Test - Review: Sperma-Studio.com

Test: Sperma-Studio.com

Test - Review: Sperma-Studio.com

Test: Sperma-Studio.com

31 41,413

Review: Sperma-Studio.com – One of the hottest German gangbang porn sites in test

Thanks to the sen­se­l­ess legal situa­ti­on regar­ding the pro­tec­tion of minors of ero­tic web­sites, there are unfort­u­na­te­ly not (any­mo­re) many German sex sites. Finding real­ly good and 100% serious German ero­tic sites is like loo­king for a need­le in a haystack! 

In recent years, some porn sites have also rip­ped off and screwed their cus­to­mers, which has shaken the trust in the ero­tic indus­try to this day. But we do not give up the search for good German-language sex sites and have final­ly found a very good porn site again 

Sperma-Studio.com is a hard­core gang­bang site where one or more women are fucked by num­e­rous guys. Along with German Goo Girls (GGG) and Gangbang Creampie, Sperma-Studio is an industry-leading, German-language porn site with a focus on mass inse­mi­na­ti­on and group sex.

In this review we will give you an insight into the group sex site Sperma-Studio.com and reve­al the pros and cons. Feel free to share your own expe­ri­en­ces and opi­ni­ons below the review.

Visit Sperma-Studio.com

Opinion about the preview area of Sperma-Studio.com

The pre­view area of Sperma-Studio.com shows very cle­ar­ly what the sex site is all about. Sperm ador­ned faces and pus­sies arou­se the visi­tor’s inte­rest and one instinc­tively looks for more pre­view pic­tures and videos 

Via the but­ton „Spermastudio Girls“ one can find eight deli­cious pages with twel­ve pre­view pic­tures each. The „Preview Video Area“ and „Preview Photo Area“ you can see how the mem­ber area looks like from the insi­de. Via „Live Stream“ you can watch a demo video as an embedded movie.

Also inte­res­t­ing are the Spermastudio dis­cus­sion forum and the DVD store. In the FAQ some ques­ti­ons are ans­we­red in German and English.

Unfortunately, the focus is on the inter­na­tio­nal / American visi­tors and it was not bothe­red to trans­la­te the texts into German.

Rating of the porn sites registration

If you want to view the vide­os and pho­tos of Sperma-Studio.com, you sign up for a mem­ber­ship by cli­cking one of the JOIN NOW buttons.

We advi­se you to choo­se the CCbill bil­ling ser­vice and use a pre­paid cre­dit card to be immu­ne from any ABO traps. CCBill is one of the lar­gest and most repu­ta­ble adult cal­cu­la­tors in the world.

The CC-Bill form can be trans­la­ted into German by cli­cking on the coun­try flag. After ente­ring all the data, one clicks on the but­ton „Close the purcha­se“. The word „ab“ was for­got­ten in the translation.

After the pay­ment one gets imme­dia­te­ly the access data indi­ca­ted and by email sent.

Test – Review Member area

Spermastudio Test TeviewIf one recei­ved its ent­rance data, one arri­ves at a Login page, in which one must type its user name and its pass­word as well as a Captcha diagram.

Once you are log­ged in, you land on a start page with num­e­rous news, which are dis­ap­poin­tingly writ­ten com­ple­te­ly in English. Apparently, the American mar­ket is being targeted.

However, since the men and women in the movies all speak German, it would be nicer if you could also sel­ect the German lan­guage via a coun­try flag. With a basic know­ledge of English at school, you can still navi­ga­te through the mem­ber area.

In gene­ral, text is stin­gy. The movies and pic­tu­re gal­le­ries have only one title like „Sarah Fucked“ – Some more text about the girls, how many guys they fucked and when the shoo­ting took place would be desirable.

Navigating in the mem­bers area, it’s most­ly all about the „Videos“ and „Photos“ buttons.

Rating of Spermastudio Videos

In the video over­view of Sperma-Studio.com about 400 vide­os are lis­ted. If you click into the video detail page, you can watch the sperm movies in a flash play­er. Comment, favo­ri­te and voting func­tions are available.

Furthermore, one can also watch the vide­os in lower reso­lu­ti­on. If you want, you can also down­load the movies – howe­ver, only 6 GB down­load volu­me is allo­wed daily. You can watch the streams for an unli­mi­t­ed time.

Content rating of the gangbang movies

As you know, men can usual­ly only have one orgasm – libi­do and lust are then satis­fied. Women, on the other hand, can „come and come and come“. Their lust can increase imme­a­sur­a­b­ly and they then do things that are nor­mal­ly embar­ras­sing for them 😉 This phe­no­me­non is very com­mon in group sex or gang­bangs with seve­ral men from Sperma Studio.

The porn is the abso­lu­te upper ham­mer! In the cas­tings and inter­views, the girls are part­ly shy, inse­cu­re and exci­ted in the begin­ning. After a good ten guys they turn com­ple­te­ly and turn wit­hout excep­ti­on into abso­lu­te pie­ces of shit! 

Even the boo­ked pro­fes­sio­nal sex actres­ses are quick­ly „cra­cked“ and for­get their posing and acting! The girls moan and scream with plea­su­re, down­right gree­dy they grab the loa­ded cocks. They grin con­stant­ly pro­vo­ca­ti­ve, dirty and horny. Sperm is no lon­ger an issue for them and they lite­ral­ly beg for fresh sperm loads 

Real orgasms and feelings

Almost all girls reach a „high“ state in which they vol­un­t­a­ri­ly kiss the other (most­ly stran­gers!) Girls with their cum mouths inti­m­ate­ly; pull cum dicks out of the pussy of the others and lick them clean; lick the cum pussy or spit their cum into the mouth of the others (cums­wap­ping / snow­bal­ling) – Voluntary, horny and wit­hout direc­tion! Hammmmergeil!

The cum is main­ly in the face (facials) and direct­ly in the mouth, often in the pussy (cre­am­pie) rare­ly also in the ass. The direc­tor puts spe­cial empha­sis on the fact that seve­ral guys cum one after the other in the pussy, and pres­ents the cre­am­pies very detailed.

If you look at these films and see the ama­teur women down­right ani­ma­li­stic „in the sex fren­zy“ go off, you serious­ly won­der what the stu­pid talk of nor­mal women regar­ding group sex and sperm. Secretly, the gang­bang drive slum­bers in almost all women, which is unfort­u­na­te­ly soci­al­ly demonized.

Very horny gangbang scenes in spectator perspective

Qualitatively, the orga­ni­zers of the buk­ka­ke par­ties try to bring out the best qua­li­ty wit­hout dis­tur­bing the dark ambi­ence. The light­ing is still in the green zone. You can see ever­y­thing in great detail in HD resolution.

Really great are various per­spec­ti­ves that even a long-time porn con­su­mer has rare­ly seen befo­re. You get the fee­ling that you are actively invol­ved in the group sex porn.

Shot is „O‑Ton“, some­ti­mes plea­sant music is mixed in or music from the DJ can be heard.

Simply awesome: The Gangbang School from Sperma Studio

Very sophisti­ca­ted are from Spermastudio the gang­bang trai­nings! Since it is shot with very many ama­teur girls, they are pre­pared in a fun and rela­xed way for what awaits them.

They get to know the fee­ling of being fucked by many cocks, how facial inse­mi­na­ti­ons and mouth squirts feel, „learn“ uncon­scious blo­wjob and jerk-off tech­ni­ques and are prai­sed, prai­sed and praised 

The ama­teur girls quick­ly lose their shy­ness, „learn“ from the old hags and deve­lop into horny, per­ver­ted cum sluts.

Often the „women next door“ also wear blind­folds or eye masks to remain unrecognized.


Gangbang photos rating

The pho­tos of Sperma-Studio.com are shot „in action“. As we have alre­a­dy men­tio­ned, they use pop-up flas­hes, which can be seen in the vide­os. However, the pic­tures are so inge­nious and detail­ed that just taking a walk through the photo gal­le­ries is worth it to view and enjoy the kinky girls at your leisure.

The scrol­ling func­tion is very nice. A slide show is also built-in. Pictures that the view­er likes can be put into a bas­ket and then down­loa­ded as a ZIP file.

However, it is a pity that the pic­tures have such a low reso­lu­ti­on. Then the Spermastudio makers could also do wit­hout the flas­hing and set video screenshots.

Comparison German Goo Girls (GGG) and Sperm Studio

The mem­bers area of Sperma-Studio.com reminds at first sight of the sperm par­ties of John Thompson’s GGG movies: The girl or girls are fucked in a black hall by dozens of guys. But Sperm Studio is even a touch more sym­pa­the­tic and relaxed.

The girls are not just fucked through, but you also learn a lot from them in the (most­ly cheerful) inter­view. You can watch the girls doing their make­up and get a lot of „behind the sce­nes“ insights. The came­ra­man who gives the ins­truc­tions is quite fri­end­ly. Also, the sperm stu­dio does­n’t seem quite as harsh as GGG.

The girls are allo­wed to spit or swal­low at will. Sperm in bowls or jars does not exist here. Funny is the sperm school, where the stu­dents learn in inten­si­ve cour­ses the right blo­wjob, jer­king off, fuck­ing as well as swallowing.

Opinions on page structure & design

In this review, we rate the design of Sperma-Studio.com as very suc­cessful despi­te the black color. The design ele­ments do attract the eye, but they do not seem over­loa­ded or even dis­tur­bing. There are a few design blun­ders now and then, but they can be got­ten over.

The web­site struc­tu­re is clear and easy to under­stand, both in the pre­view area and in the mem­ber area. Thanks to the top navi­ga­ti­on bar, you always know where you are and can easi­ly find what you are loo­king for.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

To can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on to Spermastudio, click on the link„Customer Support/Cancel Your Subscription“ in your e‑mail boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on or go to https://support.ccbill.com. On the top right one sel­ects the German coun­try flag and can read the can­cel­la­ti­on form of CCBill half­way in German.

Now you enter your pay­ment method, e‑mail address and sub­scrip­ti­on num­ber (sub­scrip­ti­on iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on) and land on a page with a sub­scrip­ti­on sum­ma­ry. There you click on „Click here to can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on“. Then comes a page where you have to spe­ci­fy the reason for can­cel­la­ti­on. We sel­ect „Satisfied cus­to­mer“ and click the „Yes“ button 

On the third page appears the noti­ce that the sub­scrip­ti­on is now suc­cessful­ly can­ce­led and you are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly redi­rec­ted to the home page of Sperma Studio.
At the same time you will recei­ve an e‑mail with the text: „Your sub­scrip­ti­on#: 123456789 with http://www.sperma-studio.com has been can­cel­led

Fortunately, there was no spam or any unfair sur­pri­ses from Spermastudio or the bil­ling company.

Review verdict & conclusion to the Sperma-Studio.com review

Our Sperma-Studio.com review real­ly kno­cked our socks off! If you are in the mood for horny extre­me sex, with German-language dirty talk and kinky sperm games, you should not miss this mem­bers area 

Sperma-Studio.com mana­ges excel­lent­ly to prepa­re the actres­ses playful­ly through gang­bang trai­nings (cour­ses) for their big gang­bang per­for­man­ces, where they enjoy down­right unres­trai­ned dozens of cocks cle­ar­ly visible 

In only a few porn movies can you join in so horny and feel almost direct­ly „there“, as in the group sex porn of Spermastudio.

The women go off wit­hout excep­ti­on real­ly horny! Great class! Only the down­load limit, the English texts and the small pho­tos give reason for criticism.

Visit Sperma-Studio.com
Website infor­ma­ti­on
Country of operator:
Cost:€24.95 / month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, debit, check
Member manage­ment:yes
Parental fil­ter:no
Download limit:yes
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Content offe­red
Photos / Images:
Number:80,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:900 × 624 pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:yes
Quantity:800 porn movies
Ø Resolution:1920×1080 HD
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:1.000 kB/sec
Format:WMV, MP4
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no


Test report summary for Sperma-Studio.com

Very horny and extre­me­ly kinky gang­bang porn

It is incre­di­bly funny to watch the incom­pa­ra­b­ly kinky gang­bang porn movies of the German Sperma-Studio. The women enjoy the group sex very unin­hi­bi­ted to the ful­lest and have quick­ly for­got­ten about the came­ras. The pro­du­cers mana­ge to give the view­er the fee­ling as if you were there yours­elf in the midd­le of the action. Really sim­ply great!

  • Image qua­li­ty – 67%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 100%
  • Fairness – 67%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 83%
  • Navigation – 67%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 100%
  • Updates – 83%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 67%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 83%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Real & nasty ama­teur girls
  • Horny sex action
  • Real orgasms
  • Great came­ra perspectives
  • Very sharp HD resolution
  • Great, acti­ve community


  • Too small image resolution
  • Download quan­ti­ty limi­t­ed daily
  • English texts despi­te German video language
  • Customer ser­vice ans­wers too slowly
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