Caution: Rip-off, fraud & scam on porn sites

Caution: Rip-off, fraud & scam on porn sites

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„Watch out when buying porn sites!“

As men­tio­ned else­whe­re, count­less web­mas­ters are not afraid to rip off their cus­to­mers with unfair means. 

In order to pro­tect you from various methods, we would like to give you some assis­tance with this guide, which is to be con­side­red when visi­ting ero­tic sites.

On this gui­de­book page, we would like to inform you about various sche­mes of the ero­tic scene.

Subscription rip-off (Re-Billing)

That almost all pay­ment ero­tic sites offer sub­scrip­ti­ons is somehow under­stan­da­ble to us. The user gets for 20 to 30 dol­lars hundreds of vide­os offe­red for down­load, where the sin­gle piece in the store alre­a­dy costs 20 dol­lars each.

The ope­ra­tor can only opti­mal­ly deve­lop and expand the pro­ject if peo­p­le can be bil­led with seve­ral months of re-bills. In a way, it is a mixed cal­cu­la­ti­on: In the first month, the ope­ra­tor pays on it and after two to three rebills, the effort and costs are amortized.

But, unfort­u­na­te­ly, the con­tent is often not near­ly as good as adver­ti­sed in the pre­view area and peo­p­le don’t see the point of pay­ing money for it every month. Therefore, many web­mas­ters deli­bera­te­ly hide or con­ce­al the fact that the bil­ling method is a month­ly sub­scrip­ti­on.
The cus­to­mer for­gets to can­cel and is bil­led until he noti­ces it on his cre­dit card bill the fol­lo­wing month.

Our tips against Internet rip-offs:

  • To avoid the sub­scrip­ti­on trap, should look for can­cel­la­ti­on noti­ces and hid­den infor­ma­ti­on right when sig­ning a sex site contract.
  • It’s best to print out the login data and e‑mails or store them safe­ly away so that you don’t for­get to can­cel if the offer is not what you expected.
  • If you want to be on the safe side, you can can­cel the sub­scrip­ti­on imme­dia­te­ly after sig­ning up. The term of 30 days remains
  • Used a rech­ar­geable pre­paid cre­dit card

Co-booking of other member areas (ABO rip-off)

Another lousy scam is that when sig­ning the con­tract, check­bo­xes with other web­site offers are che­cked. You then have real trou­ble figu­ring out who the bil­ler is and how to can­cel the subscription.

Our tips

  • Really pay atten­ti­on to what you click on and read EVERYTHING carefully
  • If the part­ner sites are inte­res­t­ing, book­mark them and sign up later

Email spam

There are unfort­u­na­te­ly also black „black sheep“ among bil­lers and site ope­ra­tors who use the email address for the pro­mo­ti­on of their own pro­jects or even resell to other companies.

In the case of sites wit­hout a pri­va­cy poli­cy or if a cor­re­spon­ding pas­sa­ge is writ­ten in the terms and con­di­ti­ons that the data will be trans­mit­ted to part­ners, the alarm bells should ring.

Our tips

  • Do not use an important email address for any ero­tic pro­ject, e.g. for your nor­mal correspondence.
  • NEVER enter your email address on porn sites to get the price dis­play­ed (this is unse­rious, and spam is guaranteed).
  • Do not enter your email address in a form, even for free pictures.
  • Beware of news­let­ter offers.
  • Read our reviews to see if the bil­ling com­pa­ny or web­site is known for spam.
  • If pos­si­ble, regis­ter a dis­posable email address or use an email address that has been set up espe­ci­al­ly for spam.
  • Read the terms and con­di­ti­ons to see if there is any­thing about SPAM.

The following free e‑mail services (with online mailbox) are suitable for the erotic sector:

Unsuitable are Freenet and T‑Online, becau­se the pay­ment and boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­ons are some­ti­mes blo­cked by the mail ser­ver wit­hout a warning!

Do not use disposable e‑mail addresses!

Temporary email addres­ses (also cal­led dis­posable, instant and one-time email addres­ses) that expi­re after 30 minu­tes or 24 hours (e.g.,, etc.) should not be used. After all, you will need your boo­king data, cus­to­mer num­bers, etc. a few days or weeks after regis­tra­ti­on to can­cel the subscriptions!

Secret spy scripts

For wha­te­ver reason – resourceful site pro­vi­ders (most­ly from free sites, TGP lists or link farms) try to load any ActiveX, Java scripts or other spy pro­grams to get out more infor­ma­ti­on about the user.

Our tips:

  • Activate virus scan­ner! Basically, no porn site sur­fer should surf around wit­hout a virus scan­ner and firewall!
  • Do not use Internet Explorer for sur­fing! Rather, use the Firefox brow­ser.
  • Kaspersky Internet Security effec­tively wat­ches out for web­sites tam­pe­ring with sys­tem settings.

Annoying pop-ups

Who does­n’t know them – the annoy­ing pop-ups that pop up unas­ked in front of and behind the web page when you enter or leave a page. Some pop-ups are pro­grammed so bra­zen­ly that the box „runs away“ from the mouse or no EXIT but­ton has been included.

Popups are annoy­ing and not enti­re­ly harm­less, becau­se web­mas­ters can also start scripts to eit­her spy on the user, or to intro­du­ce Trojans and viru­s­es on the visi­tor’s PC.

Even though all brow­sers now have a pop-up kil­ler, resourceful web­site pro­gramm­ers are always figu­ring out ways to out­smart them.

Our tips:

  • Use the Firefox Browser – there are anti-spam add-ons for this brow­ser that can be easi­ly instal­led (e.g. AdBlock)
  • Turn off JavaScript and Java for the sur­fing ses­si­on, if you do not know how trust­wor­t­hy the web­site is.
  • The Kaspersky Internet Security has a very effec­ti­ve pop-up blocker.

Excessive banner advertising

Banners are adver­ti­sing spaces where web­mas­ters try to curry favor with visi­tors as much as pos­si­ble. They fid­get, blink and flash. Some ban­ners are so annoy­ing that you try to cover the ban­ner to look at the pages in peace. Some web­mas­ters can’t get enough and pack seve­ral ban­ners under each other.
Not dan­ge­rous, but annoying.

Our tip:

  • UseFirefox brow­ser
    (there are also free AdOns to install – eg AdBlock )
  • Kaspersky Internet Security has a very effec­ti­ve ban­ner blocker

Hiding the prices

There are pro­vi­ders, espe­ci­al­ly in German-speaking count­ries, who hide their pri­ces behind an email address field. Only after ente­ring the email address, you will be redi­rec­ted to the page with the pri­ces. If one does not want to book the offer now nevert­hel­ess, the offe­rer has one thing: Your email address! We have made seve­ral times the test, and lo and behold: One is almost over­whel­med with spam from the pro­vi­der. We find this scam lousy.

Other pro­vi­ders hide the pri­ces as far as pos­si­ble. Only in the boo­king win­dow, the pri­ces appear very small.

Our tips:

  • Never enter your email address to see the prices.
  • Don’t even visit pro­jects wit­hout price transparency

„Everything for free!“ and „Free Pics“

A very popu­lar scam is to sug­gest to the visi­tor that the site is free. Flashing gra­phics with „Free Pics“ and „Everything Free“ are not uncom­mon. All you have to do is enter your email address or regis­ter in a form.

Our tip:

  • Caution! Nobody has any­thing to give away!
    Either you pay with a „bur­ned“ email address (term for an email address that is spam­med full) or the con­tent of the page is lousy. Mostly it is only adver­ti­sing plat­forms with demo con­tent for com­mer­cial mem­ber areas.
  • Really well con­tent is only available in the paid mem­ber areas anyway.

If we should have for­got­ten some­thing, we would be plea­sed about a hint as a comment.

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