Test - Review: ILoveSmallTits.com

Test: ILoveSmallTits.com

Test - Review: ILoveSmallTits.com

Test: ILoveSmallTits.com

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Review: Experience with the mini boobs porn site ILoveSmallTits.com

iLoveSmallTits.com is a sex site that tar­gets small boobs lovers. It is desi­gned with a clear, appe­al­ing logo and a rich pre­view area. The pre­view images and demo gal­le­ries are very sti­mu­la­ting, so we were espe­ci­al­ly loo­king for­ward to test­ing this website.

The user is pro­mi­sed 100,000 high qua­li­ty pho­tos and 500 GB of vide­os to down­load. in addi­ti­on, 360 GB can be down­loa­ded from bonus sites and full access to the enti­re XXX porn site net­work MyAllAccessPass is provided.

In our porn site test, iLoveSmallTits.com unfort­u­na­te­ly tur­ned out to be a „wolf in shee­p’s clot­hing“! You hard­ly get what you are loo­king for. Fleeting sur­fers who do not read pro­per­ly are also rigo­rous­ly rip­ped off by unfair means. We hope that we will be able to rate other sites of this net­work better.

Of cour­se, in this review we are not test­ing the MyAllAccessPass porn net­work, but the sin­gle mini boobs web­site ilovesmalltits.com.

Visit ILoveSmallTits.com

Opinion about the preview area of ILoveSmallTits.com

If you click around the pre­view area of ilovesmalltits.com, you will find num­e­rous sti­mu­la­ting flat-chested girls on the litt­le pic­tures. There are three pre­view pages in total, which can be rea­ched via the link „Preview More Scenes“.

However, the visi­tor is per­ma­nent­ly annoy­ed with pop-ups, JavaScript queries and ban­ners. But you don’t care yet and are moti­va­ted to see more.

The page with the regis­tra­ti­on form can­not be missed and can be found, for exam­p­le, via the link „Click Here For Instant Access Right Now“.

Operator infor­ma­ti­on of the com­pa­ny „Internet Entertainment, LLC.“ is not found at first sight.

Rating of the porn sites registration

The user is not sur­pri­sed with the com­ple­te pay­ment form at first. One should first enter an e‑mail address, a desi­red user­na­me and a pass­word. If the inte­res­ted party does not book the ero­tic site after all, the ope­ra­tor alre­a­dy has the e‑mail address for adver­ti­sing purposes.

Only after ente­ring the above-mentioned data does one get to the pay­ment form of the bil­ling com­pa­ny PureWebPower.com or dhdmedia.com. This form con­ta­ins the first nasty thing: If you do not pay atten­ti­on and over­look the two pre­sel­ec­ted hooks, you book two more sex sites as a sub­scrip­ti­on (xxxhdporntv.com and xxxplatinumtv.com). This pro­ce­du­re is cal­led cross-selling in tech­ni­cal jargon.

Otherwise, the form is under­stan­da­ble. You can pay by direct debit, cre­dit card and by phone pay. Fortunately, our pre­paid cre­dit card work­ed. AND THAT’S A GOOD THING, becau­se ilovesmalltits.com has more pit­falls in store!

After the suc­cessful regis­tra­ti­on, eye can­cer is announ­ced. In bright pur­ple you get a wel­co­me mes­sa­ge and the hint that all other web­sites of the MyAllAccessPass net­work are free of char­ge. At the same time you get an email with the access data and the hint that this will be re-billed 30 days later.

Unfortunately, there is no cus­to­mer area where you can see the sta­tus of your web­site subscription.

It is very annoy­ing that we recei­ve a lot of SPAM via our regis­tra­ti­on email address. So you should defi­ni­te­ly use a spam or dis­posable email address when boo­king iLoveSmallTits!

Test – Review Member Area

We were loo­king for­ward to the mem­ber area of ilovesmalltits.com. But after log­ging in and the first over­view of the site it beco­mes clear that also the mini tits site ilovesmalltits.com was put tog­e­ther only love­l­ess­ly and „the life­b­lood of the pro­ject owner“ is miss­ing there.

Contrary to the adver­ti­sing pro­mi­ses on the iLoveSmallTits pre­view pages, mini boobs are rather a rari­ty. The flat-titted girls on the pre­view page do appear in the pic­tu­re gal­lery, but tha­t’s about it! The rest of the girls are usual­ly cup size C and D – but more about that later.

When navi­ga­ting, you get the fee­ling that the page loads quite slow­ly. Probably the ser­ver is a bit too busy. What imme­dia­te­ly struck us nega­tively: There is no infor­ma­ti­on about updates.

An abso­lu­te impu­dence is that one is rip­ped off not only by regis­tra­ti­on and can­cel­la­ti­on form, – NO, if one does not pay atten­ti­on and (acci­den­tal­ly) cli­cked on the xxxAdultCentro ban­ner, one has auto­ma­ti­cal­ly a 1‑day test access of the side www.xxxadultcentro.com at the cheek! If one does not dis­co­ver this by chan­ce in the e‑mails and does not can­cel on the same day, the access is con­ver­ted into a 30-day sub­scrip­ti­on!!!! That’s real­ly brazen.

Pictures: Unfortunately only a few small breasts to see

The pic­tu­re gal­le­ries of ilovesmalltits.com fea­ture the most diver­se reso­lu­ti­ons, qua­li­ty levels and came­ra set­tings. There are main­ly hard­core ama­teur and solo­girl photo series in pri­va­te apartments 

Looking at the avera­ge bust sizes of the girls, we won­der (after the third flop of a mini tits sex site) if we somehow misun­derstand the defi­ni­ti­on of „small breasts“. Most of the girls are also seen on ilovesmalltits.com with bra size C and often D. Under „small tits“ or „tiny tits“ we defi­ne tiny breasts in breast sizes AA, A and B.

Furthermore, you see the same cheap vibra­tors over and over again, with which the girls real­ly freak out. The models are very camera-fixated and obvious­ly act out their fee­lings. Therefore, the pic­tures seem quite bor­ing. There is hard­ly any ero­tic mood and you quick­ly lose the moti­va­ti­on to click through the pic­tu­re gal­le­ries. The only excep­ti­on are maybe 10 gal­le­ries where it is real­ly about horny „small tits girls“.

The pho­tos are most­ly of medio­cre qua­li­ty. They are often poor­ly lit, blur­red and occa­sio­nal­ly no white balan­ce was made or the came­ra was set incorrectly.

There is no ZIP down­load func­tion and scrol­ling through the pic­tu­re gal­lery is quite tedious. You should the­r­e­fo­re use the Firefox down­load mana­ger „Download Them All“.

Due to the dra­sti­cal­ly dif­fe­rent loca­ti­ons and image qua­li­ties we assu­me that the pho­tos were not crea­ted exclu­si­ve­ly for ilovesmalltits.com. There are even occa­sio­nal gal­le­ries water­mark­ed by www.harris-archives.com.

Videos: Only 47 erotic videos with mini tits

On the video over­view page one is not badly sur­pri­sed that one finds there only 47 vide­os to down­load. Where is the pro­mi­sed half terabyte???

On the video details pages you can watch the vide­os direct­ly as embedded WMV file (Watch Online Now! Opens New Window) or down­load them to your hard disk (Save to my Computer).

The vide­os offe­red on ilovesmalltits.com are abso­lut­e­ly sub­ter­ra­ne­an! In pas­sa­ble reso­lu­ti­on of 720×480 px you can watch girls eating pick­les and bathing, riding around on a bal­loon and show­ing off their butts. At least a clip of two col­lege girls play­ing around with dil­dos was reason­ab­ly nice to look at.

In 352 x 240-de stamp reso­lu­ti­on, a girl gets caught in a poli­ce check­point and in other films, girls get fucked by guys in various loca­ti­ons with mise­ra­ble light­ing.
There is no ero­tic mood in any of the films.

Also in the iLoveSmallTits vide­os small breasts are rather an excep­ti­on. Most porn actres­ses have nor­mal sized breasts in cup size C or even bigger!

Opinions about page layout & design

Despite the black color, the lay­out fits the­ma­ti­cal­ly to ilovesmalltits.com.

The pre­view area has a simp­le struc­tu­re and even with litt­le know­ledge of English you know what it’s all about and under­stand almost ever­y­thing.
In the mem­ber area you also quick­ly under­stand the link struc­tu­re, but get lost at first becau­se of the mas­si­ve advertising.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

In order to can­cel ilovesmalltits.com, you have to go to www.PureWebPower.com. Then one clicks on „Lookup my Account“ and enters user­na­me, pass­word and email address. You then have to ans­wer six ques­ti­ons about why you want to cancel.

AND THEN YOU HAVE TO WATCH OUT! There are full nasty two more pre-selected boxes built in at the bot­tom of the page!!!! If one does not take the hooks out, one clo­ses two new sub­scrip­ti­ons to other sex sides! (see photo)

Finally, you click on the con­fir­ma­ti­on but­ton and should read again careful­ly. If ever­y­thing has been done cor­rect­ly, a page fol­lows reg­ret­ting that you have cancelled.

Review verdict & conclusion of the ILoveSmallTits.com test report

The page iLoveSmallTits.com should be cal­led iLoveNormalTits.com! There are very, very few pic­tures with small breasts or vide­os with mini tits. Most of the actres­ses are bles­sed with breast size C and D. This cir­cum­s­tance ensu­res that the site visi­tor is rather disappointed.

Really bad are the pre-selected boxes in the regis­tra­ti­on AND can­cel­la­ti­on form! If you don’t check them, you will end up with two sub­scrip­ti­ons to other sex sites.

A ZIP down­load func­tion for the pic­tures would also have been nice. The slide­show script should be noted posi­tively. All in all, the sex site ilovesmalltits.com is not­hing spe­cial and dis­ap­point­ment is ine­vi­ta­ble. The cus­to­mer’s email address is misu­s­ed for spamming!

Visit ILoveSmallTits.com
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
Cost:$1.98 / 2 days (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$29.95 / 30 days
$59.95 / 90 days
$39.95 / days wit­hout ABO
Trial / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, debit, pay per call (phone), check
Billing:PureWebPower – DHD Media
Member manage­ment:no
Parental con­trol filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:yes
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:12.000 porn images
Ø Resolution:1400×100 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:no
Quantity:47 porn movies
Ø Resolution:640 x 480
Ø Length:10 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:0 kB/sec
Format:WMV, FLV
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no


Test report summary for ILoveSmallTits.com

Beware of this porn site

Although the pre­view area and also the logo look pro­mi­sing, you have to be very careful on this adult web­site! There are very nasty cross-selling traps lur­king in the regis­tra­ti­on and can­cel­la­ti­on form on this ero­tic site. The con­tent is not real­ly worth boo­king a mem­ber­ship, becau­se there is sim­ply too litt­le con­tent with small tits.


  • Image qua­li­ty – 50%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 50%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 50%
  • Exclusivity – 33%
  • Models – 50%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 33%
  • Variety – 50%
  • Extraordinary – 67%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 33%
  • Fairness – 17%
  • Promises / Reality – 33%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 50%
  • Design – 50%
  • Navigation – 67%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 83%
  • Updates – 17%
  • Loading speed – 67%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 33%
  • Payment – 67%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 67%
  • Advertising / Spam – 17%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 50%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 50%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Appealing pre­view area
  • Slideshow func­tion in image gallery
  • A few mini tits girls


  • Only few models with small breasts
  • Form rip-off for for­eign sex sites
  • Too many ban­ner ads
  • Bad photo & Image quality
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