Secure porn site payment

Secure porn site payment

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The payment problem of erotic consumers

From an inter­na­tio­nal per­spec­ti­ve, the cre­dit card has been the most popu­lar means of pay­ment to date. In the USA and many other count­ries, it is used on a daily basis to pay for goods and ser­vices. Almost every 16-year-old there has a cre­dit card in his or her pocket.

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In Germany, the banks have agreed on SEPA direct debit as the main means of pay­ment. As a result, cre­dit card accep­tance in most natio­nal stores and online stores is com­pa­ra­tively low. After all, various pay­ment ser­vice pro­vi­ders such as PayPal or SOFORTüberweisung make up the gap somewhat.

But when it comes to pay­ing for porn sites, the German Internet sur­fer is faced with the ques­ti­on:„Where can I get a cheap and dis­creet cre­dit card?„Unfortunately, Paypal and its ilk have a pro­blem with erotica.

If you apply for a cre­dit card in Germany via your bank, you have to be over 18 years old and have a clean cre­dit histo­ry. If you have a low inco­me, cur­rent loans or are unem­ploy­ed or self-employed, cre­dit card appli­ca­ti­ons are often rejec­ted. In addi­ti­on, cre­dit cards are ente­red in the Schufa data­ba­se and wor­sen the cre­dit rating.

On this sub­ject, it is also worth men­tio­ning the pro­blem that many ero­tic con­su­mers are con­cer­ned about a cer­tain dis­cre­ti­on regar­ding their life part­ner or fami­ly mem­bers. They do not want explo­si­ve pay­ments to appear on bank state­ments or cre­dit card statements.

Also not unim­portant: there are some „black sheep“ in the ero­tic scene who con­ce­al the fact that the cus­to­mer takes out a month­ly sub­scrip­ti­on. The che­cking or cre­dit card account is debi­ted month­ly with pay­ments (rebil­ling), which one often noti­ces too late and means trou­ble when it comes to chargebacks.

The solu­ti­on is simp­le: a pre­paid cre­dit card!

The agony of choice: Which credit card is recommendable?

There is an unma­na­geable offer of cre­dit card pro­vi­ders. All pro­mi­se to be the che­a­pest and most repu­ta­ble. Besides the German banks, most cre­dit card issuers are loca­ted in Gibraltar or Great Britain. Some cre­dit cards are actual­ly cheap, others are ridd­led with hid­den fees and others are down­right rip-offs.

Our per­so­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons are the PAYANGO VISA card, the Kalixa Prepaid MasterCard, the Moneybookers Mastercard and for ADAC mem­bers: the ADAC ClubmobilCard. It is bet­ter to keep your hands off the Gibraltar cards becau­se of the non-transparent fees!

Here are the advantages of prepaid credit cards:

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Discretion towards fami­ly mem­bers:
All four cards offer abso­lu­te dis­cre­ti­on, since at most the cover let­ter with the cre­dit card and the card pin end up in the mail­box. The month­ly account state­ments are sent dis­creet­ly by e‑mail or can only be down­loa­ded from the car­d’s cus­to­mer area.

The cre­dit cards appear neither in the Schufa, nor in other cre­dit agencies.

If you are a mem­ber of ADAC, your wife will cer­tain­ly not find out that you char­ge XXX pages with your card 😉

Protection against rip-offs:
The risk of uncon­trol­led sub­scrip­ti­on debits is signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ced, becau­se you only load a cer­tain amount on the card. So you don’t have a high cre­dit limit, where rip-off mer­chants can help them­sel­ves uninhibitedly.

Anonymous top-up opti­ons:
All four cre­dit cards can be top­ped up anony­mously. Either you do it at a bank of your choice by cash depo­sit (Postbank is high­ly recom­men­ded for cash trans­fer!) or buy for Kalixa and Moneybookers at the gas sta­ti­on cre­dit cards (vou­ch­ers), whose code you rub free­ly and enter in the cus­to­mer area of the cre­dit card.

Liability for cre­dit card misu­se:
Even though the CVC num­ber on the back of the cre­dit card rules out misu­se by cre­dit card gene­ra­tors, in the case of the Payango and ADAC ClubmobilKarte VISA is lia­ble in the event of cre­dit card fraud.

International accep­tance:
For the four recom­men­ded cre­dit cards, we are not aware of any pro­blems with the card not being accepted.

In sum­ma­ry, every German sex site sur­fer is advi­sed to get a rech­ar­geable cre­dit card.
The fees are in the range of clas­sic cre­dit cards and some­ti­mes even lower. The cost con­trol and anony­mi­ty help con­sider­a­b­ly to escape pro­blems and stu­pid ques­ti­ons. Unemployed, self-employed and peo­p­le with irre­gu­lar or low inco­mes can also final­ly enjoy visi­ting for­eign porn sites.

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