Test - Review: TeamSkeet.com

Test: TeamSkeet.com

Test - Review: TeamSkeet.com

Test: TeamSkeet.com

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Review: Review of the hot teen sex porn site TeamSkeet.com

While sear­ching for hot teen hard­core porn, I acci­den­tal­ly came across the ero­tic site teamskeet.com.

First of all, I could­n’t do any­thing with the term TeamSkeet and thought it had some­thing to do with gang­bang or group sex. However, the pro­vi­der explains the mea­ning on the homepage:

  • Team means a group or an asso­cia­ti­on that unites a com­mon interest.
  • The word skeet comes from shoot. Clay pige­on shoo­ting, for exam­p­le, is cal­led skee­ting. However, in English, skeet is also used as a slang term for hosing down.

Teamskeet, some­ti­mes spel­led Team Skeet, is a teen porn site net­work where more than 24 teen porn sex sites are united under one roof. Thematically, it’s most­ly about teen sex, but there are also sub­ca­te­go­ries with more matu­re women (MILF) and stepmoms.

I liked the wide varie­ty that teamskeet.com offers. From peti­te teens to busty black to cre­am­pies, blo­wjobs, group sex or solo girls, teamskeet.com has some­thing for ever­yo­ne. Therefore, I deci­ded to test this teen porn site and write a review about it.

Visit Teamskeet.com

Opinion about the preview section of TeamSkeet.com

Due to the appe­al­ing design, my first impres­si­on of the pre­view area was very positive.

However, I find the struc­tu­re a bit con­fu­sing. Teamskeet.com is not a sin­gle porn site about a cer­tain topic – but a porn net­work. Behind the Teamskeet label are 26 sex sites included in the membership 

I per­so­nal­ly think, the scope of this Teen Network is abso­lut­e­ly mega class for the month­ly price! In terms of teens are almost all porn niches are cover­ed. Very cool I find the niches braces, dark skin and red hair. Basically, only the gen­res facial (facial inse­mi­na­ti­on) and ste­pf­a­ther are missing.

If you look at the pre­view pic­tures, you will noti­ce that they are real teen­agers bet­ween 18 and 21 and not „women sty­led to be young“.

Another very posi­ti­ve fea­ture is the large num­ber of trai­lers that you can watch for free and wit­hout regis­tra­ti­on. According to the pro­vi­der, there are more than 2,800 pre­view vide­os available in the pre­view area alone! So you can look around to your hear­t’s con­tent. There is no daily limit of pre­views. Each trai­ler is on avera­ge about 1 ‑2 minu­tes long. The play­back is in low reso­lu­ti­on and can­not be changed.

You can also search for porn­stars. The girls are sor­ted by popu­la­ri­ty, the most popu­lar ones are pre­sen­ted in the first place.

One posi­ti­ve thing I noti­ced was that I was not pene­t­ra­tingly prompt­ed to book while browsing.

I liked the pre­view page of Teamskeet so much that I signed up short­ly and very curious.

Teamskeet Test

Rating of the porn sites registration

To sign up, click on the unmis­sa­ble „Join Now“ but­ton at the top right of the screen 

  • Immediately a form pops up where you have to enter the usual infor­ma­ti­on. This includes a user­na­me, a good pass­word (which is not easy to guess) and an email address

    I recom­mend you to set up an extra mail address at GMail that you will use to visit or sign up for porn sites. This way your nor­mal mail­box stays clean and neither your wife nor your col­le­agues will know about your acti­vi­ties. GMail is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble, becau­se mails are deli­ver­ed to you there with secu­ri­ty. There are pro­vi­ders (e.g. Web.de, Freenet, T‑Online) that auto­ma­ti­cal­ly fil­ter mes­sa­ges with por­no­gra­phic con­tent and some­ti­mes do not even deli­ver them to you.
  • Further down you have to deci­de on a pay­ment method and choo­se the type of mem­ber­ship. You should be careful here, becau­se the pro­vi­der works with tricks. The annu­al mem­ber­ship is alre­a­dy pre­sel­ec­ted and should only cost 5 USD. However, this only appli­es to one month. For the whole year, 60 USD or 52.85 EUR are due, which are debi­ted as a total amount! Because I did­n’t want to make a long-term com­mit­ment, I deci­ded on a month­ly sub­scrip­ti­on, which is more expen­si­ve over the year, but can be can­ce­led monthly.
  • I chose to pay by cre­dit card. I always use a pre­paid cre­dit card with a cre­dit balan­ce. Immediately I came across the next attempt to rip me off. Next to the fields for input is an unob­tru­si­ve box that alre­a­dy has a check mark in it. If you don’t uncheck it, the next step is to book a mem­ber­ship with ww.bang.com. This rip-off is cal­led cross-selling and is dis­gu­i­sed as a free three-day spe­cial offer, which then auto­ma­ti­cal­ly turns into a paid mem­ber­ship. When boo­king, always read ever­y­thing careful­ly befo­re cli­cking the but­ton to confirm.
  • After sel­ec­ting the cre­dit card pay­ment method, I was direc­ted to a web­site of the pay­ment ser­vice pro­vi­der EPOCH. The form is part­ly in German. Surprisingly, the EPOCH page also offe­red Sofortüberweisung as a pay­ment method, which I spon­ta­neous­ly deci­ded to use. When pay­ing with Sofortüberweisung, you are pro­tec­ted from the above-described rip-off through cross-selling, becau­se the pay­ment ser­vice pro­vi­der only recei­ves the amount aut­ho­ri­zed by you. In addi­ti­on, he can not debit again, becau­se each Sofortüberweisung requi­res a new TAN code.
    When pay­ing, you are for­t­u­na­te­ly only asked for your name and the zip code of your resi­dence. You do not have to enter your address.
  • If the pay­ment was suc­cessful, you will auto­ma­ti­cal­ly be taken to a wel­co­me page. There you will find a sum­ma­ry of your data and mem­ber­ship as well as a link to the mem­ber area. I recom­mend that you print out the page or save it as a screen­shot becau­se you will need the infor­ma­ti­on to can­cel your membership.

Test – Review Member Area

TeamskeetImmediately after log­ging in you will be con­fron­ted with a lot of horny teens. Wherever you look, you will see naked or pro­vo­ca­tively cover­ed teen girls, who are eager­ly giving blo­wjobs or just get­ting fucked. The varie­ty is con­fu­sing at first. This is becau­se teamskeet.com is part of a net­work of more than 20 sites.

You have seve­ral opti­ons to navi­ga­te. For a rough over­view, you can first look at sce­nes by topi­cal­i­ty and rating. Another search func­tion shows you the top-rated girls. The clips come from all sites of the net­work. Even movies from sites that are not included in the mem­ber­ship are displayed 

On the right side you can choo­se which web­site you like the most. Then only movies from this site will be dis­play­ed. Here, too, you can make a sel­ec­tion accor­ding to topi­cal­i­ty, rating or porn stars, just like on the home­page. Since most of the stars on the site are teens, I could­n’t spot any fami­li­ar faces or names.

Most of the girls are pro­ba­b­ly just start­ing their care­er in the porn indus­try. Some of them look very young, but they are all of legal age. I guess that most of the porn actres­ses are bet­ween 18 – 22 years old.

New porn is added seve­ral times a week. Teamskeet.com seems to be updated on a daily basis. The latest updates are less than a day old 

All texts are in English. The fact that teamskeet.com is a so-called pay­si­te has a big advan­ta­ge: there is no adver­ti­sing and the qua­li­ty of the con­tent is above average 

Quality & impression of the videos

According to the pro­vi­der, you will find more than 2,000 vide­os with over 1,000 per­for­mers on teamskeet.com. In fact, there are over 3,000 clips. However, since some are not included in the mem­ber­ship, the lower num­ber might be cor­rect. On avera­ge, the vide­os are about 20 minu­tes long.

They are stan­da­lo­ne movies – not clips from DVDs.

A modern HTML5 play­er is used for play­back. As a result, the clips ran wit­hout pro­blems on my com­pu­ter, which uses Linux. The stream loads very quick­ly. There is no jud­der or dro­pouts. Fast for­war­ding and rewinding also works flawlessly.

You can watch the stream in four qua­li­ties. The Medium qua­li­ty is pre­sel­ec­ted when you click on it, but you can also switch. Most of the clips are shot in HD.

When down­loa­ding, you can choo­se bet­ween five qua­li­ty levels:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
  • HD
  • Full HD (1080p)

The file for­mat is MP4, but some movies are also available in WMV.

Horny content of the teamskeet porn

Although most of the actres­ses in the movies are ama­teurs, you can tell that the flicks were pro­fes­sio­nal­ly pro­du­ced. The came­ra work is good and ste­ady, always focu­sed on the action. The sce­nes are well lit and the vide­os have good soundtracks.

There is hard­ly any dis­trac­ting back­ground noise (except for out­door sce­nes, where it is part of the action), and the dia­lo­gue is clear and intel­li­gi­ble. In some porn, you get blas­ted with loud music while wat­ching, which drowns out all the plea­sura­ble sounds. You will be spared that on teamskeet.com. The loca­ti­ons are also well cho­sen, nor­mal set­tings in the green or in the apart­ment, ever­y­whe­re clean and tidy, professional.

The con­tent of the teen­sex movies is very sti­mu­la­ting. This is becau­se the girls are fresh and natu­ral. You can tell that they real­ly want to have sex and enjoy every thrust and every drop of cum. They don’t make a stale impres­si­on, like the porn stars in some movies, who you can tell are full-time who­res with years of experience. 

Still, you can tell that the girls have been taught how to move in front of the came­ra. They keep loo­king into the lens and thus into the view­er’s eyes, and posi­ti­on them­sel­ves during sex so that you can easi­ly see wha­t’s happening.

A lot hap­pens in the films. They are so varied that I could only get a rough over­view in the short time of my review. From les­bi­an games to mas­tur­ba­ti­on with dil­dos, group sex, three­so­mes to flower sex, sex with colo­red women, Asians or Latinas you will find ever­y­thing a man’s heart desi­res on teamskeet.com

High quality teen photos

For each movie there is also a set of pho­tos. You can find them on the top of the search bar just above the play­er. You have to click the „Pics“ but­ton to get there.

For each video there are well over 100 shots. These are screen­shots. You can view them indi­vi­du­al­ly or as a slide­show with inter­vals of 1, 3 or 6 seconds bet­ween each pic­tu­re. If you want to down­load the pic­tures, you have to down­load the com­ple­te set.

You can choo­se bet­ween nor­mal reso­lu­ti­on and HD qua­li­ty. The down­load is done as a ZIP file. The pho­tos are in the appro­ved JPG format.

Well known pornstars

Janice Griffith, Alice March, Madelyn Monroe, Ava Taylor with cute glas­ses, Ashton Devine, Marina Angel, Krystal Orchid, Vicky Vee, Natalie Lust, Ava Taylor, Carmen Caliente, Mali Myers, Adriana Lynn, Megan Loxx, Amia Miley, Rachel James, Alexis Love, Jillian Janson, Brittany Blew, Daisy Marie, Roxy Lovette, Fay Raegan, Kylie Kane, Britney Beth, Short Hair Pornstar.

Opinions about site structure & design

Teamskeet.com has a very appe­al­ing design. The pre­view area makes a pro­mi­se that the mem­ber area deli­vers. The navi­ga­ti­on is simp­le. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a com­pu­ter expert to get along with it.

The descrip­ti­ons of the clips are con­vin­cing with their wealth of infor­ma­ti­on. The same is true for the descrip­ti­ons of the girls. The varie­ty of search opti­ons offe­red is also very nice. On my smart­phone, teamskeet.com can be view­ed well. Although the site is in English, it can be used well even with basic knowledge.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

The can­cel­la­ti­on of the sub­scrip­ti­on is very easy. In the pre­view area you will find the but­ton „Help“ at the top. If you click on it, a page with links will open. To can­cel, sim­ply click the „Cancel Membership“ link.

You will be redi­rec­ted to a web page where you have to enter your user­na­me and pass­word. Below you will find a but­ton „Cancel Account“. The can­cel­la­ti­on takes place when you click on it. You will recei­ve a con­fir­ma­ti­on by email.

Review verdict & conclusion to the test report of TeamSkeet.com

The review of Teamskeet.com was incre­di­bly fun. Definitely, this pro­ject belongs to the best teen­sex porn sites in the world!

It is a lot of fun to brow­se through the huge porn archi­ve for pret­ty women and horny sce­nes. Very quick­ly you will find horny actres­ses that match your per­so­nal booty pattern.

Team Skeet is a porn net­work of 24 teen sex sites. You get access to an uni­ma­gi­nable num­ber of legal and diver­se­ly shot soft­co­re and hard­core teen porn 

From A like anal to Z like braces, glas­ses, freck­les, small breasts, big tits, black girls, red hair and many more, almost all niches are cover­ed. So there is some­thing for almost every taste! The models are real­ly bet­ween 18 and 21 years old, natu­ral and beau­tiful. You noti­ce that they are not only becau­se of the fee in front of the came­ra, but also real­ly want to have sex.

With unu­su­al sex prac­ti­ces you can see with many (still inex­pe­ri­en­ced) girls their asto­nis­hed face and the accom­pany­ing horny phy­si­cal reac­tions. Really very horny and com­ple­te­ly authentic!

Very good I also find the num­e­rous opti­ons in the search and the fre­quent updates. As nega­ti­ve, I found the pre­sel­ec­ted cross-selling box when regis­tering and the fact that there are always links to web­sites for which you should pay extra. Constant atten­ti­on is required.

All in all, teamskeet.com is a great teen porn site that I high­ly recom­mend. The cost of mem­ber­ship is com­pa­ra­tively low. In return, you will be offe­red a lot of varied con­tent. Absolutely top! Both thumbs up!

Visit TeamSkeet.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$25.99 / month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$45.99 / 3 months
$55.00 / year
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, pay per call (phone), instant bank trans­fer, check
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:yes
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:300,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:1.620 × 1,080 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Number:3,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:20 minu­tes
Ø DL Speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for TeamSkeet.com

One of the worl­d’s best teen­sex porn sites

Team Skeet is one of the lea­ding ero­tic sites in the field of teen porn. The models are around obvious­ly real­ly around eigh­te­en to twenty-one years old. They come across very natu­ral, even a bit ama­teu­rish. The vide­os are razor-sharp and high-resolution. Really top!

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 50%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 50%
  • Promises / Reality – 83%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 67%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 67%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 50%
  • Advertising / Spam – 50%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Very high qua­li­ty & sti­mu­la­ting porn
  • Real young girls bet­ween 18- 21
  • Authentic, natu­ral reactions
  • Many famous teen porn stars
  • Very many niches covered


  • Prices not very transparent
  • Complicated page structure
  • Subscription trap in boo­king form
  • Many extra opti­ons cost money
  • Problems with Adblock plugins
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