Why should you pay money for porn sites ?!

Why should you pay money for porn sites ?!

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Good content costs money: Reasons to rethink porn consumption

If you search for porn online, you’­re bound to end up on one of the mil­li­ons of free sex sites stuf­fed with ads or video plat­forms like Pornhub, Youporn and XHamster. You get more ero­tic movies there than a per­son can ever con­su­me in his enti­re life.

As an Internet user, you find it com­ple­te­ly natu­ral nowa­days that porn is free.

Pornoseiten Test
  • But have you ever thought about who pro­du­ces the porn and how and why?
  • And do you have any idea who is dili­gent­ly uploa­ding the sex vide­os to the free tube porn sites and why? Is the uploa­ding even legal and allo­wed by the pro­duc­tion company?

In most cases, it is pri­va­te indi­vi­du­als who upload porn to the tube sex sites. They book an account with a paid porn site and down­load the vide­os. They then enjoy uploa­ding them ille­gal­ly to the tube sites.

They think they are doing some­thing great and enjoy the reco­gni­ti­on and thanks from the tube visi­tors. However, by doing so, they inten­tio­nal­ly or care­less­ly vio­la­te the copy­rights of the video labels and models, which is inter­na­tio­nal­ly punis­ha­ble!

The ope­ra­tors of the PornTube por­tals, on the other hand, hide legal­ly unre­acha­ble behind let­ter­box com­pa­nies and anony­mously ren­ted ser­vers. They laugh them­sel­ves silly and earn their money with adver­ti­sing reve­nue and pre­mi­um memberships.

I don’t want to play the mora­li­zer now, but maybe my words will inspi­re you to be fair enough to pay some pocket money to the video pro­du­cers and the cute porn­stars for horny sex movies and porn pho­tos as a thank you.

Six reasons that speak for Porn Paysites:

1.) Fair payment to models & producers

As alre­a­dy writ­ten, there are num­e­rous peo­p­le invol­ved in pro­du­cing the vide­os and pho­tos that give you so many horny moments.

The pret­ty porn actres­ses do not only pre­sent them­sel­ves so unin­hi­bi­ted­ly in front of the came­ra becau­se of their horn­i­ness. They earn their living with it.

Porn pro­duc­tions cost a lot of money. Besides modern, tech­ni­cal equip­ment, stu­dio rent, video editing, licen­ses and much more, employee sala­ries and taxes are also paid.

Imagine what will hap­pen if porn con­su­mers don’t want to pay for sex sites any­mo­re. Soon there will be hard­ly any video labels left that can pro­du­ce fresh con­tent. Porn models will cer­tain­ly not show them­sel­ves so unin­hi­bi­ted­ly in public wit­hout pay and finan­cial incen­ti­ves. By the way: The German porn stu­dio VIDEORAMA and the ero­tic com­pa­ny Beate Uhse have alre­a­dy beco­me a vic­tim of the tube portals.

2.) Significantly better quality & full video length 

Advanced porn con­su­mers know that the video qua­li­ty on Tube sites often lea­ves a lot to be desi­red. Due to com­pres­si­on, the vide­os are pixel­a­ted, blur­ry or usual­ly only show scene excerpts.

This is actual­ly quite enough to jerk off – But on Paysites you get the vide­os and pho­tos in crys­tal clear and high-resolution qua­li­ty. Partially even in 4K Ultra HD, in 3D or Virtual Reality (VR Porn).Porn in full 45-minute length and Full HD reso­lu­ti­on is rather rare. For such a qua­li­ty you have to be a pay­ing pre­mi­um cus­to­mer even at the Tubes!

3.) No viruses & data espionage

On free sex sites and tube por­tals you can get infec­ted with viru­s­es, tro­jans, spy­wa­re and mal­wa­re. Pornhub, for exam­p­le, goes public with the sta­tis­tics it coll­ects every year and unres­trai­ned­ly dis­c­lo­ses the sur­fing beha­vi­or of its visi­tors wit­hout consent!

No ope­ra­tor of paid sex sites will have the inten­ti­on to attack your com­pu­ter sys­tem or to publish per­so­nal data! Such actions would defi­ni­te­ly be denoun­ced by us or other adult review sites.

4.) Paysites support models and pornstars

While in many video plat­forms often not even the name of the porn actres­ses is men­tio­ned, the ope­ra­tors of com­mer­cial ero­tic sites sup­port the publi­ci­ty of pret­ty and extra­or­di­na­ry porn stars.

Mydirtyhobby and other good porn sites pro­vi­de a per­so­nal con­nec­tion and inter­ac­tion bet­ween porn con­su­mers and ero­tic models. This aspect is com­ple­te­ly miss­ing from the tube sites!

5.) No annoying advertising

Surely you know this: You open a free ero­tic site and sud­den­ly num­e­rous brow­ser win­dows (popups) open. Or there are num­e­rous adver­ti­sing ban­ners flas­hing pene­t­ra­tingly towards you and so-called lay­ers with adver­ti­se­ments over­lay your display.

You will be spared from aggres­si­ve adver­ti­sing on most porn paysites.

6.) You do not support illegal business

Most porn on PornTubes is uploa­ded wit­hout the con­sent of the aut­hor, which is a cri­mi­nal offen­se. Even though wat­ching the ille­gal porn is not a cri­mi­nal offen­se, you are sup­port­ing the finan­cial dama­ge that it causes.

There is still no kind of „GEMA orga­niza­ti­on“ in the porn indus­try that has the legal long arm to take action against the ille­gal porn sites. The first attempts at a wave of war­nings for porn strea­ming were alre­a­dy made in 2013 with the video plat­form Redtube. Presumably, more legal war­nings will fol­low in the future, as with YouTube.

Paying for porn is com­pa­ra­ble to a good din­ner: You can enjoy an excel­lent meal in a sty­lish­ly fur­nis­hed restau­rant, fri­end­ly ser­vice, deli­cious wine and a pro­fes­sio­nal star chef. But it is also satis­fy­ing to buy a few sli­ces of bread, cheap sau­sa­ge and a bot­t­le of mine­ral water from Aldi.
Only you can deci­de which is bet­ter.
Aprops: Not even the bread is free. So why can’t porn cost anything?

Conclusion: Good work should also be rewarded in the porn sector

So: Be fair! Support and reward with a com­pa­ra­tively small amount of money the cute models, com­pe­tent video pro­du­cers and porn site ope­ra­tors for their work.

Despite the dis­re­pu­ta­ble scene, most com­pa­nies do abso­lut­e­ly good work and have the goal of pro­vi­ding YOU with sexu­al pleasures.

Our ero­tic site test team will help you find the best porn sites with num­e­rous reviews.

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