Test - Review: Lorshasworld.com

Test: Lorshasworld.com

Test - Review: Lorshasworld.com

Test: Lorshasworld.com

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Review: Amateur Lorsha shows us her mega kinky cum games on LorshasWorld.com

If you like slim, matu­re women over 30 and real­ly per­ver­ted sex games and are loo­king for a chan­ge from the pseu­do 18-year-old, per­ma­nent­ly grin­ning teen girls, you should defi­ni­te­ly check out Lorshasworld.com.

The ero­tic site is run by a woman named „Lorsha“ hers­elf. She self-publishes num­e­rous high­ly ero­tic pho­tos and vide­os of hers­elf. For fun, Lorsha pos­ted a few sex vide­os of hers­elf in various news­groups when she was in her „mid-thirties“ and recei­ved ter­ri­fic feedback 

In 2001, she and her hus­band crea­ted the sex site Lorshasworld.com, which beca­me an ulti­ma­te place to go for horny ama­teur ero­tic vide­os way befo­re YouPorn, Youjizz, Xhamster and MyDirtyhobby. Lorsha shows as a „woman next door“ com­ple­te­ly taboo abso­lut­e­ly horny sperm games, real fee­lings and great unplay­ed orgasms.

In the last 14 years Lorsha ful­fil­led hundreds of per­ver­ted user wis­hes and published her video clips (short films) and ero­tic pic­tures in her mem­ber area. To this day, movies (now in HD) are uploa­ded. Due to the gent­le pres­su­re and at the same time the strong moti­va­ti­on of the extre­me­ly enthu­si­a­stic fan com­mu­ni­ty, Lorsha deve­lo­ped into a real horny sow in the last decade! 😉

Since we are always on the loo­kout for extra­or­di­na­ry and real­ly horny sex sites, we of cour­se abso­lut­e­ly had to test Lorshasworld.com and will share our opi­ni­ons and expe­ri­en­ces with you in this review (test report) and of cour­se also descri­be if there is any criticism.

Visit Lorshasworld.com

Opinion about the preview area of Lorshasworld.com

Already on the pre­view area of Lorshasworld.com you can see that the ero­tic site does not cor­re­spond to the cur­rent designs. According to Lorsha, she is alre­a­dy working on an update. You can alre­a­dy see on the pre­view page that Lorsha is an attrac­ti­ve woman around 40 years old. The Americans speak in this case of a M.I.L.F. – which trans­la­tes as Mom I’d Like to Fuck. Lorsha lives in the U.S.A.

On num­e­rous pre­view pic­tures you can get an over­view of what kind of movies can be expec­ted in the mem­bers area. You can see Lorsha with cum on her face, play­ing kinky cum games with fun­nels, pla­tes and glas­ses as well as group sex, les­bi­an sex, gang­bang and much more.

The site lan­guage is of cour­se English, but with nor­mal school English the site is easi­ly usable.

When it comes to the clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on into a sui­ta­ble cate­go­ry, we are a bit torn. On the one hand it is a pure ama­teur site, but also the cate­go­ry sperm site would fit. However, since Lorsha also offers a lot of swin­ger vide­os, mas­tur­ba­ti­on and horny sex vide­os, we tend to think that it is an excel­lent M.I.L.F. site with women over 40+.

Rating of the porn sites registration

Once the curio­si­ty has won, one can book the mem­ber area of Lorshasworld via the JOIN NOW or Instant Access – but­ton. Then click on JOIN HERE under Recuring / 30 Days Membership. A pay­ment form opens where you enter your bil­ling information.

The boo­king is done by the repu­ta­ble American pay­ment pro­ces­sor CCBill. You can pay by direct debit and by cre­dit card. We favor the use of a pre­paid cre­dit card and also at Lorshasworld it is accept­ed wit­hout any problems

If the pay­ment was suc­cessful, a page with the access data will be dis­play­ed. At the same time you will recei­ve an email with all the neces­sa­ry data for sub­scrip­ti­on manage­ment and login.

The visi­tors of the free sex tube por­tals may won­der why you have to pay money for the sex movies at all nowa­days. The ans­wer is quite simp­le. If ero­tic actres­ses like Lorsha have no more finan­cial moti­va­ti­on to make ero­tic movies, soon there will be not­hing new. Therefore, it is abso­lut­e­ly fine if sex sites still cost money.

Test – Review Member Area

After log­ging in, you land on the start page of the mem­ber area. The simp­le design of the pre­view page con­ti­nues in the mem­ber area Lorshasworld.com. The ope­ra­ti­on is very com­pli­ca­ted and you real­ly have to get used to it first. You should have a cer­tain hunter-gatherer instinct 😉

Already on the start page the pro­blems start. To get to the sub­pages of the mem­ber area, you have to sel­ect the desi­red cate­go­ry in a sel­ect box. The whole web­site lacks navi­ga­ti­on ele­ments to scroll back and forth, as well as a reasonable menu. Probably the web pages were cli­cked tog­e­ther with mini­mal EDP know­ledge with a HTML edi­tor As alre­a­dy writ­ten, Lorsha has alre­a­dy poin­ted out that she is curr­ent­ly working on a re-design of the website.

To under­stand the web­site, you only need to know the fol­lo­wing. The mem­ber area is divi­ded into:

  • „High Def Movies“ – these are the latest high defi­ni­ti­on vide­os, which are updated monthly
  • „Custom Movies“ – this is a coll­ec­tion of vide­os with user requests from the last 13 years
  • „Varitiy Movies“ – these are mixed vide­os that Lorsha can’t cate­go­ri­ze exactly
  • „Image Galleries“ – these are the photo gal­le­ries of Lorsha’s ama­teur / cum pho­tos and sex photos
  • and less inte­res­t­ing things, like her DVD store, her ero­tic sto­ries, audio files, link tips 

and the ero­tic diary.

Please see below our tips for easier navigation! 

Rating porn videos

Every month a new HD video is published on Lorshasworld.com. Even though Lorsha has been making vide­os for over 12 years and she is now in her mid-40s, she still looks like one hell of a horny M.I.L.F.. She exu­des a „cer­tain some­thing“ and is kin­kier than ever. What’s exci­ting in her 12 year video histo­ry is how „reser­ved“ she star­ted out in the sex films and how mer­ci­less­ly filt­hy she has beco­me over the years.

Each video is pro­vi­ded with a thumb­nail and an English descrip­ti­on. The vide­os are so ver­sa­ti­le that there is some­thing for every visi­tor under gua­ran­tee! The vide­os are most­ly shot in ama­teu­rish qua­li­ty by Lohsha’s part­ner or a good fri­end. 😉

Lorsha is very obvious­ly into per­ver­ted sperm games. In a video descrip­ti­on she wrote that she incre­di­bly likes to look at hers­elf with cum on her face. You can actual­ly find many vide­os where she inse­mi­na­tes her face and runs it all on a mir­ror and then licks it all up and swal­lows it. She calls these movies MirrorTwin – trans­la­ted mir­ror twin. She is not that wild about the taste of sperm, howe­ver, the thought of doing some­thing abysmal­ly kinky and dirty turns her on during the cum mes­ses.

For the video shoots, by the way, Lorsha always dres­ses up nice­ly and always likes to have a „Genie in a Bottle“ cos­tu­me on.

Very kinky cum games with household objects

When Lorsha’s mouth or face has been inse­mi­na­ted (cal­led facial), she almost always plays around exten­si­ve­ly with the cum befo­re swal­lo­wing. She pulls long strings, lets the love juices run out of her mouth over and over again, or parks the cum repea­ted­ly on various objects.

She licks the cum then for exam­p­le from black book spi­nes (Bookslurp), CD and video cases, thick black dil­dos or a glass plate. In one movie she even licks the cum off a CD-Rom.

In seve­ral porn movies, one or more men squirt into a fun­nel, which the horny cum slut then cle­ans com­ple­te­ly with pleasure.

Often Lorsha pre­vents the uncon­trol­led squir­ting of eja­cu­la­te also with dis­hes and kit­chen objects.

  • For exam­p­le, she holds black pla­tes, a cup, a sau­cer, a large, chat­te­ring woo­den spoon or the alre­a­dy men­tio­ned mir­ror under her chin. Sometimes she also takes a spoon or straw to help her real­ly coll­ect and swal­low all the sperm com­ple­te­ly (Spoon feeding).
  • Creamyglass is what she calls when one or more men cum into a drin­king glass, shot glass or wine glass, or she hers­elf spits the whole cum load into the glass and she drinks the cum slow­ly and with relish and swal­lows it all.
Lorsha loves cum food – cum in food

By the way, horny Lorsha also enjoys cum on food and in food. She lets hers­elf cum on Christmas coo­kies, a piece of cake or a donut with colorful sprinkles.

It may also be with plea­su­re a sperm splash in her wine or cof­fee. Or, she likes to spread the cum in her mouth with a tooth­brush, swal­low it with straw­ber­ries or enjoy it with a piece of che­wing gum.

A dildo dip, by the way, is what she calls

  • when she dips a dildo into a pudd­le of cum and licks it off again and again
  • when she fucks her inse­mi­na­ted cunt with a dildo and then licks the cum pussy juice off the dildo.

Often you see her inse­mi­na­ti­ons also in slow moti­on, which she calls „slow moti­on“.
Also real­ly kinky is a video clip where Lorsha lies in the sun and gets cum spray­ed on her face. She rubs the cum like sun­screen and con­ti­nues her sunbathing!

Very kinky masturbation

But not only cum vide­os are part of her main theme. You can also find end­less mas­tur­ba­ti­on vide­os on Lorshasworld.com, where she satis­fies hers­elf com­ple­te­ly uninhibited!

Really cool are the movies where she pushes extre­me­ly thick 10″ or even 12″ mons­ter dil­dos in and comes with the dil­dos real­ly horny to orgasm.

She also does her mas­tur­ba­ti­on clas­si­cal­ly with her hands and fin­gers or in the bath­tub with a show­er head. Especially the detail shots of her facial expres­si­ons are real­ly extre­me­ly exciting!

By the way, the movies with nipp­le games, nipp­le mas­sa­gers and clo­the­spins on nipp­les are also very worth mentioning.

Extremely horny bi-sex actions with other women

Lorsha has fur­ther­mo­re three swin­ger girl­fri­ends and you can watch Lorsha’s first les­bi­an expe­ri­ments. Meanwhile, Lorsha kis­ses down­right gree­di­ly with her ton­gue and licks out the wet pus­sies of her fema­le play­mates down­right gree­di­ly and very deeply 

As you would expect, the sperm that ends up in Lorsha’s mouth or in the mouths of her fri­ends is shared and spit into each other’s mouths (cal­led sperm swapping).

If a guy has cum in a pussy, it is a mat­ter of cour­se that the girls tog­e­ther lick out the inse­mi­na­ted pussy or that only Lorsha licked out the sperm. And … most­ly the sperm-cunt juice is inter­me­dia­te­ly park­ed in other mouths or on various objects, coll­ec­ted, shared and swal­lo­wed together.

Very noti­ceable is that the girls moti­va­te and exci­te each other in the kinky games in such a way that the sperm play and sperm swal­lo­wing is equal­ly trai­ned and chal­len­ged with enthu­si­asm in all girls 

In addi­ti­on to nor­mal dil­dos and sex toys, by the way, strap-on dil­dos are also used in the les­bi­an sex sce­nes! Really very, very horny people!

Wifesharing and Cuckolding Porn

Of cour­se, on Lorshasworld.com you can also find many „nor­mal“ sex vide­os with their part­ner or with one or more stran­ge men. There is even an African man (Interracical) where Lorsha moans and gro­ans like a cheap, dirty whore! 

Lorsha also seems to enjoy hers­elf pri­va­te­ly in swin­gers clubs. Deep throat and anal sex expe­ri­ments are also always pre­sent in the ero­tic films. Most of the time these sex sce­nes end with a horny cum mess, which in my opi­ni­on is a digni­fied thanks for the hard fuck work of every man.

Erotic photos rating

Most of the pho­tos from Lorshasworld.com were taken direct­ly in the action. That is, they were shot in par­al­lel during the video shoot. According to the tech­ni­cal deve­lo­p­ment of digi­tal came­ra tech­no­lo­gies, the first pho­tos were still crea­ted in a reso­lu­ti­on of 640×480 pixels. Current pho­tos have an edge length of 1706 x 720 pixels.

The main advan­ta­ge of the pho­tos is that you can give free rein to your ima­gi­na­ti­on and let the moment of the came­ra shut­ter work on you. Especially horny are the pho­tos with Lorsha’s cum deco­ra­ted face or her excep­tio­nal­ly kinky cum expe­ri­ments with a fun­nel, plate, mir­ror, spoon or simi­lar objects.

The pic­tu­re gal­lery script is unfort­u­na­te­ly more than out­da­ted! It has no for­ward, back­ward and home but­tons at all. Also, a com­for­ta­ble enlar­ge­ment func­tion after cli­cking on the thumb­nails is miss­ing. The best thing to do is to open the desi­red pho­tos in new brow­ser tabs with the right mouse but­ton and save them to the hard disk with the CTRL+S key com­bi­na­ti­on.
There is also no func­tion to down­load the sex pho­tos as a ZIP file.

A big dis­ad­van­ta­ge is that a traf­fic limit has been instal­led on Lorshasworld.com. When the traf­fic of 1 GB is used up, the fol­lo­wing mes­sa­ge appears on the homepage 

You can still mana­ge to down­load all the movies from Lorshasworld within 2 weeks.
We advi­se you to use the Firefox modu­le DownloadThemAll. All down­load jobs will then be pro­ces­sed one after the other.

In some vide­os you can see a water­mark with „sexymilfswinger.com“ – appar­ent­ly this swin­ger ero­tic site was dis­con­tin­ued again and acts as a redi­rect to Lorshasworld.

Opinions about site structure & design

The design is not very appe­al­ing and you should just keep in mind that Lorsha is in char­ge of the site herself.

As alre­a­dy men­tio­ned, the navi­ga­ti­on of Lorshasworld.com is an abso­lu­te dis­as­ter. Probably Lorsha had dis­co­ver­ed the sel­ect box func­tion 10 years ago and is still proud of it 😉 Each cal­led page has no link at all to the home­page or the fol­lo­wing / pre­vious web page. That means, you have to click on the „back-button of the brow­ser and then sel­ect the next page in the select-box.

Our tip: It is best to navi­ga­te via the URL line of the brow­ser. This saves the annoy­ing cli­cking around in the sel­ect box. The start page can always be found at www.lorshasworld.com/members/. To jump from one video gal­lery to the next, always enter the num­ber of the desi­red gal­lery in the brow­ser, e.g. www. lorshasworld.com /members/hardvideos01.htm to hardvideos19.htm.

Review conclusion of the Lorshasworld.com test report

On Lorshasworld.com are num­e­rous mer­ci­less­ly dirty pic­tures, clips (short films) and porn movies! If all women were as dirty as Lorsha, we guys would­n’t have any reason to cheat or live out our sexu­al fan­ta­sies in a whorehouse.

Lorsha has been run­ning the ero­tic site Lorshasworld inde­pendent­ly for over 13 years. She has high­ly visi­ble fun during her mas­tur­ba­ti­on and fuck­ing with dif­fe­rent men. During group sex (sex with seve­ral cou­ples), gang­bang (Lorsha fucked with seve­ral men) and also les­bi­an sex with her girl­fri­ends Lorsha gets real­ly horny.

She also enjoys cum mes­ses that are cle­ar­ly visi­ble with house­hold and kit­chen objects and many crazy ideas.

However, we have to stron­gly cri­ti­ci­ze the page design! The navi­ga­ti­on and the look of the page are hor­ri­ble and incre­di­bly user-unfriendly. Lorsha is alre­a­dy working on a re-design. The con­tent is defi­ni­te­ly worth a membership!

Visit Lorshasworld.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:$29.95 – 1 month (sub­scrip­ti­on)
$34.95 / 1 month
$49.95 / 3 months
$54.95 / 3 months
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit
Member manage­ment:yes
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:yes
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:2,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:1706 × 720 pixels
Image gal­lery control:no
ZIP archi­ves:no
Quantity:250 porn movies
Ø Resolution:1706 × 720
Ø Length:30 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:16,000 kB/sec
Format:WMV, MPEG
Download pos­si­ble:yes
Streaming pos­si­ble:no
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Lorshasworld.com

Very dirty cum play vide­os of an ama­teur wife

My con­clu­si­on is: Horny, horny and horny again! Rarely do you find such nasty, sexu­al con­tent as on Lorshasworld! The mix­tu­re of „ama­teur MILF from next door“ and „dirty cum slut“ is extre­me­ly horny. A mem­ber­ship is defi­ni­te­ly recommended.

  • Image qua­li­ty – 83%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 67%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 67%
  • Exclusivity – 100%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 100%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 50%
  • Fairness – 100%
  • Promises / Reality – 100%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 17%
  • Navigation – 17%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 67%
  • Updates – 17%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 50%
  • Price-performance ratio – 100%
  • Payment – 100%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 100%
  • Advertising / Spam – 100%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 100%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Really horny M.I.L.F ama­teur wife
  • Forbidden horny cum videos
  • Lorsha has fun with her messes
  • Perverted sperm games
  • Horny video archi­ve of 10 years


  • No image navigation
  • No strea­ming
  • Miserable page navigation
  • Outdated design
  • Rare updates
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