Test - Review: Gina-Blonde.com

Test: Gina-Blonde.com

Test - Review: Gina-Blonde.com

Test: Gina-Blonde.com

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Test report on Gina-Blonde.com – A pretty, German MILF who loves gangbangs & sperm

Many women over 30 have a very spe­cial charm. They are no lon­ger as reser­ved and shy as the teens and know exact­ly how they want to get it exact­ly worried. Gangbang par­ties, sperm games or sado-maso many women dis­co­ver only when they get older and the „flower sex phase“ is behind them.

Horny women bet­ween 30 and 50 usual­ly go off real­ly horny! If they are slim, most­ly look great and enjoy sex exces­si­ve­ly to the ful­lest. So also the ero­tic model Gina Blonde!

We first dis­co­ver­ed her in the mem­bers area of the web­site Sex Toys Test. Gina is a clas­sic exam­p­le of a real horny sow, as every man secret­ly wis­hes: per­ma­nent­ly horny, unin­hi­bi­ted, horny for cocks and sperm, honest – and yet somehow com­ple­te­ly natu­ral, a litt­le bit shy and incre­di­bly sym­pa­the­tic. With her the sayings fit: „Still waters run deep“ and „Woe when she lets go!“ 😉

Gina Blonde’s web­site has a strong ama­teur cha­rac­ter: the design is unador­ned and the thumb­nails on the other hand are very appe­tiz­ing! The idea that Gina lives in Germany and can be rea­ched via live­cam and real cont­act makes you curious. In this test review we would like to share with you our opi­ni­ons and expe­ri­en­ces of the porn site Gina-Blonde.com.

Visit Gina-Blonde.com

Opinion about the preview area of Gina-Blonde.com

In the exten­si­ve pre­view area of gina-blonde.com you can find a lot of infor­ma­ti­on about the mean­while 37 years young porn­star (born 1980). Via a flash menu one navi­ga­tes to the sub­pages „About me“, Gangbang, Videos, Photos, Livecam and VIP area.

The top menu shows a small trai­ler with clips from Gina’s porn movies. On the sub­pages you can find clickable, free FSK16 and FSK18 pho­tos and screen­shots. You will learn that the vide­os go back to 2005, that live­cam chats take place regu­lar­ly and that new ama­teur gang­bang porn is added every month.

Gina Blonde has been shoo­ting porn for over 15 years and is now in her prime M.I.L.F. age! Probably, she has alre­a­dy lived out sexu­al­ly vigo­rous­ly and tried almost all sexu­al prac­ti­ces. Surprisingly, Gina is not a hyped porn star, but she is com­ple­te­ly down to earth and tog­e­ther with her life part­ner occa­sio­nal­ly satis­fies her sexu­al fan­ta­sies and needs. She some­ti­mes allows the came­ra to be there when she gets fucked by stran­ge men, fools around with women or hor­ni­ly mas­tur­ba­tes by herself.

As men­tio­ned befo­re, the design is out­da­ted and a relaunch is over­due. But maybe tha­t’s what makes it so appe­al­ing: Gina is not pushed by any agen­cy or porn com­pa­ny, but makes her web­site and also the pho­tos and vide­os pri­va­te­ly tog­e­ther with her part­ner. True to the motto „A porn star to touch“, every Gina Bonde fan actual­ly has the oppor­tu­ni­ty to fuck her hims­elf in her gang-bang par­ties and deco­ra­te them with cum. You can alre­a­dy feel in the pre­view sec­tion that there is, so to speak, „life­b­lood“ atta­ched to the pro­ject and that she likes to do her work with plea­su­re and joy.

Porn page rating of the registration

If you want to beco­me a mem­ber of gina-blonde.com, you click on„VIP area“. The bil­ling is done by the inter­na­tio­nal­ly known, American bil­ling com­pa­ny „CCBill“. The boo­king pro­cess is done quick­ly in two steps.

First you have the choice bet­ween pay­ment by cre­dit card or by direct debit. I got into the habit of using my pre­paid cre­dit card to be pro­tec­ted from unaut­ho­ri­zed debits. However, I can assu­re you from expe­ri­ence that I have never had any trou­ble with CCbill. You can use your nor­mal cre­dit card or pay by direct debit.

The CCbill boo­king form is dis­play­ed in German lan­guage, but can also be chan­ged by coun­try flags. You can choo­se bet­ween four tariffs via the sel­ec­tion field „Payment opti­ons“. The price of 25 EUR per month is very fair. If you deci­de to be a mem­ber lon­ger, you get a fat dis­count. What’s great is that there is also a pay­ment opti­on where you don’t get bil­led repea­ted­ly every month.

Depending on your cho­sen pay­ment method, you then enter your bil­ling infor­ma­ti­on as well as a desi­red user­na­me + pass­word. Regarding the email address, I advi­se you to regis­ter a sepa­ra­te porn email address with Gmail. Even if Gina does not send SPAM, you should not use your email address for your pri­va­te correspondences.

Somewhat con­fu­sing is a trans­la­ti­on error that has exis­ted for many years on the order but­ton. It says „close the purcha­se“. The word „ab“ has been forgotten.

If the pay­ment was suc­cessful, a win­dow appears with the access data and the note „Payment suc­cessful“. At the same time you get an e‑mail with the access data and a sum­ma­ry of the booking.

Test – Review Member Area

After pay­ment, you will auto­ma­ti­cal­ly be taken to the mem­ber area, or you can navi­ga­te to the VIP area by cli­cking on the link. We were very, very reli­e­ved that one is real­ly not nip­ped, which is unfort­u­na­te­ly the case with many, many German-language ero­tic sites. You can see the cur­rent vide­os at a glan­ce, sor­ted chronologically 

Rating M.I.L.F. porn videos:

The main focus of gina-blonde.com is defi­ni­te­ly on group sex and gang­bang videos

Shooting is often done in a loft – Probably in Gina’s apart­ment buil­ding. But also natu­re, vaca­ti­on envi­ron­ments (Kenya, Bali, Andalusia, Malaga, Tenerife, Kos, Crete) and num­e­rous apart­ments serve as film­ing loca­ti­ons. Funny are also unu­su­al places, for exam­p­le, as in a mine. The dif­fe­rent loca­ti­ons con­tri­bu­te to the fact that the ero­tic films always appear from a dif­fe­rent angle, despi­te the same lea­ding actress 

Thanks to the dif­fe­rent fema­le per­for­mers, the porn movies also always seem varied. Especially exci­ting is the fact that Gina has invi­ted num­e­rous German porn stars and star­lets to her shoots. For exam­p­le, Meli Deluxe, Emma Starr, Katy Maus, Candy Sue, Jenny Love, Salma de Nora, Mia Anderson, Maria Mia and Vivian Cox are all there!

Besides the gang­bangs you will find many horny les­bi­an movies, group sex with woman-woman-man (FFM), man-man-woman (MMF) and fuck sce­nes with solo men (cal­led castings).

The video con­tent is down­right horny! Gina is and remains an abso­lut­e­ly awe­so­me „sow“, er „woman“. In many vide­os she seems a bit shy and reser­ved at first – but alre­a­dy after the first fucks she for­gets ever­y­thing around her and gets off so horny that you can’t stop spit­ting. Gina Blonde lives and loves her hobby „Sex“ – The kin­kier and har­der the better!

Extremely horny, never seen group sex and lesbian videos

Gina’s phy­si­cal reac­tions, her moans and orgasms quick­ly cap­ti­va­te the view­er and you somehow beco­me fully immer­sed in the action of the movies. Compared to num­e­rous other ero­tic models, Gina’s fee­lings and every orgasm are real and unac­ted. So if you are loo­king for authen­tic ero­tic movies, you will defi­ni­te­ly find a lot of horny porn in the mem­bers area of gina-blonde.com

All actors speak German in the movies. The German lan­guage is a very big plus point of this great porn site!

What we also like is the straight­for­ward­ness of Gina and her play­mates. There is often laugh­ter and an exu­berant and posi­ti­ve mood in the ero­tic films.

The came­ra work and light­ing could be clas­si­fied in the semi-professional to ama­teur sec­tor. Unfortunately, many films with arti­fi­ci­al light tend enorm­ously to shadowing and drown in yel­lo­wish glow. (A manu­al white balan­ce would do won­ders.) The sound also often lea­ves much to be desi­red due to the came­ra micro­pho­ne used – espe­ci­al­ly when back­ground noise or abrupt „loud moans“ occur. The per­spec­ti­ves are great.

We find the high pro­por­ti­on of bal­loon sce­nes some­what annoy­ing. Again and again Gina is vigo­rous­ly blo­wing up bal­loons or gets fucked on a giant bal­loon / zep­pe­lin. Either Gina has a bal­loon fetish 😀 , or gina-blonde.com has a high demand for bal­loon ero­tic scenes.

Rating of Gina Blonde photos:

You can get to the pic­tu­re gal­lery by cli­cking an incon­spi­cuous link „Go to pic­tu­re gal­le­ries here“. Unfortunately, there is no menu item in the top navigation.

The pho­tos seem to get more and more for­got­ten on gina-blonde.com. Probably most of the time there is a lack of a pho­to­grapher during the shoots. However, I have been able to find a lot of horny MILF – pho­tos and since I am into „women over 30“, Gina cor­re­sponds exact­ly to my booty scheme.

If pho­to­gra­phed, unfort­u­na­te­ly, is work­ed with a plug-on flash, which dis­turbs enorm­ously in the films. Here, too, bet­ter illu­mi­na­ti­on with a manu­al white balan­ce would be a problem-free alter­na­ti­ve to the flash. The second alter­na­ti­ve would be to use an HD came­ra. More and more often, other porn sites use screen­shots from the vide­os as photo mate­ri­al to pre­sent pho­tos direct­ly from the action.

Occasionally, you can also find photo series from photo shoots with Gina in the photo gallery.

Criticism of the website technology

Unfortunately, various web-technical things on gina-blonde.com give reason for con­s­truc­ti­ve cri­ti­cism, which are basi­cal­ly quite easy to eliminate

The web­site is in urgent need of a make­over. It is slept on here that alre­a­dy 40% of com­pu­ter users curr­ent­ly use Apple devices (trend rising).

1.) Unfortunately, the cur­rent films are not shot in high-resolution HD qua­li­ty eit­her. We would be happy if future movies are down­loa­da­ble in crys­tal clear qua­li­ty.

2.) Not so nice are the many sub­di­vi­si­ons of the vide­os into clips. With the DSL lines today, the vide­os wit­hout inter­rup­ti­on would tech­ni­cal­ly no lon­ger be a pro­blem and would also be much bet­ter to watch and enjoy.

3.) We miss a strea­ming func­tion. There are now free HTML5 or Flash plug-ins in which the exis­ting films can be embedded wit­hout any pro­blems. Many users curr­ent­ly pre­fer to watch the movie live and then deci­de whe­ther the down­load is worth it.

4.) Offering only the WMV file for­mat is not recom­men­ded with the rapidly incre­asing num­ber of Apple users. „Thanks to VLC-Player“ you can watch the movies on MAC, but nowa­days you should also offer the movies in MOV file for­mat. Especially since many users are swit­ching to mobi­le tablet com­pu­ters (iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab).

5.) Speaking of iPad. Due to the Flash menu, the page can­not be navi­ga­ted on the iPad. As a web­mas­ter, you should never use Flash for navi­ga­ti­on!

6.) Annoying is the down­load lock, which pre­vents you from start­ing more than 10 down­loads at the same time. It then always comes the file memberdl.php.html „Please try it again later“.
This mes­ses up the down­load mana­ger.

7. A scrol­ling navi­ga­ti­on for the images is also quick­ly built-in. There are many scripts that make navi­ga­ting easier for us porn consumers. 😉

Opinions about page structure & design

As men­tio­ned seve­ral times in this review, the page design of gina-blonde.com is hea­vi­ly gray­ed out. The pur­ple back­ground is a mat­ter of taste – we don’t find it very ele­gant. The enti­re web­site looks like it was desi­gned in the early days of the Internet.

Unfortunately, the link struc­tu­re in the mem­ber area is very con­fu­sing. Apparently, the pre­view area once had the same head ban­ner. There is sud­den­ly „Become a mem­ber“ as a menu item and via „Gangbang“ and „About me“ you end up in the pre­view area again 

The top navi­ga­ti­on is not quite „round“. The menu item „pic­tu­re gal­lery“ is also miss­ing – becau­se the link was squeezed incon­spi­cuous­ly as a text link (Here it goes to the pic­tu­re gal­le­ries) into the start page.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

To can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on of gina-blonde.com, you log in as https://support.ccbill.com with your access data. One sees under Member Areas „Gina Blonde Member“. In the right box „Membership Info“ there is a but­ton „Cancel here“ in the line Recurring.

If you click on it, you will get to a page where you can sel­ect the reason for can­cel­la­ti­on. With one click, the sub­scrip­ti­on is can­ce­led and it appears: „Recurring: can­ce­led, Membership expi­res at …“

At the same time the can­cel­la­ti­on is con­firm­ed by e‑mail. We did not recei­ve any e‑mail adver­ti­sing or SPAM even a few weeks after our porn site test.

Review verdict & conclusion of the Gina-Blonde.com test report

The gang­bang vide­os of the porn site gina-blonde.com are mega! 

It is final­ly a good German porn site that offers high-quality and indi­vi­du­al porn con­tent wit­hout any rip-off, bull­shit and annoy­ing ban­ner ads. The German-speaking and native-sending actors and actres­ses are a big advan­ta­ge com­pared to English-speaking sex sites.

The actions are always unpo­sed and spon­ta­neous. Gina shows her fee­lings unac­ted and genui­ne. And with respect: Gina is a real horny bitch (MILF). She fucks well and with plea­su­re. She loves cocks, dirty sex and looks befo­re and after the fuck always soooo inno­cent sweet.
It is also great that Gina Blonde has shot in own movies with many German-known pornstars.

The only pity is that the web­mas­ter does not keep up with the cur­rent tech­ni­cal deve­lo­p­ment. In our DSL age, the horny Gina vide­os may well now fli­cker wit­hout inter­rup­ti­ons and in HD reso­lu­ti­on on our 27″ screens. An eye- and iPad-friendly page design, an MP4 file for­mat and a bet­ter page navi­ga­ti­on would do the deman­ding porn con­su­mer good.

But all in all, gina-blonde.com is one of the inte­res­t­ing German-language gang­bang, buk­ka­ke and MILF porn sites in terms of con­tent.

Visit Gina-Blonde.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:€25.00 / month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
€29.00 / month
€39.00 / 2 months
€99.00 / 6 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, ClickandBuy, instant bank transfer
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:every 2 weeks
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:3,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:2498px × 1664px pixels
Image gal­lery control:no
ZIP archi­ves:no
Quantity:500 porn movies
Ø Resolution:720 × 576
Ø Length:45 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:1,300 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:no
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Gina-Blonde.com

A sym­pa­the­tic, sexy porn­star to touch

If you are loo­king for a cute German MILF with ple­nty of kinky fan­ta­sies, you should check out the porn site of the ero­tic actress. Besides incre­di­bly dirty vide­os and extre­me­ly sti­mu­la­ting pho­tos, you can expe­ri­ence pri­va­te web­cam sex shows, gang­bangs and real user mee­tings with her. A real insi­der tip.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 67%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 83%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 33%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 33%
  • Navigation – 33%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 50%
  • Updates – 67%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 67%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 100%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Really horny M.I.L.F- ama­teur sow
  • Great emo­tio­nal out­bursts of the models
  • .

  • Gina has fun with her messes
  • German video language
  • Awesome video archi­ve of 15 years


  • Old-fashioned design
  • No strea­ming
  • Miserable page navigation
  • Few photo galleries
  • Low video resolution
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