Test - Review: 18eighteen.com

Test: 18eighteen.com

Test - Review: 18eighteen.com

Test: 18eighteen.com

1 8,327

Porn vide­os about and with teen­agers are among the most popu­lar cate­go­ries in the field of ero­ti­ca. It’s no won­der, becau­se 18 and 19 year old girls radia­te an aura of youthful fresh­ness and pure lust.

Many of them are not yet so expe­ri­en­ced and are ama­teurs for the first time or at least only a short time in front of the came­ra. Nevertheless, they are horny and most­ly not afraid to show their desi­re open­ly and live out.

18eighteen Review

Which man would not be weak with these crisp girls? Exactly such lovers of„girls who have just grown up“ get their money­’s worth at 18eighteen.com.

The ope­ra­tors are real pro­fes­sio­nals in the field of teen pho­to­gra­phy! Because even befo­re the times of the Internet, they were the publishers of the prin­ted, extre­me­ly popu­lar American porn maga­zi­ne 18EIGHTEEN: Young girls who have just tur­ned 18 proud­ly pre­sent their small breasts and tight pus­sies there. Often a brace flas­hes out at the inno­cent smile. A mix­tu­re of pure horn­i­ness and bewil­der­ment in the face they expe­ri­ence the first real­ly hard fucks of pro­fes­sio­nal porn actors.

In my test report I tell you what to expect on the online edi­ti­on 18eighteen.com and whe­ther a mem­ber­ship is worth it. If you alre­a­dy know the teen porn site, I would be happy if you write us your opi­ni­on below this test in the com­ment box.

visit 18eighteen.com

Opinion about the preview section of 18eighteen.com

I was incre­di­bly curious to see how a publisher of a teen hard­core maga­zi­ne has made the leap into the „digi­tal world“. While there are cer­tain­ly still a lot of smut maga­zi­nes being sold, the trend of wat­ching strea­med porn on a tablet, smart­phone, smart TV or com­pu­ter is and will con­ti­nue to be unstoppable.

18 eighteen Magazine
18 eigh­te­en Magazine

In the 18eighteen.com pre­view area, you’ll see an unu­sual­ly large over­view of the con­tent that awaits you. According to the pro­vi­der, there are curr­ent­ly more than 2,500 photo series and 590 sex video clips of hot teenage girls.

Even as a non-member, you can view a sel­ec­tion of the best and newest teen vide­os on the home­page. The trai­ler video clips are play­ed with a modern HTML5 play­er. Without regis­tra­ti­on you can watch a short sum­ma­ry of the con­tent of 30 seconds duration.

Very attractive preview area

The site also fea­tures a sel­ec­tion of photo sets of teen stars. Each set usual­ly includes more than 40 pho­tos, from which you can view a sel­ec­tion of six shots. You can alre­a­dy see in the pre­view area that hard­ly any girl is older than 20 years old!

If you click on the menu item „Our Teens“ at the top, a list of all the stars on the web­site opens in alpha­be­ti­cal order. The infor­ma­ti­on about each model is very con­cise. You can see a sel­ec­tion of video trai­lers and pho­tos in which the model appears. There are refe­ren­ces to vide­os on other web­sites.
You learn that the mem­ber­ship also includes the teen sites pickinguppussy.com and Tnatryouts.com as a bonus.

In the help pages and terms and con­di­ti­ons, you learn that the site is ope­ra­ted from the American Florida.

So I alre­a­dy like the pre­view area. Compared to other porn sites, it real­ly offers a lot and you have an appro­xi­ma­te fee­ling of what to expect in the mem­bers area. Even though there are many pho­tos and vide­os for free, I was espe­ci­al­ly curious about the mem­ber area.

Porn page rating – registration

To sign up on 18eighteen.com, you have to click on the red „Join Now“ but­ton on the top right of the page. This will open a form that is divi­ded into two fields. In the first field you enter the user­na­me of your choice and a pass­word. In addi­ti­on, it is man­da­to­ry to enter a valid e‑mail address.

From expe­ri­ence, it is bet­ter if you set up an extra e‑mail address for this pur­po­se and do not use your nor­mal e‑mail box. This way you avoid spam mails.

In the next step, you choo­se the pay­ment method. You can eit­her pay with Visa, MasterCard or Discover Card. You can also pay by EU direct debit, Giropay and Paypal. There are other opti­ons offe­red, but they are of litt­le inte­rest to the avera­ge user. I used my SKRILL pre­paid cre­dit card, a pre­paid MasterCard, to pay, and it was accept­ed wit­hout any problems.

Next, you need to choo­se the mem­ber­ship that suits you best in the „Choose a Membership Plan“ field. I sel­ec­ted „1 Month Recurring“ as my mem­ber­ship. This will sign up for a month­ly sub­scrip­ti­on that will auto­ma­ti­cal­ly renew and must be can­ce­led again. By cli­cking on the blue but­ton „Click Here to Join Now“ you con­firm your subscription.

Very transparent and fraud-free booking form

In the last step a form of the respec­ti­ve bil­ling com­pa­ny opens. If you pay by cre­dit card, this is the com­pa­ny RocketPay, if you pay by EU direct debit, it is Segpay.

The form of RocketPay is very clear. If you click on the German flag under the send but­ton, the form will be dis­play­ed in German. Your email address and coun­try have alre­a­dy been fil­led in automatically 

You only need to com­ple­te the infor­ma­ti­on by ente­ring your name and sur­na­me, cre­dit card details and address and sel­ec­ting your state. Don’t for­get to check the box „I have read the terms and con­di­ti­ons“. To com­ple­te the pro­cess, click on the „Submit my Information“ button.

If your pay­ment was suc­cessful, you will be redi­rec­ted to a web page titled „Thank you for beco­ming a mem­ber of 18eighteen.com“. There you will see the login infor­ma­ti­on, your sub­scrip­ti­on num­ber and the bil­ling com­pa­ny for the can­cel­la­ti­on. You should eit­her print out the page or save it as a screen­shot. The access data will be sent to you by e‑mail at the same time.

Test – Review Member Area

A first positive impression

After log­ging in to the 18eighteen mem­ber area, you will imme­dia­te­ly see the latest vide­os at the top of the screen. Ordered by the date of release. The newest 3 vide­os are dis­play­ed. You will get a lar­ger sel­ec­tion if you click on „More Videos“.
Under the Videos sec­tion, you will find the latest photo series with the most recent 5 on the home page. You can get more photo series by cli­cking on the „More Photos“ button.

Just below the line with the pho­tos, you will find the sec­tion „Latest DVD Titles“. Attention, these are DVDs for sale, which you can eit­her order as Blu-ray or DVD or down­load to your com­pu­ter. On 18eighteen.com you can only watch a free trai­ler of 1.5 minu­tes dura­ti­on, which shows the most important sce­nes from the DVD.

At the bot­tom, you will find the Live Girls sec­tion. These are cam girls who want to chat with you. Fortunately, most of the chats are free.

Extremely horny yet natural looking teens

On the right side, the best models are pre­sen­ted in the „Top Rated Models“ section.

The navi­ga­ti­on on the web­site is rela­tively simp­le. Whenever you click on the „More Videos“ or „More Photos“ but­ton, you can search by dif­fe­rent cri­te­ria. If you have spe­ci­fic pre­fe­ren­ces, it is best to click on „Tag“ and search the offer for key­words such as three­so­me or cre­am­pie. If you want to see all vide­os or pho­tos, click on the but­tons at the top of the page.

You can also search for models by name. I find „Cadence Carter“ very nice, for example.

Fortunately, you are not annoy­ed by ads while sur­fing. The latest teen vide­os on the site are just a few days old. Other clips, howe­ver, date back to 2007.

Since this is an American web­site, all dia­logs are in English. However, this could be a pro­blem with the cam girls at most, becau­se pro­ba­b­ly no one will watch the vide­os becau­se of the dialogs.

School of cocks

My opinion about the teen videos

According to the ope­ra­tor, more than 600 vide­os are offe­red on the site. Every 2 to 3 days new clips are added. The length of the vide­os varies bet­ween about 10 and 25 minu­tes. You can stream the vide­os with Flowplayer. A reso­lu­ti­on of 360, 480 and 1080 pixels (Full HD) is offered.

Under each video is a rating in the form of stars, with 5 stars being the hig­hest rating. Below that, you can see how many have alre­a­dy wat­ched the video in question.

The stream runs rela­tively smooth­ly, but some­ti­mes tends to jerk. Fast-forwarding and rewinding are pos­si­ble, but take a few seconds until the cor­re­spon­ding sequence is played.

You are offe­red various opti­ons for down­loa­ding the vide­os. Among other things, you can down­load the enti­re video in various reso­lu­ti­ons (Full HD, MP4 Low Quality, MP4 High Quality) to your hard drive. Alternatively, you can down­load seve­ral excerp­ts (depen­ding on the length of the video) of 5 minu­tes each in the same resolution.

Modern, mobile-friendly streaming technologies

The vide­os make a pro­fes­sio­nal impres­si­on. Apart from out­door sce­nes, where back­ground noise is natu­ral, no extra­neous sounds inter­fe­re with indoor sce­nes. The loca­ti­on looks natu­ral and matches the nor­mal atmo­sphe­re in a house or garden.

The models are pro­fes­sio­nal, but seem unu­sual­ly natu­ral and extre­me­ly per­sonable. They speak wit­hout fal­te­ring or slur­ring and behave as you would expect teen­agers to behave. This makes wat­ching the clips a pleasure.

There are movies for every taste. You just have to search for your pre­fe­rence using the tags (key­words). Whether it’s three­so­me FFM (two women, one man), les­bi­an games, one girl alone (solo), cre­am­pie, blon­de, ebony or lati­na, on 18eighteen.com you will get your money­’s worth. Since this is an American site, the dia­logs are in English. Also, the short con­tent descrip­ti­ons of the vide­os is in English.

MEGA horny content in the teen videos

In my opi­ni­on, 18eighteen is an excel­lent source for legal teen porn vide­os wit­hout get­ting into legal con­flicts becau­se of child por­no­gra­phy. What is very striking is the extre­me­ly young appearance of the girls! They are a stark con­trast to MILF porn. Compared to other teen sites, there is no faking with age here. I am sure that no woman is older than 22. Many girls from them are still in pube­s­cent stage and have very small breasts (maxi­mum cup A or AA).

After just a few minu­tes, you will find extre­me­ly horny teen porn and get your money­’s worth. In terms of con­tent, the vide­os could be rough­ly sum­ma­ri­zed as follows:

  • The way the girls are pre­sen­ted are very cli­ché and exag­ge­ra­ted – but tha­t’s what makes this site. The colors pink, rose and pur­ple can be found in fur­ni­tu­re, clo­thes, props, cos­me­tics, access­ories, hair clips etc. in almost all porn.
  • In terms of con­tent, the girls first sit or stand in the nur­sery, class­room dres­sed cute­ly and slow­ly und­ress. Mostly they move very pro­vo­ca­tively, spread their pussy and mas­tur­ba­te a bit.
  • The peti­te, abso­lut­e­ly flaw­less bodies with small breasts, the sweet face are gua­ran­teed to appeal to any man!
  • Braided pig­tails, braces, cute access­ories or glas­ses empha­si­ze the teen cha­rac­ter enormously.
  • Almost all the girls have shaved off the hair under the arm­pits and on the pussy. I find that very unfort­u­na­te! Because it makes me horny when occa­sio­nal­ly a small bush of arm­pit hair or pubic hair is to be seen.
  • As I almost expec­ted, very many models smile nice­ly, but real fee­lings or even unac­ted orgasms are almost not found here. Only when they get fucked nice and hard, they often start grin­ning and moa­ning after a few minu­tes. The mas­tur­ba­ti­on sce­nes are almost all fake, so only visual­ly some­thing for the eye. I don’t think it’s bad, but a bit of a shame.
  • Facials (facial inse­mi­na­ti­on) are usual­ly taken some­what unemo­tio­nal­ly by the girls. They just let the sperm run out of their mouths. Nevertheless, a sperm deco­ra­ted teen face looks extre­me­ly horny.
  • How the ten­der teen pus­sies put away the part­ly real­ly fat cocks is a mys­tery to me. Probably some­thing is pre-stretched. I have rare­ly seen on a teen porn site so horny fuck sce­nes where the girls real­ly have visi­ble fun.

Very high quality of 18eighteen photos

In total, the pro­vi­der pro­mi­ses more than 2,700 pho­tos on the web­site. The newest pho­tos are only a few days old, while older ones are alre­a­dy seve­ral years old. As with the vide­os, you will find a rating in the form of stars below the pho­tos. You can see how many times the pho­tos have been viewed.

If you click on the thumb­nail, you will get to the photo series. There you will find a descrip­ti­on in English DeepL. You can view the pho­tos in dif­fe­rent reso­lu­ti­ons, 3000, 1600 and 800, but what this means is not explained 

At the bot­tom of the web page you can see all pho­tos of the set as so-called thumb­nails (small images). You can click on indi­vi­du­al shots and view them or start a slide­show (slide show) and view them one by one. You also have the opti­on to down­load the enti­re set in the same reso­lu­ti­ons as when vie­w­ing. Downloading indi­vi­du­al pho­tos is not pos­si­ble. JPEG is used as the file format 

A set con­ta­ins on avera­ge a litt­le more than 40 pho­tos. You can brow­se through the sets at will and also call up indi­vi­du­al pho­tos. The shots look pro­fes­sio­nal and are well-lit and staged. They make a pro­fes­sio­nal impression 

Models are called by their stage name

Another distin­gu­is­hing fea­ture from other porn sites is that the models are cal­led by their real stage names. This helps fans find their ero­tic stars and in turn helps models build a fan base 

Very popu­lar adult stars include: Chrissie Summers, Tori Black, Carolina Sweets, Molly Bennett, Rachel James, Ally Ann, Julie Chan, red­head Alex Tanner, Staci Silverstone, Kennedy Leigh, Jayden Lee, Alex Mae, Kara Tai, Kharlie Stone, Karmen Blaze, Ashton Pierce, Alice March, Autumn Jade, Jessica Lynn, Sophia Sutra, Kristine Kahill, Maddy Rose, Madison Reese, Brooke Lynn, Sydney Cross, Jewel Styles, Katey Grind, Catarina Petrov, Sweet Sindy, red­head Josie Deville, Elsa Jean, Cassidy Ryan, Kaylee Haze, Moretta Coxxx, Amai Liu, Destiny Garnet, Black Girl Ashley Johnson, Chloe Lexx, the mother and daugh­ter Desi and Elli Foxx.

I did­n’t find any real nerds or dorks (mis­fits or dorks) at all, despi­te the glas­ses (Alina West, Lizzy Bell, Kasey Warner, Jennifer Matthews, Roxanne Rae, Ava Sparxx, Marissa Mae, Alice Green or Taya Cruz). The girls are almost wit­hout excep­ti­on all gor­ge­ous and beautiful!

Opinions about page structure & design

The site has an appe­al­ing design. On the black back­ground, text and vide­os or pho­tos stand out well. At least the pre­view area and the main page can be read well even with know­ledge of school English. However, many peo­p­le will be over­whel­med by the con­tent of the vide­os and photo series 

The struc­tu­re of the site is simp­le and self-explanatory. Just try out one or the other thing. You will quick­ly find your way around. It is plea­sant to note that you can surf on 18eighteen.com wit­hout annoy­ing advertising.

Review verdict & conclusion to the test report of 18eighteen.com

I real­ly liked the teen­sex site 18eighteen.com in my ero­tic site test! 

You can tell that the site ope­ra­tors are abso­lu­te pro­fes­sio­nals, both online on the Internet and off­line in print maga­zi­nes (available at gas sta­ti­ons!)! Hardly any porn label mana­ges to per­fect­ly stage such extre­me­ly young women! 

The cus­to­mer gets an incre­di­ble amount of teen sex vide­os and teen nude pho­tos in excel­lent qua­li­ty. You can see every mole and freck­le in HD reso­lu­ti­on. Most of the time, the girls look incre­di­bly horny!

Like many teen sites, some women lack authen­ti­ci­ty and real fee­lings. Many girls look sweet as sugar, but can’t real­ly relax in front of the came­ra. Thus, a real orgasm in mas­tur­ba­ti­on, les­bi­an sex can be found only after expli­cit search. Only during hard fuck­ing they can „switch off“ after a few minu­tes and sur­ren­der to the hard thrusts of the male porn actor.

In sum­ma­ry, 18eighteen.com is defi­ni­te­ly a „MUST HAVE“ teens site! If you like very young women with mini tits in cute dres­ses and gaudy candy-colored loca­ti­ons, you must visit this ero­tic site. Both thumbs up!

visit 18eighteen.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$2.99 / 3 days (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$29.99 / month
$39.99 / month
$59.99 / 3 months
Trial / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank transfer
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:every 2–3 days
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:170,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:1600 × 1007 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:500 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:15 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:10,000 kB/sec
Format:WMV, MP4
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no

Demo pics

Test report summary for 18eighteen.com

Incredibly horny and legal teen­sex porn

There are only very few porn stu­di­os that can pro­du­ce such extre­me­ly sti­mu­la­ting pho­tos and vide­os. Although these are 100% adult women, they come across very young. Compared to other teen sex porn sites, there is no bore­dom on this web­site. It is also very plea­sed that real fee­lings with real orgasms are shown here. Really very, very horny and abso­lut­e­ly recommended!

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 50%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 67%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
5 (1 vote)


  • Very beau­tiful young teens
  • Partly real orgasms & feelings
  • Hardcore porn most­ly very horny
  • Great site design + easy navigation
  • No chea­ting in boo­king form


  • Many photo gal­le­ries are softcore
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