chastity Lynn.

Squirt photos rating

Squirt pho­tos from squirtdisgrace.com are also worth see­ing. You can choo­se bet­ween con­ven­tio­nal pho­tos and screen­shots from the HD movie in the tab menu of the sce­nes page. Numerous horny impres­si­ons of the squir­ting vide­os have been cap­tu­red in a huge size. Especially the squir­ting sce­nes and the facial expres­si­ons during the orgasms are incre­di­bly exci­ting and you also like to look at the photos.

The gaudy pink-colored sex toys come off great and are a wel­co­me chan­ge from the clas­sic BDSM black.

Even though there is unfort­u­na­te­ly no forward-navigation, you can down­load the pho­tos as com­ple­te video gal­le­ries and view them off­line on your computer.

Opinions about page layout & design

The design of the pre­view area of squirtdisgrace.com is psy­cho­lo­gi­cal­ly incre­di­bly well done. The dis­play­ed squirt orgasms with horny facial expres­si­ons of the models make your mouth water – alt­hough the mas­si­ve adver­ti­sing alre­a­dy dis­turbs you in the pre­view layout.

The mem­ber area of Pornpros is incre­di­bly well and cle­ar­ly struc­tu­red despi­te the gigan­tic amount of data. You can’t get lost and you feel com­for­ta­ble right away. If we had boo­ked Pornopros direct­ly, honest­ly and trans­par­ent­ly as a por­tal and not via the rip-off, we would only award good marks.

Design-wise, there is also not­hing to com­plain about in the mem­ber area.

Experience with subscription cancellation

To can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on to squirtdisgrace.com, click on the sup­port link of the bil­ling com­pa­ny in the e‑mail. The enti­re can­cel­la­ti­on pro­cess is done in German. In the regis­tra­ti­on form, one enters one’s e‑mail address and user­na­me. The cre­dit card num­ber can be left blank 

On the next page you will see the sub­scrip­ti­on with a screen­shot and the bil­ling data. You then sim­ply click on the but­ton „Cancel subscription“.

Another page opens where you have to sel­ect the reason for can­cel­la­ti­on. We choo­se „I’m just not inte­res­ted any­mo­re“ and click „Cancel subscription“.

Another page opens. There you are asked: „Do you real­ly want to can­cel? We don’t want to let you go just like that!“ and we get the sub­scrip­ti­on all at once for 7 EUR. We click on the gray but­ton „Cancel membership“.

Then one has final­ly done it. One lands again in the sub­scrip­ti­on over­view page and it says there as sta­tus: „Cancelled“. At the top, the­re’s a green area with the text „You have suc­cessful­ly can­ce­led your subscription.“ 

One still has until the end of the 30 days to visit the mem­ber area of squirtdisgrace.com. At the same time you get an email con­fir­ma­ti­on „Your sub­scrip­ti­on to Squirt Disgraced has been canceled“.

Test verdict & conclusion to the test report of SquirtDisgrace.com

In sum­ma­ry, an eva­lua­ti­on of squirtdisgrace.com is very dif­fi­cult. Therefore, the eva­lua­ti­on is a bit lon­ger: The most annoy­ing thing is that you only get 15 squir­ting vide­os for the money! Since 2009 there are no updates at all. In addi­ti­on, you have to be real­ly DAMN careful what you click on and which check­marks are set when boo­king. Despite the German lan­guage, there are hid­den dan­gers lur­king in all cor­ners and ends to book unwan­ted mem­ber areas.

It is real­ly put on that one from care­less­ness other sex sides as sub­scrip­ti­on also books and them for­gets to quit! Also, you have to know that squirtdisgrace.com is just a bait-and-switch site for www.pornpros.com – sort of to cover the squir­ting (fema­le wet orgasm) mar­ket niche.

BUT on the other hand, the 15 vide­os are so clas­sy that you actual­ly have to say: MEGA HOT!!! There are hard­ly any such funny and at the same time horny squirt movies on the porn mar­ket, with such varied actions! Therefore we deci­ded to chan­ge the point of view: For $16 every squirt movie (plus hundreds of porn in simi­lar pre­sen­ta­ti­on – e.g. humilated.com) costs quasi one dollar!

If you book the month­ly access:

  • be careful to choo­se ONLY the month­ly offer
  • read exact­ly what you tick
  • use a pre­paid cre­dit card
  • can­cel the account on the same day

… you will be more than satis­fied with the ero­tic movies! 

The two guys who appear in all porn movies know exact­ly how and where to sti­mu­la­te a woman to make her go crazy begging for an orgasm. With vio­lent sex toys and extre­me sex prac­ti­ces they tor­tu­re the poor girls lite­ral­ly „from one cum orgasm, to the next“! It’s a real bles­sing for the women that they can get mul­ti­ple orgasms!!! They use colorful sex­t­oys (e.g. pink bon­da­ge tape, pink res­traints, pink dil­dos) and fuck + fin­ger per­sis­t­ent­ly and hard! The girls are gree­dy for the cock and let all the kinky games wil­lingly with them!

Exciting came­ra angles and the razor-sharp HD image qua­li­ty make the Squirtdisgrace movies a real event, as if you were there live.
Since they squirt movies are real­ly, real­ly cool, we give despi­te all the nega­ti­ve reviews to rip off, an unrest­ric­ted boo­king recommendation!

Visit Squirtdisgrace.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$1.00 / day trial (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$29.95 / month
$59.37 / 3 months
$119.40 / 12 months
Trial / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit
Billing:EPOCH or VENDO
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:6,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:3000 x 2000 pixels
Image gal­lery control:no
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:15 porn movies
Ø Resolution:HD 1080p
Ø Length:45 minu­tes
Ø DL Speed:500 kB/sec
Format:WMV, MP4
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Squirtdisgrace.com

Seventeen BDSM squir­ting vide­os on PornPros network

If you are hoping for BDSM squir­ting and bla­tant orgasms with fuck­ing machi­nes and sex toys, you will be dis­ap­poin­ted with this porn site. There are only 17 vide­os included. The con­tent of these porn vide­os is very hot, but the series is unfort­u­na­te­ly not updated. It’s real­ly a pity, becau­se the con­cept is very cool.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 10%
  • Fairness – 10%
  • Promises / Reality – 40%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 70%
  • Navigation – 70%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 70%
  • Updates – 0%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 10%
  • Payment – 70%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 50%
  • Advertising / Spam – 50%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 50%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 20%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Damn sti­mu­la­ting actions
  • Great emo­tio­nal out­bursts from the models
  • Beautiful squirt fountains
  • Extremely good video & photo resolution
  • Great Porn Pros bonus content


  • Last update 2009 !
  • Only 15 Squirt Videos
  • Bait page for PornPros network
  • Pre sel­ec­ted cross-selling box in boo­king form
  • Massive adver­ti­sing for PornPros
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