Test - Review: CumBang.com

Test: CumBang.com

Test - Review: CumBang.com

Test: CumBang.com

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Review of the extremely horny Ebony & Black Girl Gangbang porn site CumBang.com

There is hard­ly a hot­ter sight than pret­ty women being gang­ban­ged by seve­ral men from one orgasm to the next and having their whole body spray­ed with cum in the process!

By chan­ce I dis­co­ver­ed one day while sur­fing porn that sperm on dark skin not only gives a cool con­trast, but also makes it shine great. In addi­ti­on, dried sperm lea­ves dis­creet white traces. I star­ted to get inte­res­ted in black girls and so I ine­vi­ta­b­ly came across the pho­tos from Cumbang.com.

It’s no secret that black beau­ties are usual­ly very spi­ri­ted in bed and espe­ci­al­ly like pas­sio­na­te, kinky sex. Just as many „white women“ crave Big Black Cocks, num­e­rous dark women have sexu­al fan­ta­sies with white men.

My desi­re and curio­si­ty was defi­ni­te­ly arou­sed and I deci­ded to beco­me a mem­ber of cumbang.com. In this review, I would like to tell you what I dis­co­ver­ed on the sex site. I will not only descri­be the advan­ta­ges, but also the dis­ad­van­ta­ges. I would be happy if you share your opi­ni­ons or expe­ri­en­ces with me in the comm­ents sec­tion below this review.

Visit CumBang.com

Opinion about the preview area of CumBang.com

The pre­view area of a porn site is desi­gned to arou­se curio­si­ty and appe­ti­te. The pro­s­pec­ti­ve cus­to­mer is shown what awaits him in the mem­bers area. In my opi­ni­on, the pre­view area of cumbang.com abso­lut­e­ly ful­fills this purpose 

Cumbang is a web­site that is all about pas­sio­na­te, hard gang­bang with black women and lots of cum flowing. The topic is: Interracial Bukakke with Ebony Sluts. That means trans­la­ted: Interracial facial buk­ak­ke with ebony sluts. The color ebony is syn­ony­mous with dark skin.

The top half of the web page is taken up by a huge slider. In the you pho­tos you will see black girls sur­roun­ded by stiff white cocks or with cum drip­ping from their hair, ears, lips, nose and eyes.

Very horny facials of dark-skinned women

Below you will find smal­ler screen­shots with the porn actres­ses of the web­site (Ebony Sexy Babes). When you click on a screen­shot, the image splits. In the fore­ground the girl appears and talks about hers­elf, while in the back­ground you can see key sce­nes from the movie 

Below that is a detail­ed descrip­ti­on of the con­tent. How many free trai­lers there are, I can’t say, but there are a lot of them. Personally, I’ve wat­ched six 

Each trai­ler is about 30 seconds long. No infor­ma­ti­on is given about the video qua­li­ty, but from the looks of it, the clips were shot in HD. Another unu­su­al fea­ture is that you can view a photo set with seve­ral hundred shots of each girl, also free of charge 

Very good and espe­ci­al­ly infor­ma­ti­ve I found the lower third. It explains exact­ly what cumbang.com is about and what you can expect on the website.

The porn studio Dogfart is specialized in interracial sex

The ope­ra­tor of the ero­tic site is the Dogfart label. You might be fami­li­ar with Dogfart gang­bang vide­os from blondesonblacks.com, blacksonblondes.com or interracialpickups.com.

Over and over again you read the slo­gan: „Sexy black babes gang ban­ged by red­necks“ This means that „Black girls get fucked by a group of farm workers during group sex.“ It is also repea­ted­ly writ­ten,„CumBang fea­tures the hot­test ebony gang bangs. You can only find this type of inter­ra­cial fetish sex on CumBang.“ Translated, this means that Cumbang fea­tures the hot­test gang bangs with dark-skinned women. Only on Cumbang, you can find this type of inter­ra­cial fetish sex.

The mem­ber­ship hints are quite subt­le. The many pre­view vide­os and pic­tures are very moti­vat­ing to final­ly beco­me a member.

Rating of the porn sites registration

If you want to beco­me a mem­ber of CumBang.com, click on one of the but­tons „Join Now“ „Get your Membership“ or „Download the Full Video here.

  • A boo­king form opens. This is cal­led a„pre-join form“ in tech­ni­cal jar­gon and is divi­ded into the areas a) „Membership infor­ma­ti­on“, b) „Membership and c) „Payment type“.

    a) Here you first enter a user­na­me, a pass­word and an email address. When choo­sing your email address, make sure not to use your pri­va­te address. Instead, regis­ter a sepa­ra­te porn email address with GMX or Googlemail.

    b) When choo­sing a mem­ber­ship, I recom­mend the one-month mem­ber­ship.

    c) There are three opti­ons to choo­se from when it comes to pay­ment methods: Credit Card, PayPal (Epoch), and Check. As is very often the case on porn sites, the wor­ding is unfort­u­na­te. Also, on CumBang.com the lis­ting of the bil­ling com­pa­nies (pay­ment pro­ces­sor) would be hap­pier.

    For European cus­to­mers the first and the third sel­ec­tion are sui­ta­ble. Behind the sel­ec­tion„Credit Card“ is the EPOCH bil­ling sys­tem. You can pay by cre­dit card, direct debit or anony­mously by Paysafecard. However, curr­ent­ly not by direct debit (pro­ba­b­ly EPOCH has not yet imple­men­ted the SEPA func­tion since 2014)!
    If you want to pay by direct debit, then choo­se the third pay­ment opti­on „Checking Account“. There the bil­ling is done by the bil­ling com­pa­ny CCbill. Here are cre­dit card, SEPA direct debit, EU direct debit, SOFORT pay­ment (trans­fer to a German giro account) and Giropay pos­si­ble.
    The second opti­on with PayPal pay­ment is not pos­si­ble for EU citi­zens.

    To sub­mit the form, click on the but­ton „YES! I want Access To Cumbang“.
  • Depending on which pay­ment pro­vi­der you have cho­sen, the cor­re­spon­ding pay­ment form will open. I was curious about the „EU direct pay­ment“ via CCbill and chose pay­ment opti­on num­ber 3 

    If the lan­guage in the CCbill form is not German, you can chan­ge it to German next to the globe sym­bol in the upper right cor­ner. Fortunately there is no cross-selling trap in the CCbill form. But in the EPOCH form there is. So watch out!

    Country, email address, user­na­me, and pass­word were alre­a­dy pre-filled from the pre­vious form. You just enter your first name, last name, address, city, zip code and choo­se your state.

    Finally, click on the but­ton „Place your order“.
    Finally, a page will appear with the text: „Thank you for your order, your purcha­se has been appro­ved!“. The order ID, user­na­me and pass­word will be dis­play­ed below.

Test – Review Member Area

The login to the mem­ber area has a stran­ge URL:

Only after boo­king the mem­ber­ship you real­ly rea­li­ze that cumbang.com is not an inde­pen­dent pro­ject, but part of the Dogfart net­work. A total of 23 sites belong to this net­work. All of them are about inter­ra­cial sex of various forms, black men and white women, black women and white men, even black and white gay porn. The Dogfart net­work offers a total of almost 5,000 vide­os with more than 1,200 girls and almost 800,000 photos.

Since the Dogfart net­work is based in the USA, it comes as no sur­pri­se that all texts are writ­ten in English. At first glan­ce, I could­n’t spot any well-known black porn stars like Jada Fire or Mary Luv, but ple­nty of young, crun­chy girls.

Since it is a paid web­site, you can enjoy the action in full con­cen­tra­ti­on wit­hout being annoy­ed by adver­ti­se­ments. Updates are made at regu­lar intervals 

Great presentation of Cumbang videos

Unfortunately, the cumbang.com site curr­ent­ly includes only 85 Ebony Gang Bang Movies. The newest one, which is dis­play­ed first, was put online 4 weeks ago.

The qua­li­ty and pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the ero­tic vide­os lea­ves hard­ly any­thing to be desi­red. A modern HTML5 play­er is used for play­back, which works flaw­less­ly on all my devices. The vide­os run smooth­ly, wit­hout jud­der or dro­pouts. Fast-forwarding and rewinding is also pos­si­ble wit­hout any problems.

The vide­os are offe­red for strea­ming and down­load. You can choo­se bet­ween the fol­lo­wing qua­li­ties for both options:

  • HD 1080p
  • HD Big
  • HD Med
  • HD Small

A reso­lu­ti­on is not spe­ci­fied, except for the Full HD opti­on, only the size of the file. The files are offe­red in MP4 for­mat. Apparently, the default qua­li­ty is Full HD.

Compared to other „inter­ra­cial gang­bang sites“, these are not clips from DVDs, but clips shot spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for cumbang.com. The porn is on avera­ge bet­ween 30 to 50 minu­tes long, just long enough to get you going, but not so drawn out that it gets bor­ing again 

Extremely horny black girl gangbang & bukkake porn

The con­tent of the ero­tic vide­os is very sti­mu­la­ting. If you look at the first vide­os, you will noti­ce that there are three main themes:

  • The main focus is on group sex with a dark-skinned woman and about 6 to 15 white men. lies. In the English lan­guage, it is refer­red to as the „Black Girl Gangbang“ or Ebony Gangbang“. Ebony trans­la­tes to „ebony.“
  • The second focus is facial inse­mi­na­ti­on after about half an hour of fuck­ing. This is cal­led „Interracial Bukkake“ (German: Zwischenrassige Gesichtsbesamung) or „Ebony Bukkake“ 
  • The third focus seems to be the so-called „Blowbang“. The men fuck the mouth and throat of the woman while she sucks the cocks.

The girls are very attrac­ti­ve and cheerful in the sex vide­os. Not every woman would pro­ba­b­ly be wil­ling to have sex with more than half a dozen men, but the girls from cumbang.com are! You can tell that they have real fun get­ting cum­med on and pum­ped full by lots of dicks 

As loca­ti­ons (film­ing loca­ti­ons) are most­ly used beau­tiful fami­ly homes with large, well-kept gar­dens. Quite a few gang­bang sce­nes also take place under palm trees by the pool in the warm California sun.

The tech­ni­cal qua­li­ty of the vide­os is impec­ca­ble: razor-sharp shots, good sound wit­hout dis­trac­ting back­ground noise, and excel­lent came­ra work and light­ing that always brings the action into focus 

It is also inte­res­t­ing that there is a so-called „Behind The Scenes Footage“ for each video. These are short seg­ments that give an insight into the film­ing process 

Very high quality Cum Bang photos

Parallel to the Dogfart Interracial Movies there are seve­ral hundred pho­tos (250+ ) available. At the begin­ning, you will always see posing pho­tos befo­re the video shoot, fol­lo­wed by snapshots during the shoot. Most of the pho­tos are screen­shots from the video in ques­ti­on.

They are offe­red in high-resolution qua­li­ty. You can view them indi­vi­du­al­ly or down­load them to your com­pu­ter as a zip file. The down­load is only available for the com­ple­te set, not for indi­vi­du­al shots 

Very exceptional porn actresses

As men­tio­ned seve­ral times befo­re, the porn actres­ses are Africans, Latinas or African-Americans.

Most of the ladies have very femi­ni­ne shapes, plump tits, a tight, round ass, a wide, bumpy pel­vis and tight thighs. Their full lips not only invi­te you to kiss but are also made for a blo­wjob. Add to that vel­ve­ty soft skin and big brown eyes like those of a gazel­le

My favo­ri­te porn stars are Diamond Jackson, Carmen Hayes and Teanna Trump.

Opinions about page layout & design

The black back­ground of the page not only fits well with the theme, but also pro­vi­des a high con­trast. This makes the text, media play­er and gra­phics easy to see.

There are detail­ed descrip­ti­ons for all vide­os, but only in English. No other lan­guage is offe­red for sel­ec­tion. The same is true for the dia­logs. However, this is not a big deal, since it is porn. After all, who wat­ches such hot sex movies becau­se of the dia­logs? Moreover, with the rela­tively simp­le sub­ject mat­ter, basic English know­ledge from school days is quite sufficient 

Not quite as prai­se­wor­t­hy are the search opti­ons. Basically, you can only search for the name of the girls. But that does­n’t tell you much, becau­se (at least for me) they are all unknowns. The short­co­ming is miti­ga­ted by a free search for key­words. You can enter a key­word of your choice, for exam­p­le „latex“ in a search mask and get the vide­os lis­ted with the cor­re­spon­ding tag 

To faci­li­ta­te ori­en­ta­ti­on, each video has a rating. The scale ran­ges from 1 to 10 (10 is the best rating). You can also search for the newest and the highest-rated videos.

Experiences with subscription cancellation

There is a short and a long way to can­cel the Cumbang subscription:

1.) Short way:

Click on the sup­port link in the wel­co­me mes­sa­ge of the bil­ling com­pa­ny on the dis­play­ed szpport link. With CCbill you land for exam­p­le, on https://support.ccbill.com/?language=german.

After log­ging in via a login form, you will find a can­cel­la­ti­on link„Click here to can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on.“. On the fol­lo­wing page, you will find a spe­cial offer with 50% dis­count. Set a check-button to „Unsubscribe“ and choo­se „Satisfied cus­to­mer“ as a reason for can­cel­la­ti­on and click on the sub­mit but­ton. The sub­scrip­ti­on over­view will then say: „Your sub­scrip­ti­on was can­ce­led“. It is alre­a­dy canceled.

2.) Long way:

Cumbang has set up a can­cel­la­ti­on system:

  • First, click on the “ Customer Support“ link at the bot­tom of the cumbang.com page or as a log­ged in mem­ber in the main menu.
  • You land on the page http://www.dogfart.com/support/. You find in the FAQ lis­ting the ques­ti­on „How do I can­cel? “ After being told to cont­act cus­to­mer ser­vice if you have any pro­blems, you find a link that leads to the page http://www.dogfart.com/support/cancel.php page.
  • Ignore the ads and click the red „Cancel Membership“ but­ton at the very bot­tom right and you will be redi­rec­ted to the page http://www.dogfart.com/support/email.html redirected.
  • You will be dis­ap­poin­ted to find out that you have to can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on by sup­port ticket. Enter your first and last name in the form, then 2x your email address from the regis­tra­ti­on, sel­ect„I want to can­cel“ as the reason for the sup­port request and„No lon­ger nee­ded it“ as the reason for can­cel­la­ti­on, enter your user­na­me and send the fol­lo­wing text to cus­to­mer support:

In both cases, you will recei­ve a con­fir­ma­ti­on email with a can­cel­la­ti­on confirmation.

Review verdict & conclusion of the CumBang.com test report

My opi­ni­on about the sex site cumbang.com is very posi­ti­ve. I find the gang­bang porn with dark-skinned beau­ties incre­di­bly sti­mu­la­ting. White cum on dark skin looks not only extre­me­ly sti­mu­la­ting, but also pro­vi­des horny shiny effects and dry­ing marks.

The actres­ses noti­ce­ab­ly enjoy sex with many white men. They come to orgasm pas­sio­na­te­ly seve­ral times and some even have to squirt vio­lent­ly. The num­ber of vide­os offe­red is rela­tively small, but cumbang.com is part of the Dogfart net­work with thou­sands of videos.

It’s incre­di­ble to watch how much black beau­ties enjoy being fucked real­ly hard, „used“ and copious­ly inse­mi­na­ted by white men. I real­ly enjoy wat­ching the Dogfart porn with the racy beauties.

If you’­re into hot facials with ple­nty of cum, you’ll get your money­’s worth at cumbang.com. All in all, cumbang.com offers good value for money and is high­ly recommended.

Visit CumBang.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$29.99 / 1 month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$49.98 / 3 months
$99.99 / 12 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, ClickandBuy, instant bank trans­fer, Paysafecard
Billing:EPOCH or CCbill
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental con­trol filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Content offe­red
Photos / Images:
Number:25,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:3000 x 2000 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:100 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL Speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for CumBang.com
  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 83%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 33%
  • Fairness – 67%
  • Promises / Reality – 67%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 67%
  • Navigation – 67%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 67%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 67%
  • Advertising / Spam – 83%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Incredibly horny facials
  • Beautifully kinky actresses
  • Very beau­tiful actresses
  • Professional film production
  • Awesome sex scenes


  • Only 100 cum porn
  • Lure page for the Dogfart network
  • Confusing site structure
  • Cross-Selling rip-off at regis­tra­ti­on form
  • Somewhat non-transparent prices
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