Adult Review Websites: Other porn review projects

Adult Review Websites: Other porn review projects

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English Adult Test Review Sites

Since we can only cover a frac­tion of English sex sites, we have com­pi­led a link list of inte­res­t­ing English porn sites test sites for you on this page.

In English, the„test“ is trans­la­ted as„review“. Paid sites are trans­la­ted as pay sites. Thus, the porn site test has natu­ra­li­zed under the terms Adult sites reviews, Porn reviews or Paysites reviews.

A selection of interesting English adult review sites:

German porn test sites

Unfortunately, the per­cen­ta­ge of real­ly good German sex sites is still devas­ta­tingly low. Therefore, it is not sur­pri­sing that there are no good test sites in German language.

The German web­mas­ters can appar­ent­ly only spam, fill up Google and screw peo­p­le ins­tead of taking the trou­ble to write decent test reports. We are always inte­res­ted in publi­shing good ero­tic pro­jects on this link list! Please cont­act us via cont­act form if you want to send us link tips.

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