Porn business terminology

Porn business terminology

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Begriffe Ãœbersetzung PseudonymeSex terms on the Internet

Many site visi­tors are sim­ply over­whel­med with the English and un-English tech­ni­cal terms and abbreviations.

Most Anglicisms are taken over from the British and American lan­guage use. The pro­blem with the English lan­guage is that (due to the con­sider­a­b­ly smal­ler voca­bu­la­ry) many words have dou­ble mea­nings and, to make mat­ters worse, a distinc­tion must be made bet­ween British and American English.

We have com­pi­led and trans­la­ted the most important words on this page.

Porn terms explained in an understandable way


Normal „peo­p­le from next door“, with freck­les, liver spots, slight­ly over­weight etc. are cal­led ama­teurs. Often such pho­tos or vide­os come from pri­va­te cameras.

AVS – Age Verification System (Age Verification System)

The sur­fer has to regis­ter with various AVS pro­vi­ders to pass the „youth pro­tec­tion“ gates.

Bang, ban­ging

When a woman is fucked, the Americans often speak of „bang“ or „ban­ging“. Loosely trans­la­ted it also means „ban­ging“.


Term for bon­da­ge prac­ti­ces to increase plea­su­re. Sometimes bon­da­ge is also cal­led knot art.


BD stands for Bondage and SM for Sadomaso. BDSM is the­r­e­fo­re a com­po­si­ti­on of both gen­res, since they basi­cal­ly always belong together.


Here it is once again well visi­ble how ambi­guous the English lan­guage is. A bitch is actual­ly cal­led a fema­le dog, but it has a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent mea­ning in rela­ti­on to sex: women who are into hard and kinky sex are cal­led bit­ches. We say in German „Schlampe“ or „Luder“ to it. A pro­sti­tu­te (whore / hoo­ker) is also often cal­led a bitch.


A woman is spray­ed in the face with sperm by many men.


Close up“ refers to pul­ling apart the labia majo­ra. Often the spre­a­ding of the labia is com­bi­ned with fin­ger mas­tur­ba­ti­on to give the view­er a glim­pse into the vagina.

Cream Pie, Creampie

CreamPie is an idiom for cream. In this con­text you can find most­ly gal­le­ries with fully spray­ed pussies.


Content means the „con­tent“ of the web­site. Mostly this means video con­tent or image content.


Occasionally, one stumbles upon the term Cuckold while sur­fing porn. This means that a per­son living in a rela­ti­onship has to watch his part­ner being fucked by stran­gers in front of him. This is gene­ral­ly used in the BDSM scene for humiliation.


By cum, one means sperm. Cum is actual­ly deri­ved from the word squirt, come, cum and is known as cumshot, for exam­p­le.
Occasionally, CUM is also used to mean „coming“, i.e. orgasm.

Dong, Dick

When you read some­thing about dongs or dicks, it pri­ma­ri­ly means a large penis. Sometimes the term is also used on mas­tur­ba­ti­on sites in refe­rence to thick dildos.

DRM – Copy Protection

DRM is an abbre­via­ti­on of Digital Rights Management. It has been tried for ages with more or less suc­cess to deve­lop a sys­tem that avo­ids pira­cy. Unfortunately, DRM comes at the expen­se of com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty bet­ween dif­fe­rent com­pu­ter sys­tems and pro­grams. In addi­ti­on, the com­fort is con­sider­a­b­ly redu­ced – since you now have to enter pass­words when start­ing a movie. Well-known com­pu­ter com­pa­nies like Apple have dis­con­tin­ued DRM pro­tec­tion of music in iTunes again.

Fake, fake, act

Since almost all actres­ses act con­stant­ly or occa­sio­nal­ly as if they were having an orgasm, the ero­tic scene talks about faking. Most models think that we men don’t noti­ce when they act „as if“ – But phy­si­cal reac­tions like, swea­ting, goose bumps, authen­tic facial expres­si­ons and ges­tu­res are miss­ing. Authentic fee­lings have a big weight­ing in our test reports.

Fuck, fucking

You don’t real­ly need to say much: In the German lan­guage, we say obs­ce­n­ely „ficken“ to it. Women and the public press regard the term as dero­ga­to­ry – but when it gets down to busi­ness, it’s not uncom­mon for a woman to slip out: „Yes, fuck me real­ly hard!“ or „Yes! Fuck me har­der! The com­bi­na­ti­on of „fin­ger fuck­ing“ would be, for exam­p­le, „fin­ge­ring the vagina“.

Fetish, Fetish

Fetishes most­ly refer to items that are rela­ted to the per­for­mer. In addi­ti­on to clot­hing items made of vinyl, lea­ther, nylon and latex, body fea­tures such as freck­les (Freckles), braces (Braces) and glas­ses (Glasses) and even „smo­king a ciga­ret­te“ also belong to the fetish cate­go­ry.
Since the shaving craze of women, body hair like arm­pit hair and pubic hair also belong to fetish.


A gang­bang, also cal­led an orgy or group fuck, is usual­ly held in swin­gers clubs or bars. One or more girls are „gang­ban­ged“ by a con­sider­a­b­ly hig­her num­ber of men and deco­ra­ted with sperm.

Girl-Girl, Lesbo, Lesbian, Lez

Girl-girl vide­os are les­bi­an vide­os. However, the per­cen­ta­ge of real les­bi­ans is (unfort­u­na­te­ly) small, but many women have a bi ten­den­cy, which is more or less visi­ble in the vide­os. You can tell if the fee­lings are real by the kisses.

High-Res, High Resolution, HD, High-Definition

In the con­text of new shoo­ting tech­ni­ques, more often comes to web­sites that offer your pho­tos and vide­os in high-resolution qua­li­ty. The cus­to­mer recei­ves razor-sharp images and videos


Location means the place where the photo is taken. It can be a nor­mal room, in photo stu­dio or even the nature.


This term is an abbre­via­ti­on for „Mother I Like Fuck“ or „Mom I’d like to fuck“ – which loo­se­ly trans­la­ted means: A mother I would like to fuck.

Orgy, Orgy

Many men and at least one woman fuck wild­ly with each other. Also cal­led group sex.

Outdoor, Public

An out­door pro­duc­tion is a video shoot or photo shoot out­side of buil­dings. This can be in natu­re or in the city.

Still, Stills

Occasionally one reads some­thing about stills. This means that the pho­tos were taken par­al­lel to the video shoot.

Sub, Slave

The slave in a BDSM pro­duc­tion is cal­led a sub or slave. He must endu­re the actions of the mas­ter and be obe­dient to him.

SM, SadoMaso, Sadomasochism, Torture

Sadomaso invol­ves per­forming or endu­ring tor­tu­re to increase sexu­al arousal.

Scene, X‑Scene, Set

A scene or set is a com­ple­te video of usual­ly half an hour to an hour.

TGP, TGP-List, TGP-Gallery

In so cal­led TGP-Galleries web­mas­ters adver­ti­se mem­ber areas of dif­fe­rent sex sites. Mostly a thumb­nail image is dis­play­ed. The TGP-Galleries have the cha­rac­te­ristic that you are pro­mo­ted from one TGP-List to the next. This is a great annoyan­ce for the sur­fer. In addi­ti­on, TGP lists some­ti­mes carry an increased risk of being infec­ted with viru­s­es and Trojan hor­ses. We recom­mend tur­ning off Javascript and using a virus scan­ner and AdBlocker.

Teen, Teens, Teenagers

The term Teens is actual­ly not quite cor­rect. Teen is the abbre­via­ti­on of, Eighteen (11) to Nineteen (19). This would get you into legal trou­ble all over the world. Basically young girls at the age of 18–22 are meant.

Toys, Lovetoys, Sextoys

With Toys sex toys are meant. Often, sex toys are only used for acting. Video pro­duc­tions that value honest body reac­tions often use the Hitachi Magic Wand, Eroscillator or sex machi­nes such as the Sybian Orgasm Machine.

Vid, Vids, – Videos

The word video or vide­os is also abbre­via­ted occasionally

Watersports, Pee, Peeing, Golden Shower, Golden Rain

Since the English lan­guage lacks ood­les of voca­bu­la­ry, they are desi­gned with dou­ble mea­nings. With gol­den rain, gol­den show­er, water­sports and pee­ing are meant games with urine, respec­tively wat­ching girls peeing.

VOD – Video on Demand

The cur­rent cry in the ero­tic scene is to no lon­ger press the porn DVDs and sell them in the store, but to sell them in so-called VOD – exch­an­ges. Mostly it is about DVD raw data, which can be bur­ned then on an own DVD.


With XXX porn is meant quite gene­ral­ly. For exam­p­le, one can look at XXX-pics and down­load XXX-videos.

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