Test - Review: Splatbukkake.com

Test: SplatBukkake.xxx

Test - Review: Splatbukkake.com

Test: SplatBukkake.xxx

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Review: Review of the Extremely Horny Gangbang & Bukkake Porn Site Splatbukkake.xxx

Normally, nobo­dy would expect dirty sex sites from the United Kingdom. British peo­p­le are con­side­red con­ser­va­ti­ve, respec­ta­ble and neat. The net blo­cking of porn sites, with which the British govern­ment has ban­ned the vie­w­ing of dirty porn since 2014, con­firms the prejudice.

Splatbukkake Review

But far from it! There are a handful of British porn sites (cal­led: Brit porn), where one is not badly ama­zed at how hefty it is with the English behind the clo­sed doors in reality.

Viewing porn sites like this, demons­tra­tes that no govern­ment in the world can sup­press the sexua­li­ty of humans! Also not, if porn fil­ters will be acti­va­ted by law one day to pro­tect citi­zens from such trash.

With the sex site Splatbukkake.xxx a fetish is addres­sed, which inte­rests almost all men: The facial inse­mi­na­ti­on! Also cal­led „facial“ or „cum cover­ed faces“. When seve­ral men eja­cu­la­te a „cumshot“ into a woman’s face during group sex, this is again cal­led buk­ka­ke (mass facial inse­mi­na­ti­on). The word „splat“ means: „A lot of splat­te­ring cum on the face“.

I noti­ced the sex sites Splatbukkake.xxx and UKPornparty.com a few years ago. There are free pic­tures fly­ing around the inter­net here and there. I have been very curious for a long time what is hid­den in the mem­bers area. In this review, I will reve­al the secret for you and tell you what there is to see. I will descri­be the advan­ta­ges and also the dis­ad­van­ta­ges. Please leave a com­ment below the review, how you liked my test. If you alre­a­dy know Splatbukkake, we are all inte­res­ted in your opinion.

Visit Splatbukkake.xxx

Opinion About the Preview Area of Splatbukkake.xxx

The pre­view area of Splatbukkake.xxx is quite cle­ar­ly desi­gned. Even though the pic­tures are all cen­so­red, you can tell that it is about group sex ( gang­bang), ama­teurs and facial inse­mi­na­ti­on, despi­te the pixel­a­ted peni­s­es and pussies.

The home­page is very cle­ar­ly arran­ged. At the top of the page you can see a ban­ner gra­phic with cute girls and the impres­si­ve logo.

Below that, seve­ral beau­tiful ama­teur women run through in a slider. Next to them, quo­tes from English-language adult­si­te reviews have been added.

Below you can find the latest updates of the UKXXXPass net­work under the hea­ding „British Porn Network Updates“.

Under the hea­ding „Previous buk­ka­ke and gang­bang party vide­os“ you can find pre­vious 24 latest updates in the form of small pre­view gra­phics. Although you don’t see any sperm ador­ned faces at all, it still arou­ses your inte­rest to learn more. You can get an appro­xi­ma­te impres­si­on about the buk­ka­ke vide­os.

An All-Around Successful Porn Site Preview Area

Unfortunately, every click always lands you on the pay­ment form. Only an incon­spi­cuous link „Click here to con­ti­nue tour“, which you can only see when you move your mouse over it, reve­als a second sub­page, where you can find four trai­lers and „clea­rer“, clickable pictures.

The „Parties“ link takes you to a „Bukkake party calen­dar“. Unfortunately, this is only visi­ble to mem­bers, but it alre­a­dy shows that the vide­os are real­ly „real“ and not acted or bought.

The links „Phone Sex“, „Text Sex“, „Cam“ and „Swinging“ are adver­ti­se­ments. At the bot­tom of the page you will find links to the bil­ling com­pa­nies, which you can use later to can­cel any sub­scrip­ti­on you may have taken out.

Visually, I like the pre­view page alre­a­dy very much. Although it con­sists of only two pages, it makes a serious and confidence-inspiring impres­si­on. Curious and moti­va­ted, I star­ted the boo­king process.

Rating of the Porn Sites Registration

To beco­me a mem­ber of splatbukkake.xxx, click on the „JOIN NOW“ but­ton on the right side of the menu bar.

  • A page will open where three mem­ber­ship opti­ons are listed.
  • The pay­ment form of the bil­ling com­pa­ny EPOCH is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly dis­play­ed in German. It is a pity that there are no coun­try flags to click on, in case the auto­ma­tic set­ting did not work.
  • There are the pay­ment opti­ons cre­dit card, direct debit and the prepayment- pay­ment via Sofortüberweisung and SafetyPay to choo­se from. Since I have not had any expe­ri­ence with the pay­ment ser­vice Safetypay, I will try it out once when boo­king the membership.
  • To do this, acti­va­te the check but­ton to the left of the Sofortüberweisung logo and sel­ect „Safetypay“ in the sel­ec­tion field. Interestingly, many input fields and also the pre­sel­ec­ted crossel­ling fields disappear.
  • Enter your first and last name, your zip code and an email address*. Check if your coun­try is pre­sel­ec­ted and think of a desi­red user­na­me and pass­word. Unfortunately these two fields are locked for copy & paste, so you have to enter the data by hand. Then click on the big but­ton „Complete the purcha­se“.
    * At this point again my advice: Set up a porn email address at Googlemail and do not use your pri­va­te email address, which you use for online shop­ping, etc..
  • It starts the pay­ment pro­cess with SafetyPay. It turns out that the GiroPay inter­face is used, which is simi­lar to Sofortüberweisung in three steps. Depending on how the trans­fer pro­ce­du­re of your house bank works, you have to authen­ti­ca­te yours­elf. In my case, I recei­ved an mTAN on my smartphone.
  • After the suc­cessful pay­ment, you have to be quick. You will be very brief­ly shown a can­cel­la­ti­on con­fir­ma­ti­on page. Unfortunately, even with Splatbukkake, you are redi­rec­ted to the mem­ber area after 5 seconds. I find this very incon­ve­ni­ent, becau­se it could be that there are deli­very pro­blems with the boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on email. I recom­mend you to have a „sharp eye“ when the con­fir­ma­ti­on page comes, if the user­na­me and pass­word are the same as the ones you ente­red in the EPOCH form.

Test – Review Member Area

Emma Butt mit Sperma Brille
Emma Butt with cum glasses

Unfortunately, there is no login but­ton on splatbukkake.xxx. You can find the link http://ukxxxpass.com/members only in the e‑mail. The login to the Splatbukkake mem­ber area is not done via a visual­ly appe­al­ing login form, but via a „popup“ that is gene­ra­ted server-side. In tech­ni­cal jar­gon this is cal­led htac­cess authen­ti­ca­ti­on. This pro­ce­du­re is out­da­ted and can theo­re­ti­cal­ly cause pro­blems on some Android devices.

You have to ori­ent yours­elf a bit on the site first. The first thing I noti­ced is that Splatbukkake.xxx is not a stan­da­lo­ne web­site, but a sub­ca­te­go­ry of a porn net­work cal­led UKXXXPass.

The net­work also includes the sub-sites UKPornparty.com (UKPornparty Review) and SexyUKPornstars.com. The sub­ca­te­go­ries can be sel­ec­ted from a drop-down box on the top right. One has full access to the other categories.

In my review, I will only go into the SplatBukkake cate­go­ry, since that is exact­ly the con­tent we expec­ted when booking.

The Member Area Is Clear, Modern and Great Implemented

The navi­ga­ti­on in the mem­ber area basi­cal­ly revol­ves around the three links Videos, Photos and Models in the top menu. However, when brow­sing, you always have to sel­ect the Splatbukkake cate­go­ry in an incon­spi­cuous sel­ec­tion field at the very top right.

It is dis­tur­bing that only six vide­os are dis­play­ed on the pages with the video lis­ting. The cla­ri­ty suf­fers becau­se you have to click through 85 pages. This means that there are curr­ent­ly 510 SplatBukkake videos.

On the video pages, you can watch the sperm porn as a video stream in HD reso­lu­ti­on or down­load it in MP4 for­mat. Older porn is also offe­red in WMV for­mat. A scene descrip­ti­on, tags (cate­go­ry words) and a com­ment func­tion faci­li­ta­te the sel­ec­tion. However, I miss a direct link to the appro­pria­te image gal­le­ries. Also, a „save favo­ri­tes“ – func­tion can not be found here.

MILF mit Brille genießt Sperma Bukkake im Gesicht
MILF with glas­ses enjoys cum buk­ka­ke on face

A Clever Combination of Amateurs and Professionals

Content-wise, the vide­os are down­right horny! Even while wat­ching the first porn, I slip­ped out an enthu­si­a­stic „Yesssss“ at this review. You can see that these are not „typi­cal American“ posed sce­nes, but beau­tiful, kinky gang­bang and buk­ka­ke party videos.

The Splatbukkake and UKpornparty video pro­duc­tions are an exci­ting mix of British hard­core porn stars and British ama­teur women. The mix is incre­di­bly horny.

Because through the com­bi­na­ti­on of „pro­fes­sio­nal“ and „ama­teur“ it comes to an impres­si­ve phe­no­me­non, where the ladies in their orgasm rush and moti­va­te each other with their horn­i­ness! In the pro­cess, com­ple­te­ly per­ver­ted sperm games, pas­sio­na­te sperm kis­ses and so-called snow­bal­ling sce­nes arise spon­ta­neous­ly. Snowballing is cum kis­sing, where the women don’t swal­low the cum, but spit it into each other’s mouths over and over again.

Nasty Amateurs Enjoy Horny Sperm Games

It does not come to bor­ing fake sce­nes of the porn stars, nor that the ama­teurs do not dare to „come out“ of them­sel­ves. The girls not only like to be fucked, but also give horny blo­wjobs and hand­jobs. They visi­bly love to milk the horny cocks in their faces and have their bodies abun­dant­ly splashed.

Junge Teen-Göre freut sich über ihre Bukkake
Young teen brat enjoys her bukkake

Although espe­ci­al­ly the ladies who are in front of the came­ra for the first time seem a bit inse­cu­re at first, they trans­form within a quar­ter of an hour! The hard fucks of the many cocks makes them down­right ram­pant. It does not take long, and they snap wit­hout inhi­bi­ti­ons after each tan­gi­ble penis! It’s impres­si­ve to watch what a vio­lent effect the buk­ka­ke and gang­bang situa­ti­on has on the ama­teur ladies.

What also always ama­zes me in ama­teur porn is the greed of white women for Big Black Cocks (BBC for short). If a black man with a big penis comes into the sex game, the ladies real­ly go crazy and let them­sel­ves be fucked from one orgasm to the next. At a Big Black Cock inter­ra­cial gang­bang, real orgasms, squir­ting, and heavy cum splas­hes are pre-programmed.

Splatbukkake - The Home of Facials and Ganbangs

Sperm Parties in Different Locations

Locations are most­ly swin­ger clubs, apart­ments and hotels e.g. in London, Bristol, Edinburgh, Walsall and Birmingham. So it is a real Brit Porn web­site. It is divi­ded into buk­ka­ke par­ties and gang­bang parties:

  • At a buk­ka­ke party, the focus is on facial cum and the ladies are pri­ma­ri­ly acti­ve with hand­jobs and blo­wjobs themselves.
  • At a gang­bang party, it is more horny! Since there is fucked, fucked and fucked, the ladies have con­sider­a­b­ly more of it and go off hor­nier – than just to be fil­led with sperm.
Skyler Mackay Bukkake
Skyler Mackay Bukkake

By and large, most of the time the same style is going on: Trance, house and tech­no music plays in the back­ground. Most of the time there are also laser and light effects like in a typi­cal disco. You can see main­ly matu­re women around 30–50 years old, moa­ning and being fucked by various guys.

At the „British Amateur Bukkake Party“ you most­ly see only the cock of the guys. Mostly the men wear eye masks and con­doms. You can tell by the rub­ber bands and locker keys on their wrists that these are real swin­gers par­ties or gang­bang events. Some men have a con­dom tucked under the rub­ber key.

In my opi­ni­on, the Group Sex Sessions reflect the rea­li­stic pic­tu­re of swin­gers par­ties with a sur­plus of men. Although the men pri­ma­ri­ly do not have a lot of visu­al eye candy, the girls enjoy the sex and the mes­ses to the fullest.

Conspicuously often at Splatbukkake you can see women with glas­ses, on which guys squirt with plea­su­re. This is also cal­led glas­ses inse­mi­na­ti­on or in English „cum on glas­ses“. Personally, I think it’s good that more and more women are get­ting into it. Cum on glas­ses looks for­bidden horny.

Quality of the Gonzo Style Splatbukkake Videos

The pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny is cal­led British Bukkake Productions. The porn label spe­cia­li­zes in „Amateur Bukkake“ and „Gangbang Party“. The pro­du­cers are always on the loo­kout for excep­tio­nal women in UK swin­gers clubs. During the video shoots, real pas­sio­na­te gang­bang sluts have alre­a­dy tur­ned into some British porn stars.

As on other gang­bang – porn sites, the pro­duc­tion tech­ni­que is gonzo style. This means that a guy with a came­ra walks around the buk­ka­ke party and you „see“ from the came­ra­man’s per­spec­ti­ve. During the shoot, the came­ra­man also talks to the peo­p­le involved.

While this came­ra style can’t be com­pared to American glos­sy pro­duc­tions like VIVID, Digital Playground or HUSTLER, somehow you feel like you’­re „in the midd­le of the action“. Accordingly, the light­ing, came­ra work, pic­tu­re and sound qua­li­ty can only be clas­si­fied in the midd­le range.

Real Amateurs as Party Guests

In horny situa­tions, for exam­p­le, when it comes to extra­or­di­na­ry „ama­teur facials“, unfort­u­na­te­ly also in some porn films a flash­light storm pelts the view­er, which I per­so­nal­ly do not find abtör­nend, but alre­a­dy „avo­ida­ble“. In quiet envi­ron­ments, the came­ra drive noise dis­turbs me.

In terms of style, the „Amateur Bukkake Party“ vide­os nevert­hel­ess dif­fer from the film pro­duc­tions of the German porn labels German Goo Girls (GGG), GangbangCreampie.com and Sperma Studio. Although the focus is also on ama­teur facials, but the ero­tic films of UKXXXPass are a bit loo­ser. You can tell that the women are­n’t just doing the piglet stuff for a fee, but becau­se they real­ly are that dirty! There is also a lot more fuck­ing going on.

Since most of the ladies comes from the United Kingdom (UK), howe­ver, English is spo­ken here.

Horny Bukkake Photos, With Poor Navigation

Compared to other gang­bang porn sites, Splatbukkake still real­ly empha­si­zes high-quality pho­tos. If you take some time, you’ll occa­sio­nal­ly find real­ly mega-awesome snapshots of cum splat­ter and ple­nty of cum-adorned faces.

The pho­tos are shot direct­ly during the „action“ and par­al­lel to the video shoot. Unfortunately, a clip-on flash and a mecha­ni­cal digi­tal came­ra are used – which results in a flur­ry of flas­hes and loud clack­ing of the shut­ter in the came­ra in the video film.

Although the pho­tos are cle­ar­ly dis­play­ed in small pre­view images (thumb­nails), there is unfort­u­na­te­ly no image view­er that allows scrol­ling back and forth bet­ween the pho­tos. However, you can start a slide­show and down­load the enti­re image gal­lery as a ZIP file.

As alre­a­dy writ­ten, there is a lack of lin­king bet­ween the buk­ka­ke vide­os and pic­tu­re galleries.

Splatbukkake Test

Sexy Amateur Milfs

Jessica Lo - Cum on glasses
Jessica Lo – Cum on glasses

As it is com­mon in real swin­gers clubs, I would esti­ma­te the avera­ge age of women in Splat Bukkake porn bet­ween 40 and 50. So in the best MILF age.

A M.I.L.F. is an abbre­via­ti­on of the English term „Mom I’d Like to Fuck“. In the English lan­guage, they also talk about Bukkake Loving MILFs. Almost all types of women can be dis­co­ver­ed on Splatbukkake. All of them have pure fun to be deco­ra­ted with sperm at gang­bangs and sex par­ties in hotels, apart­ments and swin­gers clubs.

I per­so­nal­ly find extra­or­di­na­ry women like Lexi Ryder with braces, Alexxa Vice with blue hair, Phoenix Madina with green hair or the tat­too girl Adreena Winters(calledInk Girl ) very horny. Absolutely filt­hy is also the sperm pow­der Linda Lush.

Very Varied Porn Actresses

Full cute in my opi­ni­on are the sweet ama­teur brat Pixiee Little – She not only wil­lingly lets hers­elf eja­cu­la­te in the face, but are into hard sex. Really insa­tia­ble are also the blon­de Grace Harper and the red-haired bespec­ta­cled Tyla Moore.

Very horny comes in buk­ka­ke porn not only white sperm from Big Black Cocks (BBC), but also on Black Girls. Lola Marie is not only dark-skinned, but also wears glas­ses. Scenes with her are also very worth see­ing! In the English lan­guage they also say „ebony gang­bang girls“ to it.

Totally horny and dirty are also the ama­teur women: Roxy Roxx, Emma Starr (with glas­ses), Ella Bella, Missy Kink, sexy MILF Classy Filth, horny sow Isabella Bangs, Monica Bollocksy, Courtney, Bethany Richards, Candi Kayne, Tara Spades, Carly G, Sophie Garcia, Jamie Rae, Bree Branning, Isla Skye (with glas­ses), Alice Cash, Sexy Cleo, Gina Lynn Jameson, Skyler Mackay, Axa Jay, Sasha B, Scarlett March, Leah Lixx, Maisie Dee, Maddison Rose, Randy Rachel, Jakki Louise, Kandi Spitfire, Alexis May, Bambi Black, Devon Breeze, Layla Lee, Jada Jones, Ashley Rider, Tiffany Morriss, Donna Derrière and Porscher Wells.

Opinions About Page Structure & Design

When I took a cri­ti­cal look at the porn site for this review, I found no signi­fi­cant pro­blems in terms of design and page layout.

The color com­bi­na­ti­on of black, blue, white is very coher­ent and plea­sant. Also the com­bi­na­ti­on with meaningful pre­view pic­tures, which open a video win­dow when cli­cked, was sol­ved pleasantly.

Even with litt­le know­ledge of English, you can easi­ly navi­ga­te through the porn site wit­hout get­ting lost.

Experiences With the Subscription Cancellation

Unfortunately, no con­cre­te infor­ma­ti­on is given about the can­cel­la­ti­on of the sub­scrip­ti­on to Splatbukake. However, since the bil­ling com­pa­ny is EPOCH, the sub­scrip­ti­on can be easi­ly terminated.

  • On the web­site https://epoch.com you will find a form titled „FIND PURCHASE – Retrieve your purcha­se infor­ma­ti­on by fil­ling in both fields.“ Enter your user­na­me and email address there. The other fields can be left blank. Then click on „Find Purchase.“
  • On the fol­lo­wing page titled „DISPLAY YOUR PURCHASES“, your sub­scrip­ti­on will be lis­ted. In addi­ti­on to the easy online can­cel­la­ti­on opti­on, you’ll also find email, Skype, online chat and phone call cont­act opti­ons.

    In the box below, click the „Cancel“ but­ton to the right of the sub­scrip­ti­on listing.
  • A box over­lays the page with the title „Cancel – To can­cel your purcha­se, plea­se sel­ect a can­cel­la­ti­on reason and click the but­ton.„

    In the sel­ec­tion field „REASON FOR CANCELLATION“ sel­ect: „No pro­blem, just not inte­res­ted any­mo­re“ and click on the but­ton „Cancel purchase“.
  • That’s it! You land back on the sub­scrip­ti­on over­view and see a box „Cancellation of mem­ber­ship: suc­cess“ Success means „suc­cess“. In the sub­scrip­ti­on lis­ting you will see „Subscription can­cel­led“. At the same time, you will recei­ve a con­fir­ma­ti­on email that con­firms the can­cel­la­ti­on again.

Review Verdict & Conclusion of the splatbukkake.xxx Test Report

WOW, WOW and again WOW is the con­clu­si­on of my review of Splatbukake.com! It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoy­ed a review this much.

The buk­ka­ke vide­os are clips from real gang­bangs, gen­tle­men’s sur­plus par­ties and sex par­ties in British swin­gers clubs. Most women are avid swin­gers and love sex, cocks, pus­sies in all variations!

They enjoy get­ting spray­ed full of cum and having kinky cum games like cum kis­sing and snow­bal­ling with other women. The per­ma­nent pre­sence of came­ras and video came­ras has pro­vi­ded a habi­tua­ti­on effect, so they behave most women com­ple­te­ly natu­ral and exuberant.

Even though I unfort­u­na­te­ly have not been to an ama­teur buk­ka­ke party or gang­bang, I can well ima­gi­ne how horny it is there. The matu­re women go off real­ly horny during group sex and enjoy their ama­teur facial to the fullest.

To cri­ti­ci­ze is the lack of allo­ca­ti­on of photo gal­le­ries and vide­os. Also, it does not seem to be clear whe­ther the porn was shot for SplatBukkake or UKPornparty.com. One some­ti­mes gets the impres­si­on that „the end“ of a gang­bang was cut out for the buk­ka­ke scene.

I can recom­mend you Splatbukake, incl. the other free porn sites of the Brit Porn Network ukXXXpass wit­hout reser­va­ti­on. It does­n’t get much more awe­so­me than this.

Visit Splatbukkake.xxx
Website Information
Country of operator:
GroßbritannienUnited Kingdom
Cost:$34.99 / month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$59.99 / 3 months
$119.00 / 12 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank transfer
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:yes
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:500,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:2976 × 1984 pixels
Image gal­lery control:no
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:500 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL Speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no



Test report summary for Splatbukkake.xxx

Extremely horny facial cumshots at kinky British sex parties

In our review of the ama­teur sex party porn site, we can only report posi­ti­ve things in all areas. Hardly any sex site is able to show the mer­ci­less­ly horny group sex sce­nes and facial inse­mi­na­ti­ons in such a fan­ta­stic way. The ama­teur women are moti­va­ted by the porn stars to dis­card all inhi­bi­ti­ons quick­ly. The buk­ka­ke vide­os are very, very, very horny!

  • Image qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 67%
  • Fairness – 67%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 83%
  • Navigation – 50%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 67%
  • Updates – 83%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 67%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 67%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 50%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Mega horny cumshot cum videos
  • Heavy facial cum shots
  • Real squirt orgasms and feelings
  • Dirty ama­teur performers
  • Abundant kinky gangbangs


  • No brow­sing func­tion for photos
  • Missing asso­cia­ti­on bet­ween pho­tos and videos
  • No favo­ri­tes saving-function
  • Much adver­ti­sing for for­eign porn sites
  • Subscription trap in boo­king form
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