Test - Review: Miniboobs.com

Test: MiniBoobs.com

Test - Review: Miniboobs.com

Test: MiniBoobs.com

3 70,854

Review: Evaluation of our experience with the erotic website Miniboobs.com – cup size A and AA

At the American web­site Miniboobs.com the focus is on „small breasts“. The visi­tor is pro­mi­sed half a mil­li­on hand-searched pic­tures and 125,000 videos.

In a few minu­tes, the visi­tor’s penis is sup­po­sed to be hard. In the vide­os, „women with real­ly small breasts are sup­po­sed to be fucked out of their brains“. Furthermore, it should be ama­teur and pro­fes­sio­nal girls. Well – there you real­ly can not resist …

Find out in this porn site review whe­ther the dar­ing pro­mi­ses are kept and whe­ther a mem­ber­ship is worth it. You can share your expe­ri­en­ces and opi­ni­ons below the review.

Visit Miniboobs.com

Opinion about the preview area of Miniboobs.com

The pre­view area is a poor 4‑page lay­out wit­hout pre­view images. One is a bit sur­pri­sed that the women basi­cal­ly don’t have sooo small breasts. But one thinks not­hing more of it when booking.

Rating of the porn sites registration

The regis­tra­ti­on goes quick­ly and wit­hout any pro­blems. You can’t even get past the EPOCH pay­ment win­dow in the tiny pre­view lay­out. EPOCH is a large pro­vi­der of Internet bil­ling ser­vices in America.

You enter your email address, a user­na­me and pass­word, sel­ect the pay­ment method and click on „Click for Instant Access“. There is ano­ther form for the pay­ment data. The access data will be dis­play­ed after the boo­king and will be sent by e‑mail.

Test – Review Member Area

The offe­red mem­ber area is pathe­tic! We felt sim­ply fooled!

For say and write $30 there are just 65 pic­tu­re gal­le­ries with an avera­ge of about 150 pic­tures per photo available for down­load. Period. That’s it!

There are no vide­os at all!!! One is lin­ked only with ano­ther mem­ber range of the Domain www.holio.com, in which a very badly made video gal­lery is con­tai­ned cal­led „Itty Bitty“. The vide­os there are in stamp size and mise­ra­ble quality.

Of all the photo gal­le­ries, only 25 are as sti­mu­la­ting as one would have ima­gi­ned when sig­ning the con­tract. Most of the pic­tu­re series are so poor in terms of pic­tu­re qua­li­ty that you quick­ly lose the moti­va­ti­on to keep clicking. 

Many women alre­a­dy have a cup size „C“ and almost have to cont­ort their arms towards the sky to fight against gra­vi­ty. We only found the pro­mi­sed mini tits in the 25 gal­le­ries mentioned.


Far too little content with a disappointing yield

The pic­tures them­sel­ves almost all have an ama­teur cha­rac­ter; some stu­dio shots are also included. One has the impres­si­on that the pic­tures are lef­to­vers from cas­tings. In any case, the con­tent is not exclu­si­ve­ly crea­ted for the pro­ject. Real fee­lings during mas­tur­ba­ti­on sce­nes are not visi­ble. They are pure posing pic­tures. The models have not­hing in com­mon with those in the pre­view layout.

By the way, we even found a photo where a girl holds up her ID card and pass­port from the Czech Republic, where all per­so­nal data can be seen. Where is the data pro­tec­tion? If the pho­tos had real­ly been hand-sorted, as pro­mi­sed, this cer­tain­ly would­n’t have hap­pen­ed! By the way, the pass­ports had the expiration-date of 2004, where also not­hing more needs to be said about the topic „topi­cal­i­ty“ and „updates“ of the web pro­ject Miniboobs.com.

The remai­ning but­tons „Interactive“, „Live“ and „Games“ show lis­tings to various chea­p­ly made free sites, where the ope­ra­tor tries to decei­ve about his poor content 

Under „Jokes“ you can read English jokes and under „Chat“ there is a link to a web­site where you have to buy coins to chat with girls who are online for 24 hours and stay in the same position 

Under „HD Sites“ you can find a screen­shot gal­lery of other Sincomm Limited websites.

Opinions about site structure & design

Due to the over-offer of ero­tic sites, with which you are bom­bard­ed as a sub­scri­ber, it is initi­al­ly dif­fi­cult to keep track of the mem­ber’s area. You basi­cal­ly just have to stay in the top menu to avoid get­ting lost in page nirvana.

Experiences with the Subscription Cancellation

The can­cel­la­ti­on link to the EPOCH cus­to­mer area is in the e‑mail and can also be found on the home­page. The cus­to­mer area is com­ple­te­ly in German, with small trans­la­ti­on errors. After ente­ring the cre­dit card num­ber or e‑mail address, as well as the access data to the mem­ber area, one can log in and see the cur­rent sub­scrip­ti­ons. With a mouse click, it is canceled.

Test verdict & conclusion to the test report of Miniboobs.com

In sum­ma­ry, it is an abso­lu­te impu­dence to offer such a website.

Obviously, the site pro­vi­der has only tried to cover a mar­ket niche and has thrown the mem­ber area tog­e­ther with cheap con­tent in a love­l­ess way.

This is very annoy­ing and in our opi­ni­on, it does­n’t help to over­whelm the cus­to­mer with other mem­ber areas (which are undoub­ted­ly bet­ter!), becau­se we boo­ked becau­se we wan­ted to see mini boobs.

With this in mind, we say: If you’­re loo­king for small tits, you’­re loo­king in vain here!

Visit Miniboobs.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$1.85 / 3 days (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$29.99 / 1 month
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, debit, check
Membership manage­ment:no
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:10,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:1024 x 768 pixels
Image gal­lery control:no
ZIP archi­ves:no
Count:0 porn movies
Ø Resolution:-
Ø Length:-
Ø DL Speed:-
Download pos­si­ble:-
Streaming pos­si­ble:-
DRM copy protection:-


Demo pics

Test report summary for Miniboobs.com

Too less and infe­ri­or content

This porn site has mas­si­ve­ly dis­ap­poin­ted us in our review. Only a few pic­tu­re gal­le­ries are offe­red. In it, bes­i­des extre­me­ly much adver­ti­sing, only a handful of horny pho­tos can be found – But the price is way too high for that.


  • Image qua­li­ty – 50%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 0%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 0%
  • Exclusivity – 0%
  • Models – 50%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 0%
  • Variety – 0%
  • Extraordinary – 17%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 0%
  • Fairness – 33%
  • Promises / Reality – 17%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 17%
  • Design – 17%
  • Navigation – 17%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 17%
  • Updates – 0%
  • Loading speed – 50%
  • Costs – 0%
  • Price-performance ratio – 0%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 67%
  • Advertising / Spam – 17%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 0%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • A few images are ero­tic stimulating


  • Noying popups in pre­view layout
  • Poor pre­view layout
  • Content very poor
  • Annoying popup thunderstorm
  • Massive amount of SPAM emails
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