Test - Review: Nowyoo.com

Test: Nowyoo.com

Test - Review: Nowyoo.com

Test: Nowyoo.com

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Amateur porn review of Nowyoo.com – One of the first German amateur sex portals

In recent years, the German ama­teur scene in par­ti­cu­lar has expe­ri­en­ced a huge boom. Despite Youporn, XHamster and co. there have never been so many peo­p­le wat­ching paid ama­teur porn as today!

We suspect that there are seve­ral fac­tors invol­ved: On the one hand, most German-speaking men seem to be „fed up“ with the American porn stuff, so to speak, and are loo­king for German porn again. On the other hand, this also has to do with fas­ter Internet con­nec­tions. But pro­ba­b­ly also with the fact that women and cou­ples today are much more per­mis­si­ve with your body and sex. Also, the thought of real­ly being able to meet your favo­ri­te ama­teurs has an exci­ting character.

Nowyoo.com is a web­site espe­ci­al­ly for ama­teurs, which belongs to the popu­lar Fundorado net­work. At first glan­ce, Nowyoo is an ama­teur por­tal, like many others. However, this sex site is one of the first ama­teur por­tals in the world and it takes a slight­ly dif­fe­rent approach. But more about that in the mem­ber section.

A word about the serious­ness of Nowyoo. Since the Hamburg ero­tic com­pa­ny is behind the site, one can assu­me a cer­tain serious­ness. After all, Fundorado is respon­si­ble for an ero­tic offer from Telekom and Freenet, among others. And one can pro­ba­b­ly right­ly assu­me that huge cor­po­ra­ti­ons do not rely on windy providers.

In the fol­lo­wing review, we give you num­e­rous opi­ni­ons and facts about the ero­tic site. If you know the ama­teur com­mu­ni­ty or you have any ques­ti­ons, plea­se write a com­ment below this review.

Visit Nowyoo.com

Opinion about the preview section of Nowyoo.com

The start page of the ama­teur com­mu­ni­ty nowyoo.com is quite cle­ar­ly arran­ged. In the upper area there is a slide­show in which a sel­ec­tion of ama­teurs is pre­sen­ted. You also learn that there are curr­ent­ly over 480,000 cont­acts and over 84,000 vide­os. In addi­ti­on, it cle­ar­ly sta­tes„No sub­scrip­ti­on“ on the home page.

Below this slide­show, more ama­teurs are lis­ted. In addi­ti­on, a pre­view of four live cams and four ama­teur vide­os. Who now thinks that alre­a­dy on the home page hard porn action is to be seen, will be dis­ap­poin­ted. Since it is a German site, once again the youth pro­tec­tion cen­sor­ship is in front of it. Everything that goes bey­ond naked breasts is made unre­co­gnizable with an 18+ sign.

On the right side, there is a map of Germany, which is sup­po­sed to be used to nar­row down the sel­ec­tion of ama­teurs to a zip code regi­on. However, this is some­what point­less on the start page. Clicking on it only pops up a win­dow asking for regis­tra­ti­on. By the way, this win­dow also appears when you click on the pre­view videos.

Under the map there is an over­view of the ama­teurs curr­ent­ly acti­ve on the site. By the way, if you click on the pre­view pic­tu­re of an ama­teur, you will get to his pro­fi­le page. But I will intro­du­ce this func­tion in more detail in the sec­tion „Member area“.

At the bot­tom of the page there are some links to the terms and con­di­ti­ons, sup­port and imprint. With this the pre­view area is alre­a­dy finis­hed, becau­se there is not­hing spec­ta­cu­lar to see. That’s why we con­ti­nue direct­ly with the registration.

Perhaps it is still inte­res­t­ing to men­ti­on that with the call of nowyoo.com direct­ly an adver­ti­sing win­dow pops up. This is despi­te the fact that „Block pop-up win­dows“ is sel­ec­ted in the set­tings of my brow­ser. This may alre­a­dy allow con­clu­si­ons to be drawn about adver­ti­sing behavior.

Rating of the porn sites registration

After I got an over­view of the pre­view area, I con­ti­nue direct­ly with the regis­tra­ti­on. The first step is to click on the big oran­ge but­ton with the inscrip­ti­on „Register for free“ in the upper left corner.

Before we get star­ted, here’s our obli­ga­to­ry note. Be sure to crea­te your own email address, which you will use to regis­ter only your porn sites. There are enough free­mail pro­vi­ders where you can crea­te a free account. We recom­mend Gmail, becau­se here the inco­ming emails are not fil­te­red before­hand. This way your regu­lar mail­box won’t be clut­te­red with spam and your part­ner won’t hear about your litt­le hobby right away 

  • A layer opens where you can choo­se a user­na­me and enter your email address. You will also find links to the terms and con­di­ti­ons and pri­va­cy poli­cy. In addi­ti­on, there is some infor­ma­ti­on that might drive data pro­tec­tion para­nor­mals up the wall. Thus, the con­sent that per­so­nal data can be used by FunDorado for adver­ti­sing pur­po­ses should not exact­ly meet with enthusiasm 
  • It is also indi­ca­ted that Nowyoo is a Fundorado com­pa­ny, that age veri­fi­ca­ti­on is neces­sa­ry and that the ser­vice is sub­ject to a char­ge. Clicking on „Done & Next“ takes us to the next step of the regis­tra­ti­on process.
  • A box tells us that we have recei­ved an email with a con­fir­ma­ti­on link. So we switch to our account and click on the cor­re­spon­ding link. In the e‑mail there is also the pass­word and a note to „beco­me a FREE pre­mi­um mem­ber imme­dia­te­ly“ as well as to do the age check. One click and you are taken direct­ly to Nowyoo.com.
  • However, you are not auto­ma­ti­cal­ly log­ged in. As usual, I want to use the right mouse but­ton to high­light and enter the pass­word. However, this is locked, for wha­te­ver reason. However, by taking the detour of sel­ec­ting the pass­word in the mail, copy­ing it with CTRL + C and pas­ting it into the field with CTRL + V, it does work.
  • As a free mem­ber you don’t real­ly have many pos­si­bi­li­ties. Diving deeper into the mem­ber area is not pos­si­ble. You are forced to veri­fy the paren­tal con­trol. In addi­ti­on, a mes­sa­ge is dis­play­ed again, tel­ling you to crea­te a pre­mi­um account.
  • After cli­cking on „Make age check now!“ you land on a form where you have to enter your name, address, date of birth, pay­ment method. You have to be careful, becau­se the link to the „iden­ti­ty check“ is hid­den behind this word. If you click on it, you will be infor­med that a Schufa inquiry will be made. Unfortunately, it remains unclear whe­ther the query has a nega­ti­ve impact on the Schufa score.
  • If you click on „direct debit“, ano­ther field opens for the bank data. Only then should the cre­dit card data be ente­red. I don’t quite under­stand what the point of this dou­ble query is. In addi­ti­on, it is poin­ted out that the mem­ber­ship is free and only the bank account is char­ged with a test boo­king of 1 cent.
  • On the next page, we learn that the unlock pin will only be visi­ble on the account state­ment in 2 to 3 days. Next comes the age check. To the sel­ec­tion stand:
    - Old data for for­mer mem­bers of FunDorado, SaDorado, CamDorado or veeOdee.com-Webcamcheck-X-Check-SOFORTcheck of Sofortüberweisung
  • Since we are alre­a­dy regis­tered with some of the given web­site through our tests, we can make it easy for our­sel­ves and choo­se the „old data“ opti­on. I am imme­dia­te­ly log­ged in as a pre­mi­um mem­ber and can now move rela­tively free­ly on the site. However, the noti­ces that you should top up your cre­dit are now annoying.
  • I deci­de to top up 12 euros. These are deduc­ted from the account wit­hout fur­ther inquiries.

If ever­y­thing has work­ed, you will recei­ve an email as a boo­king con­fir­ma­ti­on. It con­ta­ins all rele­vant infor­ma­ti­on about the order.

Test – Review Member area

The pre­view area still loo­ked some­what invi­ting. In the mem­ber area there is not much to see any­mo­re. The design looks rather old-fashioned and some amen­i­ties that are expec­ted today are com­ple­te­ly miss­ing. But first things first.

At the top and on the left side you will find menus with some items. With the left menu items you can direct­ly access the account set­tings. With the links in the upper menu bar one can reach the dif­fe­rent areas 

This point is pro­ba­b­ly self-explanatory. If you click on it, three search opti­ons appear right away. Once for mem­bers, cams and vide­os or pic­tures. The mem­bers can be nar­ro­wed down by gen­der, zip code regi­on, age and nick­na­me. The cam search offers full text search, the sta­tus of the live­cam (online, pri­va­te, off­line) and the pos­si­bi­li­ty to nar­row down by cate­go­ry

The video search is the same as the live­cam search, with the dif­fe­rence that ins­tead of sta­tus, you can fil­ter by video or image sets.


Here you will find the same search as under the menu item „Search“. Below that some cams are dis­play­ed. If you click on one of the thumb­nails, you will only get the mes­sa­ge that no pre­view is available and whe­ther you want to start a pri­va­te ses­si­on. So first look wha­t’s going on the web­cam is not.

Pictures & Videos:

This menu item is also self-explanatory. Here you can find vide­os and pic­tures uploa­ded by mem­bers. By default, all files are dis­play­ed in one view. If you want to show only vide­os or only pic­tures you have to fil­ter them via the search opti­on. Except for the pos­si­bi­li­ty to fil­ter by cate­go­ries, there are unfort­u­na­te­ly no other opti­ons. So the vide­os can be rated, but unfort­u­na­te­ly not by most popu­lar or most view­ed order.

Member area:

Here hides not about the own pro­fi­le, but here the mem­bers are dis­play­ed. Clicking on one of the thumb­nails takes you to the respec­ti­ve pro­fi­le, where you can find more infor­ma­ti­on about the mem­ber. This includes inte­rests as well as an over­view of the pos­ted movies and pictures.

The vide­os as well as the live­cams use the Flashplayer. Although there are now bet­ter ways to embed vide­os on a page (HTML5), this is still the most wide­ly used. It opens a new win­dow in which the video is play­ed. However, it does­n’t offer any other con­ve­ni­en­ces except volu­me con­trol and swit­ching to full screen.

The sel­ec­tion of ladies is very wide. From very pret­ty to less pret­ty, ever­y­thing is there. Also in the qua­li­ty of the vide­os you can not make a state­ment that would be gene­ral­ly valid. The dif­fe­ren­ces in the equip­ment used are too great. At least vide­os in HD qua­li­ty are mark­ed. However, a down­load is not possible.

Opinions on page structure & design

The page struc­tu­re is just under­stan­da­ble. The extra menu on the left side is hel­pful. However, also only con­di­tio­nal­ly. Depending on the area you are in, it chan­ges the menu items. So it can hap­pen that you first have to go to the home page to click on the desi­red menu item.

A com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent topic is the design. One feels invol­un­t­a­ri­ly taken back a few years. The design is so out­da­ted. Today, there are far more modern and, above all, more beau­tiful designs that can be inte­gra­ted into a sys­tem wit­hout any problems.

Experiences with the subscription cancellation

As expec­ted, there is no pos­si­bi­li­ty of can­ce­ling the free mem­ber­ship. For offers that adver­ti­se for free on the pre­view page, this seems to be standard.

Review verdict & conclusion of the Nowyoo.com test report

The fact that nowyoo.com is one of the first ama­teur porn com­mu­ni­ties in the world does not mean that it is curr­ent­ly still the most modern or best ama­teur site 

There are now sites that are con­sider­a­b­ly more modern and keep up with the rapid tech­no­lo­gi­cal deve­lo­p­ment. The site looks old-fashioned and is not fully com­pa­ti­ble with mobi­le devices. Locking the right mouse but­ton is more of a nui­sance than it real­ly pre­vents saving images.

Also, we have yet to see such a com­pli­ca­ted regis­tra­ti­on pro­cess on ANY sex site! Here, howe­ver, Nowyoo.com has to be given some cre­dit for the fact that the ope­ra­tor is bound by German law. And that makes it dif­fi­cult for porn site operators.

Less excusable, howe­ver, is that they don’t real­ly deli­ver what they pro­mi­se. It is true that a „free regis­tra­ti­on“ is adver­ti­sed and that is also the case. But once you’­re regis­tered, you won’t get very far with free. Somehow you feel a litt­le taken for a ride.

If nowyoo.com even­tual­ly era­di­ca­tes the nega­ti­ve points, a recom­men­da­ti­on could be in there. There are curr­ent­ly much bet­ter sites to take your money to.

Visit nowyoo.com
Website Information
Country of operator:
Cost:Registration free of charge
Test / Demo – Access:yes
Payment methods:Credit card, direct debit, instant bank transfer
Billing:FunDorado Hamburg
Member manage­ment:no
Youth pro­tec­tion filter:yes
Download limit:no
Cross-selling pre­sel­ec­ted:no
Offered con­tent
Photos / Images:
Number:300,000 Porn images
Ø Resolution:dif­fe­rent pixels
Image gal­lery control:yes
ZIP archi­ves:no
Number:84,000 porn movies
Ø Resolution:various
Ø Length:3 minu­tes
Ø DL speed:1.000 kB/sec
Download pos­si­ble:no
Streaming pos­si­ble:yes
DRM copy protection:no
Test report summary for Nowyoo.com
  • Image qua­li­ty – 150%
  • Video qua­li­ty – 150%
  • Sound qua­li­ty – 150%
  • Exclusivity – 50%
  • Models – 83%
  • Authentic emo­ti­ons – 50%
  • Variety – 83%
  • Extraordinary – 83%
  • Content quan­ti­ty – 83%
  • Fairness – 83%
  • Promises / Reality – 67%
  • Sexual sti­mu­la­ti­on – 83%
  • Design – 50%
  • Navigation – 83%
  • Preview area (Tour pages) – 50%
  • Updates – 100%
  • Loading speed – 100%
  • Costs – 67%
  • Price-performance ratio – 83%
  • Payment – 83%
  • Price trans­pa­ren­cy – 67%
  • Advertising / Spam – 83%
  • Subscription can­cel­la­ti­on – 17%
  • Overall impres­si­on – 50%
User Review
0 (0 votes)


  • One of the first ama­teur portals
  • Real, veri­fied amateurs
  • Often com­ple­te­ly dirty videos
  • German lan­guage
  • Special requests possible


  • Right mouse but­ton locked
  • Annoying paren­tal con­trol procedure
  • Old school design
  • Not mobile-friendly
  • Partially non-transparent prices
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