Test - Review: Flachtitten.net

Test: Flachtitten.net

Test - Review: Flachtitten.net

Test: Flachtitten.net

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Review: Review of Flachtitten.net porn site (Topic: small breasts)

Most women with small breasts are asha­med and try to trick with push-up bras. But not all men are into big boobs! A very large per­cen­ta­ge of men like it more mana­geable. A cute bra size B or even smal­ler, look very sexy and aesthetic.

During a walk on the Internet I came across the porn site Flachtitten.net. Very full-bodied it is pro­mi­sed there that you can find „the smal­lest tits of the net“ on this web­site. The mem­bers area is sup­po­sed to be about small-titted women in dif­fe­rent sec­tions and ero­tic niches. As a lover of small breasts (A Cup and AA Cup) I just could not resist with the many adver­ti­sing pro­mi­ses and boo­ked an access for this test report.

In the fol­lo­wing web­site review, we will intro­du­ce you to the mini tits sex site and tell you what con­tent is hid­den in the mem­bers area. I will share my expe­ri­en­ces with you honest­ly and wit­hout any hesitation.

Visit Flachtitten.net

Opinion about the preview area of Flachtitten.net

The pre­view lay­out con­ta­ins only one web page and is held in an eye can­cer dan­ge­rous pink-turquoise tone. However, it looks quite funny with a traf­fic sign, which could be cal­led „BH-Verbot“. Underneath it says, „Bras we don’t need!“

Even though the term „tits“ seems a bit tas­te­l­ess, it still fits the­ma­ti­cal­ly to the porn site and does­n’t seem annoying.

The home­page is divi­ded into dif­fe­rent categories:

  • In the cate­go­ry „Amateur Flat Tits“ two women pre­sent their small breasts. They would be asha­med of their small wasp stings. The pre­view pic­tures exert a cer­tain appeal and increase the expec­ta­ti­on to see more of them in the mem­bers area.
  • Under „teen flat tits“ young girls bet­ween 18 and 20 with mini tits are pro­mi­sed. The young fruits would not even have a breast attach­ment, but only small nipp­les. Although some girls have no tits at all, they are defi­ni­te­ly older than 18. The ope­ra­tor also points out that the women are of age.
  • In the cate­go­ry „Professional Flat Tits“ you can see which German ero­tic models have made it in the porn business.
  • Under the genre „Fetish Flat Tits“ the fetish „small breasts“ is com­bi­ned with other fetis­hes, like S&M, shaving, anal, bon­da­ge, pis­sing and voy­eur. A pro­mi­sing, horny mixture! 

At the bot­tom of the page it says „JOIN NOW“, „Already a mem­ber? Log in here“ and under „STOPPPPPP, OUR TIP!“ is a link to various bonus pages.

The models of the pre­view pic­tures all have rather ama­teur cha­rac­ter. Unfortunately, there is no pre­view area fur­ther on.

Rating of the porn sites registration

By cli­cking on „Become a mem­ber now“ you will be redi­rec­ted to a page of www.affilicash.net with other web­sites of the ope­ra­tor. If you click on „Register now“ a popup with a pay­ment form from NETDEBIT will appear.

But atten­ti­on: This link does not work in the Firefox brow­ser, but only in Internet Explorer. The mem­ber area costs 24,99 EUR per month. It is kind­ly refer­red to the subscription.


Test – Review Memberarea

So, now we come to the mem­ber area – and this is, with respect said: ABSOLUTELY MISERABLE! 

As also in other mem­ber areas tes­ted by us from the ope­ra­tor Affilicash.net was not even made the effort to build a decent mem­ber area, but it was sim­ply a few ZIP-packed image gal­le­ries slap­ped. Either the web­de­si­gner is a total loser or the ope­ra­tor is inten­tio­nal­ly try­ing to rip off the users.

Without any thumb­nails or gal­lery descrip­ti­on texts 56 links to the ZIP files were lis­ted among each other and one feels sim­ply foo­led alre­a­dy when ente­ring the mem­ber area. There also do not help the whole other „BONUS“ gar­ba­ge web pages away.

After unpack­ing the ZIP archi­ves, you find not only the pho­tos, but also thumb­nails and html files crea­ted with a pro­gram cal­led Arles Image Web Page Creator. The ope­ra­tor should have rather included the gal­le­ries in the mem­bers area and offe­red the ZIP down­load as an option.

A few ZIP archives with small mini tits photos


The images have a reso­lu­ti­on of 500 x 375 pixels. This might have been up to date in 1990, where peo­p­le still had a 15″ moni­tor on the table, but to offer such pho­tos nowa­days and take so much money is cheeky.

Small tits, women wit­hout tits or „the smal­lest boobs on the inter­net“ can defi­ni­te­ly not be found, con­tra­ry to the pro­mi­ses of Flachtitten.net! Even if you can occa­sio­nal­ly find a woman with small boobs, most of the models have rather nor­mal tits in bra-size B, C or even D.

However, we like the fact that the down­load speed is quite fast. One rea­ches 380 kB/sec in Germany. Another plus point is that the use of down­load mana­gers is possible.

Updates are not available and are not plan­ned. It is abso­lut­e­ly not fair to rip off cus­to­mers with so litt­le con­tent exclu­si­ve­ly with a month­ly subscription.

Opinions on page structure & design

Not much can be said about the page lay­out and menu struc­tu­re, becau­se there is no real struc­tu­re at all. The pre­view lay­out and the mem­ber area each con­sist of only one page. Since the owner of the site did­n’t even try to crea­te a nice page, there are zero points.

A true flat-titted lover could over­look the nasty pink-turquoise color mix­tu­re, if at least horny porn vide­os and pho­tos could have been found in the mem­ber area 

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

On Flachtitten.net you’ll find no noti­ce of can­cel­la­ti­on. But since the bil­ling is done via Netdebit, one can log in with the Netdebit user data here: http://www.netdebit-payment.de/go/customer/login and under „Bookings“ easi­ly ter­mi­na­te the subscription 

You will then recei­ve a con­fir­ma­ti­on of can­cel­la­ti­on by e‑mail.

Review verdict & conclusion of the Flachtitten.net test report

Flachtitten.net is a great con­cept, an inte­res­t­ing niche – but abso­lut­e­ly badly implemented.

I have rare­ly seen such a bad ero­tic web­site. We noti­ce that most of Affilicash.net ‚s web­sites are so poor­ly done and seem to only aim at user rip-offs. The con­cept seems to be „deli­ver a lot of free bonus pages and the cus­to­mer will for­gi­ve us for the bad ones“.

The pho­tos are too small and poor­ly lit, the lay­out and page struc­tu­re a dis­as­ter. Hands off this website! 

Again the ques­ti­on ari­ses for us: Why can’t / won’t German web­mas­ters crea­te reasonable and high qua­li­ty web­sites? Why does it always have to be rip-off?! Apparently you just have to go to America .

Visit Flachtitten.net
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:24,99 EUR / month (Subscription)
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, pay per call (tele­pho­ne), bank transfer
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:yes
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:5,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:500x 75 pixels
Image gal­lery control:no
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:0 porn movies
Ø Resolution:-
Ø Length:-
Ø DL Speed:-
Download pos­si­ble:-
Streaming pos­si­ble:-
DRM copy protection:-


Test report summary for Flachtitten.net

Stay away from this porn site!

This porn site is one of the worst in the world. Don’t spend any money on it.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 17%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 0%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 0%
  • Exclusivity – 0%
  • Models – 0%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 0%
  • Variety – 17%
  • Extraordinary – 50%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 17%
  • Fairness – 83%
  • Promises / Reality – 50%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 0%
  • Design – 0%
  • Navigation – 50%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 0%
  • Updates – 0%
  • Loading speed – 67%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 0%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 33%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 17%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Great idea
  • Transparent pay­ment process


  • Bad and too less content
  • Bad design
  • Too expen­si­ve
  • No gal­lery overview
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