Where to buy cheap erotic & porn DVDs (Blu-ray)?

Where to buy cheap erotic & porn DVDs (Blu-ray)?

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Buy porn DVDs online

There are always reasons why you would want to buy a clas­sic porn DVD. After all, ero­tic web vide­os, porn tubes and video-on-demand do not only have advan­ta­ges. Many men would rather hold a sil­ver disc in their hands and do not trust the hard drive as a per­ma­nent sto­rage medium.

But unfort­u­na­te­ly, the German mar­ket has been pret­ty much swept clean due to dubio­us youth pro­tec­tion regu­la­ti­ons. On the sub­ject of youth pro­tec­tion, we have alre­a­dy puked our guts out here: Erotic Sites in Germany – The Naked Truth

Especially becau­se of the huge mass of ero­tic spam sites, you hard­ly have a chan­ce to find real­ly good and trust­wor­t­hy DVD stores for cer­tain sexu­al search terms.

But many German men are unsu­re and ask them­sel­ves the ques­ti­ons:„Where may and can you buy ero­tic DVD s in Germany?“ „Is there a German still a porn DVD movie ren­tal?„Why are the porn movie covers and texts in the DVD store so stran­ge­ly cen­so­red?„Am I allo­wed to buy a porn sex movie at all or is the down­load ille­gal?“ „Are there cus­toms pro­blems if I order porn movies in Switzerland, USA, Austria or Netherlands? “

On this page we have gathe­red you the best porn shop­ping opti­ons for German spea­king cus­to­mers. We have tried the porn stores our­sel­ves and can basi­cal­ly recom­mend all of them.

DVDErotik.com – Probably the biggest porn store in German language

The Dutch porn store DVDerotik has exis­ted since 2002 and stocks an esti­ma­ted 100,000 porn movies of all ero­tic gen­res. In an exem­pla­ry and pro­fes­sio­nal man­ner, old and new ero­tic movies are cle­ar­ly lis­ted in num­e­rous categories.

Interestingly enough, the Erotic Porn Shipping from Holland all movies are actual­ly in stock! The deli­very time of one to three days puts even num­e­rous German online stores in the shade.

The pos­si­bi­li­ty to watch many ero­tic pre­view vide­os and demo screen­shots allows the poten­ti­al buyer to get an insight into the porn – to inform hims­elf about models, plot and pre­sen­ta­ti­on.
Exciting, but not tes­ted by us, also look the video on demand offers! You can down­load the movies direct­ly after paying.

At DVD Erotik we bought various small breasts porn for a test. The deli­very was extre­me­ly fast and all movies were anony­mous and safe­ly packed. Movies with mini tits are hard to find, becau­se the tits can’t be big enough for the porn actresses.

DVDErotik.com is defi­ni­te­ly a trust­wor­t­hy and relia­ble store where you can buy porn with a clear conscience!

  • Language: German, English
  • Headquarters: Netherlands
  • Currency: EUR
  • Youth pro­tec­tion cen­sor­ship: yes
  • Age veri­fi­ca­ti­on requi­red no
  • Wish list: no
  • Trailers: yes
  • Used DVDs: no
  • Video on Demand: yes
  • Blu-Ray: yes
  • Rating func­tion: no
  • Homepage: DVDErotic

OpenErotic.com – An experienced erotic film supplier

The ger­man / aus­tri­an porn- DVD- mail order com­pa­ny Openerotic is one of the most expe­ri­en­ced com­pa­nies in the porn scene and has been online for more than a deca­de (since 2004). Openerotic enjoys a very good repu­ta­ti­on – there are no nega­ti­ve cus­to­mer reviews to be read on the Internet.

The online DVD store sells over 50,000 porn movies from all major porn labels. The struc­tu­re of the store is very appe­al­ing and clear. To many films a film descrip­ti­on was built in, which is very dif­fi­cult to read with all the cen­so­red *** stars for the unre­gis­tered visi­tor, however.

Most of the movies are also real­ly in stock and the deli­very time is only one to three days.
OpenErotic is also a relia­ble and hassle-free porn ship­ping company.

At OpenErotic we were able to buy five gang­bang and cum movies. Among other things, there were also two damn horny porn from GGG! The deli­very was from Germany within 2 days.

  • Language: German, English
  • Registered office: Austria / Germany
  • Currency: EUR
  • Youth pro­tec­tion cen­sor­ship: yes
  • Age veri­fi­ca­ti­on requi­red yes
  • Wish list: yes
  • Trailers: no
  • Used DVDs: no
  • Video on Demand: yes
  • Blu-Ray: yes
  • Rating func­tion: no
  • Homepage: OpenErotic

Orgazmik – The quality porn store from Switzerland

Orgazmik is a porn DVD shop from Switzerland. It exists since 2001 and has a very spe­cial offer: Numerous por­nos of the store have been rated by a team of seven edi­tors. The reviews (test reports) help the buyer with the sel­ec­tion and show whe­ther the ero­tic film is real­ly worth the money. A star rating shows at a glan­ce the rating of the pic­tu­re qua­li­ty, sound qua­li­ty of the con­tent – and whe­ther the expec­ta­ti­on was met. Silicone breasts and con­dom use are also addressed.

Although the dark blue design of the porn DVD online store looks a bit old-fashioned and the page lay­out is also rather unu­su­al, we like the fil­ter and search func­tions. In each cate­go­ry, the „good“ rated porn is lis­ted first.

Tens of thou­sands of porn from all inter­na­tio­nal porn labels are sold. 12 screen­shots show clips of the movie.
Most of the movies are real­ly in stock and the deli­very time is about three to seven days becau­se of customs.

With Orgasmik we real­ly hit the spot with our test order! We were final­ly able to order good porn movies sui­ta­ble for cou­ples. Also exo­tic porn, like the mini tits movies of Anne Howe, glas­ses fetish porn and mas­tur­ba­ti­on with real orgasms were there. We have also had only good expe­ri­en­ces with Orgasmzik.

  • Language: German, English, French
  • Headquarters: Switzerland
  • Currency: EUR
  • Youth pro­tec­tion cen­sor­ship: yes
  • Age veri­fi­ca­ti­on requi­red: no
  • Wish list: no
  • Trailers: no
  • Used DVDs: no
  • Video on Demand: yes
  • Blu-Ray: yes
  • DVD Porn Rentalno
  • Rating func­tion : no
  • Homepage: Orgazmik

SexvVideoAll – Classy but good!

SexvVideoAll is ano­ther online porn libra­ry from Austria. There are about 60.000 ero­tic movies in the assortment!

The pre­sen­ta­ti­on is not quite as pro­fes­sio­nal, the texts are poor and the loa­ding times are some­ti­mes a bit too long.

But you can find end­less great porn for small pri­ces on Sexvideoall. And: The covers are not cen­so­red! It’s also nice that you’­re not bothe­red with German youth pro­tec­tion hassles.

We have had good expe­ri­en­ces with SexVideoall. The two sex movies we orde­red arri­ved within 4 days. We did­n’t need the cus­to­mer sup­port becau­se the ship­ping work­ed well and the goods arri­ved well packed.

Even if SexVideoAll needs a make­over, the online store is still a relia­ble sup­pli­er of ero­tic movies.

  • Language: German, English
  • Headquarters: Austria
  • Currency: EUR
  • Parental Controls Censorship no
  • Age veri­fi­ca­ti­on requi­red no
  • Wish list: yes
  • Trailer: no
  • Used DVDs yes
  • Video on Demand yes
  • Blu-Ray: yes
  • Rating func­tion: no
  • Homepage: SexvVideoAll

Filmundo – The film portal

Filmundo is not a porn store in the real sense, but one of the few auc­tion por­tals that have estab­lished them­sel­ves on the ero­tic mar­ket, espe­ci­al­ly on the porn market.

The sel­ec­tion of more than 100,000 por­no­gra­phic DVDs is gigan­tic! The real­ly great thing is that bes­i­des the many com­mer­cial sel­lers, there are also pri­va­te peo­p­le in bet­ween who sell their pri­va­te DVD coll­ec­tion. This way you get almost all porn that once existed.

The only annoy­ing thing is the pro­tec­tion of minors. Before you can buy porn movies in the DVD store, you have to veri­fy yours­elf first. If you have mana­ged the acti­va­ti­on, you have a relia­ble, end­less source of ero­tic data car­ri­ers at your disposal.

At Filmundo we bought some porn clas­sics, such as the first edi­ti­on of The Ring of O. and other porn from the youth days. All retail­ers deli­ver­ed wit­hout any pro­blems. The sett­le­ments ran trans­par­ent­ly and wit­hout errors.

  • Language: German
  • Headquarters: Germany
  • Currency: EUR
  • Youth pro­tec­tion cen­sor­ship: yes
  • Age veri­fi­ca­ti­on requi­red: yes, seve­ral sys­tems, also instant veri­fi­ca­ti­on for 3,- €
  • Wish list: yes
  • Trailers: no
  • Used DVDs yes
  • Video-on-demand: no
  • DVD Porn Rentalno
  • Blu-Ray : yes
  • Rating func­tion : no
  • Homepage: Filmundo

Pornofilm.cc – International porn

It’s no secret that our Dutch neigh­bors are much more open-minded about sexua­li­ty and porn, despi­te harsh EU laws.

Even if the domain exten­si­on is a bit unu­su­al, the store has been a flag­ship of the porn indus­try since 2004. The focus is on well-known, inter­na­tio­nal porn, most­ly in English.

Interestingly, many ero­tic movies can also be down­loa­ded direct­ly as V.O.D. (Video on Demand) after purchase.

  • Language: German, English, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian
  • Headquarters: Netherlands
  • Currency: EUR
  • Parental Controls Censorship no
  • Age veri­fi­ca­ti­on requi­red no
  • Wish list: yes
  • Trailers: no
  • Used DVDs: no
  • Video on Demand: yes
  • Blu-Ray: yes
  • Rating func­tion: no
  • Homepage: Pornofilm.cc

Xjuggler – The second most important DVD exchange portal

Xjuggler is vir­tual­ly the icon when it comes to new and used DVDs and Blu-Ray movies. The por­tal has its own large ero­tic sub­ca­te­go­ry. There, seve­ral mil­li­on movies, DVDs and clips from the ero­tic, gay, clas­sic movies and games can be bought chea­p­ly and legal­ly. Also pri­va­te ama­teur films are offe­red by pri­va­te people.

You can real­ly bla­tant bar­gains can shoot.

If you can get past the annoy­ing Jugndschutz gang­bang, you can find end­less porn from num­e­rous porn trad­ers and pri­va­te ama­teur video couples.

At X‑Juggler we orde­red the porn Ausgelöffelte Spermafotzen with Vivian Schmitt from PUAKA, becau­se the DVD was lost, we also down­loa­ded a lot of real German ama­teur porn

  • Language: German
  • Registered office: Germany
  • Currency: EUR
  • Youth pro­tec­tion cen­sor­ship: yes
  • Age veri­fi­ca­ti­on requi­red: yes
  • Wish list: no
  • Trailer: no
  • Used DVDs yes
  • Video on Demand: yes
  • Blu-Ray: yes
  • Rating func­tion: no
  • Homepage: Xjuggler

Erotikexpress – A gigantic porn selection from Liechtenstein

The porn store Erotik Express exists since 2001 and is loca­ted in Liechtenstein. It should not be miss­ing in the list of recom­men­ded porn stores.

One is almost over­whel­med by the huge assort­ment of ero­tic movies. There are both German porn but also incre­di­bly many English and inter­na­tio­nal porn in the assort­ment. Using the search func­tion, you can find a wide range of your favo­ri­te ero­tic gen­res. Porn trai­lers and screen­shot pho­tos give a good insight into the con­tent of the films.

We orde­red a few squir­ting movies from Erotik Express and did not expe­ri­ence any pro­blems. The deli­very time, howe­ver, a litt­le lon­ger than usual 

If you can wait 3 to 7 days for the deli­very, you will also be happy with Erotikexpress. There are incre­di­bly many exo­tic sex movies to order.

  • Language: German, English, Spanish, Italian
  • Place of busi­ness: Liechtenstein
  • Currency: EUR
  • Youth pro­tec­tion cen­sor­ship: yes
  • Age veri­fi­ca­ti­on requi­red: no
  • Wish list: no
  • Trailers: yes, after AVS registration
  • Used DVDs: no
  • Video-on-demand: no
  • Blu-Ray: yes
  • Rating func­tion: no Homepage: Erotikexpress

We hope we could help you a litt­le bit for your next porn purcha­se! Please write us if we have for­got­ten any other important porn stores.

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