How do we evaluate in our reviews?

How do we evaluate in our reviews?

0 65

The rating system of

On we are publi­shing infor­ma­ti­on about the rating, com­pa­ri­son and ana­ly­sis of adult pay sites. On this page, you can read how the rating cri­te­ria of the star ratings are composed.

Although our test-reports are of cour­se purely sub­jec­ti­ve reviews, we try to crea­te a good and honest com­pa­ri­son with our experiences.

Bewertung Sexseiten

All stars and rating-bars are added tog­e­ther and from their sums the avera­ge from 0 to 100 in per­cent is cal­cu­la­ted. The posi­ti­on of the reports depends on the total avera­ge. The best reports are lis­ted at the top and the worst at the bottom.

Image quality:

How is the qua­li­ty of the photos?

  • * high reso­lu­ti­on > 1200 x 800
  • * good / bad light­ing, colors / contrasts
  • * good / bad location
  • * many / less dif­fe­rent perspectives
  • * free of image errors / blur
  • ** per­so­nal impres­si­on of the authors

Video quality:

How is the qua­li­ty of the vide­os rated?

  • * high reso­lu­ti­on > 720 x 576 (SD)
  • * good/bad illu­mi­na­ti­on, colors/contrasts
  • * good/bad location
  • * good/poor came­ra work
  • * free of image errors / blur
  • ** per­so­nal impres­si­on of the authors

Sound quality:

How is the sound-quality in the porn videos?

  • * balan­ced volume
  • * free from back­ground, came­ra, micro noises
  • * Original sound/sync
  • * good/bad music (or none)
  • * free of sound errors/sound dropouts
  • ** per­so­nal impres­si­on of the authors


How exclu­si­ve are the pic­tures and videos?

  • 0 0% self-produced
  • * 20% self-produced
  • ** 40% self-produced
  • *** 60% self-produced
  • **** 80% self-produced
  • ***** 100% own production/ but also on other web­sites (resel­ler)
  • ****** 100% self-produced/ only on this website


How do the models look like on the pic­tures and videos?

  • * Naturalness
  • * well-groomed appearance
  • * Appearance
  • * Physique
  • * Charisma
  • ** per­so­nal impres­si­on of the authors

Authentic feelings:

How authen­tic do the models‘ fee­lings appear?

  • * yes/no arti­fi­ci­al con­ti­nuous moaning
  • * yes/no Real orgasms
  • * yes/no Real phy­si­cal reactions
  • * yes/no con­stant loo­king into camera
  • * yes/no exag­ge­ra­ted faking (acting)
  • ** per­so­nal impres­si­on of the authors


Is varie­ty pro­vi­ded on the ero­tic sites and in the pic­tures and videos?

  • * dif­fe­rent poses
  • * dif­fe­rent loca­ti­ons (back­grounds, rooms, outdoor)
  • * dif­fe­rent models
  • * dif­fe­rent came­ra perspectives
  • * dif­fe­rent plot / stories
  • * Videos / pic­tures not leng­thy or boring
  • * per­so­nal impres­si­on of the authors

Exceptionality of the project:

How extra­or­di­na­ry is the porn site?

  • 0 theme, con­tent, con­cept are not­hing special
  • * often seen theme, but well implemented
  • ** alre­a­dy often seen topic, but new ideas brought in
  • *** rare theme / litt­le competition
  • **** total­ly new idea / unique
  • ** per­so­nal impres­si­on of the authors

Content quantity:

Rating how many pho­tos and / or images are actual­ly included in the mem­bers area.

  • 0 less than 2500 pho­tos / 25 videos
  • * more than 2500 pho­tos / 25 videos
  • ** more than 5000 pho­tos / 50 videos
  • *** more than 7500 pho­tos / 75 videos
  • **** more than 10000 pho­tos / 100 videos
  • ***** more than 12500 pho­tos / 125 videos
  • ****** more than 15000 pho­tos / 150 videos

Promises / Reality:

Do the pro­mi­ses regar­ding the quan­ti­ty, con­tent and qua­li­ty of the con­tent match?

  • 0 do not match at all
  • * it was exag­ge­ra­ted excessively
  • ** agree, but some­thing was concealed
  • *** agree, but some­thing was exaggerated
  • **** agree, but bet­ter was expected
  • ***** All expec­ta­ti­ons of the visi­tor were met
  • ****** Expectations of site far exceeded

Sexual stimulation:

How arou­sing are the vide­os and images for the viewer?

  • 0 dis­gus­ting / extre­me­ly bor­ing / disappointing
  • * very abtur­ning / boring
  • ** some­what tur­ning off / boring
  • *** quite nice to look at (but not­hing more)
  • **** sti­mu­la­ting (some­thing is stirring)
  • ***** total­ly awe­so­me (boner alarm)
  • ****** above avera­ge horny (dan­ger of spitting)


How is the design of the ero­tic site?

  • * Clear structure/subdivision
  • * Functional and easy to use
  • * Appealing gra­phics and design elements
  • * sui­ta­ble colors
  • * coher­ent con­cept, the­ma­ti­cal­ly suitable
  • ** per­so­nal impres­si­on of the authors


How easy is it to brow­se the site? How is the page structure?

  • 0 extre­me­ly cumbersome
  • * dif­fi­cult to use
  • ** under­stan­da­ble after some training
  • *** well operable
  • **** very good
  • ***** simp­le and intuitive
  • ****** inge­nious concept

Preview area:

How inte­res­t­ing and infor­ma­ti­ve is the pre­view area of the sex site designed?

  • * Photo pre­view (pho­tos in ori­gi­nal size) available
  • * Video pre­view available
  • * Model pre­view available
  • * Information about the content
  • * Information about AVS, costs, mem­ber­ship, can­cel­la­ti­on available
  • * FAQ available
  • * Number of pages grea­ter than 10


How often is the site updated?

  • 0 none / no information
  • * irre­gu­lar­ly
  • ** every 6 months
  • *** every 3 months
  • **** month­ly
  • ***** weekly
  • ****** daily

Download speed:

What is the down­load speed of the porn site when suck­ing in kiloBits per second?

  • 0 less than 50kb/s
  • * more than 50 kb/s
  • ** more than 100 kb/s
  • *** more than 200 kb/s
  • **** more than 300 kb/s
  • ***** more than 400 kb/s
  • ****** more than 500 kb/s


What are the costs for one month? 

  • 0 more than $ 40 / month
  • * less than $ 40 / month
  • ** less than $ 35 EUR / month
  • *** less than $ 30 EUR / month (avera­ge)
  • **** less than $ 25 EUR / month
  • ***** less than $ 20 EUR / month
  • ****** less than $ 15 EUR / month

Price / Performance:

To what ext­ent do you get a reasonable per­for­mance for the price in comparison?

  • 0 very bad
  • * very bad
  • ** bad
  • *** accep­ta­ble
  • **** good
  • ***** very good
  • ****** excep­tio­nal­ly good


How is the pay­ment evaluated?

  • * Payment pos­si­ble wit­hout cre­dit card
  • * cor­rect debi­ting of the sel­ec­ted rate
  • * Clearly reco­gnizable pur­po­se of the bil­ling com­pa­ny on account statement
  • * simp­le and under­stan­da­ble procedure
  • * Payment con­fir­ma­ti­on imme­dia­te­ly by email
  • * Contact details of the bil­ling com­pa­ny available

Price transparency:

To what ext­ent is the price open­ly presented?

  • * Price cle­ar­ly reco­gnizable in the preview
  • * Subscription offers cle­ar­ly recognizable
  • * Detailed descrip­ti­on of pay­ment methods and subscriptions
  • * Terms and con­di­ti­ons available
  • * Company data of the pro­vi­der available
  • * Transaction over­view available (infor­ma­ti­on on follow-up costs after con­clu­si­on of contract)

Cancellation of the subscription:

Since most porn sites are bil­led as a month­ly sub­scrip­ti­on – How easy is the cancellation?

  • * Cancellation noti­ce in the email sub­scrip­ti­on con­fir­ma­ti­on with direct link
  • * Cancellation noti­ce on the web­site is not hidden
  • * no can­cel­la­ti­on period
  • * Cancellation via online-form (not writ­ten by mail or email)
  • * simp­le, uncom­pli­ca­ted procedure
  • * Cancellation con­fir­ma­ti­on imme­dia­te­ly by email

Advertising: Is the customer harassed with advertising (SPAM)?

  • * no unso­li­ci­ted email advertising
  • * no adver­ti­sing banners
  • * no popups
  • * no HTML5 / Flash layer
  • * no adver­ti­sing for other offers of the operator


Are there any unfair rip-off methods on the porn site?

  • * no pre­sel­ec­ted opti­ons in forms (cross-selling checkboxes)
  • * no addi­tio­nal costs in the alre­a­dy paid mem­ber area
  • * No hid­den costs in the pre­view layout
  • * no other unfair methods
  • * Subscriptions and can­cel­la­ti­on con­di­ti­ons are poin­ted out
  • * easy to reach cus­to­mer support

Overall impression:

Subjective, sum­ma­ri­zed over­all impres­si­on of the author.

  • 0 extre­me­ly bad
  • * very bad
  • ** poor
  • *** accep­ta­ble
  • **** good
  • ***** very good
  • ****** excep­tio­nal­ly good
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