Test - Review: BarelyLegal.com

Test: BarelyLegal.com

Test - Review: BarelyLegal.com

Test: BarelyLegal.com

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Hustler Official Teen Porn Website Review: BarelyLegal.com

There is pro­ba­b­ly not­hing more beau­tiful in the world than slim and beau­tiful women. Nowadays it is a bles­sing that there is the Internet, photo & video tech­no­lo­gy and girls who are eager to show them­sel­ves bra­ve­ly naked during sex and masturbation.

Surely you have alre­a­dy read the brand name HUSTLER in various sex films. It is the English name for „pro­sti­tu­te“, but here is one of the oldest photo and film stu­di­os of the ero­tic indus­try meant.

Since the early eight­ies, the American com­pa­ny is known for its ero­tic maga­zi­nes (smut maga­zi­nes from the gas sta­ti­on ^^), video­casset­tes, porn DVDs, but also the huge web­site hustler.com.

Less known is that HUSTLER has been publi­shing its own teen series under the label„Barely Legal“ as an ero­tic maga­zi­ne and on the Internet for many years. Translated, it means „Barely Legal“. Say: The girls are very close to the legal limit of 18 years.

Since I am inte­res­ted in legal nude girls, I was espe­ci­al­ly loo­king for­ward to put Barelylegal.com to a tho­rough test. In my review I will give you an insight into the mem­bers area and what to expect when boo­king and can­ce­ling your sub­scrip­ti­on. I am inte­res­ted in your expe­ri­en­ces and opi­ni­ons about this teen porn site. Please leave a com­ment below this review.

Visit BarelyLegal.com

Opinion about the preview section of BarelyLegal.com

The pre­view area of Barelylegal.com looks incre­di­bly appe­al­ing despi­te very dis­creet design elements.

It starts with a menu bar Videos | Pornstars | Search | Magazines | Live | Login | JOIN NOW. A large part of the page is taken up by a slider that shows five large ban­ners of beau­tiful teenage girls every 10 seconds.

Below that, under „Newest Updates“, there is a pic­tu­re carou­sel of the twel­ve latest vide­os. A wide pic­tu­re carou­sel labe­led „Most Popular Updates“ is just below it. It shows the five most popu­lar teen videos.

A scroll bar „Live Cams“ is mere­ly adver­ti­sing for an American live­cam chat ser­vice. Below that, there are two more pic­tu­re carou­sels, each with nine beau­tiful mini pho­tos of Most Popular Genres and Most Popular Pornstars.

Last but not least, the last twen­ty published print maga­zi­nes BARELY LEGAL, HUSTLER and TABOO are dis­play­ed in a pic­tu­re carou­sel under „Latest Magazines“.

Very deep navigation is possible

Fortunately, as a non-logged-in site visi­tor you can access a lot of pages. Exciting is the above-mentioned link Videos. You can call up 200 vide­os and even watch trai­lers in HD qua­li­ty on the video detail pages. Unfortunately, the trai­lers are limi­t­ed to three per hour.

Clicking on„Pornstars“ is also very wort­hwhile, you can get an over­view of the models. For exam­p­le, Veronica Rodriguez, Ivy Aura, Natalia Starr, Riley Reid, Nicole Aniston, Nicole Aniston, Sara Luvv, Sasha Grey, Whitney Westgate, Zelda Morrison and Scarlett Sage caught my eye. However, it made me doubt what the porn stars, some of them very popu­lar, have to do with „Just 18“.

Overall, I was very exci­ted. The thought of „girls who just cele­bra­ted their 18th bir­th­day“ is pret­ty awe­so­me. I enthu­si­a­sti­cal­ly deci­ded to book a month­ly mem­ber­ship to the porn site.

Rating of the porn sites registration

The regis­tra­ti­on at BarelyLegal.com is done in a few steps. It is divi­ded into a so-called „pre join page“ and a „join page“, as is gene­ral­ly the case. 

  • First click on the JOIN NOW but­ton in the hea­der of the pre­view pages.
  • The Pre-Join page opens, the Dutch bil­ling com­pa­ny VENDO. VENDO sup­ports European pri­va­cy and secu­ri­ty gui­de­lines.

    Normally the form is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly set to your lan­guage. If it is not, you can chan­ge it yours­elf by cli­cking the check­box in the upper-right cor­ner.

    In the boo­king form enter an e‑mail address, your desi­red user­na­me and pass­word. On the right side you can choo­se the dura­ti­on of your mem­ber­ship. I advi­se you to choo­se a one or three month mem­ber­ship. Then click on the big but­ton „Register now“.

Very easy payment. But read everything in peace!

  • Now a pay­ment form opens. This is also in German and very tidy and sim­ply struc­tu­red.

    You can choo­se bet­ween the pay­ment methods cre­dit card, T‑Pay (Telekom-Pay), Micromoney (cre­dit card), Direct Debit (SEPA direct debit) and Money Transfer (SOFORT Banking).

    Depending on your cho­sen pay­ment method, the input fields chan­ge. Since user­na­me, pass­word, email address and coun­try are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly trans­fer­red to the form fields, only the cor­re­spon­ding pay­ment data needs to be ente­red.

    Fortunately, the sto­rage of the home address is wai­ved. Mostly you only have to type in your first and last name.

    But ATTENTION! Unfortunately, two cross-selling traps have been built in. Before ente­ring your data, make sure that you uncheck the two check­bo­xes above the but­ton „Complete purcha­se“! Otherwise, you have a total of three sub­scrip­ti­ons and costs of almost 90 € on the cheek!
  • In my case, I went through the usual pay­ment pro­cess via SOFORT- Überweisung.
  • If ever­y­thing work­ed out, you will get a page with the title „Thank you for your purcha­se! You now have access to Barely Legal“. It lists the user­na­me, pass­word, the link to the members-area, pay­ment details and a note about the sub­scrip­ti­on. At the same time, a boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on will be sent by e‑mail.

    Negatively I noti­ced that my desi­red user­na­me was not taken over by the sys­tem and was assi­gned to me as user­na­me user39474 instead.

Test – Review Member Area

The login to the mem­ber area is done via http://members.barelylegal.com. In the login form you enter your user­na­me and pass­word and type in the CAPTCHA gra­phic, which is sup­po­sed to pre­vent hacker attacks.

Visually, the mem­ber area hard­ly dif­fers from the pre­view area. In the menu bar „Videos“ is now cal­led „Scenes“ and the menu items „Categories“ and „All Sites“ are added. The home page is also iden­ti­cal, except for the adver­ti­sing ban­ners for Blacked.com, Jules Jordan and Brazzers, for example.

Unfortunately, the search func­tion under the link „Search“ is very unsatisfactory

You can find the vide­os in the fol­lo­wing gen­res: Position 69, Anal, Asian, BBW (fat women), Big Ass, Big Cock, Big Tits, Black, Blonde, Blowjob, Bondage, Brunette, Creampie, Cum Swapping, Cumshot, Doggystyle (sex from behind), Facial, Foot Fetish, Gangbang, Glasses, Groupsex (group sex), Hairy Pussy, Hardcore, Pool, Interracical , Latina. Lesbian, Lingerie, Masturbation, MILF (Women over 30), Natural, Oral, Outdoor Sex, Parody, Petite, Percings, POV (Point of view), Redhead, Sex Toys, Small Tits, Spanking, Squirting, Stepcest (sex bet­ween in-laws), Stockings (high sto­ckings), Strap-on (strap-on dildo), Tattoos, Teen 18+, Threesome (three­so­me sex), Titty Fuck (bust sex)

Very few real teen porn

Within the first few minu­tes of my „brow­sing around“, my initi­al anti­ci­pa­ti­on and eupho­ria shifted more and more towards dis­ap­point­ment. Where are the pro­mi­sed„teens at the legal limit“???

There are almost 5000 sex vide­os pro­du­ced by HUSTLER to be found. Of these, 4000 were shot in a „typi­cal American“ way with over-styled women. Cute teens are rather rare. Mainly you will see mas­ses of sili­co­ne breasts, the typi­cal porn carp face (open mouth and pseu­do horny look), arti­fi­ci­al con­tor­ti­ons or count­less results of facial surgery!

It does­n’t help that you see a school black­board or a nur­sery loca­ti­on in the back­ground. The ham­mer was Nina Hartley, who was born in 1959 and is cer­tain­ly not a teen around 18!

You could call the vide­os pre­sen­ted main­stream porn at best. They have some­thing to do with teen porn only in excep­tio­nal cases. However, with a litt­le luck you will find one or the other cute actres­ses in the teen and twen­ties age. For exam­p­le: Kristina Rose, Naomi Woods, Carolina Sweets, Ivy Aura, Tysen Rich, Lola Hunter and Dolly Leigh. However, they are an excep­ti­on rather than the rule.

Great presentation of the videos

The con­tent pre­sen­ta­ti­on soft­ware is also used on the HUSTLER site. In my opi­ni­on, it is very easy to use even with mini­mal know­ledge of English.

I par­ti­cu­lar­ly like the video details page (also cal­led the scene page). In a large video win­dow, the vide­os can be play­ed in four reso­lu­ti­ons in a modern HTML5 media play­er. Directly under the video, the porn video can also be downloaded.

Unfortunately, they did­n’t bother to write a video descrip­ti­on. You get to know the title of the scene, the actors, the release date, the dura­ti­on and the cate­go­ries. Below that, you have the opti­on to rate the vide­os or add them to a favo­ri­tes list.

Very high-quality photos

Very high qua­li­ty are the offe­red pho­tos! For each scene, you can usual­ly call up so-called „Caps“ and „Photos“. Caps are screen­shots from the photos.

Even in the high-speed Internet age, it’s nice to look at pho­tos in peace and let the moment of cap­tu­re sink in.

By means of a scrol­ling JavaScript it is pos­si­ble to navi­ga­te bet­ween the pho­tos. The pic­tures have a reso­lu­ti­on of 1500 × 1000 pixels and they can also be down­loa­ded as a ZIP file.

Opinions about page layout & design

In my opi­ni­on, Barelylegal.com is quite appe­al­ing. It has an iden­ti­cal visu­al design as its parent site hustler.com.

Although the pages were deco­ra­ted with very few design ele­ments, the many pho­tos make the pro­ject quite inte­res­t­ing. White was cho­sen as the base color and pink as the pri­ma­ry font color. The color com­bi­na­ti­on fits the­ma­ti­cal­ly to a teen site.

The pre­view area and mem­ber area look more or less the same and you can quick­ly find your way around the navi­ga­ti­on and page struc­tu­re. Only the search func­tion could be more detailed.

The sup­port of mobi­le devices is very good. Both on the smart­phone and on the tablet, the ero­tic site makes a good figure.

Experience with the subscription cancellation

To can­cel the Barely Legal sub­scrip­ti­on, you will find a note at the bot­tom of the web­site: „For bil­ling inqui­ries, plea­se visit epoch.com, ccbill or vendo our aut­ho­ri­zed sales and ser­vice agents “ 

  • In my case, the pay­ment was made by VENDO. So I cli­cked on the VENDO link. You end up on the web­site https://secure.vend‑o.com/customers/profile/login/. You can chan­ge this to your lan­guage (if not done auto­ma­ti­cal­ly) and it con­ta­ins an input form titled „Login to mana­ge orders“.
  • Enter your email address and pass­word, clear the Google Captcha spam pro­tec­tion and click the LOGIN button.
  • You are now log­ged in and can see your sub­scrip­ti­on under „Your sub­scrip­ti­ons“. Click on the red but­ton „CANCEL“
  • A web page will open with the title:„Sorry to see you leave us. We would like to know why you want to can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on“. Just sel­ect „I don’t want to renew.“
    The form-submit but­ton has been cle­ver­ly hid­den. If you scroll down, it says „Let us make you an offer you can’t resist.“ Below that are two boxes. Ignore the colo­red box with the 50% dis­count and click on the incon­spi­cuous gray but­ton „CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION“
  • A popup box will appear with the text „You have suc­cessful­ly can­ce­led your sub­scrip­ti­on.“ On the sub­scrip­ti­on over­view page, the red CANCEL but­ton has chan­ged to an oran­ge „Expires“ but­ton. An email again con­firms the can­cel­la­ti­on with the text „Your sub­scrip­ti­on to Barely Legal has been ter­mi­na­ted.“ You still have access to the mem­ber area until the end of your paid period.

Review judgment & conclusion of the BarelyLegal.com test report

The con­tent of Barelylegal.com did­n’t real­ly grab my atten­ti­on! Instead of young teens with cute pig­tails, small breasts, braces and freck­les, you main­ly find „typi­cal American mush“. The many artificial-looking models with sili­co­ne breasts did not arou­se any desi­re in me.

Especially from HUSTLER I would not have expec­ted that the cus­to­mers are lured with false pro­mi­ses! After all, I found about ten very cute girls among the large num­ber of 5,000 sex movies. The „Pornstars“ and „Categories“ pages are quite hel­pful in the search.

If you like real teens bet­ween 18–20 years old, you should rather look at other teen sites. TeamSkeet, 18eighteen, ClubSeventeen, TeenDreams, AmourAngels, and Nubiles are con­sider­a­b­ly hornier!

I can’t belie­ve my dis­ap­point­ment yet. If you dis­agree, plea­se be sure to leave a com­ment! I will revi­sit the porn site Barely Legal in a few months, hoping that my test ver­dict will be better.

Visit BarelyLegal.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$0.95 / 2 days trial (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$29.95 / 1 month
$59.95 / 3 months
$118.95 / 12 months
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank transfer
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental con­trol filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:yes
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:150,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:1500 × 1000 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Number:5,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL Speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for BarelyLegal.com

Unfortunately hard­ly real teens

This porn site is the offi­ci­al teen site of the porn stu­dio HUSTLER. Contrary to expec­ta­ti­ons, we found hard­ly any real teens here, but rather quite nor­mal porn stars, some of whom have alre­a­dy had cos­me­tic sur­gery (e.g. sili­co­ne breasts). If you are loo­king for real young women, you should look elsewhere.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 67%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 50%
  • Variety – 50%
  • Extraordinary – 50%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 67%
  • Promises / Reality – 50%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 50%
  • Design – 83%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 83%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 67%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 50%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 50%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Very high-quality porn
  • Beautiful porn actresses
  • Many niches covered
  • Very many famous porn stars
  • No query of the home address


  • Only a few models are under 20!
  • Many models look too perfect
  • Rare real fee­lings / orgasms
  • Much adver­ti­sing for other sex sites
  • Cross-Selling trap when sig­ning up
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