Test - Review: AllOver30.com

Test: AllOver30.com

Test - Review: AllOver30.com

Test: AllOver30.com

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Porn Sites Review: Review of hot MILF sex site AllOver30.com – Mature women are sexy!

Sex with expe­ri­en­ced women is some­thing espe­ci­al­ly horny. They enjoy sex, know what is horny and can even teach you new and hot things. These are just a few reasons why sex with a M.I.L.F. (Mother I Like Fuck) is so appealing.

All over 30 - Review

Every man sure­ly has at least one MILF in his cir­cle of col­le­agues or acquain­tances that you would like to fuck. For most of them this will remain a dream. After all, one is allo­wed to dream. Fortunately, there are sites like allover30.com, where you can give free rein to your horny fantasies.

Allover30.com calls its­elf „the num­ber one most sear­ched M.I.L.F. site“. You can assu­me that there is a cer­tain qua­li­ty behind it. After all, over 1,000 matu­re women with well over 1.6 mil­li­on image files and 5,000 vide­os are said to be repre­sen­ted on allover30.com.

For us, this is of cour­se reason enough to sub­ject the sex site to a tho­rough test. In this review, we’ll explain to you whe­ther it’s worth sub­scrib­ing here. After all, you want to live out your hot fan­ta­sies wit­hout any annoyan­ces. If you have any ques­ti­ons or if you alre­a­dy know Allover30, I would be happy to recei­ve a com­ment below this review.

Visit AllOver30.com

Opinion about the preview area of AllOver30.com

The pre­view area has an inte­res­t­ing design. You can see a lot of sub­pages and you can unmist­aka­b­ly see that it is about MILF (Mom I’d Like to Fuck) and matu­re women over 30.

When loo­king at it for the first time, there are two main things that stand out. First, a large part of the pages con­sists of a lot of English text. Second, only a few thumb­nails show horny action – Because on most of them the ladies are only shown as harm­less portraits.

On the posi­ti­ve side, you are not redi­rec­ted to a regis­tra­ti­on form with every click. You can get quite a good over­view of the offer of Allover30. Also, many sub­pages are very text-heavy, but occa­sio­nal­ly con­tain very horny pic­tures of women over 30. Exciting are the model pages, where you can alre­a­dy find in some hot, matu­re women.

In the upper area, there is a menu that can be used to access the various pre­view areas. In detail, these are the areas pic­tures, vide­os, an over­view of the models, a model search and the latest updates. If you want to navi­ga­te deeper, you will more often reach the limits and see the info ban­ner that you should beco­me a member.

The vide­os in the pre­view area are exci­ting. Here you can find some clips that are desi­gned as an inter­view, but still con­tain cool sce­nes. You can watch the pre­view vide­os in a Flash play­er in small size.


Unusual pornographic terms

At this point, I would like to point out a few unu­su­al terms that keep appearing on the sex site. Even with a good know­ledge of English, many words are not very easy to under­stand. I have trans­la­ted the cra­ziest words con­cer­ning the sexua­li­ty of matu­re women for you:

  • One stumbles over the term Hot MILF again and again: This means an extre­me­ly hot, matu­re woman. It also results in very sought-after word com­bi­na­ti­ons. The „hot milf action“, for exam­p­le, descri­bes par­ti­cu­lar­ly exci­ting sexu­al actions with a lady. On the other hand, a hot­wi­fe is an unfaithful wife who may cheat with her hus­ban­d’s permission.
  • Mature refers to the term„matu­re“. Thus, a „matu­re women“ is a „matu­re woman“. „Mature vide­os“ or „Mature pic­tures“ are vide­os and pho­tos with matu­re women.
  • Often it says some­thing about Mature Housewives. Translated, this means: matu­re housewives.
  • Horny means horny, ratty or „sexu­al­ly excited“.
  • aNaughty MILF is a naugh­ty or dis­o­be­dient lady.
  • By skin­ny is meant that the woman is very slim. Most of the time they also have small breasts.
  • If you come across the term „Gorgeous Older Ladies“, it means „great older ladies“
  • Rough sex means extre­me­ly hard sex. The term often occurs in com­bi­na­ti­on with „ladies in action“.
  • often older women are also natu­ral­ly hairy, here the American speaks of Furry or Hairy Pussy. Hairy arm­pits are cal­led„Hairy Armpits
  • If you don’t know what the term lin­ge­rie means – it means sexy lin­ge­rie. Lacey means „under­wear with lace“.
  • Many MILFs wear glas­ses, which are cal­led Glasses. Women with glas­ses like to be put intothe­se­cre­ta­ry or tea­cher stereotype.
  • A Granny is a woman over 60 and is also cal­led a GILF.
  • Older ladies often have no pro­blem with cum. Creampie and Facial means cum in the pussy or face (facial insemination).
  • Many matu­re women have lear­ned to eja­cu­la­te, which is cal­led squir­ting or squirt.
  • Very many ladies over the years have deve­lo­ped the fan­ta­sy of being fucked by an African with a big penis(BBC – Big Black Cock). In this con­text, there is often some­thing about inter­ra­cial – That is, sex bet­ween dif­fe­rent races.
  • Many MILFs also have group sex fan­ta­sies. Sex with seve­ral men at the same time is cal­led gang­bang.
  • BBW means „Big beau­tiful Woman“, which means that the lady has a few pounds too much on the hips.
  • Seductive matu­re lady means seduc­ti­ve matu­re lady

Porn page rating – The registration

After che­cking the pre­view area, the regis­tra­ti­on fol­lows. This starts with a click on the „Join now“ but­ton at the top right of the page. A page opens, which is quite sim­ply structured.

Here you have to enter a user­na­me and a pass­word. You will also be asked for your e‑mail address and natio­na­li­ty. In the pay­ment opti­ons, the rate for $29.95 is alre­a­dy selected.

What sur­pri­ses us, though: Paypal can also be sel­ec­ted in the pay­ment opti­ons. Surprising becau­se Paypal does not offer its pay­ment ser­vice for porn sites. We are curious and sel­ect this pay­ment opti­on. By cli­cking the „Click to join now“ but­ton, we com­ple­te this part of the registration.

Trustworthy payment via EPOCH

All over 30 MILF

A page of the bil­ling com­pa­ny EPOCH opens. Here it turns out very quick­ly that the pay­ment opti­on via Paypal was only a teaser offer. In any case, this opti­on is no lon­ger available on EPOCH

If you still want to be safe from uncon­trol­led sub­scrip­ti­on debits, you can use bank trans­fer, Paysafecard, Giropay or Sofortüberweisung. From our own expe­ri­ence, we know that our pre­paid cre­dit card is not accept­ed by EPOCH. We the­r­e­fo­re opt for Sofortüberweisung.

We cli­cked on the SOFORTbanking icon, sel­ect „DIRECTebanking“ in a drop­down field. We are also asked for the name and zip code. Then we click on „Complete purcha­se“. Now the form for the instant trans­fer opens and we noti­ce that only 28.14 EUR are debi­ted to us.

The form for the instant bank trans­fer should be known. You recei­ve an mTAN from your bank on your cell phone and then trans­fer the amount to EPOCH. Once the pay­ment is made, you get the sen­tence „The tran­sac­tion for your sub­scrip­ti­on to AllOver30.com was suc­cessful.“ to be seen.

At the same time, we recei­ve an e‑mail to the spe­ci­fied e‑mail address, in which the access data and the price can be found once again. Only here you get to know that you have a subscription.

Test – Review Member area

After the regis­tra­ti­on is finis­hed, we can log in imme­dia­te­ly. To do this, we click on the „Member“ but­ton at the top right of the URL www.allover30.com. A server-side pass­word form opens, which covers the web­site.

Once you have ente­red your access data and cli­cked on „Ok“, you will be taken direct­ly to the start page of allover30.com. This is not real­ly a start page, but rather the cate­go­ries of the photo sec­tion (Mature Photo Gallery). Already here you can see that the main focus of Allover30 is still pho­to­gra­phy, even in the video age.

As usual, you will find a menu bar in the upper area, where you can sel­ect the dif­fe­rent pages 

From left to right – there is a forum, the latest movies, a calen­dar (when new con­tent will be released), the most popu­lar con­tent, an over­view of the models, a search, with which you can fil­ter the models, the area in which the pic­tu­re series are dis­play­ed and the area for the videos.

Over 1.6 million MILF photos !!!

The amount of vide­os and pic­tures is alre­a­dy over­whel­ming. Over 5,000 vide­os and more than 1.6 mil­li­on pic­tures of women over 30 are wai­ting to be explo­red. With over 1000 models, it can be assu­med that every man’s taste can be cate­red to.

However, with this huge amount of con­tent, sophisti­ca­ted cate­go­ry and search func­tions are urgen­tly nee­ded. The cate­go­riza­ti­on is not well sol­ved. One can only click through the over­view pages for the con­tent page by page. The vide­os and movies are rough­ly divi­ded into cate­go­ries like Mature Housewives, Elegant Ladies or Mature Fetish. But that only appli­es to the photo series. With the vide­os, things look even worse. Here we only distin­gu­ish bet­ween Hardcore, Solo Hardcore, Solo Softcore and Solo Interview.

Very good is the model search func­tion, which can be found via the menu item „Model Search“. Here you can nar­row down names, age, pre­fe­ren­ces and phy­si­cal cha­rac­te­ristics. There are also a few rough cate­go­ries to choo­se from, which action the Milf per­forms.
So horny com­bi­na­ti­ons are pos­si­ble like:

  • Age: 35–39 (Age Range), Bra size: A (Breast size) with freck­les (Freckles)
  • Age: 40–44, Bra size: B with Armpit Hair
  • Country (Models‘ Country): Germany … and behold, you can find models like Jazmin Coxx and Tia Jones
  • The sel­ec­tion Squirting curr­ent­ly returns 113 hits

Very horny M.I.L.F.s there!

Let’s get to the most important points of a porn site – the per­for­mers and the con­tent of the pho­tos and movies.

Most of the actres­ses are inde­ed women from 30 to 50. Although some ladies are a bit doubtful whe­ther the ages are real­ly cor­rect, we don’t want to be petty. A good make-up can work won­ders, as we all know.

Personally, I have found four­teen very horny MILFs that cor­re­spond exact­ly to my taste. I down­loa­ded all the pho­tos and vide­os, of cour­se. With some video sce­nes and porn pic­tures it actual­ly stir­red some­thing in my pants, so that I got into a sexu­al mood 😉

Since every man has dif­fe­rent tas­tes, it is some­what dif­fi­cult to eva­lua­te the appearance with the large num­ber of matu­re women. In gene­ral, most women up to 45 are very sexy. However, there are out­liers up, as down.

Very popu­lar on this „matu­re porn site“ are porn stars Chloe Lovette, Veronica Hart, Tina Kay, Karen Summer, Angelica Sin, Velvet Skye, Charlee Chase, Cassandra Cruz, Virgo Peridot, Evey Kristal, Holly West, Heidi Hansen, Bethany Benz or Charlee Chase.

Some actres­ses are exclu­si­ve, but many are also on other MILF sex sites like: AuntJudys, Anilos or KarupsOW.

Mainly very good quality photos and videos

The pho­to­graph­ers of the AllOver30 site are undoub­ted­ly pro­fes­sio­nals. They have per­fect­ly staged hundreds of matu­re women with light, loca­ti­on and came­ra. In my opi­ni­on, howe­ver, hard­ly ero­tic mood comes across. Many ladies suck part­ly acted lasci­vious­ly on any dil­dos and hold with exag­ge­ra­ted facial expres­si­ons vibra­tors to the pussy. And again and again there is smi­ling, smi­ling and smi­ling.

The qua­li­ty of the vide­os is also not con­sis­tent. The vast majo­ri­ty of MILF porn has a pret­ty good qua­li­ty. There are also some slips to the bot­tom. Overall, many vide­os seem too dark, as if the video came­ra was set incor­rect­ly.

If you expect rou­sing porn on Allover30, you will be great­ly dis­ap­poin­ted! Although you see it as a man like when the part­ner during sex real­ly goes off … But here the milfs are very camera-hungry. In almost all movies you see unna­tu­ral moa­ning and fake fee­lings, but a real orgasm is very rare. In the hard­core sce­nes, it’s usual­ly the man who shows emo­ti­on. One gets tired of the con­stant grin­ning of many models!

At least the varie­ty of video data and reso­lu­ti­ons can make us more con­ci­li­a­to­ry again. For play­back, the for­mats 640×320, 1,280×720, 1,920×1,080 as well as a stream for smart­phones are available for newer vide­os. For older recor­dings, you might have to do wit­hout hig­her reso­lu­ti­ons. A down­load is also pos­si­ble as HD1080, HD720 and SD360.

Opinions on page layout & design

Unfortunately, the design of allover30.com does not deser­ve prai­se. Too plain, too simp­le and also a bit bor­ing. The design somehow makes you feel like you’­ve been trans­por­ted back to the 90s.

The page lay­out is okay. At least you can find the few ele­ments where you expect them. The big­gest point of cri­ti­cism remains that you have to click through the enti­re data set to find a spe­ci­fic video of a milf.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

As is often the case with porn sites, you are not actively infor­med that you have to can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on. You have to think about it yourself.

To can­cel AllOver30, one must first scroll all the way down and click on „Frequently Asked Questions“. Here you will find the entry „How do I can­cel my sub­scrip­ti­on to AllOver30.com?“ which you click on again.

One is led direct­ly to the appro­pria­te entry and gets again four links dis­play­ed. These are each assi­gned to a pay­ment mana­ger. In our case, „Click here to can­cel your account with Epoch“ is the right entry. You are redi­rec­ted to the Epoch page.

The can­cel­la­ti­on is done very quick­ly and wit­hout any pro­blems. One enters in the box „FIND MY PURCHASE“ his MemberID, e‑mail address and / or user­na­me or cre­dit card num­ber. Clicking on the but­ton „Find my purcha­se“ opens a page that lists the subscription.

After cli­cking on the „Cancel“ but­ton a small box opens asking for the can­cel­la­ti­on reason. Just sel­ect „No pro­blem, just moving on“ and click on „Cancel purchase“.

Now you end up back on the sub­scrip­ti­on lis­ting page. There you will see the red text „Cancelled Recurring“. At the same time you will recei­ve an email with a can­cel­la­ti­on confirmation.

Review verdict & conclusion of the AllOver30.com review

I real­ly enjoy­ed the review of Allover30.com. I love tall, slim women, around 35- 45 ‑opti­mal­ly with glas­ses, pubic hair, arm­pit hair and small breasts. To get these incli­na­ti­ons under one hat is not easy. But with this porn site I got my money­’s worth 😉

Since All Over 30 main­ly pro­du­ces pho­tos, you should defi­ni­te­ly be a fan of ero­tic pho­tos and have a cer­tain amount of sexu­al fan­ta­sy. The amount of pic­tu­re sets is overwhelming!

It takes some time to find your favo­ri­te MILFs and view all the gal­le­ries. However, it quick­ly gets bor­ing, becau­se most of the models are very camera-focused and real, unac­ted fee­lings or some varie­ty can be found rather rare­ly in the videos.

The focus is on softcore photography

Hoping that at least in the hard­core vide­os there is some more „action“ to be found, I was dis­ap­poin­ted here as well! In most cases it is quite nor­mal, quite unemo­tio­nal sex bet­ween man and milf 

Other horny sex prac­ti­ces are unfort­u­na­te­ly only pre­sent in a few varia­ti­ons. I would have expec­ted a bit more from a porn site that calls its­elf the most visi­ted MILF site 

Nevertheless, men who are into sexy matu­re women will find uni­que pic­tu­re gal­le­ries here that are not available any­whe­re else. I give this ero­tic site an unqua­li­fied recommendation.

Visit AllOver30.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$29.95 / 1 month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$49.95 / 2 months
$64.95 / 3 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank trans­fer, check
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:16,000,000 porn images
Ø Resolution:1536 × 1025 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:5.057 porn movies
Ø Resolution:HD 1080p
Ø Length:30 Minutes
Ø DL Speed:1000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for AllOver30.com

One of the big­gest and hot­test MILF / Over 30 porn sites

If you like matu­re women over 30, you are abso­lut­e­ly right on this MILF porn site. In the uni­ma­gi­nable, gigan­tic archi­ve, you will find gua­ran­teed num­e­rous porn vide­os and pho­tos with women with your booty sche­me. Although the focus lies on pho­tos and the porn often has a soft­co­re touch, it is real­ly worth visi­ting this ero­tic site.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Exclusivity – 83%
  • Models – 67%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 50%
  • Variety – 50%
  • Extraordinary – 67%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 67%
  • Promises / Reality – 67%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 67%
  • Design – 33%
  • Navigation – 83%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 67%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 83%
  • Advertising / Spam – 83%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 50%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 67%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Very hel­pful model search function
  • MILFs in all flavors
  • Gigantic pic­tu­re archive
  • Bewest vide­os in HD and UHD
  • No scam in the regis­tra­ti­on form


  • It’s more like a photo collection
  • Mainly soft­co­re photos
  • Videos often wit­hout real feelings
  • Videos are some­ti­mes a litt­le too dark
  • Only a few hard­core scenes
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