Test - Review: KarupsOW.com

Test: KarupsOW.com

Test - Review: KarupsOW.com

Test: KarupsOW.com

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MILF Porn Sites Check: Older Women porn site review KarupsOW.com

Do you know the term MILF? In the ero­tic scene, women bet­ween the ages of 30 and 55 are refer­red to as M.I.L.F

The word is a so-called acro­nym, an arti­fi­ci­al word com­po­sed of the first let­ters of indi­vi­du­al words. The acro­nym MILF is com­po­sed of the first let­ters of„Mother I’d like to fuck“.

Karups Review

The term beca­me popu­lar since the 1999 film American Pie. There, the cha­rac­ter Stifler’s Mom (Janine Stifler), embo­di­ed by actress Jennifer Coolidge, was refer­red to as MILF.

But why are milfs so sexu­al­ly attrac­ti­ve? Quite sim­ply becau­se the women are in full bloom. Unlike teenage girls, milfs have expe­ri­ence and self-confidence. They know their bodies and know exact­ly how to use their charms to make men horny. Milfs like sex and live out their lust open­ly. They are any­thing but shy, silly teenagers.

When I came across the web­site karupsow.com while sur­fing, I was a bit con­fu­sed by the name at first. Karups OW stands for Older Women. Since many years ago I often found the demo pho­tos and vide­os of the porn site Karups.com on the Internet, my curio­si­ty awoke. I deci­ded to join KarupsOW for this test and tell you about my expe­ri­en­ces in my latest review. If you have had your own expe­ri­ence with Karups, plea­se leave your opi­ni­on below this review.

Visit KarupsOW.com

Opinion about the preview area of KarupsOW.com

The pre­view area of karupsow.com (Karups Older Women) is excel­lent­ly desi­gned and arou­ses inte­rest in the porn site.

In the upper half of the screen, you will find close-ups of milfs in full action; having sex, giving blo­wjobs, fin­ge­ring or play­ing horny dildos.

Right below you will find six 4K Ultra HD trai­lers with the latest video clips from karupsow.com. The trai­lers are about 1 minu­te long and show high­lights from the cor­re­spon­ding video. The latest one was just pos­ted online the day before 

It is fol­lo­wed by some self-promotion for the „Karups Porn Network“ (porn net­work). There the subpages

are pre­sen­ted.

Below that are three large blocks of screen­shots and thumb­nails of the latest MILF vide­os, the latest MILF photo gal­le­ries and the latest porn actres­ses. The exci­ting thing is that you can click on the gra­phics and you will actual­ly learn more about the updates.

Also very sur­pri­sing is that the navi­ga­ti­on bar is fully func­tion­al. You can dive into the sub­ca­te­go­ries of the pre­view area and see num­e­rous screen­shots, trai­lers and pre­view pho­tos. I have rare­ly seen such a trans­pa­rent mem­bers area!

One can find a small link to Karup’s Twitter account in the foo­ter, where there is also inte­res­t­ing information.

I was real­ly exci­ted about the porn site test and could­n’t wait to enter the mem­ber area 

Porn site review – The registration

In order to get access to the mem­ber area of karupsow.com, you have to regis­ter for a fee.

  • First of all, click on the „Join Now“ but­ton at the very top right 
  • This will open a boo­king form of the com­pa­ny RocketGate. In the form you enter a user­na­me and a pass­word. Choose a pass­word that is not easy to guess

    The pro­vi­der also requi­res a valid e‑mail address for regis­tra­ti­on. My recom­men­da­ti­on: Set up a free email box at GMail that is only for porn sites. This way, others won’t know what you’­re up to online. Other e‑mail ope­ra­tors often block mails with por­no­gra­phic content 
  • In the next step you have to choo­se the type of mem­ber­ship and the pay­ment method

    For prac­ti­cal reasons, I recom­mend you to choo­se the month­ly mem­ber­ship. You won’t be tied down for too long and you can can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on at the end of each month

    Unfortunately, the only pay­ment method offe­red is cre­dit card. Since I am cau­tious in prin­ci­ple, I always use a NETELLER pre­paid cre­dit card in this case. It works on a strict cre­dit basis. You can only debit what you have pre­vious­ly loa­ded. This pro­tects against unaut­ho­ri­zed debits, for exam­p­le when the sub­scrip­ti­on is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly renewed 
  • After sel­ec­ting the pay­ment method, I was direc­ted to a German-language pay­ment form from RocketGate. There, the usual infor­ma­ti­on like per­so­nal data, card num­ber, etc. was reques­ted. For the coun­try you choo­se the opti­on „Outside US/Canada/Australia/France/Germany“

    Don’t for­get to check the box that says you have read and agree to the terms and con­di­ti­ons

    On a posi­ti­ve note, I noti­ced that there is no cross-selling rip-off on karupsow.com. This is a dubio­us method, where a check­box is alre­a­dy pre­sel­ec­ted when boo­king the mem­ber­ship. Before you con­firm your pay­ment, you should always read careful­ly what you get for your money

    Since ever­y­thing was okay, I cli­cked the „Submit Payment“ button.
  • A wel­co­me page appeared, lis­ting the access data once again. At the same time an e‑mail with the data and a boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on arrived.

Test – Review Member Area

To log in to the Karups Older Women mem­ber area at https://members.karups.com/ enter your user­na­me and pass­word.
As an addi­tio­nal pro­tec­tion you have to enter the let­ters and num­bers from a so cal­led CAPTCHA gra­phic. This is to pre­vent hackers from log­ging in auto­ma­ti­cal­ly. I recom­mend you to check the check­box „Remember me“. Then you don’t need to enter user­na­me and pass­word again next time.

First impression and rough structure of the Karups member area

After ente­ring the Member Area, you first have to sel­ect the right page„Karup’s Older Women“ in the main menu. The Karup net­work con­sists of the mother site Karups.com and three sub-sites:

  • Karups.com (The Mother Site)
  • Karup’s Private Collection
  • Karup’s Hometown Amateurs
  • Karup’s Older Women (OW)

On the Karup’s Older Women mem­ber area home page you will find 24 screen­shots with the latest vide­os in the upper third of the web page. Below are 24 more screen­shots with the latest photo series. The screen­shots are arran­ged chro­no­lo­gi­cal­ly. The newest shots were put online less than 24 hours ago. The lower third of the web page is taken up by self-promotion.

In order to move for­ward with the sel­ec­tion of your desi­red MILF porn, you have to navi­ga­te in a menu at the top right cor­ner. The struc­tu­re of the menu is very simp­le: you can choo­se bet­ween soft­co­re and hard­core vide­os and bet­ween action, matu­re, toys and uni­forms pho­tos. The spar­se texts are writ­ten in English.

Except for the alre­a­dy men­tio­ned self-advertisement, you will not be annoy­ed by adver­ti­sing while surfing.

Accessing the desi­red pic­tu­re gal­le­ries and ero­tic vide­os is very easy. You only need to click on a screen­shot to view the video or pic­tu­re series in question.

Hmmm… Something is missing here…

Well, as a new mem­ber you don’t real­ly warm up to the Karups mem­ber area! After a few minu­tes of anti­ci­pa­ti­on, you feel com­ple­te­ly over­whel­med by the gigan­tic num­ber of pho­tos and videos! 

  • One noti­ces that a navi­ga­ti­on with sub­ca­te­go­ries is miss­ing. It is vir­tual­ly in hundreds of pages with 48 vide­os or pic­tu­re gal­le­ries all cate­go­ries (eg mas­tur­ba­ti­on, sex, group sex, BBC – Big Black Cock) jum­bled. This demo­ti­va­tes noti­ce­ab­ly to search for horny porn.
  • Also, when you first search for vide­os, you noti­ce that there are no video descrip­ti­ons on the photo and video detail pages! You only see what the model’s name is and learn not­hing else.
  • There are also no tags (key­words) that you could use – to fil­ter with rele­vant search terms.

Rating of Karups erotic videos

The Karups mem­ber area curr­ent­ly offers an impres­si­ve num­ber of over 16,400 soft­co­re and hard­core vide­os and over 2.2 mil­li­on ero­tic pho­tos! There are 5750 porn actres­ses in the data­ba­se! The esti­ma­ted total num­ber of MILF porn is around 1,050 vide­os. Since the pho­tos are not cate­go­ri­zed, it is dif­fi­cult to esti­ma­te the num­ber of MILF photos.

You can watch the clips in the stream and also down­load them to your hard drive if you wish. Since the vide­os run fine on all of my 3 devices (Linux lap­top, Windows lap­top, Android tablet), I assu­me that a modern HTML5 media play­er is used. The pro­vi­der does not pro­vi­de any infor­ma­ti­on about this.

The reso­lu­ti­on of the vide­os when strea­ming is fixed and can­not be chan­ged. No infor­ma­ti­on is given about how high it is. From my impres­si­on while wat­ching, howe­ver, I would say at least Full HD, maybe even the adver­ti­sed 4k. (Ultra HD) 

Very high video quality

Playback was smooth, even fast-forwarding and rewinding was pos­si­ble wit­hout dif­fi­cul­ty.
Downloads are offe­red in MP4 for­mat. You can choo­se bet­ween 4 reso­lu­ti­ons when downloading:

  • 360p
  • 480p
  • 720p (HD-ready / Web HD)
  • 1.080p (Full HD)
  • 4k (Ultra HD)

The lat­ter reso­lu­ti­on is offe­red only for the newer porn.

The ero­tic vide­os are of pro­fes­sio­nal qua­li­ty and were shot spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for the Karup net­work. The set­tings are eit­her in a film stu­dio or a careful­ly cho­sen (and locked) out­door loca­ti­on. Camera work and sound are perfect 

Very varied, horny glamour porn

I like the fact that there is no back­ground music or GEMA-free music. This allows you to hear the heavy breathing, pan­ting and moa­ning exact­ly. This rein­forces the impres­si­on of authen­ti­ci­ty. You get the impres­si­on of being in the midd­le of the scene 

This is fur­ther enhan­ced by the high reso­lu­ti­on of the vide­os. The actres­ses behave natu­ral­ly. You can see that they are women from the midd­le of life. This gives the vide­os a very sti­mu­la­ting effect. The clips are usual­ly around 30 minu­tes long, but there are shorter ones as well. Since this is an American web­site, the dia­lo­gues are in English 

From a purely con­tent point of view, you can’t make a blan­ket judgment with over 16,000 Karups Porn videos 

Extremely high quality of the photos

In the Karups net­work you can curr­ent­ly admi­re 2.2 mil­li­on pho­tos. On karupsow.com you can find seve­ral thousand pho­tos to view and/or down­load. The pho­tos in the „Action“ cate­go­ry are screen­shots from the site’s movies. The other photo series, on the other hand, are named only with the name of the actress 

They are not screen­shots from movies, but shots taken espe­ci­al­ly for the web­site. You can see that sty­lish pho­to­gra­phy is the main focus of the web­site, just like on the ero­tic sites MET Art and Hegre Art.

A series con­ta­ins bet­ween 60 to seve­ral hundred shots. You can view the images indi­vi­du­al­ly or run them as a slide­show. Interesting is the fact that you can also down­load indi­vi­du­al images, not just the com­ple­te set. Most pro­vi­ders only allow you to down­load the enti­re set.

When down­loa­ding you have the choice bet­ween high or low reso­lu­ti­on. The files are offe­red in the pro­ven JPG for­mat. At high reso­lu­ti­on the cur­rent pho­tos have an edge length of 3000 x 2000 pixels. Even fast com­pu­ters make big cheeks when loo­king at them. For me the low reso­lu­ti­on with 1500 x1000 pixels is suf­fi­ci­ent. I assu­me that the pro­vi­der wants to be pre­pared for the demands of the future with the Ultra HD 4K displays.

Mostly they are very visual­ly appe­al­ing MILFs in sus­pen­ders and high heels. Some are also dres­sed in vinyl and lea­ther. Depending on the video, they loll lasci­vious­ly in bed, strip or stand wiggling their butts in front of the came­ra. Many MILFS have plea­sant to look at fema­le forms: Magnificent tits, a slim waist, plump ass and legs that seem to have no end.

Opinions on page layout & design

There is not­hing to com­plain about the tech­ni­cal qua­li­ty and the con­tent of the vide­os. It’s a dif­fe­rent story when it comes to the lay­out and struc­tu­re. The struc­tu­re is very simp­le. On the one hand, this makes navi­ga­ti­on easier, but on the other hand, it makes sear­ching more difficult 

The cap­ti­on con­sists prac­ti­cal­ly only of the title of the video, date of publi­ca­ti­on and the name of the per­for­mers. Information about the con­tent, which used to be part of all web­sites, is com­ple­te­ly miss­ing. Thus, an exact search on the karupsow.com web­site is not possible 

Only on the main page you can use a few fil­ters. However, the sys­tem can­not cope with more than 2 fil­ters and then does not return any results. Thus, sear­ching on karupsow.com is like fly­ing blind.

If you’­re lucky, you’ll catch an awe­so­me video that you’d love to join, if you’­re unlu­cky, you’ll end up with a bor­ing one.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

If you want to can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on, you have to go to the bot­tom of the web­site and click the but­ton „Billing Support“. You will get to the page https://www.karups.com/billing/, where it is explai­ned in one point how to do it.

There you will find links to your bil­ling com­pa­ny (RocketGate, CCbill or EPOCH) where you can can­cel. The can­cel­la­ti­on must be done at least 2 days befo­re the sub­scrip­ti­on expi­res, other­wi­se it will be rene­wed automatically 

In my case the pay­ment pro­ces­sor was RocketGate. You can reco­gni­ze Rocketgate by the name „RGNATIVE“ (abbre­via­ti­on for: Rocket Gate Native) after „Biller Name“.

You open a web page with the title „Cancel Your Membership“. There you enter your user­na­me and pass­word. The other fields do not have to be fil­led in. Then you type in the CAPTCHA spam pro­tec­tion gra­phic and click on the „Cancel Membership“ button.

On the fol­lo­wing page your sub­scrip­ti­on will be lis­ted. Click on the „Cancel Subscription“ but­ton. After a ques­ti­on about the reason for can­cel­la­ti­on, the sub­scrip­ti­on is imme­dia­te­ly terminated.

Review verdict & conclusion of the KarupsOW.com test report

The Karups net­work offers a huge num­ber of 2.2 mil­li­on pho­tos and over 16,400 porn vide­os. The qua­li­ty of the vide­os and pho­tos can be clas­si­fied in the gla­mour / glos­sy range. They are razor sharp and can be view­ed in a con­tem­po­ra­ry way not only on the com­pu­ter, but also on the tablet or smartphone.

If you are expli­cit­ly loo­king for high-quality MILF porn, you will defi­ni­te­ly find hot women accor­ding to your booty pat­tern in the mas­si­ve archi­ve of karupsow.com.

However, the use of karupsow.com is sever­ely limi­t­ed by the almost com­ple­te lack of cate­go­riza­ti­on and video descrip­ti­on. How is one sup­po­sed to find an inte­res­t­ing ero­tic video if there is no con­tent descrip­ti­on and sear­ching for spe­ci­fic key­words hard­ly brings any results? You have to brow­se around the porn site and hope that you will find a good MILF sex movie by chance 

Overall, we can recom­mend this porn site.

Visit KarupsOW.com
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
Cost:$29.85 / month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$68.55 / 3 months
$97.50 / 6 months
$159.00 / 12 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, pay per call (phone), check
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:3,320,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:3000×2000 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Number:16,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:1080p HD, 4k Ultra HD
Ø Length:15 minu­tes
Ø DL Speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for KarupsOW.com

Massive archi­ve with horny MILFs

Porn stu­dio Karups knows how to crea­te pre­mi­um qua­li­ty porn. The MILFs cate­go­ry offers you an incre­di­bly huge sel­ec­tion of older women over 30. It’s a lot of fun to brow­se the archi­ves for beau­tiful, matu­re women.


  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 67%
  • Variety – 83%
  • Extraordinary – 67%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 83%
  • Promises / Reality – 83%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Design – 83%
  • Navigation – 100%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 83%
  • Payment – 67%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 67%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 83%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Very many porn actresses
  • Gigantic video count
  • Gorgeous MILFs (older women)
  • Very varied women types


  • No video descriptions
  • No cate­go­riza­ti­on
  • Very litt­le text on enti­re page
  • Only cre­dit card pay­ment possible
  • Few varied scenes
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