Test - Review: Teen-Depot.com

Test: Teen-Depot.com

Test - Review: Teen-Depot.com

Test: Teen-Depot.com

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Erotic Sites Check: Review of teen porn website Teen-Depot.com

Finding real­ly good, legal teen sex sites in the end­less expan­ses of the Word Wide Web is more dif­fi­cult than you might think. Surely, you have alre­a­dy noti­ced during your search for horny teen porn web­sites that there are two main problems:

  • Either they are made on „gir­lie“ women around twen­ty to thir­ty years old
  • or the movies with real teens are com­ple­te­ly boring.

I don’t give up hope and always keep my eyes open for modern and horny sex sites in the field of teen sex. So one day during a web walk, I found the porn site Teen-Depot.com.

The cool design appea­led to me a lot and since I was very posi­ti­ve about TeenDreams.com during my test, I thought I could­n’t go wrong with its daugh­ter site Teen-Depot.com.

In this review I would like to tell you about my expe­ri­en­ces with this ero­tic site during regis­tra­ti­on and can­cel­la­ti­on. I will also descri­be what con­tent I found. Please leave your opi­ni­ons and expe­ri­en­ces in the comm­ents section.

Visit Teen-Depot.com

Opinion about the preview area of Teen-Depot.com

When you look at the pre­view area of Teen-Depot.com, a very modern and appe­al­ing web­site lay­out awaits you.

Under a logo, a hori­zon­tal main navi­ga­ti­on, is writ­ten: „If you are loo­king for the ulti­ma­te teen expe­ri­ence, look no fur­ther! We give you hundreds of never seen befo­re models in their first-time vide­os and photo ses­si­ons. From soft­co­re con­tent to hard­core shoot“.

It also pro­mi­ses to be „The Web’s Favorite Teen Mega Site.“ Saying, „The Best Teen Mega Site on the Web.“

This is fol­lo­wed by a huge, very appe­al­ing slider with moving vide­os and two sup­po­sed ad boxes for Lesarchive.com and TeenDreams.com. Below that are twel­ve gra­phics with sym­pa­the­tic girls, pre­ce­ded by the word „Sweet“ in front of their names.

Below that is a large block with 25 video screenshots.

What’s real­ly great is that you can navi­ga­te incre­di­bly deep into the web page via the top menu. You can view many models and see video screen­shots as well as pre­view gal­le­ries. You can’t belie­ve your luck.

Overall, the pre­view area looks so appe­al­ing and pro­fes­sio­nal that you imme­dia­te­ly feel like you’­ve found a mega-hot teen site. With great anti­ci­pa­ti­on, I boo­ked mys­elf an account for the mem­bers area!

Rating of the porn sites registration

To sign up for a mem­ber­ship at Teen-Depot.com, the fol­lo­wing steps are necessary:

  • Click on one of the JOIN but­tons, e.g. on the top right of the menu bar.
  • A so-called „Pre-JOIN“ or „Signup“ page opens. A large part of the web page is taken up by the infor­ma­ti­on that with one account you can also access Lesarchive.com, Teendreams.com and ano­ther 13 bonus sex sites at the same time.

    However, more important is the three-part regis­tra­ti­on form
    1.) In three input fields you enter a desi­red user­na­me, a desi­red pass­word and an e‑mail address.

    2.) Under the item „Membership“ you sel­ect your desi­red dura­ti­on of mem­ber­ship. With this sex site I advi­se you a 30-day or 90-day mem­ber­ship. If you don’t want to can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on, you can choo­se the „30 day non-recurring mem­ber­ship“.

    3.) Under the opti­on „Payment Type“ you have the choice if you want „Direct Debit“ or „Credit Card“ as pay­ment method. Unfortunately, there are no other pay­ment types. After your sel­ec­tion, click on the big but­ton „Click Here To Join Now!“.
  • If you choo­se to pay by cre­dit card, a pay­ment form from the American bil­ling com­pa­ny PureWebPower (PWP for short) will open. Although the web­site can­not be swit­ched to the German lan­guage, it is kept simp­le enough to be unders­tood even wit­hout any know­ledge of English

    Unfortunately, two cross-selling sub­scrip­ti­on traps have been built in! Uncheck the two boxes BEFORE you start ente­ring your cre­dit card infor­ma­ti­on! If you for­get to do so, you will book two more sub­scrip­ti­ons from crazypornpass.com and allexclusivecontent.com, which will cost you 96 EUR in total. This is real­ly nasty!
  • If you pre­fer­red to pay by direct debit, a pay­ment form of the Dutch bil­ling com­pa­ny Webbilling B. V.. Although the web­site is visual­ly not a blast, it is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly set to the German lan­guage. Five lan­guages can be sel­ec­ted via coun­try flag icons.

    Entering the bil­ling infor­ma­ti­on is self-explanatory and simp­le. A cross-selling opti­on is built in for the AllExclusiveContent.com sex site, but it is not auto­ma­ti­cal­ly che­cked.

    When ente­ring account num­ber and bank code, a more modern entry of an IBAN would be desi­ra­ble.

    A some­what annoy­ing fea­ture is that you have to enter a phone num­ber or mobi­le num­ber. As the text below sug­gests, after cli­cking the „Buy Now“ but­ton, the phone rings and you have to enter the nume­ric code of the phone announce­ment into the fol­lo­wing web page.

    As expec­ted, a web page ope­ned with an input mask and the phone rang. In German, a five-digit nume­ri­cal code is announ­ced by a fema­le com­pu­ter voice. After ente­ring the code, the user clicks on the „Buy now“ button.
  • After suc­cessful pay­ment, a page opens with the head­line „Thanks for beco­ming a mem­ber of Teen Depot!“. Underneath it says that you should write down the fol­lo­wing infor­ma­ti­on: Username, Password, Member/Biller ID and as Billing Company it says PureWebPower.com. Do not click on the link „CLICK HERE TO ENTER THE MEMBERS AREA“ until you have actual­ly recei­ved the e‑mail with the boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on. Otherwise I advi­se you to print the page.

Test – Review Member Area

The login to the Teen-Depot mem­ber area is done via the URL http://members.teen-depot.com/members/. After ente­ring the login data you have to type in a SPAM-protection gra­phic and then you land on the start page.

But all anti­ci­pa­ti­on and moti­va­ti­on was blown away within a few seconds! On the start page there are big boxes that tell you that the login data also works for TeenDreams.com, LesArchive.com and twel­ve (badly made) Teenmodel websites.

If one clicks on the links, one comes on the opti­cal­ly iden­ti­cal­ly working input mask into the mem­ber area of the above-mentioned sides.

Well, there is not­hing more to see in the mem­ber area of Teen-Depot!

So you could say Teen-Depot.com is just a bait page for TeenDreams, LesArchive! The pre­view area only made it seem like it was a stan­da­lo­ne porn project.

I was annoy­ed that I spent the €30 and fell for the bait and switch.

If you are loo­king for a horny teen girl porn site, I advi­se you to book direct­ly at TeenDreams.com. You will also have auto­ma­tic access to LesArchive.com.

Opinions about site structure & design

Teen-Depot.com is visual­ly a feast for the eyes. With matching colors and a modern, mobile-friendly design, you are quick­ly moti­va­ted to sign up for a membership.

Via the menu items Models, Videos and Pictures you can dive very deep into the pre­view area and it is fun to work up an appetite.

The fact that ever­y­thing is unfort­u­na­te­ly a fake site is more than a pity!

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

To get rid of the Teen-Depot.com sub­scrip­ti­on, one does not find any acti­ve ins­truc­tions on how to can­cel it. Only an incon­spi­cuous link „Customer Support“ at the bot­tom of the page leads to the web­site of the bil­ling com­pa­ny: www.purewebpower.com.

There you enter your user­na­me, pass­word and email address. Click on „Login“. After log­ging in, you will find yours­elf on a web page with the hea­ding „Welcome You are log­ged in“. Underneath, there are four but­tons. Click on the but­ton „View my memberships“.

On the fol­lo­wing page the sub­scrip­ti­on is lis­ted under „Account Details“. Click on the big red but­ton „Cancel Site Subscription“.

Completely unspec­ta­cu­lar now appears a green box with the text „Your Membership is ACTIVE and SET TO CANCEL“. Man can not belie­ve it, becau­se it was too easy – But you get an email with the text:

Review verdict & conclusion of the Teen-Depot.com test report

Teen-Depot.com is once again an exam­p­le of how useful our ero­tic site test pro­ject is. A real­ly nasty decep­ti­on packa­ge is sold here.

The gra­phi­cal­ly very high-quality pre­view area sug­gests to be an inde­pen­dent sex site. In rea­li­ty, it is just a decoy site for the TeenDreams.com and LesArchive.com sex sites. Even though these two porn sites are very good, I do not feel that it is fair to pre­tend that Teen-Depot is an inde­pen­dent inter­net project.

I advi­se you to sign up for a mem­ber­ship direct­ly with the above men­tio­ned sites. As a regu­lar mem­ber of TeenDreams you auto­ma­ti­cal­ly have access to LesArchive and vice versa. Therefore there is no advan­ta­ge to book with Teen-Depot.

Visit Teen-Depot.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$29.95 / 1 month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$39.95 / month
$59.95 / 3 months
$89.95 / 6 months
Trial / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit
Billing:Webbilling, PureWebPower
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:0 porn images
Ø Resolution:-
Image Gallery Control:-
ZIP archi­ves:-
Count:0 porn movies
Ø Resolution:-
Ø Length:-
Ø DL Speed:-
Download pos­si­ble:-
Streaming pos­si­ble:-
DRM copy protection:-
Test report summary for Teen-Depot.com
  • Image qua­li­ty – 150%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 150%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 150%
  • Exclusivity – 150%
  • Models – 150%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 150%
  • Variety – 150%
  • Extraordinary – 50%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 0%
  • Fairness – 0%
  • Promises / Reality – 0%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 0%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 0%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 0%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 0%
  • Payment – 50%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 33%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 0%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Very appe­al­ing pre­view area (tour pages)
  • enti­cing theme


  • Lure page for TeenDreams.com
  • Teen Depot its­elf has no content
  • Subscription trap when pay­ing by cre­dit card
  • A lot of advertising
  • Cross-selling trap when sig­ning up
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