Test - Review: Veeodee.com

Test: Veeodee.com

Test - Review: Veeodee.com

Test: Veeodee.com

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Adult Website Review of the video-on-demand porn store Veeodee.com

We are so enthu­si­a­stic about the video on demand dis­tri­bu­ti­on model that we have now cho­sen the German online porn store Veeodee.com to sub­ject the offer to a com­pre­hen­si­ve test 

Video on Demand, or VoD for short, means „video on demand“. You can rent a hard­core DVD online by the hour or even down­load it to your hard drive. The third opti­on is to watch the ero­tic movie over and over again with a life­time license.

Veeodee.com calls its­elf „The adult online video store“. With over 7,000 available porn movies, the ero­tic site is one of the lar­gest German sex video stores.

Behind the web­site is a well-known com­pa­ny from the ero­tic indus­try. Fundorado GmbH from Hamburg, to which Fundorado.de also belongs, works clo­se­ly with Telekom and Freenet, among others.

With so much expe­ri­ence in the field of online ero­ti­ca, expec­ta­ti­ons of veeodee.com natu­ral­ly rise. We were curious to see if these expec­ta­ti­ons could be met by the vir­tu­al porn DVD ren­tal ser­vice. In this review we will show you what is behind the online sex video store veedoee.com. We will tell you about the advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges and write you in the review, what expe­ri­en­ces we have made with the porn library.

Visit Veeodee.com

Opinion about the preview section of Veeodee.com

As always, we start our test with a tour of the pre­view sec­tion. After all, this is the flag­ship of a web­site and the first thing that visi­tors get to see.

The first thing that cat­ches the eye is the color design of the web­site. Experienced porn sur­fers pro­ba­b­ly know that the magen­ta and pur­ple hues are part of the cor­po­ra­te design of Fundorado pages. Even though design is of cour­se a mat­ter of taste, we can’t quite get used to the color sche­me. In com­bi­na­ti­on with the black back­ground, the web­site does­n’t look very contemporary 

The Germanized desi­gna­ti­on of indi­vi­du­al cate­go­ries makes for some unin­ten­tio­nal come­dy. Thus, the English terms „cumshots“ beco­me „cli­ma­xes“ or the popu­lar „hand­job“ beco­mes „hand play“. But you will also find com­mon English cate­go­ry names, as you would expect from an ero­tic video store – for exam­p­le, ama­teur, out­door, voy­eur or les­bi­an sex.

The very important topic„pro­tec­tion of minors“ for a German porn site has been imple­men­ted very cle­ver­ly by veeodee.com. Compared to other sex sites that pixe­l­a­te cor­re­spon­ding body parts or pro­vi­de them with ugly bars, Veeodee has found a dif­fe­rent way here. Instead of the reve­al­ing pre­view images, harm­less DVD covers have been incor­po­ra­ted into the pre­view area.

Unfortunately, only the first page of each cate­go­ry is visi­ble in the pre­view area. If you click on one of the DVD covers you get an impres­si­on of how the detail pages look like in the mem­bers area.

As with most ero­tic sites, you only get a few clicks away from Veeodee befo­re you are ine­vi­ta­b­ly thwar­ted by the regis­tra­ti­on form. And the regis­tra­ti­on is alre­a­dy the next point of our review.

Rating of the porn sites registration

In the upper right cor­ner, there is an obvious but­ton with the inscrip­ti­on„Register for free“. Clicking on it will take you to a form where you can enter your user name and e‑mail address.

If you have an advan­ta­ge code (vou­ch­er code), you can enter it here. You also have to con­firm that you have read the pri­va­cy poli­cy and the terms and con­di­ti­ons. Next, there is a con­fir­ma­ti­on page that tells us that the regis­tra­ti­on has work­ed and that we will find an email with the pass­word in our email account.

So we have to go to our mail­box and inde­ed: The men­tio­ned mail has arri­ved inclu­ding the pass­word. Here we copy the pass­word and go back to veeodee.com, where we can now log in with the pass­word and our user­na­me. However, we have to use the key­board short­cut CTRL + V, becau­se annoy­in­gly the right mouse but­ton is locked

Tedious login with parental control

If you now think you can start right away and brow­se the online porn video libra­ry – you’­re wrong. Before that, the age check pre­scri­bed for German online ero­tic sites must be car­ri­ed out. And this is unmist­aka­b­ly poin­ted out by a ban­ner after the first login.

Here we click on „To the age check“ and ano­ther win­dow opens, in which we have to enter some per­so­nal data like our name, first name, address and date of birth. Now we accept the age check and learn that it is a SCHUFA query. However, this did­n’t work for us, becau­se ano­ther win­dow opens in which various alter­na­ti­ve age checks are offered.

We deci­de to use the age check via web­cam. A chat win­dow opens and a sup­port employee saw me in his win­dow. He asked me to show my ID card from the front and the back side into the came­ra. It took a few seconds and it was unlocked.

This pro­ce­du­re is some­what com­pli­ca­ted, but you can’t blame Veeodee for that. Germany insists on this strict pro­tec­tion of minors, even if it does­n’t real­ly make sense any­mo­re in times of the Internet.

Test – Review Member Area

Once you have log­ged in with your user­na­me and pass­word, the first thing you noti­ce is that all pic­tures are now uncen­so­red. The second thing that cat­ches your eye is that the user inter­face looks a bit dif­fe­rent now.

On the left, where the cate­go­ry list used to be in the pre­view area, there is now a menu that allows DeepL access to various account data. In the midd­le, the newest movies are now lis­ted, ins­tead of just a selection.

The cate­go­ries are now loca­ted behind the but­ton of the same name in the top menu bar. There is now a chan­ge in the porn video libra­ry as well. Instead of harm­less thumb­nails, the cate­go­ries like Hairy ‚Blonde, Bondage / SM, Lingerie, Big Tits, Exotic, Extreme Deep, Fetish, French, For Couples / Love School, Groups, Hardcore, Interracial, Chubby, Outdoor, POV (Point of view), Shaved, Reality, Mature Women / Housewives, Retro / Classic, Solo Girls, Fun in Threes, Toys, Squirting, Stars or Voyeur are pro­vi­ded with hard­core images.

German porn at a fair price

So far, there has been no talk of pri­ces at all and that is not sur­pri­sing. Neither in the pre­view area nor during the regis­tra­ti­on pro­cess can you find any indi­ca­ti­on of what costs you have to reck­on with. We want to make up for that here.

The online porn video store uses its own cur­ren­cy cal­led coins. These can be purcha­sed in packa­ges online and cost bet­ween €12 (1,000 coins) and €90 (10,000 coins). Different pri­ces are char­ged for hard­core DVD ren­tals. These range from 199 Coins or 499 Coins for 24 hours, 399 or 699 Coins for seven days, or 599 to 1,199 Coins for a life­time hard­core video rental.

Of cour­se, our test also includes ren­ting a hard­core DVD. We are not inte­res­ted in test­ing the video and sound qua­li­ty in this test. This would also be pos­si­ble, becau­se with the mass of ero­tic hard­core DVDs there is too wide a range bet­ween grot­to bad and Saugeil.

That the pseudo-reality series have also found buy­ers in the porn busi­ness can be seen on Veeodee.com in series like Berliner WG, Die Abschlepper or Mike Beck’s Bettkantenspion. Fortunately, there are also ero­tic stars like Anita Blond, Anita Dark, Mya Diamond, Lena Nitro, Denise la Bouche, Markus Waxxenegger, Axel Coon, Kelly Trump, Lou Charmelle, Niky Rider, Mandy Bright, Anette Schwarz, Gina Blonde, Gina Wild, Dru Berrymore and Mandy Mystery.

Many German porn stars

For our test, we deci­de to choo­se a movie from the „Fetish“ cate­go­ry. After we have sel­ec­ted a movie in the cor­re­spon­ding cate­go­ry, we click on „Buy now“. A new page opens where you can choo­se the peri­od for how long you want to rent the hard­core DVD. After cli­cking on the appro­pria­te but­ton, you will be asked to con­firm the order again. This has to be con­firm­ed again with a click.

The fol­lo­wing win­dow shows that the vide­os are available in dif­fe­rent for­mats. The hig­hest qua­li­ty of the Hardcore DVDs is desi­gned for 2000+ Mbit, which is easi­ly achie­va­ble at today’s trans­fer speeds. The qua­li­ty levels below that are real­ly only inte­res­t­ing for trans­fer­ring to mobi­le devices.

To play the movies, the stan­dard flash play­er is used, as with many web­sites. A down­load of the ren­ted ero­tic DVDs is not pro­vi­ded, which is also logi­cal. After all, Veeodee.com is a hard­core online video store.

Opinions on page structure & design

We have alre­a­dy said some­thing about the design in the pre­view sec­tion. Fortunately, the hor­ri­ble color sche­me does not con­ti­nue in the mem­bers area in such a domi­nant way. Otherwise, the design offers not­hing that would stand out from simi­lar sites in the porn business.

We like the navi­ga­ti­on quite a bit. You can quick­ly find the cate­go­ries and dis­play the movies accor­ding to various fil­ters. Thus, the dis­play by price or rating is not a pro­blem. What pro­ba­b­ly can’t be sol­ved in any other way is the per­cei­ved click mara­thon until the movie final­ly starts. On the other hand, you have a cer­tain degree of secu­ri­ty if you acci­den­tal­ly sel­ect the wrong porn movie.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

Since it is not a sub­scrip­ti­on, no mem­ber­ship must be canceled.

If you want to close your account, you have to call or write to the sup­port. I did not find a dele­te function.

Review verdict & conclusion of the Veeodee.com test report

The ero­tic online video store veedoee.com is one of the lar­gest German porn sites, where you can buy porn com­ple­te­ly legally.

The Hamburg-based ope­ra­tor Fundorado shows that it is pos­si­ble to com­ply with the strict German youth pro­tec­tion laws even wit­hout esca­ping to other European count­ries. The offer is large and diverse. 

Excitingly, German porn, German porn stars and German porn labels are in the main focus of Veedoee. On the points of varie­ty and con­tent quan­ti­ty, it gives full marks.

From nor­mal hard­core movies, teens, MILFs and mas­tur­ba­ti­on – to fetish movies that serve arm­pit hair, glas­ses fetish or the popu­lar lac­quer and lea­ther fetish, every wish is fulfilled.

As a con­clu­si­on of our test, we can say that veeodee.com comes across a bit old-fashioned. Behind the faça­de, howe­ver, there are one or two high­lights. Especially the fetish sec­tion has it all and offers a lot of hard­core DVDs from titty fetish to glas­ses fetish.

Visit Veeodee.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:Payment by video
12 € : 1000 Coins
Test / Demo – Access:no
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit
Billing:Fundorado GmbH
Member manage­ment:no
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:no
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Quantity:0 porn images
Ø Resolution:-
Image Gallery Control:-
ZIP archi­ves:-
Count:7,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:
Ø Length:30 – 60 minutes
Ø DL-Speed:1,000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:no
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Veeodee.com
  • Video qua­li­ty – 90%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 100%
  • Exclusivity – 50%
  • Models – 100%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 100%
  • Variety – 100%
  • Extraordinary – 83%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 67%
  • Fairness – 50%
  • Promises / Reality – 80%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 100%
  • Design – 70%
  • Navigation – 70%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 90%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 60%
  • Price-performance ratio – 70%
  • Payment – 90%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 70%
  • Advertising / Spam – 10%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 0%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 70%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • Big porn archi­ve in German
  • Extremely many German porn
  • Many inter­na­tio­nal porn labels
  • Comfortable ope­ra­ti­on
  • Registration rela­tively simple


  • Somewhat old school design
  • Youth pro­tec­tion
  • Non-transparent pri­ces
  • Screenshots are very small
  • Right mouse but­ton locked
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