Bulk download of XXX images and porn video content

Bulk download of XXX images and porn video content

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How to download image galleries and porn videos comfortably?

1.) Comfortable Download Manager:

DownthemallWho does­n’t know this: you are engros­sed in loo­king at porn pic­tures and ero­tic vide­os, and the brow­ser­’s down­load queue gets lon­ger and lon­ger in the heat of the moment. But then it hap­pens: BAMMM – Browser crash!!!! The vide­os and ZIP files are only half loa­ded, and you no lon­ger know which gal­le­ries you have alre­a­dy brow­sed.
Or the brow­ser gets toug­her and toug­her until it’s no lon­ger fun to visit the sex sites. The only thing that helps is a brow­ser restart.

To avoid these annoyan­ces, only a good brow­ser and a so-called down­load mana­ger will help.

For vie­w­ing porn sites, we recom­mend you to use Firefox brow­ser. It is fast, sta­ble and has a huge com­mu­ni­ty that enri­ches the brow­ser with sepa­ra­te­ly down­loa­da­ble plug­ins (soft­ware exten­si­ons). In addi­ti­on, it is not as fra­gi­le as Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and as feature-poor as Apple’s Safari browser.

There are two recommended Firefox download plugins:

(a) DownThemAll

DownThemAll is a mul­ti­l­in­gu­al, ope­ra­ting system-independent down­load mana­ger that auto­ma­ti­cal­ly and seam­less­ly inte­gra­tes into the Firefox brow­ser menu struc­tu­re. All down­loads are added to a wai­ting list and are pro­ces­sed com­for­ta­b­ly one after the other. You can con­trol all the vide­os wit­hout much loss of speed via various rules and down­load them one after the other or simul­ta­neous­ly. DownThemAll is prac­ti­cal becau­se you can relax in bed at night and let the com­pu­ter work.

Downthemall Browser Plugin

This addi­tio­nal modu­le is instal­led as fol­lows: Click on „Tools -> Ad-Ons“. In the newly ope­ned page, enter „DownThemAll“ in the search field at the top right. It will appear in a list, and you just have to click on „Install“ and restart the browser.

To add the vide­os or ZIP files to the queue, right-click on the link and sel­ect „Save link with DownThemAll! Then spe­ci­fy a desti­na­ti­on fol­der and off you go. The queue can be found under „Tools -> DownThemAll! tools -> DTA! mana­ger“. In the set­tings you can adjust some set­tings. E.g. the num­ber of simul­ta­neous downloads.


Firefox Flashgot Plugin

Another inte­res­t­ing Add-On is Flashgot. This modu­le media­tes in a way the down­load with an exter­nal down­load pro­gram, which is alre­a­dy instal­led on the hard­disk depen­ding on the ope­ra­ting sys­tem. It requi­res a bit more instal­la­ti­on effort and you should take a look at the docu­men­ta­ti­on of the AdOn.
For Apple MAC users a com­bi­na­ti­on of Flashgot and JDownloader is recom­men­ded. Windows users could com­bi­ne Flashgot e.g. with the name­sa­ke free­ware down­loa­der FlashGet.

For Windows users there are still com­mer­cial (but afforda­ble) down­load mana­gers that run wit­hout Flashgot. GetRight is recommended.

2.) Mirroring websites completely, or spider for photos and videos:

Not every ero­tic sur­fer has the desi­re or time to labo­rious­ly dig through the mem­ber areas pic­tu­re by pic­tu­re and video by video.

There are ways and pro­grams to search the mem­ber area for desi­red files and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly sucks down. You set a few opti­ons, what exact­ly should be sear­ched and log in with the access data on the ser­ver of the mem­ber area.

The spi­der ratt­les off and stores the desi­red con­tents on the own hard disk.
Some tools even recrea­te the enti­re direc­to­ry structure.

There are many pro­grams that can do this.
For Windows, HTTPTrack and PicalLoader are recommended.

Because some sex sites have a cen­tral login area with coo­kie authen­ti­ca­ti­on, the above men­tio­ned spi­ders unfort­u­na­te­ly do not always work.

3.) Embedded Flash movies

Ant DownloaderSome „resourceful“ ero­tic web­mas­ters have the inge­nious idea to pre­vent the down­load of porn vide­os by making the movies available only as embedded flash movies. Also, the free tube por­tals like Youporn, X‑Hamster, YouJizz etc. offer the sex movies only as embedded strea­ming movies.

If you want to down­load the movies, you can down­load the free plug­in for the Firefox brow­ser and Internet Explorer ANT for the Firefox brow­ser and Internet Explorer. This enables with only one mouse click to suck the flash vide­os into any down­load fol­der on the own hard disk.

The instal­la­ti­on is very easy and fast. The ope­ra­ti­on is self-explanatory via the new but­ton in the browser.

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