Test - Review: TeenBurg.com

Test: TeenBurg.com

Test - Review: TeenBurg.com

Test: TeenBurg.com

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Porn Site Test: Review of funny made teen porn website TeenBurg.com

Are you loo­king for ero­tic pic­tures and hot ero­tic vide­os of cute girls 18+? I too enjoy wat­ching porn vide­os and horny pics. Although I have to admit that I am more into MILFs, I am also attrac­ted by the natu­ral and still naugh­ty natu­re of young women.

When teen girls are fucked hard for the first time in front of a run­ning came­ra by potent male porn actors, their reac­tions are extre­me­ly horny. But even in pure soft­co­re shots, the girls look extre­me­ly seduc­ti­ve when they mas­tur­ba­te or pose naked, or half-naked.

I came across Teenburg.com by acci­dent. The domain name pro­mi­ses that it is an excep­tio­nal German teen porn site. Also, the thumb­nails and the German make­up of the sex site show that it is not the one-size-fits-all of other teen sites. Interestingly, the porn site ope­ra­tor also offers the Teendorf.com pro­ject, which is about out­door sex.

I was so curious about the teen­sex site that I real­ly wan­ted to test it. What I expe­ri­en­ced during my trip to Teenburg, I have writ­ten down here in my test report. I would be happy if you would leave your opi­ni­on below the review in the com­ment field.

Visit TeenBurg.com

Opinion about the preview area of TeenBurg.com

When you see the pre­view area of TeenBurg.com for the first time, you imme­dia­te­ly get the fee­ling that you are final­ly not visi­ting a low-quality porn site.

The blue design, a funny ani­ma­ted cha­pel, a coat of arms, German texts and clear teen­sex pho­tos arou­se the visi­tor’s inte­rest. The slo­gans are inte­res­t­ing as well. For exam­p­le: „Trip to the land of fuck­ing teens“ or „We just came back from the won­derful city of Teenburg – and in our lug­ga­ge a huge load of new vide­os in hig­hest reso­lu­ti­on“ or „Attention! No pro­fes­sio­nal models, just teens from next door!“ 

Even though the pro­ject name Teenburg makes you expect an anci­ent cast­le as a back­drop, it’s a fan­ta­sy city that sounds a lot like Hamburg. The idea is somehow funny and extraordinary.

Automatically, one won­ders where exact­ly the city of Teenburg is sup­po­sed to be loca­ted. It is sug­gested to you via the German lan­guage that it must be in Germany. But if you scroll down the page fur­ther, you rea­li­ze that the porn actors have Russian-sounding names, e.g. Miloslava and Miroslav. Since there is no imprint, I suspect that the ope­ra­tor will be loca­ted in Eastern Europe or Russia.

Attentive site visitors will notice other things when scrolling down:

  • Many vide­os have no scene description
  • The last update was on May 10, 2013
  • if you cal­cu­la­te 20 vide­os per page times 22 sub­pages in the navi­ga­ti­on bar, you should be able to expect 440 teen porn videos.

Oddly enough, there are two pre­view areas. One that you can access via THIS link and one via THIS. The second link seems to be the more modern ver­si­on. There, the ani­ma­ted Flash ele­ments have alre­a­dy been repla­ced with sta­tic images. Flash ani­ma­ti­ons are con­side­red out­da­ted and should no lon­ger be included on websites.

But much more inte­res­t­ing is the fact that the second link allows you to surf damn deep into the page struc­tu­re of the pre­view area! You’ll find over 330 video trai­lers there that run for about 1 minute!

Also exci­ting is the link MODELS over which you can find 179 porn actres­ses. Although there are no sedcards where you can find more detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on, but you can see very cle­ar­ly in which teen porn the girls have played.

Not to be snee­zed at is the PHOTOS menu item, which allows you to take a look at the over 103 photo gal­le­ries. It is even pos­si­ble to list all thumb­nails (pre­view images) and one alre­a­dy thinks that it must be a tech­ni­cal error, but then comes in the last step but the regis­tra­ti­on form for new members.

Although the pre­view area con­ta­ins dis­tur­bing blun­ders, you can get a pro­mi­sing first taste of what con­tent awaits you on Teenburg.com via my links above 

Rating of the porn sites registration

To beco­me a mem­ber of teenburg.com, click on one of the many „Register now“ buttons.

A page with the boo­king form will open. Unfortunately, the texts on this page are all English at once.

Two things stand out:

  1. One, you see above the boo­king form a noti­ce that the price includes free mem­ber­ship to six sex sites: teenamite.com, teensexfusion.com, springtimebeauties.com, tinseks.com, teendorf.com, teensexreality.com. Probably Teenburg is a lock site for a porn network.
  2. Membership costs €39.95, making it one of the most expen­si­ve sex sites we have ever tes­ted. I am very curious when boo­king if this price is worth it

In the form field you enter a desi­red user­na­me, a pass­word and your email address** and deci­de to pay by direct debit or cre­dit card. Then click on the yel­low „Join Now“ but­ton.

** with the email address I point out express­ly not to use the pri­va­te email address. Set up a sepa­ra­te email address for ero­tic sites at gmail.com.

When pay­ing by direct debit, a plain form of the Dutch bil­ling com­pa­ny Webbilling opens. If you deci­de to pay by cre­dit card, a visual­ly appe­al­ing form of the British-American bil­ling com­pa­ny Segpay opens.

Fortunately, both forms are again in German. However, there is a sub­scrip­ti­on trap in the cre­dit card form! Make sure that the two check­marks of the „offers are unche­cked („Get access to younglibertines.com / casualteensex.com for only $24.95 (USD) for 30 days then $19.95 (USD) every 30 days“) Otherwise you unin­ten­tio­nal­ly sign up for two more mem­ber­ships of the above porn sites. For me, the hooks (unli­ke other ero­tic sites) have not been pre­sel­ec­ted. Therefore, there is no point deduc­tion. But you should pay atten­ti­on to it.

If you click on the but­ton „No Credit Card? Click here“ a third pay­ment pro­vi­der cal­led GXBILL is offe­red. Here you should be able to pay by Giropay, Bank Wire (bank trans­fer), direct debit (EU Debit) and by phone bill.

Test – Review Member Area

Teenburg Teen PornAfter the regis­tra­ti­on you can final­ly log in to the mem­ber area http://teenburg.com/members/. Unfortunately, the mem­ber area is now but sud­den­ly no lon­ger German, as sug­gested on the two pre­view pages. Here at least basic English know­ledge is requi­red. I don’t think tha­t’s very fair!

The ope­ra­ti­on of the mem­ber area is nevert­hel­ess rela­tively self-explanatory. First you should take a look at the navi­ga­ti­on bar in the upper-left cor­ner. It con­ta­ins the fol­lo­wing links: all | video | photo | Live Cam | Teen Cams!| VOD | sup­port | search. The cam links are just ads and the VOD link (Video on Demand) opens a white-labeled ver­si­on of AEBN. Behind the sup­port link are down­load ins­truc­tions for the videos.

So let’s move on to the most useful menu items VIDEO and PHOTO:

The Teenburg Video – Area

If you click on the link „Video“ you will get to one of the seven­teen pages where 20 vide­os are lis­ted. Thus, there are about 340 TeenVideos to choo­se from. An English scene descrip­ti­on has been writ­ten for each video, as well as five pho­tos and a rating function.

So far, so good. At first, one is still full of joy. However, you noti­ce that all pho­tos are stran­ge­ly not clickable. You expect the clicks to take you to a video detail page with a strea­ming window.

But only then your eyes fall on a small text block with five links:

  • high qua­li­ty
  • medi­um quality
  • low qua­li­ty
  • mpeg for­mat
  • QuickTime for­mat

Only then you under­stand that there is no scene detail page at all. That means: There is no strea­ming win­dow, but only a video down­load function!

Behind the links „high qua­li­ty, medi­um qua­li­ty and low qua­li­ty“ are three qua­li­ty levels in the out­da­ted WMV for­mat. The QuickTime for­mat is also super­fluous, since QuickTime was dis­con­tin­ued by Apple in 2016. So, only the MPEG link makes sense, and I’ll take a clo­ser look at these vide­os in this test.

Video functions are no longer up to date!

The miss­ing strea­ming func­tion is a huge dis­ad­van­ta­ge if you visit Teenburg with a smart­phone or tablet. Downloading is very incon­ve­ni­ent there, in con­trast to the com­pu­ter, when sto­rage capa­ci­ties are only scar­ce­ly available.

The advan­ta­ge of the down­load func­tion is that you can watch the porn movies again and again (once you have down­loa­ded them). However, so that you don’t lose track, you have to enter a sui­ta­ble title for each video that you click on when saving it.

You can­not save the vide­os under auto­ma­ti­cal­ly dis­play­ed num­ber com­bi­na­ti­ons, as they only refer to the film qua­li­ty. If you would click on seve­ral vide­os of dif­fe­rent girls one after the other, they would all have the same name when saving, if you always sel­ect the same film quality.

You will not find a video for every girl, some teen ladies only offer pic­tu­re galleries.

Teenburg Video Content Rating

Despite all the nega­ti­ve cir­cum­s­tances, Teenburg porn is real­ly hot! The sex sce­nes are pre­sen­ted as every view­er could know the sex from his own part­ner­ship. It is not only about pure „fuck sce­nes“, where it goes straight to the point.

The girls are sty­lish and sophisti­ca­ted. They take it slow­ly: At the begin­ning of the vide­os they are fully dres­sed and then slow­ly and seduc­tively und­ress until they are com­ple­te­ly naked. Some of the graceful teen women lasci­vious­ly satis­fy them­sel­ves in front of the came­ra. In other vide­os you can also watch them having hot anal, vagi­nal or oral sex with their lovers. No con­doms are used during the sex scenes.

So you can’t expect any hard sex sce­nes – but the sex is very inti­ma­te, respectful and very authen­tic. You can expect the site to pro­vi­de you with enter­tain­ment and varie­ty over a long peri­od of time wit­hout get­ting bored.

A huge dif­fe­rence from other teen porn sites is that the male per­for­mers are not serious­ly older, but must also be around 18–20 years old.

High quality video production

From the film­ing side, the girl porn could be bet­ter and of hig­her qua­li­ty. The web­site does not look very modern and reminds more of porn sites that exis­ted a few years ago. Teenburg has been around since 2008 and is a bit out­da­ted visually.

I find that the illu­mi­na­ti­on is super. However, the came­ra work some­ti­mes seems a bit jerky.

The newest Teenburg vide­os are shot in 720p or 1080p HD. The oldest vide­os are from 2008. You have to be aware that there was no HD qua­li­ty in the ear­lier vin­ta­ges and the video qua­li­ty lea­ves a lot to be desi­red. Nevertheless, brow­sing through the old vide­os is wort­hwhile, as you can find beau­tiful girls there as well.

The Teenburg photo section

The pic­tures on Teenburg are very good qua­li­ty and very sti­mu­la­ting. Although they were shot in par­al­lel with the video shoots, they are excel­lent­ly lit and razor sharp.

In my opi­ni­on, the girls look even more beau­tiful in the pho­tos than in the vide­os. It is plea­sant that the girls look very natu­ral in all areas. They have not had any breast aug­men­ta­ti­ons or other cos­me­tic sur­gery. They are dis­creet­ly made up and the­r­e­fo­re look very youthful and feminine.

The photo gal­le­ries are dis­play­ed in a usual thumb­nail pre­view. Unfortunately, there is no for­ward and back­ward scrol­ling func­tion in the enlar­ged view. This is incre­di­bly annoy­ing on mobi­le devices, but also on the com­pu­ter and you quick­ly lose the desi­re to brow­se the photo galleries!

The images have a huge reso­lu­ti­on of 2,464 × 1,643 pixels. This is alre­a­dy much too large in the web view, which noti­ce­ab­ly slows down the image display.

Since you can also down­load the image files as a ZIP file, it’s more fun to view the pho­tos on the com­pu­ter with an image vie­w­ing program.

What else is annoying about Teenburg

Besides the miss­ing video strea­ming and photo brow­sing fea­ture, there is ano­ther huge aspect that is annoy­ing on Teenburg:
the ads! Without an ad blo­cker, you can hard­ly stand the site! There are ban­ner ads ever­y­whe­re, some of which blink and fid­get annoyingly.

It is also annoy­ing that there is no well-functioning search func­tion. You can’t fil­ter spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for vide­os with facial inse­mi­na­ti­on, mas­tur­ba­ti­on, three­so­me sex or out­door sce­nes. It’s also a pity that you can’t search for horny models direct­ly by phy­si­cal fea­tures. The search is only half­way hel­pful if you alre­a­dy have some expe­ri­ence on Teenburg 

Unfortunately, no effort was made to crea­te pro­fi­le pages for the models, where you can get infor­ma­ti­on about the girls.

Also the navi­ga­ti­on is not 100% well thought out. In the photo gal­le­ries, for exam­p­le, the navi­ga­ti­on bar (cal­led pagi­na­ti­on) of the video pages is stran­ge­ly loca­ted above the pagination-quiet of the photo galleries.

Opinions about page layout & design

On the one hand, I like the Teenburg design rela­tively well, but on the other hand, it’s way too playful. I used to like the three-dimensional gim­micks, but they are now con­side­red „out“. Because of the many dis­play sizes of the dif­fe­rent end devices, the two-dimensional „flat design“ is curr­ent­ly in vogue.

Since Flash was used as the design ele­ment, the pre­view on modern end devices, such as tablets and smart­phones, but also in cur­rent brow­sers is only dis­play­ed with holes. Flash was dis­con­tin­ued due to secu­ri­ty and per­for­mance issues.

In the mem­ber area, you can find your way around rela­tively quick­ly, but due to lin­king errors, you get annoy­ed at some point.

Absolutely not okay are the many pene­t­ra­ting adver­ti­sing ban­ners. You paid 40 EUR for the access – you don’t want to be annoy­ed with ads like on YouPorn or X‑Hamster!

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

In my case, I was not bil­led via Dutch Webbilling (as recom­men­ded above), but via the American bil­ling com­pa­ny GXBill.

I was very sur­pri­sed to see this text in the boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on: „To can­cel your mem­ber­ship, plea­se go to the fol­lo­wing link“. Wow, tha­t’s real­ly rare to be told to can­cel your subscription.

I cli­cked on the link and on the page http://www.gxbill.de/DE/cancel.html were alre­a­dy auto-populated into the can­cel­la­ti­on form. With just one click, the sub­scrip­ti­on is can­ce­led and can still be used until the end of the bil­ling period.

I have never expe­ri­en­ced this as easy as with GXBill.

Test verdict & conclusion to the TeenBurg.com test report

Teenburg.com gives the impres­si­on that the sex site was enthu­si­a­sti­cal­ly built in 2008, but then for­got­ten in 2013. It is no lon­ger very con­tem­po­ra­ry in the smart­phone and tablet age.

In the very appe­al­ing pre­view area, strea­ming win­dows are dis­play­ed that do not even exist in the mem­ber area. The German lan­guage and the domain name only serve to attract German cus­to­mers! Purely in terms of con­tent, howe­ver, I liked the latest pic­tures and vide­os overall.

The teen porn was real­ly appe­al­ing and arou­sing. Since the fema­le and male porn actors look com­ple­te­ly natu­ral, they could also be „the neigh­bors next door“. No one is over­ly sty­led or made up in an obtru­si­ve way.

It’s a pity that the ero­tic site is no lon­ger con­tin­ued and main­tai­ned. It would have the makings of a great teen porn site with a litt­le diligence.

Visit TeenBurg.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:€39.95 / 1 month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
€59.95 / 3 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:yes
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:30,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:2464 × 1643 pixels
Image gal­lery control:no
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:340 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:10 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:10,000 kB/sec
Format:WMV, MPEG, MP4
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:no
DRM copy protection:no


Test report summary for TeenBurg.com

Fancy con­cept, but no lon­ger up to date

Although the con­cept with a cast­le is quite funny, the design still does not meet modern inter­net stan­dards. To sup­port all brow­sers and mobi­le devices, the teen sex porn site would have to be con­ver­ted to HTML5. The embedded video play­er is also sor­ely missed here. We recom­mend you to rather use ano­ther teen­sex site.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 90%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 60%
  • Variety – 60%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 40%
  • Fairness – 30%
  • Promises / Reality – 60%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 60%
  • Design – 90%
  • Navigation – 60%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 0%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 20%
  • Price-performance ratio – 50%
  • Payment – 50%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 70%
  • Advertising / Spam – 10%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 40%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Absolutely sym­pa­the­tic young teens
  • Extremely sti­mu­la­ting teen porn videos
  • Great reso­lu­ti­on of the photos
  • Beautiful pre­view area
  • Easy can­cel­la­ti­on


  • No video streaming!
  • No photo scrol­ling function
  • Member area is english
  • Last update on May 10, 2013
  • Only 10 minu­te long videos
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