Test - Review: ALSScan.com

Test: Alsscan.com

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Review: Alsscan.com – One of the Oldest and Kinkiest Sex Toy & Teen Porn Sites

If you remem­ber the early days of the Internet, you will have come across the extre­me­ly horny and total­ly kinky teen mas­tur­ba­ti­on porn site ALSScan.com back in the nineties.

Behind the meanin­g­less domain name is the com­bi­na­ti­on of the abbre­via­ti­on „All Ladies Shaved“. And the „scan“ stands for „exami­ne“. Thus, this pro­ject is aimed at all fri­ends of shaved pus­sies who want to have a free and deep insight into the love caves of pret­ty women.

ALS SCAN - All ladies shaved

As you will read later, it is not easy to deter­mi­ne the main genre. On the one hand, shaved pus­sies are a fetish of their own, but on the other hand, most models are shaved any­way and this is not­hing special.

Furthermore, most girls use sex toys of all kinds and mas­tur­ba­te with hands and fin­gers. Again, you also see count­less women who let them­sel­ves be fis­ted. Fisting refers to pene­t­ra­ting the pussy with a hand or fist.

Although ALS Scan tends to be cate­go­ri­zed as Small Breasts or Teens, after much deli­be­ra­ti­on we deci­ded to put it in the main cate­go­ry of „Sex Toys & Masturbation“. Since the girls in most porn movies and ero­tic pic­tures play with them­sel­ves alone.

Hopefully, with this review we can help you find real­ly good porn sites and save money. Please leave your opi­ni­on below the review if you have any comm­ents, ques­ti­ons or experiences.

Visit ALSScan.com

Opinion About the Preview Section of Alsscan.com

Teen- Göre Noel (19 Jahre) masturbiert mit Flasche
Teen brat Noël (19 years) mas­tur­ba­tes with bottle

The pre­view area is huge – no, com­pared to other porn sites – gigan­tic! There are tons of full-size pre­view pictures.

A large slider pres­ents the latest updates and imme­dia­te­ly arou­ses the inte­rest to explo­re the porn site in more detail.

The Movies and Pictures but­tons in the Start menu let you access all ALSscan porn movies and pho­tos, read their short descrip­ti­ons and view thumb­nails. You can even go to the scene details page – but the num­ber win­dow will be pla­ced on top of it as a layer.

If you click on the Updates but­ton, you will find all updates since 2005! It is exci­ting and extre­me­ly trans­pa­rent to brow­se through older galleries.

If you click on the but­ton „Models“ you will find a model page, where you can find a lot of pho­tos in addi­ti­on to the eng­lish model pro­files. Currently there are alre­a­dy over 250 models lis­ted, and the list is gro­wing and gro­wing. By the way, the pro­ject exists since 1996.

In my opi­ni­on, the pro­ject ope­ra­tors have done a great job of pre­sen­ting the huge amount of data from the last two deca­des in a clear way. At the begin­ning you get lost in the pre­view area – but after about 5 minu­tes you under­stand the struc­tu­re of the porn site.

You don’t miss the JOIN but­ton to sign a con­tract, but it’s not too intrusive.

Erotikseitentest: ALS Scan Review

Rating of the Porn Sites Registration

Even the pay­ment has many pecu­lia­ri­ties. The bil­ler CCBill has also thought about the European cus­to­mers and the pay­ment page is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly trans­la­ted to reason­ab­ly good German. Furthermore, in addi­ti­on to the cre­dit card (which is a nor­mal means of pay­ment in the US), you can also pay the usual pay­ment method in Germany via direct debit or bank trans­fer in advance.

Again, you have to fight your way through the con­fu­sing pages first. You click on JOIN in the menu at the top. Then comes a page where you can can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on and fur­ther down are the pay­ment methods. Interesting for the Europeans is next to the cre­dit card the but­ton „EU Direct Pay“ – You can pay once by instant trans­fer and will not be bil­led recurring.

After che­cking the given data and the means of pay­ment, one is for­ward­ed to a page with the access data. At the same time, you will also recei­ve the access data by e‑mail.

Test – Review Member Area

The mem­ber area of ALS SCAN has an eye-friendly design. An enter but­ton is lin­ked to the updates page, where you can see that a new video and/or pic­tu­re gal­lery is real­ly added daily.

One can find extre­me­ly high qua­li­ty photo and video foo­ta­ge of again very, very sti­mu­la­ting per­for­mers in the age range of 18 to a maxi­mum of 25. The girls are phe­no­me­nal.

Whether they’­re posing for pho­tos or len­ding a hand in les­bi­an or mas­tur­ba­ti­on sce­nes… They come across as natu­ral yet very glamorous.

Small Breasts and Kinky Sex Toys

Schamlippenspreizer (Webrahmen, Gummibänder und Wäscheklammern) und Muschispreizer
Labia sprea­ders (wea­ving frames, rub­ber bands and clo­the­spins) and pussy spreaders

Mainly the girls have very small breasts with bra size A to B. Some girls even have cup size AA – as almost no breasts. These are also cal­led flat tits, mini tits.

In English, they are cal­led „A cup girls“ (girls with bra size A), „Smalltits“, „No tits“, „flat-chested“, „Tiny tits“, small boob or „flat as a board“ / „Flatter than a board“ / „flat like a board“.

The girls play alone, in pairs or in threes. They use nor­mal to thick dil­dos, com­mer­cial to bizar­re vibra­tors, various spe­cu­lum vagi­na sprea­ders (spe­cu­la), bot­t­les of all dia­me­ters, cucum­bers and other vege­ta­bles, bizar­re pussy suckers, nipp­le suckers (suc­tion cylin­ders for nipp­les), cli­to­ris suckers and even with sex machines 

Very, Very Horny Masturbation Porn

Often you can also see labia weights, clamps on nipp­les and labia, home­ma­de pussy sprea­ders, lol­li­pops in the pussy and many other crazy sex toy ideas.

Rarely, howe­ver, you will also find anal dil­dos and other anal toys or pee games with urine. Why „rare“? The ope­ra­tor ans­wers in his FAQ that the models don’t have to do any­thing they don’t want to. And this is also reflec­ted in the pho­tos and pic­tures! The girls have fun „scre­wing around“ and some even get real, unac­ted orgasms.

What’s striking is that the girls use lots and lots of mas­sa­ge oil. You con­stant­ly get deep glim­p­ses of extre­me­ly stret­ched pus­sies. They are per­fect­ly shaved and no hair is visi­ble. You also find a lot of fis­ting sce­nes! Some girls fist each other and even alone.

What is very eye cat­ching are the fuck­ing cool loca­ti­ons. Videos and pic­tures are bril­li­ant­ly lit and the per­spec­ti­ves are breath­ta­kin­gly awe­so­me. Few web­sites mana­ge to pro­du­ce photo and video equal­ly well.

Damn Horny, Razor Sharp Photos

Leah Luv mit Flasche in Muschi
Pornstar Lea Luv loves to mas­tur­ba­te with thick dil­dos, bot­t­les and objects

The photo gal­le­ries are pre­sen­ted very cle­ar­ly. However, the pic­tures always open in a new win­dow, which is a bit annoy­ing in the long run.

The ero­tic pho­tos are first-class in terms of con­tent and qua­li­ty! The site ope­ra­tor adds one more thing to the alre­a­dy razor-sharp pho­tos: The nor­mal image reso­lu­ti­on is 1400 x 933 pixels. Alternatively, you can view the pic­tures by cli­cking on „High Resolution“, high reso­lu­ti­on with huge 3504 × 2336 pixels.
The pics can also be down­loa­ded as „nor­mal“ and „high reso­lu­ti­on“ com­pres­sed in the zip archive.

Saucy Sex Toys and Perspectives

Overall, it must be said that the pic­tures are extre­me­ly arou­sing. Despite today’s high-speed inter­net, you should still pay atten­ti­on to the photo gal­le­ries! The pus­sies are extre­me­ly oiled and stret­ched, as well as real­ly pho­to­gra­phed up close

With no view­er of these images will „the best fri­end“ remain moti­on­less. The kinky sex toys with which the girls spoil them­sel­ves or each other will make the view­er for­get about time and ever­y­thing around him.

Content & Quality of Als Scan Videos

The video sec­tion is divi­ded into „Daily Videos“, „The Hottest ALSScan Videos“ and „IPod Videos“. The site ope­ra­tor is obvious­ly con­ti­nuous­ly working on impro­ving the video qua­li­ty and recent­ly HD vide­os with a reso­lu­ti­on of 1920 x 1080 pixels are offe­red as mp4, divx and wmv. This is true pio­nee­ring work.

The nor­mal vide­os are offe­red for down­load as 720 x 540 pixels uncom­pres­sed in .avi for­mat. Occasionally you can also watch them strea­med. For us, howe­ver, the vide­os are a bit too big despi­te DSL and com­pres­sed they would also be enough.

The length of the vide­os and the num­ber per girl vary great­ly. On avera­ge, there are 5 movies and they usual­ly run a quar­ter to half an hour.

Als Scan’s Specialty: Cute Teens With Small Boobs

Kylie Richards
Kylie Richards (21 years old) with AAA mini tits

At ALSScan.com, it’s fun to watch the natu­ral girls play their kinky games. Many other porn sites don’t mana­ge to bring such authen­tic and ting­ling fee­lings to mas­tur­ba­ti­on videos.

The secret to suc­cess for the rela­xed teens seems to be that one or more women are on the film crew. You can always see women’s hands or sym­pa­the­tic assistants in pho­tos, han­ding the models objects and sex toys, or pre-stretching the pussy with oily fingers.

Especially horny is that at ALS Scan espe­ci­al­ly young girls with small breasts are to be seen. Of cour­se, these are all over 18 years old.

I liked z.Freckles teen Faye Reagan, Sarah Peachez, Taylor Rain, teen brat Alice March, Aubrey Belle, Linda, Morgan, Tabitha, Morgan March(very small breasts), Taylor RainCarli Banks, Emily Grey, Amia Moretti, Jana Irrova, Hope, Shyla Jennings, Amai Liu, Lily Jordan, Avril Hall, Courtney Simpson, Blue Angel, Zuzana, Carli Banks, exo­tic beau­ty Alexis Love and tiny red­head Dolly Little. Famously, ALS Scan fea­tured mini-titted teens Anne Howe (aka Melissa Ashley), Leah Luv and Kyle Richards many years ago.

Opinions on Page Layout & Design

The page lay­out is very opaque in places. On the pre­view lay­out, it’s easy to get lost in the huge web of pages. Some links open in new win­dows. Even in the mem­ber’s area, one some­ti­mes wan­ders around a bit hapha­zard­ly and often despera­te­ly sear­ches for the home button.

There are no bonus web pages, but under the link „Directors Hottest Videos“ you get some bonus pic­tures and movies.

Experiences With Subscription Cancellation

Cancellation is abso­lut­e­ly effort­less via links to CCBill, which can be rea­ched from ever­y­whe­re. A can­cel­la­ti­on form allows you to enter your cre­dit card and pro­ject num­ber as well as your e‑mail address. The can­cel­la­ti­on area is also trans­la­ted into German and with one click the sub­scrip­ti­on is canceled.

In the FAQ, the can­cel­la­ti­on opti­on (with links to the can­cel­la­ti­on page) is poin­ted out in a com­ple­te­ly fair manner.

Review Verdict & Conclusion of the alsscan.com Test Report

A mem­ber­ship at ALSScan.com is defi­ni­te­ly wort­hwhile. I liked the review above average.

The ope­ra­tor has mana­ged to crea­te a mix­tu­re of very high qua­li­ty pho­tos and vide­os, pai­red with damn awe­so­me action and natu­ral, pret­ty and very young loo­king teens. Once you’­ve seen the qua­li­ty of ALSScan, you’ll always judge other sites against this project.

Boredom and hack­ney­ed con­tent are for­eign to this site. Thoroughly shaved girls in high gloss, per­ver­ted sex toys, mas­tur­ba­ti­on, les­bi­ans and fis­ting are on the agenda.

Hardly Any Porn Site Puts Sex Toys So Horny in Scene

What I find a bit unfort­u­na­te is that most of the models are very camera-fixated, wher­eby the authen­ti­ci­ty suf­fers. Even if not all fee­lings and every orgasm is real, the vide­os are still EXTREMELY horny!

Also, the models are not cal­led by their com­ple­te stage name. So ALSscan only says Morgan March only„Morgan“. You can some­ti­mes find out the stage name by acci­dent on the inter­net to find more movies of the model.

If you are into „flat ches­ted teens“ and per­ver­ted sex toys, I can only recom­mend you to book ALS Scan. It’s worth even a three-month mem­ber­ship with the gigan­tic amount of damn horny porn vide­os and XXX photos.

Visit ALSScan.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$29.95 / month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$44.95 / 2 months
$59.95 / 3 months
$29.90 / month
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, bank transfer
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:100,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:3504×2336 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Number:1,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:1920×1080
Ø Length:15 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:380 kB/sec
Format:WMV, AVI, DivX, MP4
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no



Test report summary for ALSScan.com

There is hard­ly a bet­ter sex toys porn site

This ero­tic site is sexu­al­ly incre­di­bly sti­mu­la­ting if you like young women, small breasts and sex toys. Only a few porn stu­di­os mana­ge to put the topic of mas­tur­ba­ti­on so horny in scene. Stunned, you watch how the peti­te women with a sweet smile push huge objects and sex toys into their pus­sies. Real orgasms and fee­lings are also com­mon here.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 67%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 50%
  • Navigation – 50%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 67%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 100%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Giant photo & pic­tu­re archive
  • Very hot porn models
  • High-erotic pho­tos & videos
  • Very pro­fes­sio­nal quality
  • Detailed model descriptions
  • Crazy and very hot sex toys
  • Awesome sce­nes with pussy stretching


  • Non-transparent navi­ga­ti­on
  • Feelings often faked / acted
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