Test - Review: MilfHunter.com

Test: MilfHunter.com

Test - Review: MilfHunter.com

Test: MilfHunter.com

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Pornsitetest: Review of MILF hunter porn site MilfHunter.com: He hunts mature amateur women 35+

In the ero­tic field, matu­re women from the age of about 30 are cal­led MILF. MILF is an arti­fi­ci­al word com­po­sed of the first let­ters of the words „MotherI’d like to fuck“. The term has also beco­me popu­lar since the teen come­dy movie „American Pie“.

But why are milfs so attrac­ti­ve? Mature women over 30 are no lon­ger so shy and pas­si­ve com­pared to teens. They know what they want, are sexu­al­ly expe­ri­men­tal and very expe­ri­en­ced. In addi­ti­on, they often have a pro­no­un­ced femi­ni­ne figu­re with plump tits, slim waist, a round apple bot­tom and sto­cky thighs. Many men find this very attractive.

Once I hap­pen­ed to come across the MilfHunter porn site while sur­fing, I got curious and deci­ded to take a clo­ser look. In this review I will descri­be what I expe­ri­en­ced when I visi­ted the MILF sex site. I will tell you about the advan­ta­ges, but also about the dis­ad­van­ta­ges. If you alre­a­dy know the ero­tic site, plea­se write me your opi­ni­on in the com­ment field below the review.

Visit MilfHunter.com

Opinion about the preview area of MilfHunter.com

MILF HunterIn con­trast to other web­sites of this kind, the pre­view area of milfhunter.com appears very clear and tidy. At the very top of the screen you will find a ban­ner with self-advertising, other­wi­se the pre­view area is for­t­u­na­te­ly free of adver­ti­sing or annoy­ing requests to book 

Most of the pre­view area is taken up by screen­shots of vide­os you find on milfhunter.com. Most of the movies seem to have been shot in HD reso­lu­ti­on. Free pre­views are also offe­red. However, the num­ber seems to be limi­t­ed to 3 trai­lers per day. If you click on more vide­os, you always just get a prompt to book

The back­ground is white. On it the black text, the pho­tos and gra­phics stand out well, becau­se there is a great con­trast ratio.

I found it very good that alre­a­dy in the pre­view area the models are intro­du­ced, which play as actres­ses in the vide­os. Instead of the usual mea­su­re­ments, you can find a short bio­gra­phy about each model, which descri­bes their cha­rac­ter and human qua­li­ties. Of cour­se, screen­shots of the movies in which the girl can be seen should not be missing 

M.I.L.F. Hunter … A cool story

Shawn Rees -  alias: Shawn Hunter

Before we get into the review, I would like to give a review of the crea­ti­on of the sex site milfhunter.com

The pro­ject was built in 2002 by a Canadian, dark blond man with a goa­tee, named Shawn Rees, who cal­led hims­elf Shawn Hunter.

Shawn desi­gned the web­site with a mili­ta­ry look and refer­red to hims­elf as „The Ultimate Mother Fucker.“ He would tra­vel across America to „hun­ting“ MILFs.

The pro­ject grew until about 2010, with MILFs dis­play­ed in the design of mili­ta­ry index cards. The Hunter was also mean­while fuck­ing the matu­re women not only alone, but also with two or three other guys. The ladies visi­bly enjoy­ed the group sex porn.

In a cree­ping pro­cess, the pro­ject was taken over by Reality Kings, one of the big­gest porn labels in the US. Since 2011, unfort­u­na­te­ly, you no lon­ger see the Hunter, but only the most diver­se male porn actors. Obviously there were dis­pu­tes bet­ween Rees and Reality Kings Netmedia Inc. Also the design was com­ple­te­ly chan­ged and pres­sed into a stan­dard soft­ware, so in my opi­ni­on it lost the indi­vi­du­al charm with the cool idea.

MILFHunter Fleshlight

Due to the great suc­cess of the Milf Hunter pro­ject, the American sex toy manu­fac­tu­rer ILF, LLC. released an exclu­si­ve mas­tur­ba­tor cal­led MILFHunter Fleshlight. A porn cal­led Flesh Temptation was also film­ed with the Fleshlight. The porn actors are Levi Cash and Whitney Grace.

Porn site rating of the registration

Signing up with MILFhunter is done quickly.

  • You eit­her click the „Join Now“ but­ton on the top right or „Get Instant Access“ a litt­le fur­ther down 
  • A boo­king form opens where you have to enter your first and last name, the zip code of your place of resi­dence as well as your coun­try and an email address

    Just below that, you have to deci­de on the type of mem­ber­ship and the pay­ment method

    As always, when I sign up for a porn site, I use an email address from GMail that I main­tain spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for this pur­po­se. As a result, no por­no­gra­phic mail shows up in my nor­mal mail­box. There are other free pro­vi­ders like GMX , T‑Online or Web.de, but they some­ti­mes block e‑mails with por­no­gra­phic con­tent

    When it comes to the type of mem­ber­ship, I always opt for the one-month vari­ant. This gives me full access wit­hout having to make a long-term com­mit­ment

    For the pay­ment method, I recom­mend direct debit and then Sofortüberweisung. Sofortüberweisung is a very secu­re pay­ment method and has the advan­ta­ge that you have to aut­ho­ri­ze the pay­ment with a TAN that is valid only once. This pro­tects you from unaut­ho­ri­zed debits (for exam­p­le, auto­ma­tic sub­scrip­ti­on renewal) 
  • In the pay­ment form, my e‑mail address and the type of mem­ber­ship were alre­a­dy taken over 
  • After I fol­lo­wed the usual pay­ment pro­ce­du­re, I lan­ded on a con­fir­ma­ti­on page that once again lis­ted my access data. I found it exem­pla­ry that I was asked to print out the page or write down the details.

Test – Review Member Area

Milf Hunter Member BereichAs alre­a­dy writ­ten, MILFHunter.com is part of the RealityKings porn net­work, which unites 48 porn sites under one roof. The login is done via https://members.realitykings.com. After log­ging in, one must first sel­ect the page „Milf Hunter“ in the top menu under „Sites“.

During my first walk through the mem­bers area, I was plea­sant­ly sur­pri­sed! My expec­ta­ti­ons, which were rai­sed in the pre­view area, were not dis­ap­poin­ted

The design is iden­ti­cal to the one in the pre­view. The vide­os appear on the home page as screen­shots and are initi­al­ly sor­ted by date of release. In addi­ti­on, you can also search in a long list of cate­go­ries or click on the name of indi­vi­du­al models

You can see from the release date of the MILFporn that updates are made at regu­lar inter­vals, about every 2 weeks 

All texts are in English lan­guage. While sur­fing I was not annoy­ed with adver­ti­se­ments. Only on the far right side of the dis­play was an unob­tru­si­ve ad for Brazzers, a simi­lar porn net­work to Reality Kings.

Quality & impression of MILFhunter videos

RealityKings Network ReviewAt milfhunter.com a litt­le more than 750 vide­os are offe­red. That does­n’t sound like much at first, but you have to keep in mind that milfhunter.com is only part of a net­work. Your mem­ber­ship fee includes access to 48 web­sites with more than 11,000 vide­os!

A modern HTML5 play­er is used for the stream. The vide­os ran flaw­less­ly on all my end devices (Linux, Windows 10, Android) with no jud­der or dro­pouts

All the vide­os I could see were shot in HD reso­lu­ti­on. The stream is offe­red in dif­fe­rent qualities:

  • SD Low (360p)
  • SD High (480p)
  • HD (720p)
  • TrueLife HD (1080p)

When the video starts, the lowest reso­lu­ti­on is pre­set. However, you can switch to a hig­her reso­lu­ti­on at any time. When down­loa­ding, the MP4 for­mat is used. You can choo­se bet­ween dif­fe­rent qua­li­ties, just like with the stream:

  • HD (1080p)
  • HD (720p)
  • SD
  • MPEG4

I found it remar­kab­le that also a down­load for mobi­le devices is offe­red and that also in seve­ral resolutions:

  • Mobile High
  • Mobile Medium
  • Mobile Low

Reality Kings knows how to shoot really hot porn

The porn movies of Reality Kings is one of the best on the Internet. Quite unli­ke the shaky hand­held came­ras in so-called gonzo porn, this porn label reli­es on beau­tiful models, per­fect came­ra tech­ni­que, excel­lent light­ing, great loca­ti­ons and sty­lish props.
It is the work of pro­fes­sio­nals, both in front of and behind the came­ra. The action is skillful­ly staged. There is not­hing to fault eit­her the came­ra work, the light­ing or the sound

Due to the high reso­lu­ti­on, you can see every drop of juice run­ning out of your wet pussy and you can even hear soft moans and heavy breathing as cle­ar­ly as if you were in the room with them. Both the fema­le and the male per­for­mers are with ardor in the thing.

The came­ra’s per­spec­ti­ves prac­ti­cal­ly put you insi­de the scene. This is very sti­mu­la­ting, espe­ci­al­ly when, for exam­p­le, a volup­tuous­ly built milf is pro­per­ly fucked and moans lustfully.

Since 2011, all the vide­os are Reality Kings‘ own pro­duc­tions. The 8 years befo­re that they were mar­ke­ted by Shawn Hunter as the main actor and producer.

The length of the MILF porn varies bet­ween about 10 and 40 minu­tes. This is ideal becau­se it does not make wat­ching bor­ing. The alre­a­dy spar­se dia­lo­gues are in English.

Quality of the MILF photos

At milfhunter.com you will find just over 750 photo series. This means that for almost every ero­tic video on the site there is also a so-called photo set. You can find the pic­tures on the start page. There you click on the but­ton „Explore“ in the upper left cor­ner and then on the menu item „Pictures“.

You sel­ect the Milf Hunter cate­go­ry and see all the photo series on offer (but wit­hout movie titles). Alternatively, you can go to a video of your choice and click on the „Photos“ tab in the top right cor­ner of the media play­er. Then you will see all the shots that belong to the clip.

They are most­ly well over 100 pho­tos per movie. The first shots are por­trait pho­tos of the star or stars, fol­lo­wed by screen­shots of striking sce­nes. Reality Kings allows you to view the pho­tos indi­vi­du­al­ly or run them as a slide­show in autoplay.

For the down­load, the pic­tures are offe­red as a ZIP file. The for­mat used is JPEG, which is sup­port­ed by almost all com­pu­ters. You can’t down­load sin­gle pic­tures, only the com­ple­te set.

Top MILF pornstars

Both the ori­gi­nal Hunter and the cur­rent orga­ni­zers of the Milfhunter sex site have a good hand for mer­ci­less­ly horny women. There are many real ama­teur women included, but also a great deal of well-known porn stars. For exam­p­le: Aaliyah Love, Kirra Lynne, Angelica Sin, Whitney Grace, Krystal Carrington, Gina West, Ava Devine, Katja Kassin, Kyle Mason, Persia Munir and Madison Scott.

Opinions on page layout & design

Also in this point milfhunter.com con­vin­ced me. On the white back­ground, text, gra­phics and images are easy to see. For the vide­os and the cate­go­ries a black back­ground is used. The navi­ga­ti­on is simp­le. If you haven’t sel­ec­ted a cate­go­ry, the vide­os are arran­ged chro­no­lo­gi­cal­ly, by date of appearance. The struc­tu­re of the page is as I would like it to be.

For each video there is a short descrip­ti­on of the con­tent and a rating in per­cent. You can see how many likes and dis­li­kes the video got. Additional info is given by the tags under each movie. There you can also find a strip with sce­nes from the movie. Small tabs above it tell you what it’s about, for exam­p­le Blowjob, Pussy Licking, Sex or Cumshot. Clicking on the cor­re­spon­ding thumb­nail will take you imme­dia­te­ly to the scene in question.

The search by cate­go­ry is also exem­pla­ry. It offers an enorm­ous sel­ec­tion. With other pro­vi­ders, for exam­p­le, you will find the cate­go­ry „Doggy“. Reality Kings, on the other hand, offers „Doggystyle“, Doggystyle Standing“, Doggystyle Lying“, „Doggystyle POV“ and „Doggy 9“ (wha­te­ver that may be).

Although the site is com­ple­te­ly in English, you don’t need any spe­cial know­ledge to under­stand what it’s all about. School know­ledge is quite suf­fi­ci­ent. As it can alre­a­dy be assu­med from the fact that down­loads for mobi­le devices are offe­red, milfhunter.com can also be view­ed well on tablet and smartphone.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

The can­cel­la­ti­on of your sub­scrip­ti­on is pos­si­ble in the sup­port area. You can find it in the upper right cor­ner by cli­cking on the sym­bol of a gear wheel (used as a sym­bol for set­tings on smart­phones). If you click on the „Support“ but­ton there, you will be redi­rec­ted to the cus­to­mer ser­vice website.

Clicking on the„Billing Questions“ but­ton will open a sub-menu that explains, among other things, how to can­cel your mem­ber­ship. For this pur­po­se, milfhunter.com pro­vi­des you with seve­ral opti­ons. For exam­p­le, you can call a free 0800 num­ber around the clock, can­cel via Skype or live chat. On the sup­port page there is also a can­cel­la­ti­on form that you can fill out and send online.

When can­ce­ling your sub­scrip­ti­on, you should do so at least 3 days befo­re it expi­res. If you miss the dead­line, the sub­scrip­ti­on will be auto­ma­ti­cal­ly exten­ded by the pre­vious­ly boo­ked period.

To can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on via the can­cel­la­ti­on form, you will need your access data from the wel­co­me e‑mail. Therefore, you should not dele­te the e‑mail, but save or print it 

  • Select „Cancel via online form“.
  • A page with the title „Online Cancellation“ and a login form will open. Enter your user­na­me and pass­word. You also have to type the SPAM pro­tec­tion gra­phic and accept a pri­va­cy policy.
  • On the fol­lo­wing page it says that you „lose“ your access if you can­cel. But don’t worry, you can log in until the end of the pos­ted bil­ling peri­od. Ignore the huge link that says „Click here to con­ti­nue enjoy­ing your mem­ber­ship“ and ins­tead click on the tiny link that says „Proceed with cancellation“
  • A page will open with the title „Confirm your account infor­ma­ti­on“. There you will see your name, email address, and rate. Click on the Continue button.
  • Now you have been per­sua­ded to remain a mem­ber with a spe­cial offer of 60% savings. Click on the „Proceed with the can­cel­la­ti­on pro­cess“ link.
  • Now you are nag­ged with ads from the sex site MOFOS.com at a spe­cial price. Click on the tiny link „No Thanks“.
  • Now one is alre­a­dy annoy­ed! You are asked if you want to stay a mem­ber for 5 or 30 days lon­ger for a spe­cial price. Click on the gray „CONFIRM“ button.
  • Then you have FINALLY done it! The page „Your mem­ber­ship has been can­cel­led“ appears. If your can­cel­la­ti­on was suc­cessful, you will recei­ve a con­fir­ma­ti­on email.

Test verdict & conclusion of the MilfHunter.com test report

It was a great plea­su­re for me to visit the web­site milfhunter.com. This is how porn should be: inte­res­t­ing, varied, in very good qua­li­ty and neither too long nor too short.

Also, exem­pla­ry are the num­e­rous info pro­vi­ded about both the movies and the models. You can search from a varie­ty of cate­go­ries but also from indi­vi­du­al tags.

In my opi­ni­on, there are incre­di­bly horny MILFs. They are deli­cious­ly kinky and enjoy play­ing the per­ver­ted games of MILFHunter.

While milfhunter.com its­elf only offers a litt­le over 750 vide­os, you have access to the enti­re RealityKings net­work with your mem­ber­ship. That’s far more than 11,000 vide­os of all cate­go­ries. You’re sure to find some­thing for your taste. When strea­ming and also down­loa­ding, you have the choice bet­ween seve­ral resolutions.

The price for the one-month mem­ber­ship is per­fect­ly accep­ta­ble. But you get a lot of vide­os in HD qua­li­ty and you don’t have to worry about copy­right inf­rin­ge­ment lawsuits.

All in all, I can high­ly recom­mend milfhunter.com. The best way to con­vin­ce yours­elf is to take a look 😉

Visit MilfHunter.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$2.00 / 2 days (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$29.99 / month
$59.99 / 3 months
$89.99 / 1 year
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, bank trans­fer, instant bank transfer
Biller:EPOCH, PROBiller, CentroBill
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental con­trol filter:no
Download limit:no
Updates:every 2 weeks
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:1,000,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:1903 x 1269 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:760 porn movies
Ø Resolution:Full HD 1080p
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL Speed:10,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for MilfHunter.com
  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 83%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 67%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 50%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 100%
  • Navigation – 50%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 83%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 67%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 33%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Cool ori­gin story
  • Extremely high qua­li­ty porn videos
  • Very horny matu­re actresses
  • Dirty MILF hard­core scenes
  • Access to Reality Kings network


  • Somewhat com­pli­ca­ted navigation
  • Charm some­what lost since 2011
  • Subscription trap in boo­king form
  • Very much advertising
  • Reality King porn network
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